Ashers Reverse Workout Split. 12 Week.

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Bench 12,12,8,6 Single Leg Press 12,10,8 Pull-Ups 3xFailure BB Curl 12,10,8,8 DB Shoulder Press 12,10,6,6
Incline Bench 12,12,8,6 Single Leg Ham Curl 10,10,8,8 BB Row 12,10,8 DB Incline Skull 12,10,8,8 Incline Bench DB front raise 10,10,8,8
Machine Incline Press 5x8 (3 second negative Hip Thrust 8,8,8,8 Machine Low Row 10,10,10,8,8,6 DB Static Arm curls 4x20 (swap every 5) Machine Side Lateral Raise 3x12 (3 second negative)
Machine Flat Press 4x10 Leg Extensions 4x10 (3 second negative Lat Pulldown (wide grip) 4x10 (3 second negative) Wide Grip Tricep Cable Pushdown 15,12,10,8 Partials (heavy side laterals) 8,8,8,8
Preacher Curl SUPERSET
Push-ups 1x100 Lunges 4x20 (10 each leg) Single Arm Cable Row 8,8,6 Overhead cable tricep ext. 12,12,12,8,8,8 Rear Delt Fly 4x15
Sissy Squats 3xFailure Straight arm lat pull 3x12

NOTES: Do not run this program

without a goal in mind.
Make sure to track the
weight you use each
This program runs at
RPE 8 (if you don't know
what this is ask discord).
Only time is does not run
at RPE 8 is if it is a
failure set!
If this program is not
challenging, you aren't
using enough weight.
This program is not
designed to be easy.

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