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Republic of the Philippines


College of Criminal Justice
Don Severino Delas Alas Campus, Indang, Cavite

Jimmiel Ehd F. Resuello

NAME: ___________________________________________________
DATE: _____________________________________________________
BSC 4-8
YEAR & SECTION: __________________________________________



To familiarize with the step-by-step procedure of DNA extraction and understand these processes

Gadget to watch the attached virtual video.

Watch the virtual video using the link DNA Extraction Virtual video, and accomplish the series
of questions in Chapter IV and Essay in Chapter V.


1. Why do you need to isolate human DNA?

because of a variety of reasons, some of which include Genetic testing, body identification,
and forensic evidence analysis.

2. What are the 4-steps to purify DNA from a cheek swab?

The steps you will follow to purify DNA from a cheek swab:
1. Collect cheek cells
2. Burst cells open to release DNA
3. Separate DNA from proteins and debris
4. Isolate concentrated DNA

3. What are the materials and equipment used in purifying DNA from cheek cells. (Insert image of
materials and equipment with their names)

Here are the materials and equipment you will need to purify DNA from cheeks cells:
1. Warm water bath 2. Micro Centrifuge

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Republic of the Philippines
College of Criminal Justice
Don Severino Delas Alas Campus, Indang, Cavite

3.Bucal swab 4.Micropipettors

5.lysis solution 6.concentrated salt solution 7.Resuspension buffer

8.Ethanol 9. sample tubes 10.Isopropyl alcohol

4. What is the solution used to “separate” the cheek cells from the buccal swab?
lysis solution

5. What are the important ingredients of answer in no.4 and state its importance.
The lysis solution you just added contains two important ingredients: detergent
and an enzyme called proteinase K.
The detergent disrupts the cell membrane and nuclear envelope, causing the cells
to burst open and release their DNA.
The DNA is still wrapped very tightly around proteins called histones, and the
proteinase K cuts apart the histones to free the DNA.

6. After staying for warm bath, and removing the swab from the tube, what solution is added next?
Next is concentrated salt solution

7. What is the purpose of adding salt into the tube?

The purpose is salt causes proteins and other cellular debris to clump together.

8. What is the next step after adding solution in no. 7?

Next step is Place the tube into the centrifuge.

9. After the step in no. 8, the tube will have how many layers? What are these layers composed of?

There will be two layers in the tube. The top layer is made up of DNA and liquid,
while the bottom layer is made up of proteins and debris.

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Republic of the Philippines
College of Criminal Justice
Don Severino Delas Alas Campus, Indang, Cavite

10. What is the reason for the formation of layer/s in no. 9?

After being placed inside the centrifuge, the tubes spin at a high speed. Heavy
protein clumps and cellular detritus sink to the bottom of the tube, but DNA
strands remain dispersed throughout the liquid.

11. What are the next 5-steps of isolating concentrated DNA after the formation of layer/s has been
accomplished? Answer in chronological order.
1. Add some isopropyl alcohol to the tube.
2. Inverting the tube several times.
3. Mixes the isopropyl alcohol into your DNA solution.
4. Place the tube into the centrifuge.
5. Click on the lid to close it and turn it on.

12. What is the importance of the third step in no. 11?

Because DNA is not soluble (dies not stay dissolved) in isopropyl alcohol, it
comes out of solution.

13. What can be observed by naked eye after the third step in no. 11 was executed.

Clumped DNA can be observed by naked eye.

State the importance, realizations and/or learnings that the you have garnered all throughout this activity.

This activity is very important to me because, aside from the beautiful animation, the
visuals are extremely detailed. It's enjoyable because it's similar to playing while also
learning. I learned how to collect and process a DNA sample. I discovered that it is not that
simple tools are required to better see what is inside. This type of work is important for
shaping us, and I believe that in the future, we will be able to use it, particularly for those
interested in forensic investigation.
I've also discovered that a variety of equipment and materials were used to carry out the
experiment or investigation. Buccal swabs were utilized to collect material from the subject
in this activity. The correct steps must be followed to ensure that the DNA is of sufficient
quality and purity for the intended purpose and result. I also realized how critical it is to
isolate high-quality, pure DNA. I discovered a new aspect of the extraction procedures
presented in this activity that I was previously unaware of.

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