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Tebic -1 be Sledvoweg matic Rodi oon Le Quantum Hury Le Ruttunfords wad: (A) Eteclomogmatic Radiation: Cre havelength (a) foomp Ube “ Pravgh Accovaimgy Ae James Cleeve Maxwelh a frequency urrunt ton rradioge ¢rQY in Ae form of wanes whidt cam travel Space usith the Some velocity Gs rot of Light. Tue tow " Clecbw magmatic” was given t= use rvadiatiows because wowes Cam be qunouded ley ona vi m4 . — cum oceillating mamenr. Whure de eledhial vector Ce) msg nedic vated) propegete matali porperdicutan way. E live tion of propagation” Pav berties of rave + Angshom WD Wandlength (A) + AY [am -8 ato 1A =o om = lo ™ -9 s” dum = to m Bod bm = " “to -10 22 = jo X10 ™ = lo xlo Mm ° e = 1A = 0.01 A db Frequency CY) Mumber of wanes poming Harorghe 0 porrticuten point Cir chace) mM 4 sec. unit: see’ or He- @=znA) ty on electromngnetic wane ve Capeed of git) & ne” Gnee, Cz cowtamt; Yo L ” ‘ 7 Rectangular egpertelta.” Giy wove ruben C¥)+ mo. of fut waves, cprenent 5 Ve om wit Aigtomce . 7. a WO Amplitude CA) + : y pe «C 1 ys fy = exy The temiciy of army A Mane Om ity anmpritade . ey =» |r « Ay Aiffoumt laud of — Cleckommynetic vadioutions + Frequenyy (9) f _ twaweremath (2) L a Radio Micro Ta Vissible Right UVa eeray of Cosmic wove wave Red Violet yays “rays. Qe) RoyvGervw Fop mw Yoo wm % imeowreet statement is - () [R—radiodion have faxgen Wavelere te He comic says GC) te freqrency of “Veevownues is Lemer thom rat of vv ight €) X-rays howe darren wae member Pham Microwave ®) Gu wave Leva of Ke ray § is Anove tram Elat of micrormue CB) Plamck’s Quantum Traore + Roviuiates » Ty Acearding Ae Mak Planck Hae bse Cam ruven take [ace Continantg , but if always occurs me Aad disevede cumourds « tre mt packel of energy iS Called Quan Gn cue of Light, Hee ensrgy quanta |S Celled Phetow Avion or eminion Of radiation Phe bd cmaunt of fe Tedéamt 2mergy is integrad multiple of the eneryy of o Aimgle yranta- vip Accordirg “to Planck, €nergy of tach quanta Is diveckty propor tion do te — frequency of its radiation (7) « 1 €a % > [E=RY] 42 Plameks 7 ily -2' € = he = 6.626 x10") engsec a -34 = 6-626 KO 3 Gee, ngs if he eden of Ais Coleulnted Im Otm” & energy \s fru) im eV Wit [4 We 16x00 Dy] een, ea 1 es ss a mM Pp | 36 s Ave mn Bio A [oe wath leuth emits —crodtadion of wavelemefe Joo nm Tum Calculate Hr ‘wo of flntoms tmited it too see. Swat = TE Tolal emervay wemjed VW 100 Sees (loo x10) T. Total -emergy 2 Nhe - IRUOXN eV “A a - [ise x N x 46 xo" [s oo w -'9 (3 RAG KIO x n)T. v -'9 ZI xXbER xn = 100x100 JF Ns 3] e/a. Ruthenfords Goia foil experiment + Observation : Most of the ak parchcles povnes Avoigiht Prrangh Ine gold foil aid hi] the — fluorescent sere - feu x= particles wos Jaane which guffoud a mor de flection i You am) bit fe Seveen, at 9% averted Omae - ity ow fm 42,000- 20,000 at- parties sme Come back Tw