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There are thousands of islands in Indonesia.

The islands in Indonesia include

Kalimantan, Papua, Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi and many more. In these islands there are
diverse ethnic groups including in Papua there are Asmat, Dani and others, in Java there are
Tengger, Samin, Sundanese, and others. Each island and tribe has its own uniqueness that
characterizes the differences between one tribe and another. There is no truest tribe, all tribes
have the same flaws and strengths that can be characteristic of the tribe itself. But of the
various islands in Indonesia, we are all united into one country, namely the State of
In addition to diverse islands and ethnic groups, Indonesia also has a variety of
languages. The languages recorded in Indonesia have more than 500 languages. Almost every
province in Indonesia has a different language as the province of South Sumatra has a
different language than the province of West Sumatra. But from the existing language
differences, there is a unifying language that is Indonesian. With Indonesian, people from
different cultures can communicate more easily with Indonesian. So it is very important for
us to learn and uphold the Indonesian Language which is one of the unifying tools of the
diversity of the Indonesian Nation.
There are also six religions in Indonesia. There are 6 official religions in Indonesia,
namely Buddhism, Kong Hu Chu, Catholicism, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism. Each of
these religions also has a variety of differences such as places of worship, ways of worship,
holidays and holy books. But keep in mind that no religion is the best. All religions equally
teach goodness. But it is still often forgotten by the community so that there are still many
conflicts between religions because of their most correct religious thought and other religions
not. This can be a nation-breaking that we must leave. In addition to official religions in
Indonesia, there are also many ancestral religions that existed before the official religions
entered. Like, Sunda Wiwitan, which is a religion that has been adopted by a group of
Sundanese people since hundreds of years ago and the people who embrace this religion are
found in the region of Kenakes, Cigugur, and others.
Indonesian citizens have a different color. We must accept the differences. We must
be proud to be part of the Indonesian Nation with the diversity that exists because diversity is
what will become an advantage for the Indonesian nation itself. But now there are still many
parties that can cause a conflict that can be a break up of the Indonesian Nation. We should as
Indonesian citizens continue to uphold the things that unite the Nation. We should know what
we have to improve and we must leave behind to continue the unity of the Indonesian Nation.

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