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Biomass fuel and the current environmental significance of bioenergy stoves are the subjects of

this chapter, which is a synthesis of data analysis from numerous scholarly works. This material

is broken down into several subheadings: a) Oil; b) Gas; c) Coal; d) Agriculture; e) Biomass

devices; and d) Carbon Footprint. This literature study examines the various case studies used to

evaluate the significance of Biomass energy as an available renewable fuel source in Pakistan. It

also emphasizes the connection between biomass energy overcome energy deficits.

2.0 Energy Crisis:

Energy consumption is crucial to every facet of human existence. It has played an essential role

in society, from industry and trade to health care and education, from food to transportation - It is

a vital part of our daily life - without it, we would be completely crippled. Indeed, energy has

become the basis of a country's development and evolution; it has become a key factor because it

has a profound effect on the economy and the welfare of its people (TongWu, 2015)

Like the human body, all life and systems on Earth require energy to function. Since many

production and consumption activities demand energy as their primary input, it is essential to a

country's development and economic maturation. However, if there is energy, then a crisis is

inevitable (Ikram, 2022)

The globe is currently facing a fuels crisis - Which has reverberated everywhere from Europe to

Asia - Our country is no exception ( Dr Fatih Birol, 2022)

Pakistan's economy has a history of 'boom-bust' expansion cycles. As a result of the increasing

inflation in South Asian countries, they have multiple societal constraints - Among them are
limited budgetary space, widening current account deficits, inflation, exchange rate pressures,

energy constraints, and a lack of private sector assistance (Hassan, 2022)

Pakistan's energy sector has been facing tribulations due to the increasing demand in the nation

in the last few decades - The industrial sector is in crisis. Currently, we are dependent on

imported resources like oil, gas, coal, and hydropower. Those sector has been hit hard by the

current energy crisis - Both major and minor sectors have experienced production slowdowns.

Economic growth sectors are deprived of electricity and gas due to the ongoing shortfall the

country is experiencing and the current fiscal crisis (Kugelman, 2013)

The 1990s are considered the starting point of Pakistan's current energy problems. In the 1970s,

the government took on the Mangala and Tarbela dams large projects, which responded to the

demand and resulted in a robust short-term increase in hydropower generation. Rapid

urbanization led to the creation of new factories and large energy consumers. After the prosperity

of the 1980s, however, energy consumption increased, outstripping the existing supply and

infrastructure. - Government tried to increase production, but all these efforts were insufficient.

The direct result of this lead the situation continues to deteriorate today (Safiya, 2014)
2.1 Oil

Around 600 BC, the Chinese first discovered oil transported through bamboo pipelines.

However, Edwin Laurentian Drake (March 29, 1819-November 9, 1880), set the oil economy in

motion the first American businessman to explore and successfully drill oil in Pennsylvania

(Gregersen, 2022)

Afterward, a man named Anthony Locus had a hunch a few miles from Beaumont in southeast

Texas because of a large salt dome nearby; locus was confident that oil could establish if drilled

deep, but most geologists had doubts. Still, locus endured, and finally, in 1901, the hunch paid

off. The Earth rumbled, drilling pipe came shooting out of the ground, then mud, gas, and

ultimately oil went to a stream of oil so massive as 100 feet to the sky and flowed for weeks, a

hundred thousand barrels a day. Soon oil wells popped up around Beaumont -This place is

named the spindle top field - With that, a new era in the oil economy was underway (DeGolyer,


The technical, weird, and long-term problems that caused the price to rise are authentic.

Moreover, there are fundamental factors that specify the price of any commodity. Oil demand is

a good proxy for the level of activity in the global economy. Everyone is emitting about "demand

destruction," which includes planes being grounded, cities emptied of cars, and factories being

closed (Waples, 2000)

When assessing changes in the international oil sector industry- The most crucial and

fundamental change inevitably exacerbates tensions in the Middle East; this tension could easily

lead to a major supply distribution. It resulted in another significant spike in oil prices - This
view reinforces this point. If the analysis is considered a possible consequence, it is reasonable to

inquire about the feasibility of taking preventive measures against the problem (Michael Toman,

Barbora Jemelkova, 2014)

The oil price amazement of the 1970s drove oil out of static sectors (such as power generation),

where it had initially been substituted by coal and gas. Despite this, it carried a privileged

position in transportation. Petrol has recently been deemed a limited fuel because transportation

costs are incredibly high (Jones, 2014)

After the OPEC members decided to reduce the oil supply by two million barrels per day, fuel

prices worldwide increased again. It is about 2.1% of the world's collection. President Joe

Biden's administration communicated with the oil countries that such a move would boost

inflation worldwide - there was pressure from the United States not to continue down this path.

