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ee COPYRIGHT RESERVED SX/S-3/UG (a) Eng-v 2018 Time : 3 hours Full Marks : 70 Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable, The questions are of equal value. Answer any five questions. 1 hat are the main tenets of feminist literary theory? 2. Describe the various stages of the deconstructive process. Discuss the difference between Modemism and Post-modemism. Discuss, chronologically, the major influences on Marxist literary criticism. HU - 20/2 (Tum over) Cultural Materialiam has been describe, % 4 aa ‘a political form of historiogray,, r oritios Discuss Elaborate on the course of action followed », \ ecocritics Discuss the chief tenets of liberal hurnanism N Describe the characteristics of post-colonial Xv criticism —_—_ ~ 20/2 (299) COPYRIGHT RESERVED SX/S-3/UG(A) — Eng (V) 2019 Time.: 3 hours Full Marks : 70 Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as Practicable. The questions are of equal value. Answer any five questions. ~1. Discuss Freud's contribution to literary studies. 2. What is narratology ? Discuss Aristotle as a : Narratologist. 3. Discuss the key moments in literary theorizing from Aristotle to Leavis from the point of view of Liberal Humanism. 4. Discuss the various stages of development of feminism. 5. Explain the basic idea’ of Marxist Criticism. 7 FN — 34/1 (Turn over ) 6. What are the important landmarks in the rise of postmodernism ? Describe 7. “Ecocriticism is the study of the relationship between literature and the physical environment.” Elucidate. . 8. Define and discuss new historicism. % fe FN — 34/1 (200) (2) SX/S-3/UG(A)— Eng (V)

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