Yee Game path offen Realy 180" deflection by te fil Conclusion © Rn iy Tre wast of the inner space of om tom ib embty Wy here rust be ome huang lpmitively clay ed kody » bros hws fhe atom gd He Cenke which is v Armalh 95 Lampard to tet fire of om dom, Called Nucleus Hy The diameter of am dom is mearty oo Himes Han tek of the nudews [otom — io om, warleus- wo? om) anown) Ye maces outside of it iw) fhe Eb ve Defeds ‘iw Rusthorfowds moda + According to te Hay welts weckvody nermit jury, § the Zs wut packads ts chorge while mavig onan) Ye mules om) Hus Wo vodius of Guat dewsmes X wervally fe kz Jumps onto a ruchas «fo, ne stebility of the adem —tommret be ex plained a* ' W According to the Ruthurfords motel om adem hud produce towtivaus cWfoimed fr an abr Aheckro bd iw practise, Bre shecra is Bouk's Atomic MoDEL t— Bohr’s Postuiate + Y Concept of Gohr’s onbit + Te electors am we volving eund he mudews in 0 well defined cirtulan path only, kwown as Bohrs orbit / shel During the movement of 2 coum) nudeus and Wunte the told energy of am Me swith wot emit ond radiation Z ik am orbit remains tonstemb » trots why He orbits are Caled Stactionany onbit- ZY Quart sacion of agian momentum s— linear ‘motion cinoutan oben onguian momentum (L) According to Bohr, whan am & - mur votates In a partiodan orbit Yum its foled omgutar momentuan {8 Wwttand and Ye value OF amgulen momentum 4 omy ovblt is Hee infegvok muti ple of x (4) On 4s lenewo « nas Principle 6 wend um wand ” Br The incorrect amgulan rnomemtuon of am & room orbit will be - © Wh o Fh (\ mt 2345 Soba Le wh _ anh Kesher UM woh eh = aq q 37 Gatancing of different Kind of forces = Columnbs far. Pnco 2 k We eas. kad yt a 4K £5 dA tra ws of am @ = m g the Onaryy wo ‘ =D BS Atomic ro = Z she ‘vdocily now & Contripeted free = Colowmloic force = Ze xe ¢) ph Cendvifugon force = mv 7: Gn order to Atay in the Bodionary onbit ; =a A) Emmision on Absorption of eno = s. Se = MF ms” energy the proces of 2 pemotion drm a lower radiation emuygy vel to ighun energy Peuel is cabled clechronic. excitedion . Qn ™ Ket, the energy of om ovbid = E, & neo 2 Go, in orden to Trawit om & fom my 7 Ny obit oO floton having anergy (E-E)) mut be absorbed by the & NB Stank Bienstein ‘re =y One @ will olways Absorb only one phelon at a dine. D Abblicarion, of Boh's model 0 Glouotin of nadius of ait onti owbit = —— " We kvm; my 2 Zee 2 vy, 7” 7 2 whe Re aoe = Ann Va 1 = 0.529 A = 529 em. ae mee of, z=1 (HK) & nel (0 ovtit) ” BMA) SLE Zz iP = nad Ground stode nee a exciled state n = 3 wen on no o=% grew " B,, Cotoutake the “madius oP ghd orbit of Wet ton iw Lp) ‘* ¢ 2 O% Bo = . ct 529 x B= 38.05 th gt prs % Yo ote fof He oom jambs frm 14 40 Boles orbit , Wow mena jms the nadive of He oves} ual ‘trevease 2 2 Sobn Bal vy . 