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Table of Contents
Questions To Be Answered:............................................................................................................4
Question 1:.......................................................................................................................................4
Discuss the role of media in generation gap?..................................................................................4
To evaluate the role of media in generation gap:.........................................................................4
Effect Of Media:..........................................................................................................................4
Effects Of Media On Generation Gap On Micro- level:..............................................................6
Effects of media on generation gap On Macro- level..............................................................7
Agenda Setting In The News:..................................................................................................7
Question 2:.......................................................................................................................................9
What influences the style, interests and thoughts of a generation?.................................................9
Question 3:.....................................................................................................................................17
Is it possible for parents and children that belong to different generations to be friends?............17
Hindrance between parents and children:..................................................................................17
Question 4:.....................................................................................................................................20
Can we become better person than our parents?...........................................................................20
Selection Of Career:...................................................................................................................20

Supporting System:....................................................................................................................20
Friendly Nature:.........................................................................................................................21
Knowledge Of Technology:.......................................................................................................21
Better Upbringing:.....................................................................................................................21
Observing Your Parents:............................................................................................................22
Steps To Be A Better Parent:.....................................................................................................22
Question 5:.....................................................................................................................................24
How can we overcome generation gap?........................................................................................24
Causes Of Generation Gap:........................................................................................................24
Children Are Expected To Be Replicas:................................................................................24
Too Many Comparisons:........................................................................................................25
Ways to bridge generation gap:.....................................................................................................25
Keep an open mind:................................................................................................................25
Talk to them:..........................................................................................................................25
Be a listening ear:...................................................................................................................26
Try to understand:..................................................................................................................26
Love them without conditions:...............................................................................................26

A generation gap is commonly perceived to refer to differences between generations that cause
conflict and complicate communication, creating a "gap."

Word maven William Safire provides this more positive definition: "Generation gap can be a
frustrating lack of communication between young and old or a useful stretch of time that
separates cultures within a society, allowing them to develop their own character."

From their position in the family, and with more life experience than younger family members,
grandparents are uniquely poised to see that differences between generations can be positive for
all those concerned.

Although there always have been differences between the generations, the drastic differences
that the term implies were not much in evidence until the 20th century. Before that time, society
was not very mobile. Young people typically lived near their extended families, worshiped in
their childhood churches, and often worked on the family farm or in a family business.

With the advent of television and movies, young people were exposed to cultural influences alien
to their own families and cultures. Performers like Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, and James Dean
won adulation from the younger generation, but often were met with derogation from the older
generation. Then came the 1960s, and civil rights and the Vietnam War exposed a more serious
chasm between young and old.

Questions To Be Answered:
Question 1:
Discuss the role of media in generation gap?

To evaluate the role of media in generation gap:

The emergence of new technologies and social media presence can create information and
knowledge gaps that can create problems for parents to monitor/control/balance them.

The generation gap is a well-known phenomenon in which teenagers feel misunderstood by their
parents and elders because of the age differences as they explore the future, they strive to bridge
this generational gap. doing. It is the differences in social, emotional and cultural beliefs and
practices that naturally occur between her two or more subsequent generations. This gap often
leads to further disagreements between the older parent and her teenage child. . Millennials are
the generation of young people today who are discovering the challenges of adulthood and are
engaged in a constant struggle to find a balance between the ideologies of the past and the
technology of the future . Social media is part of this generation gap. becoming an important
factor. We are evolving at an unprecedented speed. There is no shortage of social networking
platforms such as Facebook, Whatsapp , Twitter and Instagram. The majority of users tend to be
people from the 12 to 45 age group. Many parents and seniors feel isolated when their children
talk in Facebook news feeds and tweets. Many of the features and apps leave you lost and
scratching your head. As we open up to the wider digital/online world, we can learn from and
rekindle our newfound curiosity and sense of wonder. The emergence of beings can create gaps
in information and knowledge that parents have trouble monitoring/controlling/balancing them.

Effect Of Media:
Each generation produces new slang, but as technology and social media advances, the
difference in understanding between older and younger generations is widening. It may imply
writing and speaking skills. But that could mean emails in his 20s and instant his messenger
skills. "Copywriters" have developed a form of slang, or text jargon, that often pushes the non-

tech savvy out of the ordinary. Dependent, they define themselves, create social circles outside
their families, and change the way they communicate with their parents. Mobile phones, instant
messaging, email, and more have encouraged young users to create their own imaginative,
quirky, and highly private languages. This basically gave them the ability to hide in plain sight.
They are more networked than ever, but also more independent. In particular, the text his
message may have become the Pig Latin of this generation.

