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I choose boron carbide for the example because it is a hard material that acceptable to make it
more better and upgrade. It is also have a exceptional toughness & rate of corrosion. It can be
a more better wear resistance material when it comes at room temperature such a possessing
properties like a high melting point, a low specific weight, a high elastic modulus, and superior
chemical uncontrolled. Dies, cutting tools and other example is one of the products that used
boron carbide. Othe than that, silicon carbide is one more example of hard material. So, What
is the differences between boron carbide and silicon carbide?

Boron Carbide

• For the Boron Carbide, it is a substance consisting of boron and carbon atoms that is
renowned for being extremely hard.
• It has a mola mass about 55.25 gram per mol with a chemical formula is B4C
• It comes with black and dark colour and the mechanical properties is high hardness,
checmical stability and many more
• For the atomic bonding, this boron carbide used covalent bonding and for the crystal
structure, it show at the diagram below

Green circles are for

atoms, while the black
spheres represent boron

• The melting point for this boron carbide is around 2427 celcius
• Commonly the aplications that used boron carbide is like cutting tools and dies, wear
resistance coatings and many more.

Silicon Carbide

• It is a substance known like a transistor that is composed of silicon and carbon atoms.
• It has a mola mass about 40.00 gram per mol with a chemical formula is SiC
• It comes with a combine blue and black colour and the mechanical properties is high
temperature resistance and good conductivity
• For the atomic bonding, this silicon carbide used covalent bonding and for the crystal
structure, it show at the diagram below

• It is 2730 celcius for the melting point of silicon carbide

• The aplications that used silicon carbide is, jewelry & diamond, cars and vehicle parts,
steel manufacturing and many more.

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