4 2M = 7 = ty itd the oto of te vadus of eet ion in 3 odhit fs Gy Coheutote “fink of Hed tor ant oki) (Pa) ect -(2)* Zo 2 8 a)" M8 Owned 6, Te woo of area corned by he 1H ail ele te tm, g Hohe ime im. ae ob: Ave ar . at a. th. [m2 ) - #)-% a owe RA ti) Colewtation of welocity of am elecdrom of nt orbit — Zz, mot nh = Anihoet oR ARR whe ce Value of ane. 2.pxte ms" B, Coteutods , howd much ‘7, he velocity of an aledrm in 1 Orbit of ge? ion, on tompaned to Speed of Light Sa ‘ as = ANB KD X 4 so. = 842x10 ms! Y= 8.74 KO x6 xye = 2.906 % axye — Bz the elocity of an zis Vo rmoving i 3° ori of He, then the velocity of an Z moving im 28 orbit of Li?* ion is - ii) Time ported of an electron od nh orbit = ec Qy js the ime required 4 Cover gne Complede vrevoludion aroun) the ‘nucleus One compleke revolution means =7 2LP ditlance Now, VY divtance —y 41 Sec- MY ow > BY gee 242 313 Vv ann Xx ™ h xn wh = . cm ee Oy AR MIe x BR Rem Ant get 3 Now = tonshant 5 An me % The ratio of time puriod of & present in find orbit of He* jom WM okt Of Li7* jon we OR OL OF 32 aL aq 3 3 & 9 Aol (Wye 1 4 a = Cone. (F) * € 3a (ta) ,j24 ) Frequuones oh @ ot nm” orbit + 54 is the no Of Tevolutions tompleted ba on @ in aw orbit , in 4 See uv W) Energy of om tecdnon ot nt Bons onbrt Kinetic energy CKE) + Polenta energy (fe) Total energy of an & © Potential energy of om € ot a distance Gp? from dre rurclens 1s the work done in moving phe electron from infinity to the aummum of Specific petwt, at % distance 0’ fmm Maclews, : Ws Cloumbs “ Constont 7 e (v= 00) > pe. —k zerx unZme a @ Kinetic energy = L 2 Lamu? ‘Mn - ke xe x. » * KE= © otal energy : TEs PE + KE B pn & im H-adrm, the energy of tre 1 axcited ode Is = 3.4 eV, tow find out He lanetie emergy of He Sanne & iw tee Same orbit - Som + Kee — TE _ (- 34) 2 t34ev mbps Wm such Way Byod its Kanatic Amergy 6 An € im am adorn for the Same jump war is the or From ue th Sy ° diffotnce ob Polenias meron 2 - 2% My ee are = 2K - (- 2) i 9 an xe = 6X (Pe) (ke) 9 . 52 -katnate! Total energy of am 2 iw nth peplers or bit im ST writ len} zx “2 nl xe 2 . =7k= oxo Nwe | ne importance of . 2. 4M ave Hign” ” — 2 bonstent if tor pot war . 4 “ag atom fin (28 fred) kx an {2 x0 *) a Rn vaue f led ok 1.609 X10 2 T (3.6 eV the exact vou of En f with Pin Wie value Erorgy of different Bows onbit pr H-atom C&=4) E,=- 13-6 Eye - 34 ev Ey = — suey “OS Ey = - ORD EY DE Ey = -0-S4 “vv “1.5 EE = Lye -136 (& L BY (re - ¥) ah AE -13-6 & 2 Which of fr fallow VA) neb—a ne5 (8) neg —a n=3 n=G one d nee 84 Giuotion of AE + DE = Fe - Gj = a he - Dig xt a A n; usb Veh - a 5. eee Ss n° met ©rY®ror®@ Laz xo t-L Eye - «1 ne with increasing yada oF Sl fe Ue gre Yn fu puceovive orbits decreases. “4 pramsitions in He Otome will Give rise b fe ons erurgehic proto 2 Concept of Gomi Bheelna “ Whon a 2 absorbs ong me He form of hotm fun Hu @ gets excided bak whan the z {umes hock p Hs fawer erongy olei| Pin it Toheasers nadiatio. . “las jodiotion Yul if omits iy Called E miwion