Language skills such as shorthand, which were popular in the 20th century, have become
obsolete due to technological innovations between generations. Older generations took notes
using ellipsis instead of writing every word and used shorthand to write faster. But with new
technology and keyboards, new generations no longer need old communication skills like Greg's
shorthand. Language skills such as shorthand were taught in many high schools more than 20
years before him, but today's students rarely see or even hear forms such as shorthand.

The transitions of each developmental stage in life have remained the same throughout history.
They all shared the same basic milestones in their journey from childhood through middle age to
retirement. Although it remains the same, the actual path is different not only for individuals, but
for each new generation. For example, technology is gradually introduced to young people.
While the baby boomer had to introduce her parents to her Atari and her VCR, the millennial had
to teach them how to use her DVR, cell phone, social media, etc. . There is a vast difference in
Generation Y'ers and the Baby Boomers when it comes to technology.

In 2011, the National Sleep Foundation conducted a poll that focused on sleep and the use of
social media ; 95% of those polled admitted to using some form of technology within the last
hour before going to bed at night. The study compared the difference in sleep patterns in those
who watched TV or listened to music prior to bedtime compared to those who used cell phones,
video games and the Internet. The study looked at Baby Boomers (born 1946–1964), Generation
Xers (born 1965–1980), Generation Yers (born 1981–1996), and Generation Zers (born 1997–
2012). The research, as expected, showed generational gaps between the different forms of
technology used. The largest gap was shown between texting and talking on the phone; 56% of
Gen Zers and 42% of Gen Y'ers admitted to sending, receiving, reading text messages every

night within one hour prior to bedtime, compared to only 15% of Gen Xers, and 5% of Baby
Boomers. Baby boomers were 67% more likely to watch TV in the last hour before bed,
compared to 49% of millennials. When asked about computer/internet use within the hour before
bedtime, 70% of respondents reported using the computer.

Effects Of Media On Generation Gap On Micro- level:

At the micro level, individuals can be affected in six different ways.

The most obvious and measurable effect. It contains new information, meaning, or messages
obtained through media consumption. Cognitive effects extend previous knowledge acquisition.
Individuals can recognize patterns, combine sources of information, derive information and take
new actions.

One cannot verify all media her messages, but one can believe many messages, even about
events, people, places, and ideas that one has never encountered firsthand.

Media messages, regardless of their intent, often provoke judgments and attitudes about the
issues presented.

Refers to the positive or negative emotional impact a person has through media exposure.

Media content can trigger automatic physical reactions, often manifesting as a fight-or-flight
response or dilated pupils.

Researchers measure a person's apparent response and engagement with media content,
recording behavioral changes and enhancements.

Effects of media on generation gap On Macro- level

Below is a great example of a media impact study that examines the impact of media on
aggregate audiences.

Not all media effects are immediate or short-term. Garbner (1969) developed the aquaculture
theory, arguing that mediumships cultivate "a collective consciousness about the elements of
existence". Over time, as audiences are exposed to recurring themes and plots, they may come to
expect those themes and plots to be reflected in real life.

Agenda Setting In The News:

There are two main areas of media agenda setting.
1. The media tell us the news .

2. The media tell us what to think about the news.

While coverage signals to viewers about the importance of the issues raised, news framing
invites unsuspecting viewers to certain reactions. Dispersal is common not only because there is
no medium, but because individuals may not voice their concerns for fear of being expelled. This
further creates the Spiral of Silence effect.

News outlets can influence public opinion by controlling variables in their news presentation.
News collectors organize facts to reinforce a particular point of view. The type of presentation,
such as airtime, coverage, and news media selection, can also frame the message. This allows
you to create, replace, or reinforce a particular point of view for your audience. Entman describes
framing as "the process of assembling a narrative that removes some elements of the perceived
reality and emphasizes the connections between them to prompt a particular interpretation". Not
only can the media identify possible 'causes of trouble', but it can also 'promote moral judgment'
and 'promote favorable policies'.

Question 2:
What influences the style, interests and thoughts of a
Following factors influences the style, interests and thought of a generation.