Some OPEC members, particularly Saudi Arabia, said market analysts predicted the move as

mention CNN said OPEC members could raise prices in October due to economic concerns

(AHMED, 2022)

Pakistan is significantly dependent on oil imports from Middle Eastern exporters (with Saudi

Arabia in a top position), as oil is the second largest energy source consumed in our country.

Moreover, its production rate is almost always the same—about 82 % of the oil imports from

other countries. In 1994-1995, Pakistan spent about 20% of its export earnings on oil imports. By

2012–2013, this number had increased to about 61%. In 2012–2013, Pakistan's energy

consumption of 33% was met through imports, making the country highly energy-dependent.
This energy dependence is substantial, a concern given the country's low foreign exchange

reserves. Similarly, the proportion of GDP attributable to net oil imports has increased from -

3.25 percent in 1990-1991 to -6.22 percent in 2012-2013 (Ahmad Waleed, 2017)

Almost the energy used in Pakistan comes from petroleum products. More than half of the

petroleum products market consists of motor spirit (petrol) and high-speed diesel (HSD). About

19 percent of the country's annual demand for petroleum products is met from domestic sources,

with the remaining 81 percent imported. Oil is so integral to modern life that the dramatic price

swings we have seen since the 1970s cannot be overestimated - This commodity is intricately

woven into our everyday lives (Nazir, 2014)

A significant part of Pakistan's refined oil imports consists of high-speed diesel, high-sulfur fuel

oil, and high-speed gasoline. Imports of high-octane gasoline and low-sulfur fuel oil have

increased in recent years due to a growing economy and environmental concerns. There was fuel

oil and aviation petrol. In 2017, gasoline and high-speed diesel imports increased by about $15

per BBL, while fuel oil imports increased by about $10 per BBL (Suleman Akram, 2021)

Nevertheless, diesel prices in the West have already risen as demand for heating oil increases

with winter. The increase hurts the economy's demand, which could quickly reduce GDP growth

for the current year, which is already slowing due to the floods. Two things will then happen:

Fuel will be rationed for industrial and commercial consumers, even though countries like

Pakistan are net importers, and fuel prices will grow for both residential and commercial

consumers (Jackson, 2022)

2.2 Coal:

Coal resembles a polished black rock in appearance - Primary fossil fuel may use to produce

both thermal and photovoltaic energy (Kopp, 2022). Cave people relied heavily on coal for their

heating needs - which they eventually used for cooking. Coal did not require as much space for

storage as wood because it burned for longer. In the late 1800s, coal was used for more than just

domestic heating; it fueled ships and railways. Iron and steel factories cannot make their

products without coal - coal is the primary source of electricity in the modern world (Arber,


Coal mining is finding and extracting resources from the Earth - Machines help pull the drains at

a high-efficiency rate. Coal contains more fossil fuels than others, which fueled the Industrial

Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries, and industry growth at that time made large-scale coal

mining possible. It was initially the primary energy source, but petroleum and natural gas

overtook it by the mid-twentieth century. Natural gas and oil began to replace coal as the primary

sources of energy (Galloway, 1882)

The Rise of Rural Industry and China's Workers' Rights Situation - Coal mining is one of China's

largest industries, leading to a market economy. Coal was one of the pillars of the planned

economizing - However, its transition to market-based operation developed. This transformation

significantly impacted the financial performance of the industry as a whole. Coal mining

contains one of the most marginalized members of China's working class -Special attention is

paid to workplace safety in coal mines (Wright, 2011)

Coal is relatively cheap compared to other energy sources, and Pakistan has 185 million tons of

it. During 2017-18, coal met 12.7 percent of Pakistan's commercial energy needs. Import of oil
LPG LNG is an expensive source in this country - because these fuels are in high demand in the

country. However, Pakistan is constantly trying to force the use of coal (Boqiang Lin,

Muhammad Yousaf Raza, 2020)

In 2021, about 29,254 thousand tons of coal were used as its primary energy source. That shows

29,254 consumption in 2021 from 5390 in 2000 - The annual growth rate represents 10.56%

(Pakistan - Total primary poal consumption, 2022)

Unfortunately, despite the abundance of coal in Pakistan, the government still requires to

develop its mining for electricity generation for decades. The lack of infrastructure is due to

inadequate financing and the absence of modern coal mining knowledge. As can be seen, the

presence of coal in the entire country is only about six percent. Coal accounts for only 1% of

electricity generation in the country - Resources and technology will be necessary to determine

the path of social development. New technologies can make them more efficient and less

harmful to the environment (JATOI, 2004)

They were using Pakistan's economic infrastructure. The reason is that coal costs are lower than

other methods of generating electricity. Along with this, Pakistan's energy and economy can be

improved significantly through alternative energy development projects (AEDP), China

Economic Corridor (CPEC) Vision 2035, and other projects for the last ten years.

