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What is a sentence?
Group of words.
Makes complete sense.
Should have a SUBJECT and VERB (compulsory)
May have an OBJECT and/or PHRASE (optional)

What is a SUBJECT?
That which is being spoken about or that which does some work in a sentence.
Will always be a noun or pronoun only.
Usually appears before a verb.

What is a VERB?
Show an action, state or possession.
Sohan plays the guitar.(shows an action)
Sohan is a guitarist. (shows the state)
Sohan has a music academy. (shows possession)

What is an OBJECT?
The word on which the action done by the SUBJECT gets transferred.
Usually appears after a verb.
Will be a noun or pronoun only.

What is a PHRASE?
Group of words.
Do not make sense.
Form a part of a sentence.
Give additional information in a sentence.
Usually start with a preposition, sometimes with participles.

Let’s go through the following group of words and identify the

1) Ramesh kept the money inside the locker.
2) The cat ran across the road.
3) The woman carrying the baby works at my house.
4) He threw the garbage out of the window.
5) I wrote a letter to the chairman.
6) The Sun rises in the east.

What are CLAUSES?

 A CLAUSE is a sentence.
 If a long sentence is made up of many short sentences, we call each short
sentence a CLAUSE.
(How many CLAUSES do you see in these sentences? Can you identify the
Subject, Verb, Object and phrases? Hint: Words in BOLD are conjunctions.)
e.g. –
Rohit deposited the money in the bank and the clerk immediately updated his
account with the amount so that Rohit could send money home to his parents.
My friend called me over the phone last evening however I could not take his
call as I was busy with some important work at my office.

Now let’s look at these sentences carefully.

e.g. –
1) Rohit deposited the money in the bank and the clerk immediately
updated his account with the amount so that Rohit could send money home
to his parents.
2) My friend called me over the phone last evening however I could not take
his call as I was engaged in some important work at my office.

Types of sentences. (Learn and identify the subjects, verbs, objects and
1) Positive sentence – (denotes positive statements)

e.g. – Ganesh studies commerce at the Venkateshwara college in Delhi.

2) Negative sentence – (denotes negative statements)
e.g. - He does not go to college regularly.
3) Exclamatory sentence – (denotes sudden expressions)
e.g. - Hurray ! We have won the match.
4) Imperative sentence – (denotes orders, request, advice or suggestions. In
such sentences, the subject need not be written clearly as it is understood
that the subject will always be YOU)
e.g. –
Please give me a glass of water.
Do not shout in the hall.
Follow traffic rules.
Kindly wait in the hall.
5) Interrogative sentences – (denotes questions)
Interrrogative sentence format –
 Helping verb/modal verb + sub./obj. + main verb
 WH word + Helping verb/modal verb + sub./obj. + main verb
 Have you paid the electricity bill for the previous month?
 When did Rakesh return from his family vacation?

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