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Nunez, Ninna Ricci

COMDP 0228


This is the written form for your PERSUASIVE speech project in the next unit. In
order to have an organized speech, follow these instructions:

1. Imagine you are to present an effective activity that promotes health (any form:
physical, mental, emotional/psychological health) or an advocacy to support a
policy for a better Philippines. Choose which form you would like to champion.

Activity: yoga, mountain hiking, painting etc.

Advocacy: a. system advocacy: (e.g.) a call to support a movement, policy
b. individual advocacy: (e.g.) a call to love oneself

Target Length of Delivery: 3 minutes

Content: 20 pts. (features and pieces of evidence)
Organization:10 pts.
Mechanics:10 pts.
2. Follow this format:

Formal Outline

General goal: To persuade my audience to go to therapy

Specific goal: To present the benefits of therapy and how can it affect oneself
Thesis Statement: If we go to therapy, we will be able to handle our emotions,
thoughts, feelings and ourselves better.


A. Attention getter: Have you ever tried to go to a therapist? If not, then can you
describe the type of person who does? If I can guess correctly, the person you
described is somewhere along the lines of: mentally ill, unstable, depressed,
broken, crying, suicidal, addict, marital problems, abnormal, etc. These are
Nunez, Ninna Ricci

COMDP 0228

harmful stereotypes that prevents other people, especially those who are in
need of it, from going into therapy in fear of judgements from others

B. Listener relevance: One might say, “I feel fine, I don’t need to go to therapy.”
or that “I am normal, I function properly.” However, I beg to differ; I think that the
benefits of therapy extends to everyone. The World Health Organization (WHO)
defined health as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being
and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Going to therapy is similar to
working out in the gym. You take care of your mind and you exercise your brain
so that when you are going through a tough time you will be able to handle it

C. Speaker credibility: I, myself, go to therapy every once in a while. It has really

helped me handle daily struggles better. I also started to gain confidence and
my general perception of myself and my body has improved compared to


Therapy can be beneficial not just for people who are mentally ill but also for
every single person out there. This is because therapy can help people improve
in numerous ways including better coping skills, confidence building,
improvement of relationships, and self-awareness.

When we go through difficult times in our lives we tend to enter a cycle of

an unhealthy coping mechanism just because we don't know how to pacify the
emotions we are feeling. Therapy can help you work through your problems by
helping you identify your underlying issues and emotions.

We all have insecurities and doubts about who we are and how we fit into
society. Therapy helps us work through these insecurities and doubts, getting rid
of them. It allows you to work on your issues in a safe environment where
judgements and criticisms are not present. Therapy helps you to gain
confidence and a better general perception of yourself. It gives you a chance
to be heard, and to be seen. It can help you be more open and honest with
yourself and others. Thus, helping you build better relationships with other
Nunez, Ninna Ricci

COMDP 0228

Therapy helps you develop better communication skills especially for those who
are having difficulties understanding the feelings and behaviors of the people
around them. Over time, your ability to communicate effectively may have
deteriorated. You may find yourself saying things that make no sense, or hurting
the people around you. Therapy can help address these issues by helping you
learn new ways of thinking about yourself and others. Through working through
difficult situations with a therapist, you'll learn how to express yourself more

III. CONCLUSION: State the result if one does the activity, or join an advocacy. It
could be a visualization of the future. It may also be something that will compel
your listener to act. – 1 paragraph

If you find the courage to proceed with therapy, then you will be able to
improve yourself in various aspects.You will be able to understand yourself
better. Why you feel what you are feeling and why you do the things you do.
You will also be able to identify and know yourself better. You will be able to
better connect with the people around you, especially those who you care
about. You will gain a better understanding of the world you exist in.

IV. References

Health and Well-Being. (n.d.).

neurotransmissions (2017) Why you need therapy, YouTube. YouTube. Available

at: (Accessed:
December 7, 2022).

Potential benefits of Counseling. Coe College. (2022). Retrieved December 7,

2022, from
Nunez, Ninna Ricci

COMDP 0228

Proposed Rubric for Final Exam.

Criteria Excellent Very Good Needs much

Good improvement
Confidence and mastery 19-20 15-18 11-14 6-10
Did I exude confidence and mastery
while delivering my speech?

Gestures and facial expressions 14-15 11-13 8-10 4-7

Did I use gestures and facial
expressions that help me enhance
The message?
Voice dynamics 19-20 15-18 11-14 6-10
Did I vary the volume and pitch of
my voice and my speech rate to
deliver the message effectively?
Presentational Aids 9-10 7-8 5-6 3-4
Was my use of presentational aids
Did I turn in on time? 5 4 3 2-0
On time 1 2 3 hours (2
hour hours pts)
late late
4 hrs late (1

5 hrs late

A 5-point
from the
total score
applies to
submitted a
Nunez, Ninna Ricci

COMDP 0228

day after the


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