CPEC is executing various projects in Pakistan - It also has a large share of coal projects under

power projects. Moreover, that includes an estimated $5.8 million in expenses - It calculates that

0.18 jobs per hour (MW) are predicted to generate in a coal-fired power plant's operation and
maintenance (O&M). As all these figures notice, coal plays a paramount role in our country's

development (Rishikesh RamBhandary, March 2022)

In recent year, the Sindh government has another achievement, in which 9 billion tons were

announced annually, discovered during mining operations in Tharcol Field block I (Dharani,


2.3 Gas:

With the discovery of commercial quantities of natural gas in 1952, Pakistan assembled an

extensive distribution network. Over time, gas consumption was higher than oil. Moreover,

natural gas has become a significant source of energy in the country - essential to its energy

supply. In the fiscal year 1993/1994, natural gas accounted for about 38% of Pakistan's primary

supply, while oil source was about 42 %of the reserve (Impact Evalution Study Of Bank

Operation In The Gas Sector In Pakistan , December 1995)

Developing countries like Pakistan are unlikely to attract investment in setting up expensive fuel

projects to meet their energy needs. Since 2000, Pakistan's primary energy sources have been

natural gas and petroleum, accounting for 50% and 29% of the country's total energy

consumption. Natural gas accounted for 47 percent of Pakistan's primary energy consumption in

2007 (Abdul Rehman & Zhang Deyuan , 2018)

Since it has many advantages over other fuels and is relatively inexpensive, its popularity is

growing (Javed, Household Demand for Natural Gas, 2015)

Sui Southern Gas Company Limited (SSGC) is responsible for gas distribution in Sindh and

Baluchistan. In comparison, Sui Northern Gas Pipeline (SNGPL) is responsible for gas delivery

in the northern regions. SSGC's system is slightly bigger than SNGPL, with a daily capacity of

about 600 MMCF, and serve 990,000 customers throughout 66 cities and town (Impact

Evalution Study Of Bank Operations In The Gas Sector in Pakistan , 1995)

Rising petroleum prices and the increasing number of vehicles using natural gas, the amount of

petroleum used is decreasing. In addition, the government encourages the use of locally

produced compressed gas and liquefied petroleum gas in the power and transportation sectors -

These two industries are responsible for about 52% and 47% of the total gas consumption,

respectively. It is also the cheapest alternative source of energy. As a result, researching the

relationship between the domestic consumption of natural gas and the expansion of a country's

economy is necessary and highly relevant (Malik, Afia, 2018)

The situation has been exacerbated by the frequent shifts in power and political upheaval, as well

as the lack of enthusiasm for addressing the problems and developing viable solutions. While

this is happening, companies are blaming management officials for everything that has gone

wrong. Business decisions continued to be hampered by intervention from the government,

interest groups, and several political parties (Ahmad, Afia Malik and Usman, 2022)

Pakistan is already facing several multifaceted problems due to a lack of infrastructure planning,

dwindling foreign exchange reserves, and the absence of broad-based alternative energy sources.

On the other hand, Pakistan lacks all these problems despite having more than two hundred and
twenty million consumers. In Europe, the traditional energy sources are coal, oil, nuclear, and

renewable. However, they are still working on an essential pillar of energy efficiency: reducing

heating and cooling - Europe focuses on reducing the energy used to keep buildings warm and

cool. In contrast, the Pakistani market report said that consumption in the local market increased

by more than 7.2 percent (Cheema, 2022)

Additional factors affecting gas consumption include urbanization, regional living styles, and

family size and composition (Javed, Household Demand for Natural Gas in Pakistan, 2015 )

The shortage of available energy has affected Pakistan's prominent textile industry, which

accounts for 60% of the country's total exports and supplies consumers in the United States and

Europe with items as diverse as denim and bed linen. According to the Qasim Malik, vice

president of the Chamber of the commerce in Sialkot the textile industries facing an emergency

