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Date Submitted: November 14, 2022

Course: BSEMC - DAAG Professor: Dr. Alexander C. Balcoba

Meditate on the rituals and practices of your own religion. Have these been affected by
globalization ?

Globalization and religion have always been in opposition to one another. The
interconnection of the economy and politics that has typically been associated with
globalization has eventually bonded people together. No event has a singular influence;
its effects are felt throughout the world. A "global culture," a minimal standard that is
acceptable by all, has emerged as a result of this change in the global cultural
While there is growing and ongoing engagement, religions are becoming more
aware of their position as world religions. Religious nationalism is opposed by the
fundamental principles of globalization. Globalization breaks down boundaries between
cultures, but it also places religion in a minefield of conflicts that strengthen social
identities because some people reject the new truths and resort to religion to recover
their own identities. A sense of community in the world can be found through religion.
The complexity and assault of the modern world have not defeated religion, which is
now considered as having become even more intense in the context of current
Globalization and religion may seem like equally enigmatic concepts. But as the
concept of religion has been around for a lot longer than the latter, discussions
regarding its definition have also persisted. In reality, debates about the definition of
religion occupied sociologists, anthropologists, and religious studies academics for a
large portion of the 20th century. Even while attempting to define religion may still be a
fruitful epistemological exercise, the fact that this argument is still going strong today
may indicate that it is mostly intractable. In fact, it is rare that any definition that is
reached to satisfy the critic because it almost always contains some sort of value
judgment that could cause it to be prejudiced in favor of one putative religion at the
expense of or exclusion of another.
In other words, globalization makes it possible for religions that were once
isolated from one another to now come into regular and inevitable interaction.
Globalization thus reveals that since all religions share similar ideals, none of them is
"right" and can, therefore, be altered.

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