Virtual Reality

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Virtual reality (VR), is a simulated 3D environment that enables users to explore and interact
with a virtual surrounding in a way that approximates reality, as it is perceived through the users'


virtual reality (VR), the use of computer modeling and simulation that enables a person to
interact with an artificial three-dimensional (3-D) visual or other sensory environment.


Virtual Reality (VR) is a computer-generated environment with scenes and objects that appear
to be real, making the user feel they are immersed in their surroundings.

The environment is created with computer hardware and software, although users might also

need to wear devices such as helmets or goggles to interact with the environment. The more
deeply users can immerse themselves in a VR environment -- and block out their physical
surroundings -- the more they are able to suspend their belief and accept it as real, even if it is
fantastical in nature.

What are the main types of virtual reality?

The VR industry still has far to go before realizing its vision of a totally immersive environment
that enables users to engage multiple sensations in a way that approximates reality. However, the
technology has come a long way in providing realistic sensory engagement and shows promise
for business use in a number of industries.

VR systems can vary significantly from one to the next, depending on their purpose and the
technology used, although they generally fall into one of the following three categories:
 Non-immersive. This type of VR typically refers to a 3D simulated environment that's
accessed through a computer screen. The environment might also generate sound,
depending on the program. The user has some control over the virtual environment
using a keyboard, mouse or other device, but the environment does not directly interact
with the user. A video game is a good example of non-immersive VR, as is a website
that enables a user to design a room's decor.

 Semi-immersive. This type of VR offers a partial virtual experience that's accessed

through a computer screen or some type of glasses or headset. It focuses primarily on
the visual 3D aspect of virtual reality and does not incorporate physical movement in
the way that full immersion does. A common example of semi-immersive VR is the
flight simulator, which is used by airlines and militaries to train their pilots.

 Fully immersive. This type of VR delivers the greatest level of virtual reality,

completely immersing the user in the simulated 3D world. It incorporates sight, sound
and, in some cases, touch. There have even been some experiments with the addition
of smell. Users wear special equipment such as helmets, goggles or gloves and are able
to fully interact with the environment. The environment might also incorporate such
equipment as treadmills or stationary bicycles to provide users with the experience of
moving through the 3D space. Fully immersive VR technology is a field still in its
infancy, but it has made important inroads into the gaming industry and to some extent
the healthcare industry, and it's generating a great deal of interest in others.
How augmented reality, virtual reality and mixed reality software compare.

Collaborative VR is sometimes cited as a type of virtual reality. In this model, people from
different locations come together in a virtual environment to interact with one another, with each
individual represented by a projected 3D character. The users typically communicate through
microphones and headsets.

Augmented reality also is sometimes referred to as a type of virtual reality, although many

would argue that it is a separate but related field. With augmented reality, virtual simulations are
overlaid onto real-world environments in order to enhance or augment those environments. For
example, a furniture retailer might provide an app that enables users to point their phones at a
room and visualize what a new chair or table might look like in that setting.

Another category that is sometimes considered a type of virtual reality is mixed reality, which
blends the physical and virtual worlds into a single space. Like augmented reality, however, it is
more often considered a separate but related field. In fact, there's been a growing consensus to
group virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality under the umbrella term "extended
reality," which provides a handy way to reference all three, while still distinguishing among
Today's VR technologies and applications have inspired multiple companies and experts to
advocate for advanced uses of the metaverse.

How can virtual reality be used?

Virtual reality is often associated with gaming because the industry has been at the forefront of
the VR effort, as evidenced by the popularity of products such as Beat Saber, Minecraft VR and
Skyrim VR. Even so, there has been a growing interest in the potential of VR across a number of
other areas:

 Training. VR makes it possible to train personnel safely, efficiently and cost-effectively.

It can be especially beneficial to those in high-risk or highly specialized positions, such
as firefighters, EMTs, police officers, soldiers, surgeons or other medical personnel.

 Education. VR offers educational institutions new methods for teaching and learning. It
can provide students with intimate insights into environments that are typically
inaccessible, while keeping them engaged in the learning process. For example, a
history teacher might use VR to show students firsthand what life was like in ancient
Greece or China.

 Healthcare. VR has the potential to benefit individuals across the healthcare industry,
including patients, practitioners and researchers. For example, VR shows promise in
treating disorders such as anorexia, anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
On the other hand, doctors might be able to use VR when working with the patients to
explain diagnoses or treatment options. VR could also benefit individuals who are
physically limited in some way.

 Retail. VR has already made some inroads into retail, but the industry has only scratched
the surface. With the right apps, customers will be able to try on clothes, decorate their
homes, experiment with hair styles, test eye glasses and in general make more
informed decisions about products and services.

 Real estate. VR can benefit real estate in a number of ways. For example, architects can
show detailed plans in 3D; home buyers can tour homes virtually; building engineers
can tour HVAC systems; and home owners can see what their remodels would look

 Entertainment. VR has already had an impact on gaming, but it also promises to

transform the film and television industries, providing viewers with an immersive
experience that puts them right into the scene. VR could also lead to an entire industry
in virtual tourism, making it possible for people to experience places that they might
never be able to see in-person.

