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420 Viewpoint

Guidelines for the management of status epilepticus

Hervé Outina, Hugues Lefortb and Vincent Peignec;
the French Group for Status Epilepticus Guidelines

European Journal of Emergency Medicine 2021, 28:420–422 Correspondence to Vincent Peigne, MD, Service de Réanimation, Centre
Hospitalier Métropole-Savoie, Place Biset, 73000 Chambéry, France
Service de réanimation médico-chirurgicale, Centre hospitalier intercommunal Tel: +33 4 79 96 61 52; e-mail:
de Poissy, Saint-Germain en Laye,  bStructure des urgences, Hôpital
d’Instruction des Armées Legouest, Metz and  cService de Réanimation, Centre Received 14 June 2021 Accepted 17 June 2021
Hospitalier Métropole-Savoie, Chambéry, France
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In 2019, The French Intensive Care Society (SRLF) and Benzodiazepines have to be used as first-line treatment
the French Society of Emergency Medicine (SFMU), of GTCSE (grade 1+): intravenous injection of 0.015 mg.
along with the Francophone Group of Resuscitation and kg−1 clonazepam (1 mg for 70 kg; maximum 1.5 mg), or
Paediatric Emergencies (GFRUP), have developed guide- an intramuscular injection of 0.15−1 midazolam
lines to respond to the practical questions raised by status (10 mg for 70 kg) (grade 2+). A benzodiazepine injection
epilepticus management in the prehospital setting, in the should be repeated if after 5 min following the first injec-
emergency department and in the ICU. Twenty-five experts tion if the GTCSE persists (grade 2+).
analyzed the literature and formulated recommendations
If the GTCSE persists after 5  min following the sec-
according to the Grade of Recommendation Assessment,
ond injection of benzodiazepine, second-line treatment
Development and Evaluation methodology [1].
should be administered (grade 1+). Emergency physi-
This article reports the must-know summary of these cians can use either sodium valproate (40−1 in 10–
guidelines for the initial management of generalized 15 min, maximum 3 g; another compound should be used
tonic-clonic status epilepticus (GTCSE) by emergency in women of childbearing age), fosphenytoin (20  mg.
physicians. Additional specific recommendations about kg−1 phenytoin equivalent, maximally at 100–150  mg.
children and other types of status epilepticus are availa- min−1) or phenytoin (20−1, maximally at 50  mg.
ble in the electronic appendix, Supplemental digital con- min−1 or if >65 years: 15−1 and slow drip), with
tent 1, cardiac monitoring (contraindicated in case of arrhyth-
mia or conduction disturbances), phenobarbital (15 mg.
First, experts recommend that GTCSE should be
kg−1, at 50–100  mg.min−1) or levetiracetam (60−1
defined as a seizure that lasts at least 5  min with the
over 10  min, maximum 4  g). The full prescribed dose
presence of continuous generalized seizure with motor
should be administered, even if convulsions stop (grade
manifestations, or by the occurrence of several discrete
2+). Prescription of antiepileptic drugs must respect
seizures in between which there is no complete recovery
local regulations (as an example, the maximal dosing of
of consciousness. The latter is defined by an inability to
(fos)phenytoin is 15−1 phenytoin equivalent in
answer or follow simple orders. Refractory status epilep-
ticus should be defined by status epilepticus that persists
(clinically or electrically) despite two lines of antiepilep- In the case of persistent convulsive seizures 30  min
tic therapy with recommended class and dosage, and ade- after administration of the second-line treatment
quate time for onset of action. (refractory GTCSE), a coma should be rapidly induced
with a third-line general anesthetic (grade 2+). The
The status epilepticus cause needs to be identified
experts suggest that it is possible to delay coma induc-
quickly. Several causes may be responsible for a unique
tion using a further second-line agent if the patient has
status epilepticus event. Experts recommend that the
known epilepsy and lacks any signs or symptoms of
eventuality of psychogenic nonepileptic seizures should
a severe brain injury or if there are limitations to the
systematically be considered throughout the manage-
treatment strategy.
ment of GTCSE.
One of the most challenging points during GTCSE man-
Treatment of GTCSE must be tapered according to the
agement is the decision to intubate or not the patient
persistence of the seizures (Fig. 1). Underdosing of antie-
[3]. Intubation may be required by the etiology of status
pileptic drugs is frequent and should be avoided [2].
epilepticus (acute severe brain injury) or in the event of
refractory GCSE. The experts suggest that intubation of
Supplemental Digital Content is available for this article. Direct URL citations a patient with GTCSE is indicated only in the case of
appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of this sustained respiratory distress (beyond a few minutes of
article on the journal's website ( postcritical stertorous breathing).
0969-9546 Copyright © 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. DOI: 10.1097/MEJ.0000000000000857

Copyright © 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Management of status epilepticus Outin et al. 421

Fig. 1

Treatment of generalized tonic-clonic status epilepticus. GTCSE, generalized tonic-clonic status epilepticus; IV, intravenous; IM, intramuscular.

Another important question addressed by the experts is may be applied in different settings in Europe is unknown
the role and timing of electroencephalography (EEG) and warrants further evaluations.
during GTCSE management. EEG should be performed
as soon as possible in the case of (1) no improvement
in consciousness after cessation of convulsions, (2) sus- Acknowledgements
pected psychogenic nonepileptic seizures, metabolic or This work was sponsored by the French Intensive Care
toxic encephalopathy, subtle or refractory status. A stand- Society (SRLF) and the French Society of Emergency
ard EEG should be rapidly recorded after recovery of Medicine (SFMU).
consciousness following GTCSE.
The members of the French Group for Status Epilpeticus
These new recommendations should allow better man- Guidelines: Papa Gueye, Vincent Alvarez, Stéphane
agement of each status epilepticus patient by emergency Auvin, Bernard Clair, Philippe Convers, Arielle Crespel,
physicians according to graduated and personalized pro- Sophie Demeret, Sophie Dupont, Jean-Christophe
tocols, modulated according to the type of status epilep- Engels, Nicolas Engrand, Yonathan Freund, Philippe
ticus and its etiology. These guidelines update European Gelisse, Marie Girot, Marie-Odile Marcoux, Vincent
and American guidelines [4,5] and are in accordance with Navarro, Andrea Rossetti, Francesco Santoli, Romain
the most recent works about emergency management of Sonneville, William Szurhaj, Pierre Thomas, Luigi
status epilepticus [6,7]. Whether these recommendations Titomanlio, Frédéric Villega.

Copyright © 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
422  European Journal of Emergency Medicine  2021, Vol 28 No 6

Conflicts of interest settings meet the criteria for refractory status epilepticus. Seizure 2021;
There are no conflicts of interest. 4 Brophy GM, Bell R, Claassen J, Alldredge B, Bleck TP, Glauser T, et al.;
Neurocritical Care Society Status Epilepticus Guideline Writing Committee.
References Guidelines for the evaluation and management of status epilepticus.
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Copyright © 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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