You’ve likely heard of Millennials or the Gen-Z, but are you totally sure who or what they are?
If you were to say they are a generation of people, then yes you’d be absolutely right. But it goes
a little further than that. A generation denotes people born within a very specific period of time.
Our current generations are:

Generation Z (survey respondents ages 18-24)

Millennials (survey respondents ages 25-40)

Generation X (survey respondents ages 41-56)

Baby Boomers (survey respondents ages 57-74)

Fashion refers to the styles of dress that are currently popular. Fashion goes beyond just clothes,
though. It can extend to shoes, jewelry, and even how you style your hair.
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For some people, fashion is a high priority. They like to wear only the latest fashions and styles.
For others, though, keeping up with the trends isn’t that important.

And keeping up is certainly something you have to do if fashion is important to you. The one
thing that stays the same with fashion is this: It always changes!

Why do fashions change? The answer is probably as simple as the fact that people change. Over
time, the new replaces the old. People are influenced by popular culture, including athletes,
musicians, movie stars, social media, and royalty. They also pay attention to what people wear
in popular films, television shows, online videos, books, and music. We also are influenced by
the fashion industry’s advertising.

The stars of popular culture don’t remain stars by doing the same things over and over again.
Instead, they’re always searching for a new angle to maintain their popularity. Often these new
angles come in the form of new clothing or hairstyles.

When people see these new styles, they often want to imitate their favorite stars. To do so, they
seek out the latest fashions—clothes, shoes, jewelry, etc.—to make themselves look like the
people they want to be like. In this way, fashions constantly change over time.

This has been happening for hundreds of years! Ever since clothes were invented, they’ve been
used as forms of expression. As far back as the 1700s, people in France were known to spend
hours looking through fashion magazines to learn about the latest styles. This trend quickly
spread across Europe.

For years, clothes have been used to separate people into groups. Even today, expensive brand-
name clothing is sometimes used by people to distinguish themselves from others. Unfortunately,
this can often have the effect of ostracizing certain groups.

Don’t forget that it’s always okay to develop your own sense of style. You can be unique and
separate from others in the fashion world. Stay true to yourself and let your personality—not
your clothes—speak for who you are!
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In today’s world, all of us are experiencing this thing that social media is developing day by day.
Most of the people around the world are using social media. This is very popular among the
young generation especially. Even if you look at the statistics, you will come across the same
story. Social media is continuing to gain popularity every day. Impacts of Social Media on youth
is also quite evident in different frames of our lives. Let us have a look at some of the stat

Generation Z (also known as “Gen Z” or “Zoomers”) are extremely online. In fact, most of these

digital natives have had some kind of social media presence for more than half their lives. 

This social-savvy generation represents a changing tide in social media usage. Sixty-six percent
of Gen Z consumers state that social media is an essential part of their lives, but their reasoning
is unique. The most common reason Gen Z uses social media is to kill time, making them the
only generation to rank that above connecting with family and friends. 

As the years pass, Gen Z’s social media usage continues to climb. Sixty-five percent of Gen Z
consumers have increased their use of social media in the last year, and 45% expect it to continue
to increase over the next three years. This is and will continue to be a huge trend driver across
the social media landscape. 

Millennials are often saddled with outdated stereotypes from their early years on social, which
doesn’t give marketers an accurate picture of who they are today. They aren’t college kids taking
duck-face selfies. Most are navigating early adulthood and the excitement and uncertainty that
comes with it, including job milestones, parenthood and eldercare.

Seventy-two percent state that social is an essential part of their lives, the highest of all age
groups. When identifying the most common ways Millennials use social media, the survey found
that: :

 61% use social to communicate with family, friends and acquaintances.

 51% use social to kill time.
 47% use social to learn about new trends
 43% use social to get breaking news.
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Millennials use social media to connect with their peers and with the world around them, and
that’s not slowing down. Sixty-three percent have increased their usage over the past year, and
46% expect it to continue to increase over the next three years.

Generation X is sandwiched between the much larger Millennial and Baby Boomer generations, 
Although this group is small in size, they make up a large number of users across top social

Gen X adopted social media right alongside Millennials, and their usage isn’t slowing down.
Fifty-two percent say their social media use has increased over the past year, and 29% believe it
will continue to rise over the next three years.

Seventy-four percent of Gen X also say that social media is an essential part of their life, putting
them on par with Millennials and even Gen Z. When it comes to platform preferences, Youtube
and Facebook reign supreme, suggesting that this group is more likely to stick to the social
channels they know.

