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AMA Computer Learning Center, Guadalupe Campus

2/F Guadalupe Commercial Complex, EDSA, Makati City
Senior High School Department
S. Y. 2019 – 2020

The Perception of an IT Professional in terms of Computer

S.Y 2019 - 2020

A Research Paper Submitted to the Faculty of ACLC Guadalupe Campus

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Practical Research 3,


Rosario, Maricar C.

Submitted to

Mr. John Manuel B. Padre

Research Adviser

Date passed

March 21, 2020

Approval Sheet

This research paper entitled:

A Case Study on the knowledge of an Information Technology Specialist

in terms of Working Environment, prepared and submitted by:

1. Rosario, Maricar C.

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject Practical Research 1

(Qualitative Research), has been examined and is recommended for
acceptance and approval for Final Oral Examination.


Research Adviser

Approved by the Research Panelists with a grade of Passed on

(Date of Final Defense)


Research Panelist


Research Panelist


Research Panelist

Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject



School Director


First and foremost, praises and thanks to the God, the almighty, for his

showers of blessings throughout our research work to complete the research


We express our deep and sincere gratitude to our research adviser Mr.

John Manuel Padre for the continuous support to our study and research. We

could not have imagined having a better adviser for our research study.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to our School Director Ms.

Agnes Sumande for allowing us to get the necessary information we need to

make this thesis possible.

To all relatives, friends, and others who in one way or another shared their

support, either morally, financially and physically, thank you.

Above all, to the Great Mighty, the author of knowledge and wisdom, for

his countless love.

Thank you.


The researcher humbly dedicate this Case Study on the knowledge of an

Information Technology Specialist in terms of Working Environment.

The researcher aims to develop a study that is worthy to know the Case

Study on the knowledge of an Information Technology Specialist in terms of

Working Environment, the contents of the study should be able to provide data

for future researchers and studies in the area covered.

The researcher finally dedicated this research paper to our families whose

untiring support and assistance have made possible the fruition of our efforts. To

our friends and classmates for their cooperation while conducting the study.

And most of all to our great creator our Almighty God the author of

knowledge and wisdom who made this possible.



(summary of your research paper)

(to be done last)

(first paragraph: introduction

Second paragraph: methodology and results

Third paragraph: conclusion and recommendation)


Table of Contents


Title Page

Approval Sheet




Table of Contents

List of Tables, Figures, and Appendices


a. Background of the Study

b. Objectives of the Study

c. Statement of the Problem

d. Hypothesis

e. Scope and Delimitation

f. Theoretical Framework

g. Conceptual Framework

h. Research Paradigm

i. Significance of the Study

j. Definition of Terms


a. Review of Related Literature

b. Synthesis of Related Literature

c. Review of Related Studies

d. Synthesis of Related Studies

e. Overall Synthesis


a. Research Design

b. Sampling Technique

c. Research Locale

d. Respondents of the Study

e. Data Gathering Procedures

f. Research Instrument

a. Construction

b. Validation

g. Statistical Treatment





a. Summary of Findings

b. Conclusion

c. Recommendation



List of Tables, Figures, and Appendices

(all tables listed here, including their page numbers)

(all photos/ images/ and content of appendices listed here, with page





Background of the Study

Netiquette" refers to Internet etiquette. This simply means the use of good

manners in online communication such as e-mail, forums, blogs, and social

networking sites to name a few. It is important to use netiquette because

communication online is non-verbal. Most often online communication consists of

reading something someone else has typed. This type of communication does

not allow each person to see facial expressions, body language, or hear

intonation. Because of this, messages can often be misinterpreted. By following

netiquette, online communication becomes clearer. Especially in business and

career related online communications netiquette should be used to ensure that

correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation are put in place to project

professionalism. Netiquette also includes the use of emoticons (such as :) :( ;)

and others) to explain an emotion. In e-mail, netiquette means not flooding

someone's inbox with forwarded messages or spam mail. Following netiquette

will help you to maintain and establish positive online relationships as well as

develop a positive online reputation.