(Dawn, 2022)

When the gas and fuel supply in Europe reduces, this will put more pressure on the Middle East

supplier. Crisis ought to be taken more seriously by our policymakers - Since Pakistan currently

has no long-term plan to manage its energy resources, the coming winter could be quite

dangerous. Preventive measures help to spread the workload over a more extended period rather

than later, reduce the chances of sudden price spikes and drops, and any subsequent measures

taken to protect the industry. It improves the efficiency of the standards. The research has proved

it. The daily demand for gas in Pakistan is between 6,500 and 7000 mmcfd, but the need

increases in winter with around eight million, about a deficit of 3500 mmcfd (Cheema, 2022)

Due to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, prices have risen, putting the supply chain at

risk. It has become difficult to sustain the efficient operation of its power plants. LNG companies
have neglected their agreements with Pakistan to take benefit of European markets. Long-term

LNG supply runs have delayed many shipments for delivery over the past few months, further

curtailing supplies. That directly resulted in challenges for Pakistan, forcing it to buy costly LNG

(Jalil Abbas Jilani & Zafar Masud, 2022)

Countries worldwide are scrambling to secure gasoline supplies amid a global energy crisis, as

wealthy buyers of liquefied natural gas (LNG) offer a maximum dollar for every available load.

Furthermore, there is a severe shortage of electricity which does not seem to be improving soon

(Frost, 2022)

2.4 Biomass Fuels:

The combustion of organic matter for the production of heat and energy is called biomass, and it

is also known as Biofuel. For thousands of years, people have used wood burning as a source of

heat for cooking since wood is the largest source of biomass. Other types of bioenergy sources,

such as residues from agricultural or forestry practices and organic components of municipal and

industrial wastes, can also be converted into biomass and used as energy sources (Patrick

Wamalwa M. O., 2022)

With biomass's widespread availability, environmentally beneficial qualities, and ease of

integration into infrastructure, biomass is considered one of the most efficient and convenient

renewable energy sources. Although biomass is available in large quantities, it can resolve the

issue of electricity and domestic gas - There is much opportunity for improvement in this regard

(Mohammad Rehan,Dr. Abdul-Sattar Nizami,Ts. Dr. Umer Rashid,Muhammad Naqvi, 2019)

As people move up the energy ladder - there are additional options, with animal dung at the

bottom and kerosene gas and electricity supply at the top. As a result of improvements in
socioeconomic conditions and technological progress, people generally move up the social

ladder and cooking fuels become cleaner, easier and more efficient, which are more costly.

However, with slow growth in many countries, low-income households will likely continue to

rely on biomass fuels for the foreseeable future (Sumal Nandasena, 2012)

In 2016, bioenergy represented 9.5% of the world's primary energy supply and 69.5% of the

world's renewables supply. It forms the fourth largest energy source in the world after coal, oil,

and natural gas. The International Energy Agency projects that global resource capacity by 2050

will be between 100 and 600 EJ (Yating Kang, 2019)

More than 40% of the world's population (3 billion people) still depends on solid fuels such as

wood, coal, animal dung, and agricultural residues (Ramna Thakur,Mohammad A Faizan, 2019)

According to anticipation, by 2030, Pakistan will have the capacity to generate 50 gigawatts of

electricity from wind in addition to the installed capacity of 30 gigawatts from hydel

(ZakiFarooqui, 2014)

Biofuels are receiving a lot of concentration as an alternative to fossil fuels for several reasons.

One of them is the ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation industry in

global warming. His field is based on technology, which uses food and feeds crops as feedstock

in most countries of America, the European Union, Southeast Asia, and Brazil (Madhu Khanna

C. L., 2011)
2.5 Types of Stoves:

1: Brand: Gas One

 Dual-Fuel Capability—Uses Alcohol or Wood Fuel

 Environmentally Friendly.

 Easy To Use with Adjustable Heat.

 Stable and durable.

2: Brand: Envirofit

 Fuel Type: Wooden, twigs, branches, cardboard paper.

 Sturdy Pot Retention Ring.

 A sturdy steel framework to support your heavy-duty


 Stainless Steel Insulated Stove Chamber.

 Constructed with a High Capacity Chamber to Fire.

3: Brand Eco Zoom

 Fuel Type: Wooden, Charcoal, solid biomass fuels.

 Portable enough to pack in a carry bag for a car trip.

