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Course Code : MGT555

Course Name : Business Analytics
Type of Assessment : Individual Assignment
Type of Deliverable : Report – at least 500 words
Percentage : 10%

Criteria Score Weighted Tax.

5 4 3 2 1 Marks
(Excellent) (Very Good) (Good) (Satisfactory) (Poor) Obtained
Analytics Skills (60%)
Critical thinking Comprehensi Good Adequately Able to identify Failed to M/5 * 30
ve description description of Addressed some of the Evaluate
of issues and issues and issues and underlying underlying =
assumptions. assumptions. assumptions. issues. issues.
Data Analysis Comprehensi Good usage Sufficient Insufficient Do not used M/5 * 30
ve usage of of data and usage of data, usage of data technique and
data and use appropriate statistical tools and wrong use tools to analyse =
of tools and use of and of technique data.
technique. statistical technique. and tools
tools and
Total Marks for Analytics Skills

Writing Skills (40%)

Content The content The content The content The content The content was M/5 * 20
was very was relevant was generally was minimally not relevant to the
relevant to to the given relevant to relevant to the given task. =
the given task. the given given task.
task. task.

Result and Relevant and Good Sufficient Minimal No discussion M/5 * 15

Discussion thorough discussion of discussion of discussion of of the results.
discussion, the results. the results. the =
Address all results.
and superior

Grammar- No Few Several Numerous Too many M/5 * 5

Mechanics- grammatical grammatical grammatical grammatical grammatical
Usage-Spelling errors. errors. errors. errors. errors. =
Total Marks for Writing Skills

Overall Percentage [(Analytics Skills + Writing Skills)/100 X 20%]

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