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Date Submitted: Sept 12, 2022

Course: BSEMC - DAAG Professor: Dr. Alexander C. Balcoba

Questions: Answers:

Activity 3: What are the First, ECONOMICS

compelling reasons for For instance, according to Forbes, the European Union
Britain's exit from the failed to solve the economic issues that had been growing
European Union? since 2008; for instance, Southern Europe has a 20%
unemployment rate.

Or as simple as the development of nationalism around the
planet. The European Union, the International Monetary
Fund, and NATO are excellent instances of the growing
mistrust of international financial, economic, and defense
institutions established after World War II.


The political leadership of Britain faced an intense loss. The
"leave" rejected both the Conservative and Labour parties.
It was a three-way struggle in which the TWO established
parties wanted to remain in the European Union, and a third
faction, drawn from both parties, opposed it. People in this
third group saw both of the establishment parties as hostile
to their interests.

Voters who supported Brexit did so for a number of

reasons, such as the European fiscal crisis, immigration,
terrorism, and what they saw as the burdensome
bureaucracy of Brussels on the U.K. economy. Because it
never chose to join the European Union's monetary union
and instead uses the pound instead of the euro, Britain was
leery of the initiatives the EU was working on because
Leave supporters believed they threatened the country's
sovereignty. Additionally, it continued to be outside of the
Schengen Zone, which meant that it did not have open
borders with many other European countries.
Seatwork 1: Why is Market integration, often known as globalization, is the
market integration blending of various markets, including those for
important in today's commodities, services, money, labor, data, and information.
Global market integration has been envisioned by
entrepreneurs as an opportunity. In their ambition to have
anything, anywhere, at any time, consumers have imagined
the merger of the global market. The contribution of the
hypothetical global market integration is the ocean of
limitless potential for all businesspeople everywhere on
Earth and the chance for all customers everywhere to
benefit from the value these businesspeople provide.

The world would not be in the state it is in today, for both

good and bad reasons, if market integration had not
occurred. The upside of this success is that we have been
able to give the majority of people on the earth the standard
of living they desire; the negative is the strain we have
placed on the planet and the environment.

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