Spectre: aN Absorption Emin —N\ " Connees ais Grrd inoue oo seo bine a —9— *Jine speed rum " Prism Pretec pete ‘Bee -jines He visrible range Bodmin observed hat Paw ort 4 (Aoe - too we) ghee Gane Ahechums of He atom was analy ted Wwe vignle one Hx Bp Ha HE “ag av" Sxplanation of fine Speckrum of Heatow by Rahr's model + ” ek of vy —: Radley °° y = (10678) x x” Rydbows tonamt, (AQ when om & drome firm ‘ay >My Jhon a Corresponding Pine with wave nomber "Y's appear Senies Resin of Apeckrom yt ap vee Lyman Ultra violet Cuv) 1 foreea= ~ Bolmn | Vissible L pe rr rr Poschem | IR 3 [1S 6H Ps Bracleett | 1R 4 [* be) 20 Pfund | IR 5 Gy, 02. oo Hung | IR 6 yo find Vine of Bakmn Series js produced bry — awhih tromtion In- fie pecan of Ham 2 Nos —9 NR G Te Arey. of radiation smiled hum a fas frm nea —> Med Te Hal ‘will be - I rot jabs AE = hy = 21x (=°4) J Ve4 q le . 7 )» yp 2 ale xlo (i- 4) s co. 6.626 x 18°" a ect a7 = 30RxIo § ne3 t 5 Pines we sxhetled inv Balan series, Quah Bohman tould bWy observe 4 Lines iw ned Yue visti he vegiow Bol: tous aon teas FF W23—72; BE win, Damen nea 3 Red (Hx) a> n-492ra ; Greew Che) BwSA2) Bw CHa) Lyre, Ml co meb 2s Dniw violet (HE) if, DD NET B; DK violet * Uv weg” — Sutmodudion of Tow sation 2 ogi hecolavg Gehas avolel; Pr - ae toe aunt te be tz fom te) —p meee (orm of ont put is Peequired ‘ats ) cated, of Had om [it AE = - 136 27 | tt - el > Ew-E, + D6 + - 136 x2 (=> 7 TE = 136 eV] (wrt (i) Yn Genenos ; (re = ABE XK Rye ev) Numbor of apelrel fines iy etatat ne of Diner for Ba @ Poransifin iw Wynn —> 7," mney coch % fromitim 2 one Meclrt be ‘ 7 ned 4p Tote Uns = & nel " ‘alto « CARN "Wy Numbor of pheednad fines tw Wn fue orbits, Ln (",-™1) fonkiculon Auris g Toled Bix Apecdral Lines im Lmtisvion ppeckrum wore oWjernS. Which of Hoe loving fires veil mot appear in a bsoxftim wpe ckram: > Xx @® 42345 6 fine - 4, 5/6 Mill, Com emit radiation Ki m4 yerch q Wo b, WSF donk ghawo on hess fm Hedror Mort fehs ede + iy Based on Hels model — Reh could sxpleine fle AAability af am atsm- » acesfity explains te origin of fave Pheu iy Ying Peis model me Can Calvudets ‘ih’, Naty’ & En’ of an & wy he bref idea aeut TF on be derived from TBokrh reodel Demonte of Bohr's Model + tly, ofialte fe SE ri, net, ei? Beer] " Tis ‘model of picodtte 4e@ Mptm Ue hen Wy Yn presence of de ctritat fued (stark fed) on magnetic fetd “the fines spechum af - atom ql splitted nto more finer Lines — fgh's Yodel Cannot saefine oe I — i Wx Wty Heigenbergs uncertainty pric ple Wy Bebv's omedel fails explain a> phuchoe of am orm. fue “PHOTO ELECTRIC EFFECT + Te is fhe phenome in which dedroms Ve wham Wak is exposed to 4 EMR such 03 Na, K, Bb ghow this fee emitted frm a meted smnface Zn, Mg , Cal ghew tis Chocet sufficient 2rorgy - Metals wih —viseible Light = & Tetels bike Wnden Uy Light The miami -Unereg wick Imeident ight Up oki sn @ tte at bm - The