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 CDA_4308 Quizzes M7: Quiz 1

2nd Sem S.Y. 2021-2022

M7: Quiz 1 Submission Details:
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Due May 24 at 9pm Points 40 Ques ons 40 Available May 24 at 9am - May 24 at 9pm about 12 hours Time Limit 30 Minutes Time: 23 minutes
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Submi ed May 24 at 8:04pm
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Ques on 1 1 / 1 pts

Adver sing at the point of sale—in the store where the buyer is about to choose between one brand and another

Point-of-Purchase Adver sing

Push Strategy

Con nuity Programs


Ques on 2 1 / 1 pts

Can range from a background shot to a product-centered episode, such as when Seinfeld devoted an en re episode to Junior Mints.

Guerilla Marke ng

Product Placement

Sales Promo on

Promo onal Products

Incorrect Ques on 3 0 / 1 pts

Offers consumers something at a reduced price when they buy the primary brand.


Contests, Sweepstakes, and Games



Incorrect Ques on 4 0 / 1 pts

This includes window posters, permanent signs inside and outside the store, special display racks and cases, wall posters and “shelf
talkers” (those ubiquitous reminders popping from the place where the product is shelved), coupon dispensers at the point of sale,
and checkout, shopping cart signs, and signs on aisle floors.

Con nuity Programs

Point-of-Purchase Adver sing

Push and Pull Strategies


Incorrect 0 / 1 pts
Ques on 5

Send in the required proofs of purchase, and you’ll receive this check in the mail.

Con nuity Programs

Push Strategy

Pull Strategy


Incorrect 0 / 1 pts
Ques on 6

One of the most common ways of delivering an organiza on’s message is through stories that run in the media

Special Events

Crisis Management

News Releases

Incorrect 0 / 1 pts
Ques on 7

Communica ng expertly dra ed messages using media to build mutually beneficial rela onships with the public.

Sales Promo on

Public Rela ons

Product Placement

Special Packaging

Ques on 8 1 / 1 pts

Rent 12 movies and your 13th rental is free.

Push Strategy

Point-of-Purchase Adver sing


Con nuity Programs

Incorrect 0 / 1 pts
Ques on 9

The use of short-term incen ves such as coupons, rebates, sampling, free offers, contests, and sweepstakes.

Public Rela ons

Guerilla Marke ng

Special Packaging

Sales Promo on

Incorrect 0 / 1 pts
Ques on 10

Use a certain charge card and accumulate air miles on your favorite airline.


Con nuity Programs

Point-of-Purchase Adver sing


Ques on 11 1 / 1 pts

An item given free or greatly discounted, to en ce you to

purchase a brand.

Contests, Sweepstakes, and Games




Incorrect 0 / 1 pts
Ques on 12

This strategy puts its emphasis on the consumer

Pull Strategy

Push Strategy

Con nuity Programs

Point-of-Purchase Adver sing

Ques on 13 1 / 1 pts

Implied by shops or companies that offer discounts to their valuable customers.


Contests, Sweepstakes, and Games



Ques on 14 1 / 1 pts

Stories ran on television and in print in all local market stops.

Special Events

News Releases

Crisis Management

Ques on 15 1 / 1 pts

A local hardware store used messages on yards cks to posi on itself as more personal than the big box hardware chains.

Guerilla Marke ng

Promo onal Products


Sales Promo on

Ques on 16 1 / 1 pts

Corpora ons spent $25 billion in 2001 for the rights to put their names on everything from local AIDS walks to sports stadiums, and
that’s just for naming rights.


Sales Promo on

Product Placement

Guerilla Marke ng

Incorrect 0 / 1 pts
Ques on 17

Go to a job fair, outdoor concert, or any major event, and you’re bound to come home with a load of free stuff with companies’ logos
plastered all over it.

Product Placement

Special Packaging


Promo onal Products

Ques on 18 1 / 1 pts

Food manufacturers need to know how to respond to food contamina on, airlines need to know how to respond to plane crashes,
and all companies need to know how to respond to financial difficul es, on-the-job accidents, fires, and natural disasters.

News Releases

Crisis Management

Special Events

Ques on 19 1 / 1 pts

Promo on based on skills, ability, and luck.