 Burning portable can withstand heavy pressure, very

2.6 Agriculture:

The topic of agriculture is a subject that can be viewed from different perspectives. However, the

precise definition of sustainability and, by extension, sustainable agriculture depends on the

individual's perception of it. However, the system is affected by the people, including economic,

social, institutional, environmental, and cultural factors (Fuller, 2014)

The structure of the state machinery system of Pakistan is a direct mirror of the colonial system

established by the British authorities. The British management specified military bureaucrats

who could plan agricultural development. Moreover, due to the need for adequate surpluses and

control of India's population, it maintained a firm hand over the masses in what is known today

as the Indian Civil Service (Ahmad, 2022).

Food security and countrified development in Pakistan depend on the continuous sustainable

development of the agriculture sector -It plays a crucial contributors role in earnings employment

and foreign currency. It also serves as a source of raw materials for other industries. Therefore,

development in the agriculture sector has many optimistic outcomes for the economy (Rifat,


The agricultural sector experienced tremendous growth of 4.40 percent during the financial year

2021-2022, which is significantly higher than the target growth rate of 3.5 percent and last year's

growth rate of 3.48 percent. According to the statistics, the growth in the production of crops

included cotton (17.9 %), Rice (10.7%), Sugarcane (9.4%) and maize (19.0%). The remaining
crops added 13.50 percent in agriculture and 13.4 percent in Groos Domestic Product. They grew

by 5.4 percent of the production of pulse, oilseeds, vegetables, fruits, and fooders and estimated

at (29.82%), (24.75%), (11.5.2%), (1.23%), and (0.36%) respectively (Dr. Miftah Ismail, 2021-


Wheat is an ancient crop that is consumed the most in the world. It has one of the major crops to

be cultivated and has been the leading staple food of the principal civilizations of West Asia and

North Africa for nearly eight hundred years (Khan, 2017).

In the current financial year, wheat imports were US$ 983.3 million. It is estimated that wheat

imports cover 10 to 20 percent of the country's consumption requirements. Wheat contributed

9.2% in value-added and 1.8% to the overall GDP. Grain is one of the leading export in Pakistan,

making it on the list of one of the world's top wheat-producing countries (Sania Shaheen, 2022).
Pakistan's rice industry is vital to the country's economy. Income from rice exports plays an

essential role in generating domestic employment, rural development, and poverty reduction.

Instead, it will be correct to say it is a valuable cash crop in Pakistan. It contributes 3.0 percent to

the value added in agriculture and 0.6 percent to the GDP (Ali, 2020)

It is a favoured dish in most parts of the world, especially in Asian countries, and is a staple food.

Rice husks and hulls are examples of many potential biomass wastes (M. Mofijur, 2019).

About 770 million of the world's annual rice supply is produced in Asia. Twenty percent of the

total weight is husk or hull, which is not consumed and is usually thrown away. This 150 million

tons of husk is equivalent to the annual biomass fuel production (Understanding rice husk as a

biomass fuel, 2013).

Banana cultivation in Pakistan is seen as an essential source of food and renewable energy.

According to an estimate, the country's total number of banana trees is 173,000 per square

kilometer. In which the average caloric value is 17.8 mega joules per kilogram of energy. The

banana tree is usually harvested three times a year. As a result, seven kilograms of residue are

obtained (Saeed M.A, 2015)

Corn stalks 6.43, rice straw 17.86, cotton stalks 50.6, sugarcane 8.94 Megawatt production- All

our country's essential crop residues. Eighty-five sugar mills across the country make enough

packs to provide 5800 GWh of electricity. Wood fuel contributes to 48% of households' energy

needs; the remaining 32% comes from crop and animal waste. They are utilizing plantation

wastes for income generation through suitable technologies and avoiding them

(MuhammadIrfana, 2020)

The industrial sector is the largest consumer of wood and wood waste as fuel in the United

States. The primary industrial users are those involved in the manufacture of paper and other
products from wood. Instead of paying market price for steam and electricity, the company

produces from the wood and paper industries' waste, resulting in significant cost savings. In

2021, wood and wood waste accounted for about 4.2 percent of the total energy consumption in

the industrial sector. In 2021, wood and wood waste accounted for about 4.2 percent of the total

energy consumption of the industrial sector (Survey, 2022)

The wood industry produces by-products called wood sawdust - Which can ignite. It is usually

used as a fuel in various thermal processes (biomass) (Kotoyori, 2005).