meta jrrface is celled Me Work “it J) Anode Finetiow (is) of tie tase (eV) S work function diffe Fem “meta to Lo tmstot When EMR falls om to othe meted le, Bat 9M Surfce, He free absorbs Photon ond if the emergy of Hee photon J We of He meet A photo cell Free es Come oud frm fe Gurfere or he thore photo electra. iy his precom ib om immiomban tous proecs ive. Es or jected rom the surface 0 form 0 tw gunface ts irradia eg tht beam qb: ia composed of a am) rot be defined Wy According 1o Cienfem, an EMR ehta per nied $20 a wone, ‘the iwlencity of omy Tadiotion com Pine rruvmbben oP — pholows pasting through Om wi az Wave. Trfemity Amplitude =~@= thoy ° partie; Trdensity © mmo. of pholords mote, per sec ond the wrrent Ptow Ci) Coming ord of Hee metal surface ; ad cf photons jo econ). currents fis (1) x Westy of He a. / qridod get CZ) Ny he ejection of Z is indepen dot of tne Titers ah imeident Light Af the energy of He protons < cook function of Me etal “Han, plotoetectaoms, no vation now tanh igh fae oni lyis - he maven Frequumey of o poten tat cled ip Colled Yoresheld is. divechly profevFoel wide is te We ww. fe frofortiond te fae wo ejection eels em be qe ruth be foresed to frot ¢ frequency Ce) » [i= Oe cp Ake frequamey of ireldene ym Is ten we fly te eed te eo, hd yh% ivy he minimum -ve voltage of the L 5, (ollector required to Stop the photoetectvic 3) Curcenk flew is Caled —Sfoplirg -polendiad. (%6) f Al stop hire potential othe £5 With = max Lanetic comnet trover frwrds rttector. 9f the harge -f = is 'e’ thon its corre sponding mat (deriv) = eVy (04 stopp 010) points) " an! (00 Voltage Q) Ha tex 4 the Q Lolleerbe “ a eo ° > mea? fT Uma = AKIN KE voc of -fUnt Ue rar * Einsteins Explamadtion of Photoelectric Effect - . : Idersty iy Terry of Ye dncident git, Eady. (7% Vo) rush be ly 4, Vy, Hun, fre extra energy of He & Converted wu ts KE. af He Ke of te froteeleehms is Of rroximum, fren, = 2p wy 4 a (KElnas = amOnat eV = hv - h% Bi fe a mulat threshold wavelength or frobsectnic. tbect is 2b4o A. Now, if am Uv vadtation of uawel Jeto A is vatidenct ke of te ajecked 2? on the rated, Prom Who — Wilt be Hae ma fe N= 20mm 9 Woe he - Ie ev No abu Ay eV. Mee lm 9 EL GBs ev Ke = (EnWo) = 68S - Wt rise 4, - asx ext JT. 8 york fumetrw of frrme — rmedets 7 — mK Mm Wo (eV) : 2-30 gar 3 43. Th the medals ore iiediowsd wrth fig of Asoo vrauelempte , [ubrick metal (5) will emit — Yhoometon Vag wm G2 PHD = 29 = 4D EY Ofte cachos x 1 Na, K 7 = Ds Protoatectrie emminion is obsowed frm a pumtace When faylds of Rag werner n, & M, be incident on iL. Tf de votre of max KE tw too Cans ane Kid Commume 1) Md) Hen the dhreshtd frguaney rut be- Ke, = hn, - hve BR Ke = hy - ho 0 OD Ke Ks Ny - Me Key” m2 No a> KNy- KM nm *% =O 2 Me = mo KOT 1-k Wave Notwe of Llectrors de- Brogtie’s pedemend + When bound iwyide @m avtom &3 behave snot fake Golid particles only, loot