Netiquette is short for "Internet etiquette." Just like etiquette is a code of polite

behavior in society, netiquette is a code of good behavior on the Internet. This

includes several aspects of the Internet, such as email, social media, online

chat, web forums, website comments, multiplayer gaming, and other types of

online communication.

Netiquette represents the importance of proper manners and behavior online.

In general, netiquette is the set of professional and social etiquettes practiced

and advocated in electronic communication over any computer network.

Common guidelines include being courteous and precise, and avoiding cyber-

bullying. Netiquette also dictates that users should obey copyright laws and avoid

overusing emoticons

Objectives of the Study

1. To know the perception of an IT professional in Terms of Computer


2. To know the other definition from an IT professional.

3. To describe the other terms about Computer Netiquette.

a. Statement of the Problem

1. What is the result of the Interview regarding the perception of an IT

professional in terms of Computer Netiquette?

2. What are the advantages of Computer Netiquette?

3. What are the disadvantages of Computer Netiquette?

4. What is the purpose of the study?

b. Scope and Delimitation

The Focus of the study is all about Advantages and

Disadvantages of Computer Netiquette.

c. Theoretical Framework

Somewhere around the 1970s early users of the Internet laid the basis for a

set of conventions and rules for doing things on the Internet. These rules are

nowadays commonly called netiquette. The term netiquette is used in a number

of meanings, so a definition is necessary. In this paper we use the term

netiquette to mean a body of conventions and manners for using the Internet as

a tool for communication or data exchange, practiced or advocated by a group of

people. In this sense, netiquette includes laws, regulations, as well as good

manners and practices. In this broad definition, users include current and future

stakeholders of ICT, such as individuals, governmental agencies, institutions,

companies, organizations, and so forth. The uses of the Internet in this definition

include uses such as surfing web pages and creating them, searching,

advertising, offering web or ftp services, participating in web fora, reading and

writing to newsgroups and mailing lists, chatting, sharing files, trading, and so on.

Already the existing conventions of using the Internet differ among countries

because of differences in culture, habits, law, society, language, or régime. There

is a significant amount of literature on and discussion about netiquette, but

amazingly little has been written about the cultural dimensions of netiquette.

There are many studies that concern netiquette as culture, but the question of

different attitudes towards netiquette between cultures has been left largely

untouched. In the field of computer science there are studies in computer-human

etiquette, computer politeness, computer gestures, educational technology

etiquette, and so forth, but in computer scientists' discourse, netiquette has been

largely disregarded. Although netiquette is not a widely studied topic, Preece


(2004) notes that there is a diversity of net users, in terms of their culture, age,

enthusiasm, income, and so forth. She also notes that different technologies

require different forms of etiquette; for example, the etiquette of text messaging is

different from the etiquette of email. Furthermore, the netiquettes between web

communities differ (Shea, 2004). There is a project called “Global TeachNet

News”1 that promotes students around the world to refine and promote a more

humane culture on working and learning together, stimulated by "student

ambassadors". It is also argued that even the basic functions of new

technologies may be culturally determined. For instance, Lee (2000) found that in

South Korean companies, email is quite often seen as an inappropriate way of

communicating with one's superiors. In South Korea, email is not considered as

respectful as other forms of communication. We acknowledge that new

technologies may challenge previously accepted norms – netiquettes are not

rigid (Preece, 2004) and they should not be understood as such. Yet, the

flexibility of netiquettes should not be used as an argument for introducing

culturally inappropriate conventions. There are polls about issues concerning

netiquette (see, e.g., Preece, 2004), but those polls typically do not collect

background variables, such as country of origin, age, gender, education, or even

Internet usage patterns, and they are grounded in “official netiquette.” Although

conducting a poll that answers a question such as “Which netiquette issues

aggravate you the most?” in a number of countries might reveal differences 1 ISBN: 972-8924-10-0 ©