Due to the high demand for wood in Pakistan's construction and heating industries, the country's

total area of forests and the timber supply are severely depleted. It is used to fulfill the

requirements. Because of the gas load-shedding in the country, most people are cutting wood

from trees and making it a heating energy source. Furthermore, there is no possibility of

replacing wood with any other product shortly (Naila Nazir, 2018).

Technology is essential in increasing food production and improving crop quality in various

countries worldwide. Still, on the other hand, there are also many concerns about the potential

risks of growing transgenic crops as they have become a powerful tool for improving crop

quality (Rana Muhammad Atif, 2020)

Since 1985 Pakistan has started using modern technology for the first time, in which 56 high-

tech biotechnology research institutes (50 from the government and six private sectors) have

been set up across the country. Genetically modified crops with such characteristics are

developed at the institute (Malik, 2014)

Challenges of technology development and diffusion in agriculture are issues that have been

overlooked for ages—first, lack of funds for testing and research institutions. Non-

developmental budgets for research institutes are cut short for labor costs (AbdulRehman, 2015)

Livestock waste or manure is considered a modern and abundant source of biogas production.

Agriculture accounts for a large portion of Pakistan's GDP. The farming community raises many

animals to provide for their needs and family.

In recent years, this industry segment has become the most important. Sixty-one percent of

agricultural output and 11.5 percent of GDP came from this sector in 2019. 1,461 Livestock's

overall economic contribution rose by 3.0 percent, reaching 1,505 billion (2019-20) (IQBAL, 8th

June, 2022).

Shortly, fossil fuel will end, and biogas may be a good alternative as our country's agricultural

land with a vast animal population (Avner Vengosh, 2015)

2.7 Climate Change:

Today world has created many comforts and conveniences - On the other hand, there have been

many threats to the life of humans; as a result of a changing climate, many forms of life on our

planet are at risk. More severe droughts endanger crops, wildlife, and freshwater supplies

(Morello, n.d.)

Changes in rainfall and temperature patterns are predicted due to global warming. In recent

times, global warming has triggered the melting of glaciers, rising sea levels, and flooding of

coastal areas. Such changes are likely to harm land and biodiversity. Which will require a new

pattern of land use for businesses, commodities, and crops (Imran, Climate Change and

Agriculture, 2022).
Weather conditions, natural disasters, civil wars, and other factors profoundly affect agriculture

and the quantity and supply of food available worldwide. The rising number of people in the

country has resulted in a surge in the need for food (Climate change and food security:risks and

responses, 2015 ) However, 38 % of the Earth's surface is currently under cultivation

(Sustainable Food and Agriculture, 2020)

Undoubtedly, climate change is one of the most critical factors affecting food security.

Destabilizing the water supply, Extreme heat, and dehydration can cause significant damage to

internal organs. Droughts and floods are stressful conditions that drive it difficult for farmers to

produce nutritious bio-fortified food (Imran, Climate Change and Agriculture, 2022)

Domestic waste falls under the category of pollution. Most developing countries have inadequate

infrastructure for waste disposal. According to the 1998 HRD, between 20 and 50 percent of

household waste in these countries is not disposed of properly (Metcalf, 2001)

The effects of climate change on individuals and groups differ enormously. From a gender

perspective, the effects of change vary from place to place, affecting each individual differently

from household to household. The affected communities have no choice but to send their men to

seek other means of livelihood -This is why the urban population is increasing rapidly (Nizami,


Several aspects, including Climate change, Temperature variations, Unpredictable rainfall and

other associated factors, are affecting the productivity of the agricultural sector. It was estimated

that by the 2080s to 2100, agricultural production would lose 15 to 30 percent of the total output

(Ihsan Ali, 2019).

This year 2022-23, the expected cotton production has decreased by five million bales due to

floods in Sindh and South Punjab. The amount of land decreased by 18.6 percent to 1.79 million

HA. Due to floods, cotton crops were submerged in water in the Sukkur, Khairpur, Noshro

Feroz, and Ghotki districts of Sindh - The four districts of Sindh together account for about 22

percent of cotton production. DG Khan, Rajanpur, Muzaffargarh, Mianwali of Punjab, which is 9

percent of the cotton area. If the flood waters recede quickly, some of the production in these

areas may improve. Nevertheless, still much damage has been done due to the flood (Sheikh,


Overall, cotton growth has shown that the amount of land in Pakistan and Punjab province has

decreased. However, it is estimated that the cotton cultivated will reduce in the next few years.

