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Date Submitted: August 22, 2022

Course: BSEMC - DAAG Professor: Dr. Alexander C. Balcoba

Questions Responses

The first World War lasted from July 14, 1914, to November
11, 1918. Over 17 million people would die by the war's
end, including over 100,000 American soldiers. In reality,
the causes of a war are much more nuanced and complex
than a straightforward list of causes. Europe as a whole
developed over time agreements for mutual defense that
would force them into conflict. Because of these treaties,
allies were obligated to defend one another's countries in
1. What led to World the event of an attack. When a nation acquires new lands
War I and World War II? under its control, imperialism occurs, it increases its
strength and wealth. Increased militarism played a role in
provoking conflict between the contending nations. So
nationalism sparked the conflict directly. But in a broader
sense, the nationalism of the various nations in Europe
played a role in both the start and the growth of the conflict
there. World War II had a wide range of primary causes.
The effects of the Treaty of Versailles after World War I, the
global economic downturn, the failure of appeasement, the
rise of militarism in Germany and Japan, and the collapse
of the League of Nations are a few examples.

The agreement to end World War I did not solve the

problems of the world and, according to some historians,
directly caused the next catastrophe: World War II. World
War I was so terrible in terms of death and destruction that
it was referred to as "the war to end all wars." In a radio
2. How were the two address at the time of the agreement's signing, MacArthur
wars resolved? declared, "Today the guns are silent. A great tragedy has
ended. A great victory has been won. When the U.S.
declared victory on September 2, World War II was over. A
flotilla of more than 250 Allied warships were anchored in
Tokyo Bay, and General Douglas MacArthur accepted
Japan's formal surrender from atop the American battleship
Since the "war to end all wars," the world has witnessed the
"peace to end all peace," which sparked the horrors of
World War II, proxy conflicts throughout the Cold War, and,
today, violent conflicts that increasingly inflict harm on
civilians and go beyond the bounds set by the laws of
armed conflict. There is now significantly more firepower
3. How can nations of and war equipment available. Third world war is fraught
the world strengthen with great danger. We have the military capability to
their ties in order to completely destroy ourselves if we combine all the means
avert another world and techniques of war: conventional, nuclear, cyber,
war? drones, and so forth. It's time to put our complacency aside
and start thinking more realistically about ourselves, war,
and peace. In terms of averting war, we are very
knowledgeable. To all those who gave their lives and
families in order to preserve peace in Europe, the Middle
East, and Asia for future generations, we owe it to
implement everything we have learned. If not, only a few
people will be around to hear our justifications.

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