Lantin Alwin Midterms Ethics

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1. Create a case discussion about citizen’s ethical rights and responsibilities in the
coming May 2022 election. How would you encourage the people to cast their
vote? Give the importance of the right suffrage. (25 points)
In these past few years, Filipinos have been blaming the system of governance
because of the corruptions of certain leaders. Though it’s a fact that these corrupt
people are to be blamed, it is the people’s fault for electing them. Letting them abuse
their power won’t do good in achieving the democracy we are longing. This coming
May 2022 Philippine presidential elections will be held nationally. Election is the time
when we will choose our candidates and elect them as our leaders. It is our moral
obligation as citizen to elect our leaders. At this point it is very critical for us to be
wise and responsible in with or choices. Electing the right leaders will lead us to
achieve our ideals that all of Filipinos will benefit. During elections vote buying is a
very common issue in the Philippines which is morally unacceptable. Fair election
might not happen but we all know that these unacceptable things may impact the
results. Selling vote is a bad choice since it might help a politician that we do not
wish to lead the country. This may result to unjust laws, unwanted wars and
corruption that may affect our lives. Also choosing selfless leader with a “citizen first”
ideals will help us create better policies that promotes common good rather than
their own interests.

Suffrage is very important matter because being able to vote during election is a key
role in our society as citizens. Politicians have their platforms and states their
intentions during debates and campaigns that may help people decide whether to
vote them or ignore them. When we elect leaders, we are expressing our chosen
policies and platforms that will help us is the future. Today, politicians have their own
gimmicks to garner votes from Filipinos. When campaigning they speak convincing
words to persuade people to vote for them. We should always remember to check
their platforms, backgrounds and records to help us choose which candidate we
should vote. Doing some research through trusted sites is not a bad idea. Vote

Election in Philippines. (2017, September 1). ESSAYBASIC.


Is there a moral right to vote? (2017, July 28). Springer Link.

Limlingan, D. P. (2022, February 25). Limlingan: Various campaign gimmicks.


2. Construct a narrative that explains your ethical responsibilities as an individual
during pandemic. How would you help the country in addressing the health
crisis? Justify your answer.


This Pandemic have taught us that all people in this world are connected not only
physically but also ethically. A lot of us have suffered and died because of the
Covid-19 Virus roaming internationally. Due to our unpreparedness and
negligence, the virus spread throughout the world like a wildfire. Some of us think
that “we are the masters of our fate”, but truly we’re not. This belief was slammed
by the pandemic. A lot of dreams were shattered and our world was turned
upside down. How? Covid-19 pandemic destroyed not only our lives but also the
aspects that are connected to us. Economic issues sprouted worldwide that
worsened the suffering experienced by the citizens. Works, schools,
transportations, price hikes were some of the main issues that caused the people
to be anxious and stressed. The government also implemented health safety
protocols and prohibitions to limit the spread of the virus. These prohibitions and
safety protocols are for our own benefit and also for our society. Vaccinations are
also important because vaccines can help you avoid contracting covid-19 virus.
Vaccines acts as your body's natural defenses to help you establish the virus
with immunity safely. This also reduces your chances of getting the variants of
covid that is currently spreading.

The phrase “do the right thing” makes us think that ethical things must be done to
help someone. Doing the right things is not only helping other but also helping
ourselves. The importance of such activities is unaffected by pandemics.
However, in the event of a pandemic, we must respond responsibly and with a
long-term perspective. With our own little ways, we can help stop the spread of
the virus such as; use soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after
going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or
sneezing. We can also use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60%
alcohol. If your hands are visibly dirty, then make sure to use soap and running
water since sanitizing products will not remove the dirt. We should also follow the
social distancing protocol which prohibits us from having a physical contact with
another person and also it is a must to have a 1-meter distance to prevent the
spread of virus.We may never witness the benefits of acts like social distance
other than in graphs that show a lowering rate of infection in our community in
the months ahead. We may never know how many people have been helped by
our efforts to stop the virus from spreading.

Intro to Ethics: Narrative disruption in the COVID-19 pandemic. (n.d.). Ethics Lab.


Preventing the spread of the coronavirus. (2020, March 30). Harvard Health.