Only 40% of Baby Boomers view social media as an essential part of their lives, and the majority
(73%) use it to stay connected with friends and family. That being said, Boomers are still
casually browsing about as much as everyone else. Fifty-three percent say they use social to kill
time, putting them right on par with other generations.

Baby Boomers and older adults may have been slower to adopt social media initially, but after
months of separation and social distancing, that’s starting to change. Thirty-seven percent of
Baby Boomers have increased their social media usage over the past year, and 16% expect their
usage to continue to increase over the next three years.

Like Gen X, Baby Boomers share a preference for more established platforms, particularly
Facebook. The number of Boomers on the platform nearly doubled from 2012 to 2019, signaling
a growing acclimation toward digital life.

Baby boomers:
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 Live to work
 Self worth = work ethic
 Loyal to employer
 Competitive
 Goal-centric
 Process oriented
 Focused
 Disciplined
 Enjoy working in teams and proving themselves to the team
 Need to know that they are valued
 Want to make a difference
Gen Xers:

 Work to live
 Crave independence
 Skepticism
 Focused on results
 Think Globally
 Adapt to change
 Eager to learn
 Thrive on flexibility
 Education is a necessary means to succeed


 Fully transparent, shares everything

 Do well with detailed instructions
 Desire to make an impact
 Commerce & conscience together
 Value Diversity
 Love technology
 Education is a highly expensive necessity
 Do not perform at their best in a traditional work environment
 Find solutions using technology
Gen Z:

 Tech-innate (first generation to grow up with modern technology)

 Accepting of others
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 Make things
 Realists
 Individualistic
 Competitive
 Transparent
 Entrepreneurial and inventive spirit
 Concerned about the cost of education

Conflict between generations is as old as parents and teenagers. All of us remember fussing at
our parents with the common angst filled complaint “You just don’t understand!” Today, more
than ever before, a lack of intergenerational understanding has spilled into the workplace
throughout society, in for-profits, non-profits, government and the military. It shows up in a
variety of ways, and at some very important, and sometimes unexpected moments.

In nonprofits, we come at such problems with fewer resources than our for-profit or
governmental peers. Why is intergenerational conflict so intense now? What’s causing it?

Work-life balance is the 800-pound gorilla in the room when it comes to intergenerational
discord. Boomer’s rally to the cry “Live to Work!”, while GenX (particularly younger GenX)
and Gen@ members feel that “Work to Live!” is a better motto. Thus, many a Boomer or Silent
Generation boss is upset when a younger staff member doesn’t want to work 80 hours a week,
and many a GenX or Gen@ employee doesn’t understand why the older supervisor can’t “get a
life”. This is a recipe for conflict, for sure.

But think deeper about the different generational lexicons and the conflict they can cause. When
a Boomer fusses at a Gen@ employee for “not being at work,” the employee may retort, “Wait, I
WAS at work, what are you talking about?” and both people are mad. The reason is that
Boomers think of “work” as a location. You have to go to work to be at work. It doesn’t matter
that many Boomers all have laptops or tablets and take them home to do work in the evening.
The default definition of work for us is that it’s a place. If you’re not there, you’re not at work.
GenX and GenZ define “work” as an activity, one that can be done anywhere, any time. So, I can
be at work at home, or at a coffee shop, or in a library, or out in my backyard. See the problem?
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Think back to your 6th grade science project or 8th grade final literature exam. If you’re a
Boomer or Silent Generation member, you did these alone. If you’re from the younger
generations, you almost certainly did them in groups. Group learning has been the norm for the
past 25 years, evolving nicely along with the technology that allows constant connectedness. To
be successful in groups, we have to accommodate and value a variety of skills in our fellow
group members, we have to learn to speak up, and we are comfortable sharing.

This is why the new 28-year-old employee shows up and asks for the minutes of the management
team and board meetings, a copy of the bylaws, and budget and, in doing so, often horrifies his
or her older supervisors. From the younger person’s perspective, all information should be
available and free. From the older person’s perspective, s/he needs to earn the right to access
such “privileged” information. In elementary school, our teacher’s (for those of us born before
1980) told us to “Cover your work!”–we’ve never forgotten that.

Technology. A key accelerator of nearly all types of intergenerational differences is what I think
of as the new digital divide: Those born before 1980 and those born after. Those born before
“see” technology, accept it, use it, love it, and hate it (often simultaneously). Those born after
1980 really don’t “see” technology at all. It’s like oxygen: It’s everywhere and just as vital.

