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IY Alem = Smallusd, invidisnble om) imdestuetble partite of am etomert 27 Atomic ms = wes of on win om , Relative ma + er 7 — ross of am em of om ersmenct ee fam otem of OK \ x mom 1b ras ot_on sim fon Sn Lx mas of am ooo fGen (C rs Why Pre odoraie, Ashes OL bared em cl? os Standard 2 > Cy ty chosen — becnuse, te mo of * proto, praca od elects al Ont panne ym el? isotopes Pe Sh. gn & be Ww Tis is webu, because, “ro ofr quachides (ee ae 7) than tem ce! bwwe exaclly polole wo. aes om fis Atal Comceln of se math + STratwud ebuniance fy atense merous of Panak ot ¢ osama - am isotope CZ) jgote pe 400 C * Summation sign” 35 [eneving > n®* a a rh —> 257. WAS + 37X25 _ 3550 <— AveMp 100 = eae . M, odomit. mans oF Chorine. 4 + 4 99.767 0.04y. 0.207, Ciex 99.46) + (FX 0,04) + Cle x 0.28) ow. od, wah = ST = 16.0044 How -b gel fe mas of oo pringle oom 2 Atomic amass of omy elumamb is vavicaly Par ros of avogade muben of — odnws. comic mars of Conlon - 12 23 6.023 x10 12 I single Ce 2 (tose Mole wd ah weight . Mass of one rwolecule of a Lombound / Ele mont ow 7 a Motan rash “ mas of ome lt adem. 3h is We cage Oe ow, the amamunt in which onogedre trumben of mote cules. sunmber of pardicles 0 prement Gaseous mole wes occuby the vote 22-UL ot STP in dorms of atoms 4 q-atom or ifs gram- d ‘oe mas. ids grem- srnaleculan "7458 In forms of ‘molecules © 4 qr lowe ~ n= 2 M Mz Molan rut /Aomic eH 4 2.033 x00 me. 7% of mele cules (0, = . cous oF On Bog mle 8 -0.25 wk male (Dy 16 onygin Boye 336 “ees melee =?) LO at STP Vom AQuao mL " as 2.4L 1 as a er s aaa BF He weigh of 12-046 te maimber of pet amma mol ented Yr ky teh we nx oy Nigel? or 20 zr dao at xi J = ~ £625 X ees louo aa = 34kg 9 Find te rurmben of — neutron’ presen iw Sx wee of at isobpe. Soho Janine Newham = 14-6 = BNA os xis dee 3 23 x bor xi x4 4 . <3 m Nebr = Lx io zx . z = | 24.042 x0 BB cay gut Jon votume of neon gar Cin cv?) or. of atoms 5 rad is pre iw coer | 2 Which ovens quad ev mg of Ca ad STE [Al wae: Ne +20 5 Ca=4e) Shoe N = N=5- Ue = ™ Na Ne 95 3 Vv Bop X10 = 2p xX __ + 22,400 tm? up 20% oon ib Fve = Ys om jm fee oho of LEAD by mass BY A wiz Contains 6, 8 No ba of molecses of O & Np in What will be the nats of TW He mintine 2 w N= nXx{Na N= Wb Mog, (Ben), Mine Tn, \ Moe) Mm _ 1 x 28 a8 = * 32 Density of Goses + YY Nor mal density CNA): Fis pre mas CQ) F LL of oy ok STP. 2 stP - 22-4 LH, gos ——m 2 g- ov vs > 2, - BIBSSRIEaiere 22-4 17 Von dumnty (V0) : now svt d og OE ee [No ©) 0.1 mat. molewtes are removed from 38 ™G OP Hp Sey Bf 3.04x0 hon pre umber of roles of HyS0% LH is— @) 164 ar 5 x6" © acer? © 995 x0" -3 23 Gn aouxw = og x 5 DRAW 2 16 