Challenge 14.1

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University of the East

ZGE_1106 - DAAF

Challenge 14.1
Readings in Philippine History: History and Science Learning

Group Leader: May 21, 2022 (Saturday)

Group Members:

Claims of Marcos Claims of Lacaba

in Revolution from the Center in Lying Down in Air

Marcos stated that within the years of the Labaca stated that his own home was invaded
Martial Law, The country was able to by the authorities, they made him lie face
achieve civil equality and was able to down on the floor and beat him up.
administer equal treatment within the Martial

The people that were detained during the Contrary to that, the prisoners were being
Martial law that insinuated rebellion or tortured and hit by the authorities during the
criminal acts were to not be subjected to interrogation of the suspected individuals
inhumane treatments and punishments from whenever their response was not according to
the authorities as stated by Ferdinand their prerogative.
Marcos stated that instead of constricting the Labaca stated that a notable method of
dimensions of human freedom; the torturing people that he was implicated in is
Philippines rather has broadened its the so-called “higa sa hangin”. The torture
perspective of humanitarian liberty. method, as the name implies, involves
making the victim lie down and hang on their
head while being suspended upside down.
This insinuates that the dimension of freedom
that the other party is stating is in fact false.

Marcos states that the incursion that Labaca states that he was detained for almost
happened was not a military takeover of the two years, maltreated, and was given
people’s government, insinuating that the inhumane conduct during the time of Martial
laws are directly affecting the state of the law contradicting the claims of the oppressor,
nation and are under the jurisdiction of fair Marcos.
and right.

Martial law, from different perspectives, was a dark and unfortunate event, although the
reasoning for the implementation of the Martial law may have been for the good, the bad things
that have happened during that era cannot be refuted and if necessary, the people should not
allow such powers to manhandle the country once again. The country has achieved its
democracy and freedom from the oppressors of the old times, the Filipinos must protect this
liberty not only for the people who sacrificed their lives in the Spanish era, and even for the
people who fell victims to incursions during the Martial law. Being a normal Filipino, the
measures that we can undertake are limited, but however small actions we do, they can all
contribute to the greater whole of the nation’s disposition.
Mr. Guittap states that the measures he would take to prevent the occurrence of another
dictator as a forefront leader are to make sure to criticize the leader. He believes that criticizing
the government is not only the people’s right, it is their job to do so. He insists that the
government needs the critics to realize what the people’s dispositions are and what desires need
to be mended, although He believes not every criticism is valid, every criticism to Him is
important for the government to reflect and deliberate unto. Mr. Guittap also stated that as a
normal citizen, he would let his voice be heard in simple ways such as on social media and even
partaking in rallies. This is in order to not allow the incidents that happened during that
oppressive era to manifest again, even more so that the current president to be elected is from the
controversial family that implemented the Martial law.

According to Mr. Padua’s words, letting the people of today know the true, unbiased
history of what happened with previous dictators and abusers of power of what they did to be
called a dictator. He would promote and advertise it to youths and older generations alike,
spreading the word with a calm demeanour and by being respectful to those who do not know the
true history. A caring yet firm hand of teaching would be the best way to prevent a situation of
another dictator rising to power, Mr. Padua thinks. If he were to be disrespectful and call others
names and hurtful words, it would only seem like he would be uncaring or wouldn’t be open to
listen to other’s words. Listening is the key ingredient in this solution, if one side is silenced out
completely then they would rather not listen or read what you have to say. It is not the peoples’
fault for absorbing wrong information, most of the time people can be fed with sugarcoated lies
and they would never know what truly is real with how some people can tell extremely
convincing lies. Be kind to others and they will be more open to what you have to say, only then
would people know the truth.

In Mr. Ladesma words, We've always been drawn to people who look to be powerful.
Some people are readily convinced to give up their rights in exchange for a fictitious sense of
security and safety, not to mention a false sense of regained greatness. Dictators are particularly
adept at targeting socially and economically disadvantaged people, particularly those who are not
necessarily well educated or informed and, as a result, frequently feel confused and
uncomfortable. We must spot prospective dictators before they compromise and destroy our
lives. It is generally too late once they have gained power. To prevent dictators from coming to
the fore requires a population that cares for liberty and takes responsibility for it. Furthermore,
the government, the head of state, the legislature, the courts, the press, and the electorate should
all be independent to provide countervailing oversight. People with dictatorial tendencies will
always exist. Many dictators, both past and present, have extremely high degrees of narcissism,
psychopathy, and paranoia. They exaggerate their own importance and believe they are entitled
to others' admiration. The most heinous can perpetrate terrible atrocities due to an intrinsic lack
of empathy, guilt, or remorse.

In conclusion, the simple measures that normal Filipino people can undertake are small
steps that can eventually bloom into affairs that can protect the country and prevent the abuse of
power through Martial law or any other political institutions that desire to misuse their authority
just as what happened in the past.

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