Forecasts show a growth in the total area of cotton production. At the same time, the data

presented in Punjab show that the relationship between space and production is opposite. It is

estimated that future production will decline steadily (Muhammad Luqman, 2018)

Punjab is the largest province of Pakistan in terms of population -Another feature of which is the

agricultural land. However, many areas of Punjab are experiencing a rapid rate of rural-urban

migration. As a result, many people living in rural areas have left farming and started working in

other industries (Mughal, 2018)

Many men turned to the urban side, making the farm situation more complex; a group in

Colombia in 1997 developed a curriculum. Special attention has been given to agriculture. Due

to the difficulties women face in agriculture, a curriculum was prepared for them that could

explain them a profound explanation about farming (Marta Chiappe, 2001)

2.8 Carbon Footprint:

Since the mid-1800s, scientists have realized that carbon dioxide is one of the many essential

greenhouse gases. Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations increased by more than 40 percent

between 1800 and 2019, based on measurements of free atmospheric carbon dioxide and air

trapped in ice snow (McNutt, 2020)

The emission of gases was more than 50 gigatonnes per year. There has been a decrease in

economic activity among many countries due to this epidemic. However, now that things are

back to normal, emissions are again rising, which is quite unsettling (Johnny, 2021)

The environmental crisis in China is a result of the country's rapid industrialization over the past

few decades. It is the foremost in emitting greenhouse gases, including Nitrous oxide, Carbon

dioxide, and Methane, Which is not only a hazard to the health and livelihood of the country's

1.4 billion people but also a menace to climate change mitigation efforts around the globe

(Maizland, 2021)

There is no doubt that industrialization has many benefits -Facilities, capital stock, job creation,

better food production, reduced fossil fuel and natural wood fuel use, more effective water

conservation, better infrastructure, and more ecotourism opportunities. All those elements have

been achieved through industrialization, but at the same time, we cannot be denied entirely that

all these conditions have profound effects on global warming. Among these are high energy

demand and industrial wastes dumped into the sea and threaten aquatic life. Exposure to

dangerous machinery, health problems (such as noise, air, water, and land pollution, poor

nutrition), unequal distribution of wealth, changing human lifestyles and philosophies, such as
impersonal work, destruction of communal life, isolation, And the unequal distribution of

prosperity was due to industrialization (Chigbo A. Mgbemene, 2016)

Urbanization and climate change are the most critical environmental challenges in the 21st

century. According to research in 2018, estimates place 68% of the global population in urban

regions by 2050, up from the current 55%. By 2050, the global population is expected to have

increased by a total of 3.5 billion, with close to 90% of that growth occurring in Asia and Africa

due to the effects of urbanization and the continuous change in residence of the human

population from rural to urban areas (United Nation, 2018)

In the current situation, most developing countries confront more problems than developed

countries - They ought to take many steps to improve life. Accordingly, they require significant

investment in agriculture and infrastructure (such as electricity, transport, water supply, and

sanitation) to guarantee economic growth and successful adaptation to climate change.IE

(industrial ecology) studies should focus on making infrastructure in developing countries more

sustainable and resilient to climate change (Yi Yang, 2020)

Due to the decrease in regional natural gas supply, dependence on liquefied natural gas has

recently increased as natural gas reserves are depleting. Revolving credit stock in the gas sector

has doubled over the past three years, from 350 billion rupees in 2018 to 650 billion rupees in

2019. The government's wrong response has made it difficult for the private sector to bring in

LNG, due to which the country will face shutdowns, especially in winter (Iqbal, 2022)

About one-third of the world population, around 2.4 billion people, contribute to unhealthy

indoor air pollution by cooking over open fires or using kerosene, animal dung, crop waste,
wood, and coal-fired stoves to create hazards or cause damage. In 2020, there were an estimated

3.2 million deaths per year directly resulting from household air pollution - About 237,000

children under the age of five included (World Health Organization, 2022)

Exposure to solid fuels for cooking increases the potential risk of TB, COPD and bronchial

asthma. Access to clean and efficient fuels for cooking is essential to reduce the burden of

respiratory disease. Measures are needed to increase the availability of clean fuels for

households, especially among socially disadvantaged and marginalized groups, to reduce the

burden of respiratory diseases in India (Mohammad A Faizan, 2019)

In a research study, it was found that the application of animal manure potentially enhances the

carbon content in the soil and then converts into a net CO2 sink (Paige L.Stanleya, 2018)

