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I would like to start with thanking you for inviting me to have this chat.

Are we still okay for about 10-15

minutes today?

I would like to just go though my agenda to see if we are on the same page. Of coursde I would like to
learn more about your company, your role and as much as possible about your current situation. I will
give you a brief introduction on Coresystems, a little history and so and then would it be okay for me to
ask some questions for you?

as I mentioned, I know you will like to know more of how I can help and what sort of problem
Corseystems can solve for you, is there anythign else that you can think of before we start?

Okay, ideally at the end of this call we would arrive at one of 3 outcomes - yes, Coresystems let's move
on to the next stage, unfortunately we can agree that this is not something you would consider currently
or lets schedule another meeting to discuss more. If at any point today you feellike this is not the rigth
soIution I would hope you feel confident enought to tell as I appreciayte how important both of our
time is.

Coresystems was founded in 2006, so we have been around for 16 years and in this time we have been
constantly working to develop a great field service solution. We have recognized the need for different
types of add ons for our sytem and in the last 16 years wokred hard to create them

In 2018 our cloud based field service managment solution was acquired by SAP although Coresytems still
temain on the market as an independent company. As our customer and partner you recive software,
sales support, enablemnet, trainign, consulting service and the support - all from a single source. We
have about 60 employees across Europe so its enough to cover all these services for our many customer
and partners but not too big so we can still offer that personal touch to each of our partners.

We have helped a lot of different industries solve some sort of issue they have had - from sales
application we did for Fleming Mediacal, to digitalising the way Inicome dealt with their hand written

I could sit here and talk about the many features of our soltuion and I would probably bore you because
not all of them will be something you need. I would rather learn more about your company, your
current situation and then see if we are on the same page - if Coresystems is the right solution at this
very time for you.

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