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What is the lesson of the story?

The lesson in the story that taught me is that life is like a hot chocolate coffee,
sometimes it tastes sweet and sometimes it tastes bitter. Just like in the reality, we
encountered a lot of problems and challenges that led to many good things and bad things
in life, to the point that sometimes we can't resolve it all, but if we have faith in God, all
things are possible to happen. Life is like the hot chocolate. Our job, money, and position in
society or in life are the cups: they are just the tools to hold and contain in life. In real life if
we only see the wrong doings in our surroundings, we can't enjoy the life, we can’t feel the
real joy in life and that’s not good, because we only live once so we must enjoy our life no
matter what happen. Sometimes, we see the mistake of other, but we can't see our own
mistakes. Like in the coffee if we will just focus on the cup, we can't enjoy the sweet hot
chocolate in the inside of it.

What kind of cup do you prefer?

I prefer the simple kind of cup, Why? because it's not all about the fancy or the
outside appearance. All I want is what in the inside, I'm a woman that can find and feel
happiness even in just a smaller thing. For me, I can't enjoy the deliciousness and
sweetness of the coffee if I will only focus on the outside’s appearance. The cup that I prefer
is the simple one, simple isn’t it? But a simple cup can say it all, yes, it is not as good as
other cups with designs and etc. but still it’s a cup, a cup that can satisfy me even if it is not
like the other fancy cups, a simple cup can still satisfy and gives me joy with the hot
chocolate inside of it. Don't let hot chocolate takes up too much of the cup. Choose wisely,
don’t choose something just because of its appearance but instead choose something that
will satisfy and gives you a real joy even if it is not as beautiful as others.

Are you affected by the kind of cup you choose? Why?

No. I'm not affected by the cup I choose, because every cup has only one purpose
and that is to fill the chocolate in it and so the person who wants to drink chocolate will not
get burn. I only view cup as an object that I use to hold in order for me to drink my favorite
drinks. Always remember that the happiness and contentment is everything, even the
richest person in the world can't buy that happiness and contentment in life. We, ourselves
can only bring this to us. We can only tell that we are happy if we are contented in all the
things that we have.

 What does the hot chocolate symbolize in your life?

The hot chocolate symbolizes the sweetness and bitterness that is connected in my
life. Sometimes it's cold, sometimes it's hot just like my attitude. And it also symbolizes the
things that I can’t permanently have, a happy and a positive life. Because I am not always
feeling happy and positive in my whole life. Just like a hot chocolate, my life tastes sweet
and bitter. Also, I can relate it to the God that gave us. Sometimes we fail to count the
blessings that He gave to us because some of us only focus to the one we requested to
Him, but always remember that God never fails to make us happy even if He do things that
can make us hurt. But we all know that He just done that because He knows that we will be
better in the future, we will be happy after we feel hurt.

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