met. G02 XK = ox ne - = 152 (gx) = BX QE joo mt of omy gag weighs 0.198 g ad STP. What Js the vapour density of ys? (A) 10 @ 30 fa 20 ) 35 ‘eh tb ge —¥% 1.499 LIB Lb BxD mde ba gle 4 VO = 9089 _ 9.9 tommarciod nesin wed fon exchanging of is CgH-g SdgNa { mal wt = 206). what CP the -meeeuan formula a of Cort iors by te nesin cohen jw in wan Aoftening press, wold be the maxim — uptake exfressed im mote Jam of sasin- motes/y (© 412 wooes/g @) 20h | J Oem OO car smdtes/9 Bf wixture yontains Na C8) & % @) 98 8% ond oz by Preir volume jm the wii xtune . What will be the average vapour, deity of te minhne 2 @® 156 @ we wad © 32 YN XM oY, Ny Xe J. Mmix = 150 32) 2 . (2 x20) 4 (42% ) = ase. = \ 100 Opie 2 SEF WY, BE = Wy Equivalent Mas on Chomited quvalenk (E) H, 3 —> 2 gH —> 3295 4 gH —7? 8 gqy ot of Sut fn - Ald H)0 — > 4 44 —7 0 | ca un of onytim: 3.53 ga 72g Al Hy 30, +2Na ——p» Na, Soy + Hy 135.5 9a + (99m Na displaces —pm 4 9 Hy . €q wh of A eq wi of Na Equivalent math of an, Mos of the ehment Wows of Inyan Usweined on digplaced Moss of fhe Clomend x& ~ Nash of OFfYO™ Combined om displee Moss of the elomenct x 3687 > Ha of HDI —cartinad or Sif Atomic mans CA) vo Equivalamt Mors of om element Ce) = aq Volenuy NB = Srotor, W Eau mms #0 Cy Gor anbiculah chant Be ae % Fea. & Fes f/f fyv woth 5b _ og SC. 18. 64 trom = 2 5 confuis 537, meted. The vapeur any of Phe a A welallic oxide Find owl the atomic wt ~ apdonide of Yaad fame element is 6. f fe meted - Em fob AFG 0 > 53q mit 8 a0 S348 we BIG tet > ny x, Ee 47 Fed, = 44.5% Ht 2X36. May => 9% + 355% Molo _ x66 =13 CE . S25 OKR ES 2132 BE ros 3 Hew fo fr sud eapavalind mos of atifforent species 2 cH o " of madigds: change no of te Todi Giowc Arionic vodicod jadiot - : oS - 3.69 + ee Niy = 4 POa 3t 607° = @ [Fecrso)] = 3 = formula ‘mors Co, = &-—P EE: 7g 7" ~ 60 = 30 NO, = 4 7 = wy of acids = Bas city of he acids =7 No. of replacable H® iow. i n Acids Ne Acids 5 Ades ° 2) Has 2 £) H3P0s Pry ) - 4 CPhosphonie acid) w HINOs ' 5 . 2) Hyco. L @ tg Por é 2) Hy 3 1 (Phos blivie extid) 17ND 3) HdU0y on 4 DH ty n 3 » Ms 00s wot e “NceRT, © a a fy 3°" (ol + Hor Blondy + HE ity 1y of Bases = Aadity of ste bast = ‘no. of nepfacable ON ins Bose 4 4) NooH 4 ) Cacon), 2 D Al on, 3 A) NHuou 1 (iv) n of o sok + (tine )* (Ont Tao) u Cotions onions 2 — Na, S0y ——> 2Na” + $0, 5 (WH), (0s —> anny” + anf Cy ny = ax J Axe Cage ante za at 37 Coy (POs, —¥ 3G + 2 POy Gye axa = axd 26 Fed uk Remy oP Man Fablowstnay pecs = Y Nanco, — cir Ca(ouer — CHDK, Cre Come} 7 Kay, Mb Os , J 24th0 1 | . 