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• Dioxin → family of chemical compunds that are unintentional byproducts of indutrial, nonindustrial &
natural processes involving combustion.
• Dioxin means the chemical TCDD (2.,3,7,8-tretachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin) which is the most toxic.
• Dioxins come from 3 related chemical families :
- Chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (CDDs)
- Chlroinated dibenzofurans (CDFs)
- Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBS)
• Natural activites that produce dioxins → forest fires & volcanic errutpions
• Human activities that produce dioxins → burning trash & fuels
Paper & herbicide manufacturing
Tobacco burning
• Health effects of dioxins depends on:
- Duration of exposure
- Frequency “ “
- When the exposure occurred
- Concentration of the agent
- Route of entry
• Health effects →
- Chloracne - Liver damage
- Skin rashes & discolorations (due to - Endocrine effects
achne) - Reproductive & developmental effects
- Excessive body hair growth

Polychlorinated Biphenyls

• Usually present as a single chemical.

• Trade names for PCBs : Arochlor, Askarel & Therminol
• PCBs were more in demand than those that were there at that time because its ; chemical stability, low
flammability, inexpensive cost & insulating properties.
• Uses of PCBs → insulating fluid in transformers & capacitors
• Terminated production in 1977.
• Toxicities : cancers (melanomas, liver, biliary & intestinal cancers)
Immune suppresion
Menstrual & male fertility disturbances

Prenatal exposure leads to low IQ in children

Organic Solvents

• Solvent → liquid substance with a capacity of dissolving other substances.

• Modes of exposure to solvents : breathing the vapors
Ingested contaminated food & water
By contact with skin using cosmetic packing plastics
• When pregant women are exposed, the chemicals enter fetus via placents to cause spontaneous abortions.
• Examples of important chemicals are :

- Tetrachloroethylene → used In cleaning solutions & as a metal degreaser.

Has a distinct odor & evaporated quickly
May casue neurologic effects, loss of consciousness & death (in severe cases)
Liver & kideny cancer in chronic exposures

- Trichlroethane → has 2 forms (1,1,1-trichloroethane & 1,1,2-trichloroethane)

Methylchlorofrom is found in degreasing compunds & househlod cleaners
Toxic exposure casues : effects range from dizziness to loss to consciousness
The other form has a sweet order & is low flammability
Dircet contact may case skin irritation

- Trichloroethylene (TCE) → grease dissolving solvent, found in paint removers & adhesives
Long exposure may cause : headches, dizziness etc.

- Toluene →used in nail polish, paint & adhesive manufacture.

Colorless liquid with characteristic order
Low to moderate exposure cause : nuerogenc effects (anorexia, nausea & confusion)
Heavy exposure : loss os consciousness & death
Renal effects

- Acetone → colorless liquid with sweet ordor

Used in nail polish, cleaners & paint
Highly volatile & flammable
Moderate exposure causes : eye & respiratory tract irritation
Higher exposures cause : headches, vomiting & unconsciousnes

- Benzene → extremly toxic

Inhalation causes : nausea, dizzinessness etc
Other effects : damage to blood & blood forming organs
Carcinogenic (acute myelogenous leukemia)

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