2006 IADIS 368 in attitudes towards netiquette, the poll would be biased by

default. Namely, giving a preordained list of netiquette issues sets a fixed

framework for the study. We believe that the question of a culturally fair, global

netiquette is an increasingly important one, and that studies of it need to begin

with more cultural sensitivity than the studies hitherto.

d. Conceptual Framework
The paper focuses on a fundamental problem that of developing goal-oriented

knowledge creation theory. I suggest a conceptual framework for development of a

specific computer netiquette. Contraction of Internet etiquette, the etiquette guidelines

for posting messages to online services, and particularly Internet newsgroups.

Netiquette covers not only rules to maintain civility in discussions (i.e., avoiding flames),

but also special guidelines unique to the electronic nature of forum messages. For

example, netiquette advises users to use simple formats because complex formatting

may not appear correctly for all readers. In most cases, netiquette is enforced by fellow

users who will vociferously object if you break a rule of netiquette.

e. Research Paradigm

Perception of an IT professional in terms of

Computer Netiquette
S.Y. 2019-2020

Inform or do some seminars/activities for students so
OUTPUT they can aware and also improve their knowledge
about computer netiquette

This research conducting about awareness and general knowledge of an IT

professional in terms of Computer Netiquette to answer by the Interviewer from

AMA Computer Learning Center Students by using the prepared questioner as

the research Instrument to be able to know their prior knowledge about computer

netiquette. The output of this study is to inform or do some seminars/activities for

students so they can aware and also improve their knowledge about computer


f. Significance of the Study


The Importance of our study is to give knowledge about on how the students will

be aware on using or accessing their personal computers about computer



To let them know the other uses and purposes of computer netiquette.


The school government is also using computer to access all the data of the

students so that’s why they must be aware in the computer netiquette.


g. Definition Of Terms
INTERNET ETIQUETTE- Online etiquette is ingrained into culture, although

etiquette in technology is a fairly recent concept. The rules of etiquette that apply

when communicating over the Internet or social networks or devices are different

from those applied when communicating in person or by audio (such as

telephone) or videophone. It is a social code of network communication and help.

Communicating with others via the Internet without misunderstandings in

the heat of the moment can be challenging, mainly because facial

expressions and body language cannot be interpreted in cyberspace. Therefore,

several recommendations to attempt to safeguard against these

misunderstandings have been proposed.




This chapter includes review of related literature, synthesis of related

literature, review of related studies, synthesis of related studies and overall


Review of Related Literature

The Internet was created in 1969 by the Department of Defense (Donaton,

1994). It has served as a world wide network of computers and databases that

are used for government, research and academia (Donaton, 1994). Currently

there are anywhere from ten million to thirty million users on the internet

(Donaton, 1994). In using the internet several people have developed a sort of

internet etiquette in order to help new and current users keep it a professional

and friendly place. Netiquette is defined as “appropriate behavior on a computer

network” (Algeo & Algeo, 1994). The term netiquette is a catch-all for the forms of

politeness and respect seen on Usenet, in mailing lists, in live chat systems, and

on other electronic forums (Netiquette, 2002). It can also be defined as the rules

of acceptable behavior when using any form of electronic communication

(Sullivan, 2002). The following are the most common netiquette rules. These

rules are mainly common sense, but should be reviewed often so that users of

the internet can continue to create an environment where people can work and

learn cooperatively.

Remember the human

This means to always remember that you are not talking to just another

computer. There is a person behind the screen who has feelings just like you.

Users need to take into account that the people they are communicating with can

not see or hear their gestures, expressions, or tones making your words the only

way to communicate meaning (Shea, 1994). This is important because some

topics are harder than others to communicate using only words. Some things can

be taken out of context and misunderstood creating a lot more work for the

communicator. The most important part of remembering the human is to always

remember you are talking to someone who has feelings and rights that need to

be respected and treated as if you were dealing with them face to face (2002).

Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life

While some individuals feel that the internet gives them some ambiguity and that

they can get away with more things on the internet, users should always use

caution and ethics in their dealings. Ethics on the internet are referred to as

nethics (2002). One reason for individuals lack of standards or ethics on the

internet may be because they forget they are dealing with real people due to the

screen in front of them(Shea, 1994). Some basic “commandments” when it

comes to using ethics on the internet are below:

Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other people.

Thou shalt not interfere with other people's computer work.

Thou shalt not snoop around in other people's files.

Thou shalt not use a computer to steal.

Thou shalt not use a computer to bear false witness.

Thou shalt not use or copy software for which you have not paid.

Thou shalt not use other people's computer resources without authorization.

Thou shalt not appropriate other people's intellectual output.

Thou shalt think about the social consequences of the program you write.

Thou shalt use a computer in ways that show consideration and respect. (2002).

These are very basic and very easy guidelines to follow and if followed users

should have no problem staying out of trouble on the internet.

Know where you are in cyberspace

Knowing where you are on the internet means knowing what kind of a chat room

or web site you are on. Each area of the internet has its own set of rules, values,

and standards. It is important to remember that what may be allowed or accepted

on one site may be found offensive or rude on another site (Shea, 1994). Another

similarity to real life would be that each group page has its own acceptable tone

that users are expected to use when operating with those people (2002). A pair

of attorneys I found in one of the articles provided the perfect example for this.

They sent out advertisements all over the internet and did not receive a very

positive response because they sent the ad everywhere (Donaton, 1994). The

pair quickly learned that there are places on the internet to advertise and other

places where you should not (Donaton, 1994).

Respect other people's time and bandwidth

The first question you may have is what is bandwidth? The answer is bandwidth

is “the information carrying capacity of the cables and wires that connect

computers together” (2002). It is how much your computer can process at one

time. Some computers have a higher bandwidth than others and therefore can

process faster than others, while some computers get overloaded with

information very quickly. It is important that users do not seed out too much

information to other users because you never know what size their bandwidth is.

One major error is sending out junk mail. The attorneys I mentioned earlier

learned this when they sent out their advertisement because they sent out

unmarked messages to users which on the internet are the same as junk mail

(Donaton, 1994).

Make yourself look good online. This rule ties into the rule about remembering

the human. Users judge other users by how well they write because they cannot

connect with the actual person (Shea, 1994). While your friends probably won’t

consider you uneducated if you send them an email with a few spelling errors

someone else might (2002). Another thing to remember is that the information on

the internet can be found by anyone and if you are working on a school or work

project you are not only representing yourself but also your school, organization,

or business so you want to make sure you do a good job and use the best

information available (2002).

Share expert knowledge

A great place to share and find information are forums set up specifically for this,

like on where individuals can ask doctors and other individuals

with the same issues. Asking questions online is effective because may other

internet users are knowledgeable on your topic and can help you as well as

others with the same question (Shea, 1994). If you are going to answer another

users question make sure the information you are giving is accurate (2002). If

you do not know the answer for sure either look up an answer from somewhere

you know you will find correct information or do not answer it (2002).

Help keep flame wars under control. When users express their emotions to other

users without holding back it is referred to as "Flaming" (Shea, 1994). When

sending a flame message the user may attack your opinion, personality, and any

other personal thing they find about you whether you deserve it or not (2002).

The best thing to do to keep flame wars under control is to not respond when

others send you a flame message and try to refrain from sending any yourself.

Personal attacks will not solve any problems. Keep in mind that other people can

read your messages so you need to be professional in order to help yourself in

the present and future.

Respect other people's privacy.

How would you feel if someone opened your mail before you got home? The

same feelings apply to email. While it may be hard to tell if someone has opened

an email before you it can make users feel violated if they do find out (2002).

Think of all of the personal information transferred through email and consider

how you would feel if someone was looking at your emails without your

permission. This rule ties into the ethics users need to have on the internet.