4 1® an One 4 ae uke + [Fe corn] aut so N= 4 med eM oat + 3800 ne = Qx) + 09) = 8 Given Mass (Ww) umber of equivalence = wen Hus CA) * Equivalont Mass CE) e. (Ne) © . (ye y fe Ino of equivalence = Te x NP” of males nmyt oo. aon WD 2 moles qa = 9xa=4 eqv Oth, wed t 1. Ze OS ample He SOy td 4 ev Hysoy = v need wy 2.3 mete Na,0 = 23K1223 egy of M0 Naz) + thd > NaoH + Hg my: 4 (1.98 av AgNO, = 108/1=108 mote Fgh L ny <4 nB Qowiden on acic- base neetion os flows = %2& Cy CoM), + 2Hu = GC + 4 2 4X2 22 2xler 2420 0. of moles + no of Sy 4 how of Chemical equivalence + Dwi chemical ‘T eactow, of "hots & products il odwuays of fir om of woles ratio. fe rumaber of eaevatemce nako be AL ALA t-e+ 4 ivrespective @) mo of equivelence= ‘no of equivalence = No of equivalemce =--- of ‘A of ‘6 of fe? w . stident ) Equivalent mars of a Lomboumd = Deum a provps/ Ne. Cols MM dy Sm, 100 = 50 (np = 2) * ce co, _ 40 Go. b= > E= Sor 30: =20 (C) For double decompasitin, readin : (1) ‘ (1) mars of AB ross of AY xY = + %6 A = ——_- GBs xv = Sy vo PAS Tr AY C No + Agric, —> Namo, + Age) > &. 4.224 0 “Rebel ode cam be obtained fom 4.9929 by mg: Fin) pad He tay mma of fe Waele, ® a4 @ 124 9 4 © 28 ¢g. Son ab: no. oP egy of oxide = Mo. of equ. of bydvonide 4.224 4.892 Fow = en Fe Emt+ 2 Eut+ !t “ [Bu = 9 8 Wakes hgno, —> vans, + OGRL Cre Ho, Yo 4.03 + Nax is added fo a AgN% Son & 188g Agx Ag = lo 7 \ precipijated Pam Pe a @® 355 © O eo ® 127. Pate _ bee Exat &x Eng + Ex 0g + 2% 2 Poe Lea = 08 aat % yp © = $0.5) B15 q of am etemend (x) remets completely with 30g of moter lament (8). Ghote pe 2qy OP of(x) if Hod of Bis GO. beh 1S. 32 4 Er) = 40 Ex) 60 = B 3.26 g ef Zn vrencks with aud do bows 412 of bephrgem gos at stp. Piva) ud Mus aguivelink WANs fem in 92. a 3 1 9.26 3 an. QQ ay Pe ME rie 2 otog > one mation) Terms in GTO) * & A homegencous ‘mictwur of yh is the amend of Solude Aalornk + Sede dissolved im a given Cay matt, me) of solvent on SOUH A. 4 aneounk C4, mrt) (A) Pencendoge aArength © mass of soute (8) x 100 v7 ° w = (w/e) = ar totaion (wy). meet REED ie. y vol of Solution (ml) a vol of Solute CM) ¢ oo % ‘WW) 2 Soe vet of Solution (mL) fle oP tomb = wf & fu Beale doperds apo formperadure Bh end) Pamitven using F07e fv sthel ateatat CF enidy 0-74 g [me Aas Pt nef -3 Ely! rel fon (00 mL Ao > FO = (fox 0.79) 4 . 5 $5.3 g 3 a Wy = 5o.3 ™ Cason Ay H — CH == (8) Mote Fraction CA) “Terop indepemdant ” Total mw. of moles in Hee whchunt = A+B +C4+-- J J 1 Ny 2 (M+ Rt Te t -- +Nj) MMe OMe a mole faction of A= ae T “ “ « wR. Ne a : : ni " 4 tT Fol mole fraction ( P%)= 1 for on Solution, whive ro. Of roles af Solum = A & solute = 6 Na y % Ne 4 Tang mat8 Ha + Xe= 4 @) Moladity Cm) = 54 is tee of woles of sofute dissolved iw vA tovog (1hy) # pelvent Temp. jindependamd” (mole /kg) Solute = W Arwwomk of Solvent = Wa & Arve of