For some time, one of my admonitions to non-profits has been that they need to “embrace
technology for mission.” Not just accept tech, utilize tech, or put up with tech, but really embrace
it. If non-profits don’t, they lose two entire generations. Two generations of volunteers, of
donors, of employees, of people to serve. It’s that important, and those born before 1980 (or
1960 in my case) are often hard pressed to viscerally understand that, often to the detriment of
our ability to best serve our mission in an increasingly tech-focused world.
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Question 3:
Is it possible for parents and children that belong to
different generations to be friends?
Regarding to the question a friend is the important part of everyone’s life. A friend is someone
with whom you can share your joys and sorrows and who is there to help in case of need. We
should be very conscious while making friends. We should always make good friends so that
they are with us in difficulties and we do not make ourselves feel alone. Parents are our best
friend because they are always there for us. No matter how far they live, they remain close and
show up when you need them. When we were having a hard time with something and we needed
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to pour our heart out, they would always be here to listen to us. They are like a guiding light that
takes us to the right path whenever we got lost. So parents are our best friend who understand us
and guides us. Now Generation gap is the difference of opinions between one generation and
another regarding beliefs, politics and values. A difference of attitude between people of
different generations, that leads to lack of understanding. Generation gap is also referred as
difference in the point of view between young and old generation, especially between the parents
and child’s.

Hindrance between parents and children:

Parents do not know much about modern world. They don’t have awareness about new
technologies. Parents or child have their own cultures.

Parents don’t treat their child according to their age. Parents sometime impose their ideas on
their children which in turn causes the quarrel between both of them.

Whenever, they both discuss any topic as a result they both suspect each other and discussion
ends without any useful conclusion.

Parents have un-necessary worries about their child’s because they think that modern world or
new fashions will destroy their child. Sometimes parents don’t understand he children views.

Parents and child’s have different point of views or different ideas because generations have their
own mind-sets.

Parents have high level of expectations from their children whereas children way of thinking is
according to their age and modern world which somewhat does not match with parents thinking
or with old generations.

A parent or children does not communicate with each other much and this lack of
communication causes a lot problems so there is a huge gap between parents and child

Young generation spent too much time on social media and they don’t have enough time to
spend with their family. There is no check and control is on children activities because some of
the parents are busy in other activities or some are not educated to check where their kids are
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Yes, it is possible. Now I can answer this question in two ways.

One opinion could be that yes as per my understanding, parents and children can be friends
despite having obvious generational differences. It only takes both of them to understand what
cultural, social and religious factors shaped their lives. For instance, children need to keep in
mind that their parents grew up and lived in a different environment where in social, cultural,
religious, political and economic conditions were entirely different from the ones in which they
are living. Same needs to be done by the parents as they also need to realize this fact that their
children cannot agree with them every time because they are the product of a different world. In
short, the only way forward for parents and children to be friends is to know how to politely and
respectfully acknowledge the generational differences on both sides.

One might also argue that as per my understanding and observation of many families in our
society, I think it’s takes a lot of efforts and courage to develop a friendly and joyful

relationship with those who do not belong to our generation.

Sometimes I have faced such situation that I and my parents are having different point of view.
To be very honest it becomes very difficult some time to deal with such situation wisely it adds
aggression in my mood. I feel like here I am correct and I know what is the situation and I know
how to deal with stuff but due to generation gap I feel they don’t know how to deal and I get
extremely aggressive and think like why my parents are doing this to me and kind of stuff but
when I get calm down I think of it that they have lived this life more than us and they have a lot
of experience and knowledge so they can be right/ they are right.

For example: we have an example of marriage in today’s era. There are different kind of
opinions from both parents and children on this topic. Mostly today’s parents have traditional
mindset where they link that there should be priority of their opinion on this issue but on the
other hand children with their advance mindset think the parents should gave priority to their
opinion on their marriage. It’s not the fault of parents nor the children it’s basically due to
generation gap. At time of our parents there were traditions that were supposed to be followed on
this matter and priority of parents was superior then the children. The children had to accept their
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decision as there was no awareness on this matter like today. But this generation thinks that there
should be priority of their desire, decisions and parents must co-operate with a conflict between
parents and children on this issue.


The best solution of this issue is that there should be some common terms between parents and
children. Parents must realize the advancement in society as it’s the era of digital media/social
media. There are many cases happen in society where parents impose their children and their
lives are ruined.