Don't abuse your power.

While some individuals are quite computer savvy, there are still some who are

not quite up to par on knowing what is going on in the internet world. Just

because you may know more than others about the internet, giving you power

over them, does not give you the right to exploit them (Shea, 1994). A more

productive thing to do would be to help educate them, going back to our rule on

sharing expert knowledge. The more people know about the internet the quicker

it can evolve into bigger and better things.

Be forgiving of other people's mistakes.

The most important thing to remember no matter where you are is that everyone

makes mistakes. Think of a time when you make a mistake. How would you

prefer someone help you correct your mistake? Going back to treating people

like they have feelings and not like they are just another computer, if another

user makes a mistake it should not be your goal to embarrass them about it in

front of other users (Shea, 1994). Would you like someone to do that to you? The

best way to point out another users, mistake is privately, usually through email,

so you don’t embarrass them (Shea, 1994).

Applying these rules to your internet use will help you be a professional and

productive member of the internet society. Always remember the golden rule and

apply it to everything whether in person or over some sort of media channel, treat

people how you want to be treated.



Don't abuse your power.

While some individuals are quite computer savvy, there are still some who are

not quite up to par on knowing what is going on in the internet world. Just

because you may know more than others about the internet, giving you power

over them, does not give you the right to exploit them (Shea, 1994). A more

productive thing to do would be to help educate them, going back to our rule on

sharing expert knowledge. The more people know about the internet the quicker

it can evolve into bigger and better things.

Be forgiving of other people's mistakes.


Somewhere around the 1970s early users of the Internet laid the basis for a set

of conventions and rules for doing things on the Internet. These rules are

nowadays commonly called netiquette. The term netiquette is used in a number

of meanings, so a definition is necessary. In this paper we use the term

netiquette to mean a body of conventions and manners for using the Internet as

a tool for communication or data exchange, practiced or advocated by a group of

people. In this sense, netiquette includes laws, regulations, as well as good

manners and practices. In this broad definition, users include current and future

stakeholders of ICT, such as individuals, governmental agencies, institutions,

companies, organizations, and so forth. The uses of the Internet in this definition

include uses such as surfing web pages and creating them, searching,

advertising, offering web or ftp services, participating in web fora, reading and

writing to newsgroups and mailing lists, chatting, sharing files, trading, and so on.

Already the existing conventions of using the Internet differ among countries

because of differences in culture, habits, law, society, language, or régime. There

is a significant amount of literature on and discussion about netiquette, but

amazingly little has been written about the cultural dimensions of netiquette.

There are many studies that concern netiquette as culture, but the question of

different attitudes towards netiquette between cultures has been left largely

untouched. In the field of computer science there are studies in computer-human

etiquette, computer politeness, computer gestures, educational technology

etiquette, and so forth, but in computer scientists' discourse, netiquette has been

largely disregarded. Although netiquette is not a widely studied topic, Preece

(2004) notes that there is a diversity of net users, in terms of their culture, age,

enthusiasm, income, and so forth. She also notes that different technologies

require different forms of etiquette; for example, the etiquette of text messaging is

different from the etiquette of email. Furthermore, the netiquettes between web

communities differ (Shea, 2004). There is a project called “Global Teach Net

News”1 that promotes students around the world to refine and promote a more

humane culture on working and learning together, stimulated by "student

ambassadors". It is also argued that even the basic functions of new

technologies may be culturally determined. For instance, Lee (2000) found that

in South Korean companies, email is quite often seen as an inappropriate way of

communicating with one's superiors. In South Korea, email is not considered as

respectful as other forms of communication. We acknowledge that new


technologies may challenge previously accepted norms – netiquettes are not

rigid (Preece, 2004) and they should not be understood as such. Yet, the

flexibility of netiquettes should not be used as an argument for introducing

culturally inappropriate conventions. There are polls about issues concerning

netiquette (see, e.g., Preece, 2004), but those polls typically do not collect

background variables, such as country of origin, age, gender, education, or even

Internet usage patterns, and they are grounded in “official netiquette.” Although

conducting a poll that answers a question such as “Which netiquette issues

aggravate you the most?” in a number of countries might reveal differences in

attitudes towards netiquette, the poll would be biased by default. Namely, giving

a preordained list of netiquette issues sets a fixed framework for the study. We

believe that the question of a culturally fair, global netiquette is an increasingly

important one, and that studies of it need to begin with more cultural sensitivity

than the studies hitherto.