What does it mean to be responsible during the COVID-19 pandemic? (2020, June19).

3. To what extent, if any, is moral personhood and accountability useful method is
approaching moral decisions in life? Discuss briefly.

Moral decision making is a person’s ability to create a responsible and acceptable

reason for his action. It’s important for someone to be mindful of his decisions
because of the consequences of his actions. Whether it’s morally wrong or right
actions always have their consequences. Morally wrong activities such as theft,
rape, murder, drugs and many more are unacceptable and morally prohibited. These
actions may cause harm from both the participants but mostly on the victim. In the
other hand, morally right actions may also cause harm to a person. A great example
of this is telling the truth, it is morally right but sometimes being honest may cause
harm to a person.
Considering the feelings of other person before doing something is very important to
build an ethical trust with each other. Moral personhood indicates that all human
beings are moral agents, while accountability is our responsibilities and obligations
to others as a human, as well as to wider ethical and moral rules, standards, and
traditions. These two are important when we think of doing something and how it will
affect not only us but others. It can help us to consider which action we must engage
to respond accordingly depending on the that we are facing. We can also think about
what the results will be and how it will affect both participants for us to be
accountable of the actions that we choose. When a mistake is made or a problem
emerges, your initial reaction should not be to blame others, make excuses,
manipulate the facts, or outright lie. Instead, you quickly accept that there is a
problem, pinpoint your role in it, and devise a strategy to reduce (or completely
eliminate) the likelihood of it happening again. Being responsible to a chosen action
is important because it can help us work through our mistakes and have a clean
conscience. Also accepting mistakes builds a person’s character to make himself
better at decision making and also as a human being.

Ethical Principles of Responsibility and Accountability. (n.d.). Retrieved March 20, 2022, from






Merry. (2021, October 25). Question: What Is Moral Decision. WhatisAnything. decision/?


4. Explain the influence of Filipino culture/s on the way students look at moral
experiences and solve moral dilemmas.
Pinoy culture has been with us since the dawn of time. As important as it is, culture
has a significant impact on how people live and interact within themselves and with
other cultures. However, each culture has its own set of ideals, beliefs, traditions,
and so on. As a result, a society's culture plays a critical role in the development of
the human being. However, a culture does not always succeed in bringing its people
to their full potential. In the global perspective of human evolution, a culture's system
of beliefs or principles would be incorrect or inadequate.
A distinguishing culture of Filipinos are being religious. Philippines is the only
Christian nation in Asia. According to studies, almost 86% of Filipinos embraced
Christianity now and then. I think this is the most influential thing to students in their
moral experiences and with their moral dilemmas. Moral experience means that
when a person is in a situation when he/she is forced to rethink his/her if she will do
the wrong or the right thing. As a student I can’t deny that I have experienced this
type of situations. Religion is a key factor that influences a person when in a moral
situation. Due to Christian teachings, students who tends to visit churches are more
acquainted to these situations. A student being religious is infused with a god-fearing
mindset which create limitations to his actions because of his beliefs. It is also clear
that these students rationally listen to their conscience to avoid causing unwanted
harm with their peers. Moral dilemma is a situation when someone is confused to
choose whether to make the wrong or the right decision.
Religion has a great impact to students when they are in this type of situation,
reflection of their values and moral judgment abilities. Students become more
inclined to depart from the path of morality if they do not believe in God. When duty
beckons, it will be more difficult for them to put their own interests aside. When God
enters the situation, though, our will is reinforced. Atheists and agnostics will be less
conscientious than religious people. However, religion does not always assist us in
becoming better people. It all relies on whether or not the religious beliefs in which
we believe are morally sound. Religious and moral education fosters appropriate
attitudes toward others by increasing understanding and respect of the value of each
individual in a diverse community. Students are more likely to listen to their
conscience which tells them to do the right thing to avoid getting punishments from
God. Religious people believe that sinners go to hell and those righteous goes to
heaven which puts fear to their minds and prohibits them from doing bad things.
However, when religious students commit immoral actions, they experience a
greater self-conscious emotion where they feel more guilt, disgust and
embarrassment caused by their action.






Morality and Religion. (2019, September 2). The Spiritual Life.



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