Contests, Sweepstakes, and Games

Ques on 20 1 / 1 pts

Suppose you want to make a par cular brand of alcohol the next trendy drink. You might want to send hip-looking people into the
coolest bars and have them order a drink made with the brand, in the hopes that others will take no ce and try it themselves.

Sales Promo on

Special Packaging

Product Placement

Guerilla Marke ng

Incorrect 0 / 1 pts
Ques on 21

Johnson & Johnson’s chief execu ve responded immediately, admi ed the problem, launched a na onwide recall, and presented the
company’s plan for dealing with the crisis: triple-sealed packaging and tamperproof caplets.

News Releases

Special Events

Crisis Management

Ques on 22 1 / 1 pts

Can be distributed at special events, given in-store, inserted on or in packages of related products, mailed, or delivered directly to the
consumer’s home.




Contests, Sweepstakes, and Games

Ques on 23 1 / 1 pts

The process of developing a themed exhibit, display, or presenta on to promote a product, service, cause, or organiza on leveraging
in-person engagement.

News Releases

Crisis Management

Special Events

Ques on 24 1 / 1 pts

These promo ons ins ll repeat purchases and help brand loyalty.

Push Strategy


Pull Strategy

Con nuity Programs

Ques on 25 1 / 1 pts

This strategy encourages retailers and other intermediaries to promote.


Point-of-Purchase Adver sing

Push Strategy

Pull Strategy

Ques on 26 1 / 1 pts

Your organiza on will know how to respond to emergencies, which experts need to be consulted, and who should be in contact with
the media and the various publics involved.

News Releases

Crisis Management

Special Events

Incorrect Ques on 27 0 / 1 pts

The wrapping material around a consumer item that serves to contain, iden fy, describe, protect, display, promote and otherwise
make the product marketable and keep it clean.

Product Placement

Special Packaging

Sales Promo on

Guerilla Marke ng

Incorrect 0 / 1 pts
Ques on 28

A man dressed up in a rat costume and pretended to die on the streets of New York to alert people that cigare es contain cyanide,
the same stuff that’s used to poison rats.

Guerilla Marke ng


Public Rela ons

Sales Promo on

Incorrect 0 / 1 pts
Ques on 29

A grocery store that promises great savings may want to give calculators to customers when they sign up for the store’s savings card.

Special Packaging

Sales Promo on


Promo onal Products

Incorrect 0 / 1 pts
Ques on 30

Buy $25 worth of groceries each week for 4 weeks and receive a turkey at Thanksgiving.

Con nuity Programs


Point-of-Purchase Adver sing


Ques on 31 1 / 1 pts

Innova ve packaging is becoming increasingly important as a result of media fragmenta on and the prolifera on of new products on
store shelves.



Incorrect 0 / 1 pts
Ques on 32

Once the crisis occurs, you need to tell the truth, tell it completely, and tell it promptly.



Ques on 33 1 / 1 pts

Integrated marke ng communica ons is the coordina on and integra on of all marke ng communica ons tools within a company
into a seamless program.



Ques on 34 1 / 1 pts

You should also iden fy ways to make the situa on be er, whether it’s support for grieving family members, product recall, or
another appropriate ac on.



Incorrect Ques on 35 0 / 1 pts

If you run coupons too o en, you may train customers not to buy your brand when it’s full price.



Ques on 36 1 / 1 pts

The right sponsorship can expose your brand to your target audience, give you a venue for product sampling, and generate posi ve



Ques on 37 1 / 1 pts

Contests require skill, ability, or some other a ribute.



Incorrect 0 / 1 pts
Ques on 38

Unlike sweepstakes, you don’t need to have anyone judge the merits of a contest, other than to ensure that the entry form is filled
out properly.



Unlike a contest, you don’t need to have anyone judge the merits of a sweepstakes entry, other than to ensure that the entry
form is filled out properly.

Ques on 39 1 / 1 pts

Product placement also has its share of risks, from being so subtle that most people don’t pick up on it to being so blatant that it can
turn off viewers and devalue the brand.



Ques on 40 0 / 1 pts

Sweepstakes are also based on luck but reward repeat visits.



Games are also based on luck but reward repeat visits.

Quiz Score: 22 out of 40


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