Don't abuse your power.

While some individuals are quite computer savvy, there are still some who are

not quite up to par on knowing what is going on in the internet world. Just

because you may know more than others about the internet, giving you power

over them, does not give you the right to exploit them (Shea, 1994). A more

productive thing to do would be to help educate them, going back to our rule on

sharing expert knowledge. The more people know about the internet the quicker

it can evolve into bigger and better things.

Be forgiving of other people's mistakes.

We believe that the question of a culturally fair, global netiquette is an

increasingly important one, and that studies of it need to begin with more cultural

sensitivity than the studies hitherto.


We believe that the question of a culturally fair, global netiquette is an

increasingly important one, and that studies of it need to begin with more cultural

sensitivity than the studies hitherto



This chapter of the study contains research design, sampling

technique, respondents of the study, research locale, data gathering, research

instrument and statistical treatment.

Research Design

The researcher choose descriptive design to know the perception of an IT

Professional in terms of Computer Netiquette. Where I need to give the

acceptable and suitable answer to the question for my interviewer.

Sampling Technique

The researcher used purposive sampling technique because the study is

about the perception of an IT professional in terms of Computer Netiquette to

solve this problem. And to give an advice to person who will choose this research


Research Locale

The study was conducted at AMA Computer Learning Center during the

2nd semester of the academic year 2019-2020. The interview occurred at Begonia

St. Brgy. Pembo, Makati City at 12nn to 3pm in the afternoon

Respondents of the Study

Table 1: The total number of respondent and his age.

No. Of

MALE 1 100% 45

TOTAL 1 100% 45

Data Gathering Procedures


 The researcher prepared an interview questionnaire.

 The interview questionnaire was checked by the research teacher.

 The researcher made some changes on the questionnaire as suggested

by the research teacher and later on, went to respondent personally to

conduct an interview and gather the data needed on the study. After the

data was collected, the researcher encode and use it to finish the

remaining chapters on this study.

Research Instrument

The study used a set of interview questions during the interview.

1. What Information that you do want anyone to see can you put on social

networking websites?

2. Why is it bad netiquette to promote human violence on the internet in any

format, text, video and audio?

3. What does it mean to scroll the screen in the chat room?

4. It is proper netiquette to know the difference between commonly accepted

business practices and those that are considered dishonest. Know right

from wrong when doing business. Be ethical?

5. It is not acceptable to lie online, however, personal information should not

be given on request to people or sites you do not have relationship with?


6. It is perfectly fine to write e-mail in capital letters because it gets your point


7. It is proper etiquette to spell check and proof read email communication

before you send it?

8. Secure sites encrypt internet data transmission. They should be used

whenever possible?

9. It is good etiquette to back up videos online. There are many websites that

allows users to store videos?

10. What can you do to help prevent accidents when using a computer or


Data Analysis

The researcher used thematic analysis to determine the recurring patterns

or ideas from the responses of the respondents using assigned codes and

themes by the researcher.





The contents of this chapter it will show the presentation analysis, and

interpretation of the data gathered from the respondents. The researcher

analyzed the questions and codes to interpret the themes.

SOP 1: What is the result of the Interview regarding the perception of an IT

professional in terms of Computer Netiquette?

(Interview Question 1): What Information that you do not want anyone to see that

you put on social networking websites?