wakead ike « wane. This iden. Was propos ey dmis de Graghe (1923). Tre maton wanes, phe Ha Ligh wawes re hanechoried ey tir &Y- i s Ee ke L Elcemegn 7 . ee me Note er ge me 4 a. he moter Cam vet frovel with pu mo Heo 4 iis oe ay FO " rydocity fo the seacro sepie 7 ynaer" wane Linu pry: ‘rests H# Aowison be Greme’s expodimend + V = fotention applied: tohon fu *9/ charged 4— articles ender ide “Hee — potential fied “U’ they ome aecelansted Wh KE = qv. . Accovdirg te He Ae- rags zane 3 the wou ong of oa ranaed conic Ato pic article 7 Af these three portides ae orccelaraked nde rome podenchal fers Prom j Me Apt Ag = 282 0.0286: 0.0101 Dey de? Wx An & beam Con undergo diffraction erysals. Thro thet embral Yd & beam a zs be 9 tn eee rwourungte beams sapet fe 4.56 4. ? \o=) Set 1 2 ot mm. > Age 0-154 tm be Lay de 2 Ve Cong s GaF vere he te Beeglies Hypoinais is on ap picalle pr awiero peslric particles = m= 2g0 am A 4 ft Ae mmx aye looms . _ fbabx to 38 0.2 kg x op ms" -35 34.513 Xlo om 23 2 336K By 9f Dy Ap demote fhe de Broglie twavelungel fom ratio of 1:2 oftey wily 0 accelerated frm jerk itn fame “poterdion: flan Hi yorro of & Ad is— > y. h VvamaV > seb 9 Ae [e- Bees ’ Ve Ar U fret # mae rmnele cubes pe Ae Fanghie hapfrtouts js alee oppucolse Velocity ef molecutes Ces) is flier 04 fer hyo ,V = Uenitlent Poot “mean Aquare myehority [Uns = BRT J 2 KR. M M 2 Seat 2k 7 oe BE me 1, * — » = bom ‘hy x [3lgT wy ba ins Wows Of one *trrmal de- Broglie swrawelemapt . YS wolemte. ae + + + + + OP * [ tomfruckive iwlorfounce” AP Pag " Destructive wherfounte" Coujhen am é moving jw am aden ordat as 5 \\ dA, fore wx dol nemo of », ewes famed ok om portiouan oma ofa wave didance Wotlne od ont = nA. aw over te Weve Cavsyroctive ‘whorferemee, 9! rush he Now-Rere ve Whger Aga, Cirtumporemee = anv . ann = ) aAYe nw mnt a [?’ =n] * pxineiiie qn” 8 TP he rods “ “ I M4 Bohis ovkit is ‘a! ‘ " han find ta Aer Prroghi hraw lerghy AP ont of Wook fi e+ Broglie doe oem Ye, oon” Rw. aK x fas AXA gE Elecdroragnetic. i ‘Woule. (HO jp yane U Asporiatd “ dermis fed | mot 5 & ie Ged ana £ ara: & orpendicnan) a pseas / magni. field (es Mnewhal particle ) hiy Move with he sheed of Light diy aa woth diffownk Apede 4 of Lig Kia) “hese olo rol reqpire ong ey Yiu weppire 0 grediume medi popaget i 4 ogee (w _@ ‘ a= 7) w A= Mins Heisen Meisen bonds eg pine + 4h is not powable to dedermine the postion an well os Ye rusmunhuan, of omy aeniera Seople particle , pivnuttameoees 4 AX 27 position wntedainty ye 2 - direction bh aoomemtum u eM Avy 7 agdoaty w uw ® According te Hesenbos — prinule; (Ab, = ™ OVx) Pe = M, q Axx hh > zy 7 an |=y> AE x At 2G Ane Avy > AR anm Case-t pesition Po an @ ad “t! time is % Om dom ‘rucheus af we Com eos Phe vai of % “po + yh aecunaey Ak = 2X Yio Cose-2: Yom objec is ovng a9 om/s Speed oA ang divechon od acunecy fexcokge 8 2% 7. We Avy = Ux Xoo 4. we