TE-Nonconformity Report

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Tareque Enterprise

Doc ID TE- NC Report-QA/IA/06

Version A1
Issue Date 15/11/20121
Rev. no 00
This is a confidential and controlled document, This report shall be distribute with Auditee/Top
Management in PDF version.


Audit Date 10 November 2021

Department All
NC raised by NIL
Audit Team Leader Wahidul Islam

A. Auditor should fill up the following section

NC comment
Documented objectives found not taken yet.

Evidences of non-conformity
By document review and interviewing the different process ,like HR, Production, Procurement etc. no
objective was found taken.

ISO 9001:2015, Clause Requirement

ISO 9001:2015 Clause 6.2

B. Auditee shall fill up the following section.

Correction with Evidence

Objective is now taken.

Root cause of Identified NC

There is no such specific form found developed for QMS objectives.
Tareque Enterprise
Doc ID TE- NC Report-QA/IA/06
Version A1
Issue Date 15/11/20121
Rev. no 00
This is a confidential and controlled document, This report shall be distribute with Auditee/Top
Management in PDF version.

Corrective Action
A new format is introduced with SMAT concept. Now and henceforth we will use this format in every
department to maintain the QMS objectives.

Completion Date: 28/11/21 Auditee: HR & Admin

C. Auditor shall fill up the following section

Review comment on Effectives of corrective action

Corrective action found satisfactory.

Evidence verified to check and Close the NC

Format reviewed and found okay

Final Comment: NC closure Accepted or Not Accepted.

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