Responden Raw Data Code Theme

Social networking is a Method of Social networking is a

method of
communication with communication method of
people through online
1 platforms such as communication with
Facebook, LinkedIn
and twitter people.

Based from the result, the codes and themes determined from the

feedback of the respondents are method of communication. These codes are

directly related to the theme of the 1 st interview question, what information that

you do not want anyone to see that you put on social networking websites.

(Interview Question 2): Why is it bad netiquette to promote human violence on

the internet in any format, text, video and audio?

Respondent Raw Data Code Theme

Depicting violence leads to Violence Depicting violecnce

more violence. It teaches
people to be violent. Humans leads to more
do what they are taught. If you
1 are taught how to be violent violence.
through media and nothing in
school. Then you will be a
violent person because that is
all you have been taught.
Depicting violence creates

Based from the result, the codes and themes determined from the

feedback of the respondents are violence. These codes are directly related to the

theme of the 2nd interview question, why is it bad netiquette to promote human

violence on the internet in any format, text, video and audio.

(Interview Question 5): It is not acceptable to lie online, however, personal

information should not be given on request to people or sites you do not have

relationship with?

Responden Raw Data Code Theme

Your private life should stay Privacy Private life should

private until you know
someone really well and can stay private
start over time to trust them

1 with things. - If you do find

someone trying to menace
money out of you – don't.
They'd just be back for more.
Report them; however bad that
might feel at the time.

Based from the result, the codes and themes determined from the feedback

of the respondents are privacy. These codes are directly related to the theme of

the 5th interview question, It is not acceptable to lie online, however, personal

information should not be given on request to people or sites you do not have

relationship with?

(Interview Question 9): It is good netiquette to back up videos online. There are

many websites that allows users to store videos?

Respondent Raw Data Code Theme

Once your files Online You can access and

are uploaded, you can access backup restore your data from

1 and restore your data from services anywhere.

anywhere. Though there's

some overlap, online

backup services shouldn't be

confused with cloud storage

and file syncing services like

Box, Dropbox, Google Drive,

OneDrive, and SugarSync


Based from the result, the codes and themes determined from the feedback

of the respondents are online backup services. These codes are directly related

to the theme of the 9th interview question, It is good netiquette to back up videos

online. There are many websites that allows users to store videos?

SOP 2: What are the advantages of Computer Netiquette?

(Interview Question 4): It is proper netiquette to know the difference between

commonly accepted business practices and those that are considered dishonest.

Know right from wrong when doing business. Be ethical?

Respondent Raw Data Code Theme

They will assess how refined Manners How refined you are in

you are in your manners so your manners.

1 that they know whether they

can put you in front of clients

doing the same and not

embarrass the company

Based from the result, the codes and themes determined from the

feedback of the respondents have manners. These codes are directly related to

the theme of the 4th interview question, It is proper netiquette to know the

difference between commonly accepted business practices and those that are

considered dishonest. Know right from wrong when doing business. Be ethical?

SOP 3: What are the disadvantages of Computer Netiquette?

(Interview Question 8): Secure sites encrypt internet data transmission. They

should be used whenever possible?

Respondent Raw Data Code Theme

A user might simply Safety By ensuring their personal

1 want to hide their from information remains safe from

browsing tracks on hackers hackers.

the web; others

might want to

ensure their

personal information

remains safe from


Based from the result, the codes and themes determined from the feedback

of the respondents are safety from hackers. These codes are directly related to

the theme of the 8th interview question, Secure sites encrypt internet data

transmission. They should be used whenever possible?

(Interview Question 10): As an Information Technology Specialist do you think

that you are safe enough for the job? Why?

Respondent Raw Data Code Theme


Yes, As an IT Specialist Heavily I.T. Specialist heavily invest

I want everything in invest on tools for any things that need

1 place and that’s why I my tools to be fixed and he always

heavily invest on my make sure that everything is

tools. in place.

Based from the result, the codes and themes determined from the

feedback of the respondents have heavily invest on the tools. These codes are

directly related to the theme of the 6 th interview question, which is the I.T.