Solute = We & Molar wow uw = Ma Molan wis « " = Me of moles of Solute = (ws /me) on 4 solvent dissolves. —> a wnles of Solute omg “ yp tmolabity of the can! (a) Ma dg 2 Th. & H-— Natng Nat Xe _ my a /Mg We Ma. Ge 1000), A ty np Wa | Ma Wa Me Mg x wa) 1000 xe. metatity x Ma Te 7 1000 %, — Relation Whe ‘vasa dity & mote Ss Fratton. anys Cotelake tne ame Pratkion of ethanol of TS 1 molad Oy eo Rolumow - Soby = Slvenk = Woe => Mg = 18 mmol odity = 4 5 = 2 qe 2 = 0-019F sug ( Motantty CM) rH is he me of woes of Aokuss cidelved ine J \ 4ovo ‘mL (AL) of tee aoletion - anal JL Temp depuntomt (A mole/t = 4 Molon CM)) V mt Solution dissolves = 28. males solute Me ue , , ° eae Gew) ae Malan xf Ie g KMndy be dlistolved mM exces of Woden ond ty vol what is Ha molarity? A Wr form is made to be aso wh pho » Molonity = ae MCKMndy) = 158 BR 100 2 OAM ~ (sg 250 * Mo zy femimlan » Mog om 2 dectmolan a J 7 7 M_ => cenkmalan 5 M2 milli molar (000 Many = Tek rete ofS on (m) vol of Solution(y mL) tf fr 4 given Sofutton v9 mo Solute js 2hthun added oy Yemoved of melee = Wnstant - from fie fale dren, vot of solv (v) x molanity of soln (mM) = borden - Mxy = Unvtand fm mel poluemt fow oulide Sf the Solution is dt ted by adding some tam Mv, = Mave] — "dition, Ao 3 2 a50 me 7 Ha Soly + —* mb walen = > ” M= 4 vy, re toy Ye asp Ye x20 . v, = BO. bie mh mM. | ry ? Yio G gf aso me M4 Ha son is omixed with aso wl M Hol fi tahod in Hae Htvat—malasty of He Hh 2 ° ammel of HU soin-t Gabe Mx, = of My XV wow HA Son = 2 Toll ro of mmal = [mv + Mas] ghrmel —7 mal/L t vol = YAY ” To | gsr xt goxh + ey . a+ asp = 01S M is the of equivalence of folute digrolved CE) Wowmaltty CN) = 14 CAL) Soluttene « ‘os iw Lovo mL W no. of eauivalynee = a mn Fe erp ors) Acbontand i ("e) Veowt soln —> a aay Solute ° ftp yo < “Normality ef the soln" . ooo x 1o0D. tooo Normaliy - & *10e" - Bea yx (Ee) EX Vv M xv M XV “"y (Me Malan LM HyS0q Sole = A¥R=4 N HyS04 2 (wovmatity Y Motancty) Aplin of Jue of evince Bronk mewnoly © ‘nov mality => equ [Lo & — Velwme > mb cn) ) -3 NX V =. no. of mequ = ID equ. Ace o/Aing te Lew of equivalence, mo. of equivalence of atk te henckents 4 preducts must be equat Se, NXV = Same for au reactants / products This implies ad Mf Va mL aq Mormel of A’ rencts with Ve mL Ng thermal of ‘Bo them, Accovding te Aaw of eau; ava = Mee (w= 9) 7 OD, Marn = Oye MBS By tohad chatd be the oloviity of 0 thS04 Slatin white 250 ML Now sole is required to Completely nedratise tne 200 mL Bp S0y Some 2 Sobe Va = Qro mh 5 Na = Va = 250 mL 5 Ne (N= ng xm) 4x2 NaVa = Neve > Na = ~oop 7 1. Molanity of thio = xb =F) W pe ool z G2 The volume of Ab MM Hy POy Solution vequived te neudratise exactly owe O85 M Ba (OH), Soluhonw is mL . @) 40 @ 50 GY ap @) 30 Soke (mJy x Map = Cy), x Move > Vp 2X OF KX oye 3x VS, = % 694 fo mitol carbonate was digolved jn 60 mL 2N HeL Solubion. The excess acid was thon netratised bg apmL 4N NoOH solution. Find cut the touivalont mam P fe metal @) 20 @) 12 €) 39 Q) 2g Percentage Composition - Cose-1: tormporition of & lembound Revcemtage of omy elument mas of thak cement fradiod Present tm ome walle or rodical Ww mn Crmbours) Molon mars of fhe Lompowd “4 Nog Sby. 1OH20 —> N= 322 % mags f Sodium = 2%23_ yt = 14.28 gaa 6 = 29.9 Sulphate = 2 xloo 7, mars of Su! a how ow ha dnegine = a x 100 = 6.21 G Codcutore fre moss 7. of aiihege ie Dammantunne Sul hake ya 7. 8) aay @) 36% @) 67 7” (NHy), 80y > M= 132 (ig x2) 496 = 132 y _ 2x x top = U7 “13h Cose - Percentage Lombrositiow of a wixhwe + Poob- mixture of Cand om) Fe Soy is used to Arend graster. what y. ef Fe S0y by mam is meeded to give IS 7% leon 2 56 g Fe a 152 9 Fesry sgn AQKIS 2 Aly & Prob- A balding pownlen mixture Contains Matttr, . To ged Unovge armawt oP 6, the mixture md outa minimum 5D 7. Carbonate fini) the minimum 7, of Natttd, i fhe wbrtare (A) 50% @) For ©9070) gov. > Noto, —y 34 60g tarkonale —*> 84 9 Matto, wo —» 60 gq «5 RUS = Fp 60 Fonmula Ddevr mination Formaldchade = WeHO / cho ch Sinlied Acetic acid = Cle CooH / (EH120)5 t radto Ciucose Se Hy Oe / (cM), E mpodi col formula erHios 214! 2 (EF) 2 4:2td A & B® otoms frm a melee who de no. P atoms gato of ‘A’ yb = ms 7, oP A | maw YL Of B wdomic vast of Fl atomic wats of B Ly Weydro easton —» caren = ) WS» BE. bss a eth es apt yp = 14:4 » & Fs (Hy) Pros Aw omide af iodine (Ad mass = 124) totais aru g ef iodine & @ 3 f oxygw. Th FF is — as4y , 8 2 02:05 = 2ao > Tios Spb tae % te 6 ER = The Vabour of o polylaydrie clthel tmteing BBC, 94% Hy Y SVG Y. Onyyr otcms. Tre vapour density of dre gas is Bi. Se GA Ye mwdleoulan forma of Pee oleriot. A) GHeO Cate 5 LOX GHe ee 0) Gg Os Gh S Molar was = 31x92 = 62 ~ e:u:o 2 B89 a. Sut 3.a2 ve 4 6 3,22 = 4.344 EF = CHgo 3 EF mes = BI fe BKM = OD synced MF = Ca Ye OD te, = Cow eft Limi Ting Reagunk + cig Calo, Cs) _e Go cs) + CD, (4) According to oe L wele 1 mate 1 mile Pehamced Stoichiometry fo g 58g 44g = 29.4 Cy od STP 10g (AW, Ay may Lt at STP 2H | + YO ——¥ 2OC) pecording to ee 2 moles 1 mele 2 wales hadameed Strichiomedry 1 male 0.5 ‘mele 4 wile Buds 1 mole 4 mele 2 mole. 1 rte Hagdoegen requires only 0.6 moles ox So 0.5 males onygim will Tremaine eX cers. ona) bydragim Will be Lomepletedy tom . Hydrogen = Limiting Yenguat x oxy = Exe reagent tro, of eneles of Ho = Ah mreh | SHorT TRICK to find out Limiting reagent +

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