Online Friends

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Online friend is a word to describe people they only know through the internet which

includes social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and they have just
started getting to know they have friendship with online only. An online friend can feel very
real but since you always hide behind the computer it is now exactly the same as when you
have friends you can meet in person. However, many of online friendships have the
possibility to turn into real-life relationships. But you should be careful with your online
friend. Because you never meet them. What if the person you see from their profile pictures is
not themselves? What if your online friend lie about themselves? You must be careful
because your online friend can be anyone including swindlers, murderers, or liars. It’s
important to always be safe if you meet your online friend for the first time. Not because we
don’t trust them but it’s important to always be safe. You must tell your parents if you want
to meet your online friend. You need to tell them where you want to meet them and what
time you want to meet them so your parent can know where to go if something bad happens.

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