Unit V Essay - Fire Education - Edited

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Unit V Essay: Fire Education

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Unit V Essay: Fire Education

Identify the steps in public fire education planning.

Public fire education planning is a crucial process in guiding the general public and

affected parties on what should be done to improve on the fire risks that affect them. Generally,

there are five steps that one can use in public fire education planning.

The first is to conduct a community risk analysis (Salim et al., 2021). This is a strategy

that identifies the occurrence of fire and life safety issues and further identifies the demographics

of the people at risk within the community.

The other is developing community partnerships which involve joining hands with the

people who have an interest in the issue and working with them to reduce community risk. These

partnerships should involve the community to get the most effective solutions (Chou et al.,


The other is creating an intervention strategy that outlines all the details required in the

reduction of dire risks which might face them. This can be done through education. Engineering

and in other cases enforcements.

Another step is the implementation of the strategy where the interventions are provided

and the plan is put to action in the long run. This is done when the implementation plan

schedules have already been put in place (Chou et al., 2019).

The last step is the evaluation of the risks. This shows the sources of all strategies put in

place and what can be done to improve.


Outline the codes required for fire safety in those buildings in your area.

One code required in my area code is modern code development. This should be made

such that there are high-rise co-axial cables that help in the boosting of the fire departments with

the outline of the structure (Chou et al., 2019).

Taming a fire environment is also another code that will be required in my area. There is

a need to have a balanced fire protection system to ensure that buildings are adequately protected

from fire.

State the number of violations or fires in similar occupancies.

Poorly structured exit signs and faults in lighting

Lack of fire extinguishers

Fire alarms and pull stations not working appropriately

Blocked valves

Improper records on buildings

Explain the behaviors of people during fires that researchers have discovered.

One behavior that researchers have shown is that there is panicking. This has been shown

to affect many people irrespective of how strong they are. This results in people making poor


Another behavior is that people fail to call the emergency departments, most people tend

to believe that the departments have sufficient knowledge about the events at hand.

Another fault is ignorance of emergency evacuation directives. This results in unclear

emergency reparation which can result in injuries.


Explain the cost of noncompliance in fires, both economic and social.

Economic costs

One is legal fines where if a fire happens and the company is not adequately prepared,

they face the legal effects on the same.

Another effect is compensation as where one is injured or killed, the business is faced

with significant compensation costs (Salim et al., 2021).

Another effect is that the company is faced with a hard time attracting new employees to

the company.

There are also significant downtimes as well as bad reputations owing to the accidents

(Chou et al., 2019).


The company is prone to face social downfall since the people will lack a way to get

associated with the company.

Outline a proposed public education initiative to educate the business owners and

political leaders on how to prevent and maintain fire safety in the area. Ensure that you

identify methods to measure the effectiveness of fire and life safety and public education


The three Es of fire prevention should be used which include engineering, education, and



Educate on necessary precautions the public should take

Prevent emergencies and associated damages.


Cultural changes

Risk management

Fitness, both physical and medical

Technology use

Psychological support

Public education


Workplace associated safety tips

Have fire detection systems

Develop well-planned fire escape routes

Have fire safety lights

Appropriate training to employees

Explain to the stakeholder the importance of instilling a positive fire reaction.

The instilling of a positive fire reaction is important as it helps in saving the lives of those

caught in the mess and protecting the property from damage (Salim et al., 2021). Through

positive reactions, there will be a proper alignment of organizational goals and safety plans for

the employees and clients. Therefore by having proper fire reaction, there will be more profound

responses by those affected.



Chou, J. S., Cheng, M. Y., Hsieh, Y. M., Yang, I. T., & Hsu, H. T. (2019). Optimal path

planning in real-time for dynamic building fire rescue operations using wireless sensors

and visual guidance. Automation in Construction, 99, 1-17.

Salim, N. A. A., Salleh, N. M., Jaafar, M., Sulieman, M. Z., Ulang, N. M., & Ebekozien, A.

(2021). Fire safety management in public health-care buildings: issues and possible

solutions. Journal of Facilities Management.

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