On the other hand children also didn’t think about the parents’ opinion on this matter and take
decision and after sometime they separate from each other.

The best possible solution is that if children have this kind of desire, they must look advice from
parents and parents should gave respect to children on this matter and then agreed of common
decision. Our religion Islam also gives permission to children on this matter according to their
desire and asks parents to respect them but on the other hand also advises to children to respect
the opinion of parents as well.

Question 4:
Can we become better person than our parents?
Yes, we can be a better person then our parents. This debate can have many different
perspectives at which we are going to discuss. We will be discussing this topic from different
point of view or aspects.

Selection Of Career:
As, we know that in our parent's time, they opt for the jobs or businesses that their parents were
doing. They were not able or we can say that they were not allowed to start a new business. They
couldn't think about starting a new business that their ancestors didn't do.
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If their father was a farmer then they had to join them. If their family business was tailoring then
they have to learn tailoring and join their family business.

It didn't matter what they think about their future or they have their interest in something else.

While in our generation, we are able and also allowed to choose our career according to our
interest. If we have interest in studying computer related fields and become a programmer then
we can. If we want to become a doctor then we are allowed to study the respective course and
become a doctor.

We can't say that this problem is fully resolve because there are still some areas or some families
who set restrictions on their children's study. We can still see some doctors who want their
children to study only medical. We can find many families which have many doctors in it. Both
the father and children are doctors.

Supporting System:
Regarding to supporting problems in our society, there are many examples that can be given to
prove it. Some of them are discussed below.

Firstly, the students are not allowed to follow their dreams. If someone wants to become
musician, then he/she is restricted from it saying that this can’t make them rich or can’t even feed
them and their children. They are forced to have specific degrees like medical or an engineering
or any other profession that is valuable to their parents.

They put a lot of pressure on their children that is causing depression for the children.

Friendly Nature:
In the previous times, Children had a feeling of fear from their parents as their parents were not
friendlier with them.

In the present time, this feeling is very less than those previous times. As the parents, our
generation is much friendlier than our parents. This is a thing that has to be adopted by every
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single parents, because due to this behavior with our children, they are able to discuss their
problems with us fearlessly.

Knowledge Of Technology:
Our parents have less knowledge of the present technology and the technology that is coming in
a few years. We are more aware of the technology than our parents. That is very helpful for us to
stay update. For example, what's going in the world and much more.

Better Upbringing:
There are many examples and facts that can be given regarding this. Some of them are discussed

As we discussed in the above paragraph that we have more knowledge of the technology. So that
we are able to bring up our children accordingly

As an example, we can narrate that we know that what type of content their children are
watching. If they are watching such content that they shouldn’t watch, so we can prohibit them
by setting up the restrictions in the mobile phones and other devices.

We all better know the existing problems and all the existing scenarios of the society. We can do
better upbringing of our children accordingly.

Observing Your Parents:

There are many ways that we can adopt to make ourselves a better person than our parents. The
most important of which is the keen observance of your parents.

If we observe all the deeds of our parents keenly and then determine that which of them are good
and which are bad. After this, adopt those which are good and at the same time, avoid those
deeds which are bad and try to make them a positive.

Steps To Be A Better Parent:

There are some simple steps that should be followed to prove ourselves as a better parent. We
will be discussing these steps briefly.
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It starts with the boosting of the self-esteem of our children. This is a thing that will be very
helpful for them in their life whether they are in their professional life or they are studying yet.
So, it’s a very important thing that has to be developed in the young kids. We should not
compare our children with others as it hurts their self-esteem. Choose your words carefully. Let
your kids know that everyone makes mistakes and that you still love them, even when you don't
love their behavior.

The second thing is that you have to catch your children’s good deeds and praise and appreciate
their good things. Always encourage them on such type of behaviors that they should adopt in
the early stages of his life.

You should set limits to your children in order to protect them from the bad company as well as
the ad content watching any type of the bad deeds in which they are involved right now.

Always try to make time for your kids and family to become a better person. This rises a feeling
of importance in the kids and family. You should spend time with your kids while playing some
game or walking after the dinner or sharing the incidents of the day.

We should have flexible style of parenting. For example, those who think that their kid should be
potty-trained by now might find it helpful to talk to the other parents and child development
specialists. We might be able to change our parenting style where it is needed.

We should know our own needs as a parent. We should know our weaknesses as a parent and
should work on them. If we have issue of inconsistency as a parent then we should work on it
and become better as a family leader.