Specialist heavily invest tools for any things that need to be fixed.

(Interview Question 8): Why having knowledge on safety in the working

environment is important?

Responden Raw Data Code Theme

It is important! So that we Don’t get Safety in working

don’t get hurt while hurt while environment makes the

1 working and so we can working work easy and don’t get

work with ease. any hurt and have


Based from the result, the codes and themes determined from the

feedback of the respondents are don’t get hurt while working. These codes are

directly related to the theme of the 8th interview question, which is the knowledge

on the safety on working environment.

(Interview Question 9): Do you think having knowledge on the safety in working

environment helps us to become more aware?

Respondent Raw Data Code Theme

Yes! If you know you’re Optimize Safety makes us aware on

safe, you can work with production our surroundings, If you

1 ease and optimize are aware then it will boost

production your productivity.

Based from the result, the codes and themes determined from the

feedback of the respondents have optimize production. These codes are directly

related to the theme of the 9th interview question, which is the knowledge on the

safety on working environment makes awareness of the surroundings.


(Interview Question 10): What advices that can you give for the incoming I.T.

Specialist about their knowledge on working environment?

Respondent Raw Data Code Theme

Safety First should always Safety When it comes to advices

be the top priority, you can First safety in the working

work confidently when you environment is always on

know that you’re working on the list and be sure that

safe environment. In return you are aware on your

you can work flawlessly and surroundings to tell

increase productivity yourself that you are safe


Based from the result, the codes and themes determined from the

feedback of the respondents are safety first. These codes are directly related to

the theme of the 10th interview question, what advices for the incoming I.T.

Specialist on the company.



The content of this chapter are summary of findings, conclusion, and

recommendation for the future researchers.


Summary of Findings

SOP 1: What is the result of the Interview regarding the perception of an IT

professional in terms of Computer Netiquette ?

Nettwork Equette is an arrangement of communal discussion which

make easy communication over networks, ranging from Usenet and messageing

records to blogs and forums

SOP 2: What are the advantages of Computer Netiquette?

Netiquette helps users develop and maintain relationships, whether

business or personal. It also helps keep group conversations

constructive and friendly.

SOP 3: What are the disadvantages of Computer Netiquette?

Use the internet to conduct illegal activities such as selling or promoting

bad behavior. - Personal names will not be mention or written in the

electronic content. - Send private information to anyone unknown or

read unknown email


SOP 1: What is the result of the Interview regarding the perception of an IT

professional in terms of Computer Netiquette ?

Nettwork Equette is an arrangement of communal discussion which

make easy communication over networks, ranging from Usenet and messageing

records to blogs and forums

SOP 2: What are the advantages of Computer Netiquette?

Netiquette helps users develop and maintain relationships, whether

business or personal. It also helps keep group conversations

constructive and friendly.

SOP 3: What are the disadvantages of Computer Netiquette?

Use the internet to conduct illegal activities such as selling or promoting

bad behavior. - Personal names will not be mention or written in the

electronic content. - Send private information to anyone unknown or

read unknown email


1. Building upon findings of your research

2. Addressing limitations of your research.

3. Constructing the same research in a new context, location and/or culture.


4. Re-assessing and expanding theory, framework or model you have addressed

in your research


(APA format)

(Alphabetical based on last name of author)


Last name of author, Initials of first name. (Year of Publication). Title of

article/ book/ thesis/ research paper/ review paper/ abstract in italics.

Retrieved from: (Paste URL Link here). Date Retrieved: _______

Last name of author, Initials of first name. (Year of Publication). Title of

article/ book/ thesis/ research paper/ review paper/ abstract in italics.

Retrieved from: (Paste URL Link here). Date Retrieved: _______


a. Typewritten Interview Transcripts

b. Curriculum Vitae (Resume) of Group Members with 2-by-2


c. Pictures (Documentation) of Experiment or Survey

Questionnaire Administration

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