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University of the East

Manila Campus

NAME: Ladesma, James Patrick B. Date of Submission: 11 / 14 / 2022

Subject: ZPD_1102 Day / Time: MWF / 08:40-09:40
Name of Activity: Activity 3 & 4 (FINALS) Individual Activity (IA) No.: 3 & 4

Activity 3: General Etiquette

General Etiquette: Telephone Etiquette Explanation

The telephone conversation that will be Choosing whether to answer in a formal or

used as an example is one that is informal manner depends on your position
happening between a person at work and a and readiness when the phone rings.
caller who is trying to reach the top Typically, if you are just talking to a friend or
manager. family member, you will use a casual tone.

EMILY When you are speaking on the phone in a

language other than your native tongue, it
“Good morning, High tech industries, Emily can be intimidating. During a phone call, a
speaking. How may I help you?” variety of tones may be employed, and the
voice you use will depend on the person
WILLIAMS you are speaking with. There is a certain
telephone etiquette that should be followed
“Good day to you, I am calling to speak with regardless of the topic of the conversation,
Mr. Johnson.” so we've compiled some of the most
frequently used words and phrases in this
EMILY article.

“I am afraid that Mr. Johnson is in a Always act professionally when you call
meeting all morning, can I ask who is someone back. Customers are led to
calling please?” believe that their work is in capable and
secure hands as a result. They would
WILLIAMS probably do the deal again.

“This is Mr. Williams, a client with whom he The first impression you give over the
has been dealing.” phone has a lasting impact. The recipient
feels valued because of your phone
EMILY manners.

“Thank you, Mr. Williams, would you like to Potential customers will trust you more if
leave a message?” you use proper telephone etiquette. It
fosters customer loyalty and motivates

College of Computer Studies and Systems 1

University of the East
Manila Campus

WILLIAMS them to frequently purchase your goods

and services.
“No, thank you. Could you please have him
return my call at his earlier convenience.” When clients are happy with their phone
interaction, they are confident that their
EMILY needs and demands will be met in person
as well. They receive a dependable and
“Of course, that won’t be a problem. Was comprehensive experience as a result.
there anything else I could help you with,


“That will be all, thank you for your time.”


“The pleasure is all mine. Good day, Sir.”

Activity 4: Building Self Esteem Situation

Positivity spreads easily. You'll be much Jerry was the kind of person you wanted to
more inspired to act if you have a positive hate. He was always upbeat and had
outlook on achieving your goals and encouraging things to say. He would reply,
success in general. Your motivation will "If I were any better, I'd be twins," when
eventually wane if you only focus on the asked how he was doing.
challenges that stand in the way of what
you want to accomplish. We must view One day I told him, "I don't get it! How do
obstacles as opportunities to expand and you do it? "You can't be a positive person
become unfathomable. Positive all the time.Jerry retorted, "Jerry, you have
expectations for a wonderful future two choices today: you can choose to be in
grounded in positive thinking and past a good mood or you can choose to be in a
experiences go beyond mere wishful bad mood. Each morning when I wake up, I
thinking or great imagination. Positive tell myself that."
visualization alone won't help someone
reach their objectives; it must also be I decide to have a positive attitude. Every
accompanied by an analysis of the potential time anything awful occurs, I have the
barriers to success. Many different things option of being a victim or of taking
are frequently fantasized about, and when something positive away from it.I make a
they do, they often feel as though they have conscious decision to take something
succeeded. positive away from it. Every time someone

College of Computer Studies and Systems 2

University of the East
Manila Campus

comes to me with a complaint, I have the

Because of how wonderful and relaxing the option of accepting it or pointing out the
fantasy makes them feel right now, they good things in life."I choose to see the
choose not to act. However, it should be bright side of life."
followed by steps that help you reach your
objective. If we continue to think positively Years later, I learned that three armed
about our objectives, sooner or later we will robbers had threatened Jerry with a gun
be able to envision fresh possibilities, while they were inside his restaurant. His
inspiring motivations, and ideas for how to trembling hand slipped off the combination
accomplish tasks as well as what to say or as he attempted to open the safe.
do at various times to turn them into
realities rather than mere fantasies. Clarify He was shot by the robbers after they
and make it more useful. Do it right now. became anxious. Jerry was fortunately
Stay driven. located and taken to the closest trauma
center right away. He underwent an 18-
hour operation, spent weeks in intensive
care, and was eventually discharged from
the hospital with bullet fragments still
lodged in his body.

I inquired about him when I saw him again

about six months later. You want to see my
scars? If I were any better, I'd be twins, he
retorted. "

"Aren't you afraid? I questioned.

They kept promising me I would be alright,

said Jerry, adding, "The paramedics were
fantastic." But as soon as they rolled me
into the emergency room and I saw the
looks on the nurses' and doctors' faces, I
started to feel quite frightened. "He's a dead
man," I could read in their eyes.

How did you behave? I questioned.

He explained that a large, obnoxious nurse

had been asking him questions. She
inquired as to whether I had any allergies,
and I replied that I did, to bullets. I said, "I'm
choosing to live," and requested that they
treat me as if I were still alive rather than
dead as everyone laughed.

College of Computer Studies and Systems 3

University of the East
Manila Campus

Jerry survived because of his incredible

attitude in addition to the skill of his doctors.
He showed me that we may choose to live
life to the fullest every day.

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