The simplest form of virtual reality is a 3D image that can be explored interactively through a
personal computer, usually by manipulating keys or the mouse so that the content of the image
moves in some direction or zooms in or out. More sophisticated efforts involve such approaches
as wraparound display screens, physical rooms augmented with wearable devices, or haptic
devices that let users "feel" the virtual images.

Important Elements of Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual Reality (VR) is the current technology marketing trend, and many global companies
invested their time, money, and effort to create virtual reality content.

Virtual reality headsets are becoming more affordable by the passing day, and we are at the
threshold of a major VR wave.  
There are certain important elements that a virtual reality system should possess.

1: Viewing System

The best virtual reality experience is possible only if it runs on a good viewing system.
Irrespective of the number of users, the viewing system is what connects the last mile.

2: Tracking System
Virtual reality headsets need a sensor camera to recognize movement and provide the best 3D
world experience.Most of the high-end headsets have this by now.

3: Interactivity Element

One of the main attractions of a virtual reality experience is that you can interact with the content
as if it is real. Earlier, the technology was not good enough to build a realistic experience but all
that have changed.

The elements of interaction depend on range, speed, and mapping. The power to move from one
place to another inside a virtual world and the ability to change the environment are the best
interactivity elements that VR can provide.

4. Artistic Inclination

The virtual environment should provide users with an environment in which they are completely
immersed.The VR artist should focus on the atmosphere, engaging factor, and entertaining factor
so that the experience is immersive and users should feel that they are a part of the game or
environment they are in.

5: Sensory Management System

If there is a slight variation in the virtual environment like the vibration, movement, or direction,
then users should be able to feel it. This is now available in most sophisticated virtual reality

Advantages of Virtual Reality

1. Virtual reality helps in exploring places without actually being there: Virtual reality
refers to the imaginary environment made with the help of technology with an essence of
reality. It helps therefore to explore various places without even going to that place. This
has made the life of people much easier and more entertaining. The fact that one has not
got enough money to explore everything has made possible the entrance of virtual reality.

2. The education system has been improved: The old text-based learning has now been
replaced by virtual study in which a teacher teaches the student with the help of virtual
reality equipment. This equipment allows the user to see the imaginary environment
based on the topic and analyze the study.

3. It creates a realistic world: Virtual reality creates an imaginary world for the user based
on the topics to study or for entertainment. Although the Virtual Reality created is
imaginary, it seems to the user as if it is an actual real world. Therefore help them to have
a better experience of the current reality although everything may be unreal.

4. Help in providing training: A lot of people who are not skilled in different fields of
work can get training in the virtual environment. E.g., engineering requires practical
knowledge therefore for the application of knowledge virtual reality technology can be

5. Lowest risk: Virtual reality is an imaginary world created by the developer to study or
make people experience different realities of life. Therefore the risk involved in
experiencing the knowledge gathered through books is almost low. Low risk does not
imply that total risk is zero but its consequences can be different for different people
depending on their mental ability.

6. Increases interest and engagement toward a subject: Virtual Reality is a platform to

undergo the situation that a person has studied in their textbooks. Practical knowledge is
more interesting and exciting as compared to monotonous book reading therefore a lot of
engagement towards the subject has been seen in the case of virtual reality or Virtual
Reality training.
7. Cost-effective: Only at the time of installation of Virtual Reality technology do expenses
occur but after that, the maintenance and cost per person become almost low thus it is

Disadvantages of Virtual Reality

 Implementation is expensive: Implementation of Virtual Reality is an expensive

procedure. The technology and equipment used in Virtual Reality are costly and therefore
only a few could afford such technology. The initial installation of such a kind of
machinery, therefore, is costly.

 Only develop technical skills no interaction is there: The experience gained in Virtual

Reality is based on a pre-recorded environment and therefore although technical skill is
developed there is no place for interaction with a tutor. Therefore doubts of the learner
remain there till any other person who is also skilled provides the knowledge of the same.

 Technology is complex: Virtual Reality technology has to be learned to gain skills and it
is not easy for everyone to understand the technology for how to use therefore training is
required to learn the complex technology.

 Addiction to Virtual Reality: Many a time it has been seen that teenagers and a few
adults become addicted to Virtual Reality and get affected physiologically. The addiction,
therefore, leads to various issues and teenagers also will not study their regular studies
and would always be interested in playing games.

 Impact on the real human body: Many people using Virtual Reality have many
physical problems like eye strain, dizziness, and nausea issues. This is because of the
illusion made by Virtual Reality.
 Not engaged in the real world: As people become addicted to Virtual Reality they don’t
want to engage themselves with the real world. The virtual world becomes their actual
world and they don’t want to deal with the real world.

 Psychological damage: As people become addicted to Virtual Reality they also get
impacted psychologically and therefore humans are recommended to avoid using Virtual
Reality for long period.

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