uncorbinky im fie position of om 2 (im = 9.1 x 167% 9) moving with o velocity of 4xiot cm/s accurate uple 0.011% will be @ 1.92 om 76g on TOIT Um) 3.84 Oe Ax y GR X m DVy -2' 6-626 xlo 4 GR x ONK EK Bx x OO 103 8 9$ the — uncendeinty iw povition & — momerlum ane eouad for ony particle phen whd is the Uuneoderndy in velocity 2 o Lhe » & ot ues fh mR fama an KE Clertrm cam never be found within Yuclens + “is if fre & is within yucleus Hum AxX= 10 ™ wo = en Bom, & TB RIO mS am bx (hot posibte) Sommenfeld’s Extension + As observed in Zeemann / plank chhect the Vepberdine sputing of Apcchol Lives wort observed. Sphittin of Speedo Lines sugges Pre presence F wont othen emurgy Lavels umded & parctiadan onbit sub energy Jn 1915 Sovmenfeld buggered N, . levels Que presence of pubsholls , whith seed Agperfine Gud be eiiptal Ve malo ond ‘ Lines. fase fabshatls wow idendifid bg rumbor aman Azimuth or Subtiden qu Cp a) £ w mejor ovis” fees distemce bfn — > (1mdeus) winor axis Nucleus & @ Constant changes. eltipicy = Beri wine 98 (0) bum — major axis (b) a ~N)- for ong particular sub shell oxcorting ® . ke Semmerfod) (VBTERIGREDY fecovtng to Sommurfeld “le vo of KC depends on Hee Value 4 “yr ong given volas af ww’, ua howe ain Hee Twheger volts ee 2 if tre volue of N= 45 ke 4525354 Koten k’ war vetoed by Y (onbited argue smomutham , where; g=k-t" az he 0 A mas “a Ch 2, 3 (a) (4) > subshes. nme 4 5 Q=0 (18 ~ ubshent) me 2 5 be 0 (48> ) 4 CaP J ne 3 5 $209 4 (3b) 2 (a) ne 4 ; p= 0 (4S) 2 @d) 1 (4p) 3 A) For ned, he 0 4 2 3 iy (Mh) = 4 2 4.33 4 [Gredon] eli ety (rr) us Gp GN (4f) 4 4d © Penitraly of fe subghus 4s Powands fle nucleus iS: IM — ence atbva clon ‘td onthe @ Quantum mechanical model of adem + Quam Meee based on the wave - particle dumnility of master Ty Quantum mechanical theory is dened. Yee, the wove natwu of the € is const Wy The concepy of an & fiiowing a definite onbit where HS position ond velocity are evwowm evocy is yeplaced by dae probability of finding an @ iw @ partionan volume of space of quantum “meehamics wore deve oped ce pert fime. inclepen iy The postulates Heisenbow am) — Scradingor. Serodingen proposed by auntin lls ye BY 4 = Hamiltonian opmater. = Wave function, dais gives ‘he probabi ity 5 ak a poi ih space of finding am wnhoose cxorivadss onre (92) Them probability js Cohouald ag yf (2,48) E = deel ons ft é scribed y ¥ Brief, idea fa a Handivg wane of wave length , amplitude at oa poink aera 2t'~ ois te described by © furckon {@ ol fm __ An® f(x) a} Ronni fy an elechmic wane th OME- dimension; dy any de x fir om & moving ie 3D akong HY AE Crordivadts 5 dy, dy, We. - A vO?) oe ye Oe x 3 a yo _. ua met ap ae) OF Laplacian oforaer Vv 2 ae > vy t+ 4h 4 =0 1 a” . I amu appiyirg de Bregties hapoteatis, vee > ae Sending eee on) Hs —_—~ 2 ty + ann. aceeyy =0 h m” Sofudine + AAA

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