We should show them that your love for them is unconditional. When you have to confront your
child, avoid blaming, criticizing, or fault-finding, which hurt self-esteem and can lead to

In the conclusion, we can say that we can become a better person or a better parent than our
parents by identifying their bad habits and try to change them in ourselves. We have better
opportunities than our parents, so that’s an extra edge for us. We should spend time with our
children, make them proud, encourage them on good doings, correct their bad deeds, and try to
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have a very friendly relationship with your children so that they don’t hesitate in sharing their
issues with you. Always show your love to them and spent your time with them either playing
games or talking about the day. Always praise their good doings. These are some steps that
should be followed to prove yourself as a better person than your parents.

Question 5:
How can we overcome generation gap?
Age is one big reason for the natural gap between generations. However, the major issue arrives
due to the mental gap in terms of thinking pattern & current trends. Children believe that they are
grown-ups and it is high time for them to be independent. This helps them to gain more self-

On the whole, both parents and their children do not see things from the standpoints of each
other. Thus, misunderstanding is a great cause for the formation of the generation gap. They talk
about some issues that can cause tension between teenagers and parents: homework, sibling
fights, boundaries and trust. Some teenagers feel their parents need to show more trust and give
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them more independence, but they also know that parents are mostly just concerned for their

Technical ability is also important. How technology affects the generation gap is impacted by
how well older people can learn and use new technology. This tends to be written by Millennials
for the younger generation, so many older people can become left behind when things move too

The ages between parents and their children are often large enough that they experienced their
most impressionable years during a different culture than each other. Adolescence is often the
time when people are most influenced by the society around them and as our world keeps
developing and changing, things rarely stay the same, causing generation gaps between parents
and their children.

Causes Of Generation Gap:

Here are a few causes of generation gap between parents and child:

Children Are Expected To Be Replicas:

Parents often have dreams for their kids, and a lot of the time tends to force them in that direction
without taking into consideration what their child wants.

Too Many Comparisons:

Comparing children to each other or even to how you were as a child is another reason the gap
becomes wide. This often causes them to lose confidence in themselves and can destroy any
enthusiasm they may have previously had.

Generation gaps are caused by increased life expectancy, rapid changes in society, and the
mobility of society. Effects of the generation gap include conflict among family members of
different generations and misunderstandings.

Ways to bridge generation gap:

Times change everything. As we age, a lot of changes occur from looks to personalities to
perception. This applies to everyone from young adults to elders. This causes a gap in different
generations of people
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Parents are usually unable to understand their children which increases the gap. There can be
less understanding, less toleration, an absence of open-mindedness and much more. It is very
important for parents to grow and learn with time.

Keep an open mind:

Do not judge your kid for everything. Learn to be open-minded and open to new standards of
living. You should tell kids about your idea of living but do expect or impose the same on your
kids. Listen to what they say, understand and then react. Kids these days get irritated easily after
hearing those repetitive lines on how you used to lead life. So, you should listen and understand
the child's point of view with an open mind without forming a judgement in advance.

Talk to them:
There are some issues and topics that children are not comfortable sharing with their parents.
Some things are put in their head by you in advance which is why they fear coming to you for
help. This could be related to studies, dating, love marriage or anything else. In such a situation,
your child would go to someone else for help who might or might not give the right advice.

Therefore, you need to build that trustful bond with your child so that they come to you for any
kind of help. This can only be done through frequent talking. Be open to all kinds of discussions
and this will help mend all the differences between you two.

Be a listening ear:
If your child makes a mistake or fails a test, do not scold them. Instead, talk to them about why
this happened. Let them explain and listen to everything patiently. It is very important to just
listen and not speak sometimes.

Try to understand:
Understanding is very important for any relationship to flourish. If you don’t understand what
your child wants or what he is going through, sorry but you are not a good parent. Instead of
presenting your example every time, motivate him to set examples by excelling in life.
Sometimes, they just need you to understand them and stand beside them. It is okay to
sometimes let them do what they want to do.
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Love them without conditions:

One way to tell your love and care for your child is by showing. This makes your child feel cared
for, loved and safe. Spend some time with your children and shower them with love from time to
time. Pamper them but within limits.

One should never force another individual to accept his/her opinions rather we should learn to
accommodate rather than change. Difference of opinions don't mean that the individual is against
you instead of taking this matter personally we should show positive responses regarding it.

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