Most of the CO2 from solid manure comes from the aerobic composting process. This process is

affected by many things, like the amount of water, the temperature, the ratio of carbon to

nitrogen, the ability of carbon compounds to break down, the pH level, and the way the organic

material is made. It has been estimated that about 12.5% of all GHG emissions come from

livestock and that livestock is responsible for 80% of all GHG emissions from agriculture

(Hanafiah, 2021)

It is significant for green economic development to take advantage of the diverse resources

available in different parts of the world to help the development of local industries. The

government should encourage the growth of enterprises uniquely suited to a particular niche -

Instruct local villagers to use most of their powerful resources - To ensure that resource elements

reap economic benefits - The means of industrial evolution must be continuously expanded.
Moreover, industrial continuity should be enhanced through multi-party communication of

collaborative governance so that the elements continue to benefit economically. Flourishing

practices are, therefore, also crucial in utilizing local resources. A green economy can be used

more effectively in different regions. The problems that have been bothering everyone for a long

time can be better solved and improve the eco-economy

Given the connection between adaptation and development, it is appropriate to address both

through mainstreaming. The mainstreaming process can, however, involve the integration of

adaptation into development planning or the integration of development planning into adaptation

planning. In addition to these climate and other issues, developing or modifying environmental

security to address susceptibility contributes to climate resilience in various ways (Jessica M.

Ayers, 2014)

Biomass cook stove improvement has been a global active research area for many decades and

has resulted into much progress towards cleaner and more efficient energy conversion cooking

devices (Patrick Wamalwa M. O., 2022)

The Alternative Energy Development Board of Pakistan is currently considering the

development of modern energy technology in the country, which will benefit developing

countries. Solving all these problems is also necessary so that Pakistan can solve the increasingly

serious energy problems and prevent the energy crisis from getting worse (Mohammad Rehan,


Governments worldwide, including the United States, Great Britain, and European countries,

have implemented various policies to support the transition from liquid fossil fuels to low-carbon
engines. These include improved carbon standards, mandates, and subsidies for blending biofuel

standards with fossil fuels. There is a wide range of motivations for biofuel production. Such as

mitigating climate change, making energy more secure, promoting rural development, helping

transition to a low-carbon economy, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions (Madhu Khanna C.

L., 2011)

In terms of strategic planning, the state has yet to make significant progress towards a coherent

approach to climate change mitigation in long-term and international socio-economic planning.

There is an intense and robust relationship between the state and the people. Continuous pressure

from civil society is significant to transform into a green state; this is how the state and society

influence each other (Sangeetha Chandrashekeran, 2017)

It is significant for green economic development to take advantage of the diverse resources

available in different parts of the world to help the development of local industries. The

government should encourage the growth of enterprises uniquely suited to a particular niche -

Instruct local villagers to use most of their powerful resources - To ensure that resource elements

reap economic benefits - The means of industrial evolution must be continuously expanded.

Moreover, industrial continuity should be enhanced through multi-party communication of

collaborative governance so that the elements continue to benefit economically. Flourishing

practices are, therefore, also crucial in utilizing local resources. A green economy can be used

more effectively in different regions. The problems that have been bothering everyone for a long

time can be better solved and improve the eco-economy (Lili Li, 2022)

Currently, no situation can completely reverse the effects of global warming. What can save us is

if we make lifestyle modifications that can dramatically slow down the devastating impact on
Earth. It will give scientists and engineers enough time to develop and implement as many

technological solutions as possible if a significant number of people need to take the necessary

steps to cooperate to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as by following government laws.

Then our choice will be to bear the consequences according to the circumstances. The longer we

wait for conditions to improve, the worse climate change will become, and people will suffer

more (Thompson, 2010)

Climate change can only be prevented, energy can only be conserved, and no one can ultimately

reduce fossil fuels. Still, Biomass is used to make both bioenergy and biomaterials to better the

situation. In national bio-economic strategies, "first-generation" Biomass is the primary

feedstock, and the technology used has been done. On the other hand, due to concerns about land

use changes, food competition, and increased greenhouse gas emissions, lignocellulosic Biomass

(LCB) has been increasingly emphasized (Yuanzhi Ni, 2019)


The literature review reveals that Pakistan is a developing country struggling due to a severe

energy crisis - Country energy needs have been likely to be high due to the rapidly growing

population. With the developing demand for energy in Pakistan, the consumption of renewable

energy sources and their advancement have become significant for preserving energy resources.

Many countries are developing modern renewable energy technologies to solve these problems.

Renewable energy resources can also boost the progress of Pakistan's economy. Despite this, it is

also significant to note that this energy source must be modified to be less harmful to humans.

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