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The healt benefits of bananas

Heart and blood production

1. Reduce risk of high blood pressure
2. Regulate heartbeat
3. Anaemia preventor
4. Reduce stroke

Mental health and brain function

1. Relieve stress
2. Increases learning skills

Bone building
1. prevents osteoporosis
2. They manganese helps cartilage

Kidney protection
1. bananas help detoxify kidneys
2. Reduces the risk of developing kidney cancer

1. decrease stomach acidity
2. decrease heartburn
3. after diarrhea eating bananas restores potassium

1. The banana peel has antifungal and antibiotic properties that can calm down insect bites.
2. The banana peel helps remove warts.
3. The banana peel heals wounds.
4.The banana peel relieves rashes and skin irritation.

1. Bananas cure morning sickness, mosquitobitesand hangover.
2. Bananas help stop smoking and can improve eyesight
3. Banana is a good alternative to something sweet. 

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