NMR C311164

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Contract No : NMR-C311164 Contractor Name : AL TURKI ENTERPRISES LLC

Start Date : 31/12/2021 End Date : 31/12/2021 Follow Up Date : 30/01/2022

Audited Date : 08/08/2022 Contract Holder Name : Hisham Hassan Directorate : AD-PD


Sheida 7 Pillars Road Safety Audit System


Vehicles Drivers


0 Pending


Leadership &
Commitment Journey Management







Red Questions Amber Questions Green Questions

Yes No Pending

Total No of Questions : 121

Questions :

No: Pending:
Yes: 5
0 40

Questions :

No: Pending:
Yes: 14
0 50

Questions :
No: Pending:
Yes: 3
0 9






Commuting Drivers IVMS Journey Leadership & RAS Vehicles

Management Commitment

COMMUTING - Approved By Manager
Audit Date : 08/08/2022   Carried Out By : Ahmed Al Ajmi

Total Questions 16





No Question Audit Evidence Comments

Is there a clear commuting procedure/process in place aligned with PDO

CO1 Pending

CO2 Only OPAL compliant buses and flights are used for commuting? Pending

Has the Contract Holder approved the commuting provider according to

CO3 Pending
OPAL Standard?

Does the company maintain a current list of employees with their

CO4 residences, primary work locations, hubs and mode of transportation for Pending
commuting? (updated every 6 months)
No Question Audit Evidence Comments

Is the company’s commuting process audited bi-annually and company has

CO5 Pending
the list of employees with their commuting arrangements?

Does the company make all bookings for commuting, ensuring no cash is
CO6 Pending
paid to staff?

Are the heavy buses that are used for commuting compliant with current
OPAL Road Safety Standard / or if contracted to an approved transport
CO7 Pending
provider is there a contract in place, and is it regularly audited for

Is there evidence that management daily reminds bus drivers through

CO8 toolbox talks that they are responsible to check all seatbelts are working, Pending
and that passengers wear them before the bus is driven?

Does the contractor or transport company have an IVMS system that is

CO9 Pending
compliant with the requirements OPAL Road Safety Standard V2

Do the bus drivers comply with the requirements stipulated in OPAL Road
CO9.1 Pending
Safety Standard V2? Are there any violations

CO11 Is Journey management available 24h a day for all commuting busses? Pending

Is the company providing commuting transportation at the end of the shift,

CO12 and there is no requirement for the employees to stay longer than needed is Pending
needed in the field ?

Does the transport provider have a passenger list, and provides reports to
CO13 Pending
the company on regular basis regarding the bus usage?

Does the company have a procedure in place for emergency related

CO14 Pending
commuting? As this been approved by PDO

Is the emergency related commuting procedure cascaded to the employees,

CO15 Pending
and they are aware of the procedure?

Is there a list of drivers and vehicles that can be used for emergency related
CO16 commuting, and the journey management system recognizes and caters for Pending
emergency related commuting?

DRIVERS - Approved By Manager
Audit Date : 08/08/2022   Carried Out By : Ahmed Al Ajmi 

Total Questions 14






No Question Audit Evidence Comments

No Question Audit Evidence Comments

Are all drivers over the age of 21 and have been

certified fit by medical examination including an
DR1 Pending
eyesight test? (Random sample 10 drivers from each

Does the training matrix record, that all drivers have a

DR2 correct ROP driving licence to drive the correct category Pending
of vehicle (random 5 drivers)

Questions for drivers

Do all drivers (minimum 5 samples) complete a vehicle
DR3 Yes (AuditResults/1659956703730-
daily check sheet?
Questions for drivers

Questions for drivers

Have all drivers completed their defensive driving vehicles.jpg
DR4 course, and their permits are up to date (minimum 5 Yes (AuditResults/1659956703745-
samples) Questions for drivers

Questions for drivers

Does the company ensure all drivers are wearing vehicles.jpg
DR5 suitable sturdy shoes to drive? (from minimum 5 Yes (AuditResults/1659956703761-
samples) Questions for drivers

Questions for drivers

Are drivers regularly engaged in driver meetings or
DR6 Yes (AuditResults/1659956703776-
toolbox talks? Records?
Questions for drivers

Questions for drivers

Can all drivers explain the Life Saving Rules related to
DR7 Yes (AuditResults/1659956703793-
driving? (Sample at least 10 drivers)
Questions for drivers

Questions for drivers

Are all drivers aware of the IVMS report and understand
DR8 Yes (AuditResults/1659956703810-
the function and report data?
Questions for drivers

Questions for drivers

Are all drivers aware of their responsibility to manage vehicles.jpg
DR9 driver fatigue. Does company has drivers awareness Yes (AuditResults/1659956703825-
sessions on fatigue. Questions for drivers

Are all bus drivers over the age of 30 and have the
DR10 Pending
relevant experience?

Questions for drivers

Do all drivers know their duties stated in the JM forms?
DR11 Yes (AuditResults/1659956703853-
(minimum 5 samples)
Questions for drivers

Questions for drivers

Is Omani law related to maximum working hours/days
DR12 Yes (AuditResults/1659956703869-
complied with?
Questions for drivers

Questions for drivers

Is compliance with the rules related to driving hours for
DR13 Yes (AuditResults/1659956703895-
light and heavy vehicles assured?
Questions for drivers

No Question Audit Evidence Comments

DR14 Is there a vehicle defect reporting system for drivers? Pending

IVMS - Approved By Manager
Audit Date : 08/08/2022   Carried Out By : Ahmed Al Ajmi 

Total Questions 16





No Question Audit Evidence Comments

Is the IVMS system approved by OPAL, in compliance with Road Safety

IV1 Pending
Standard V2

Is there a formal and regular review of the IVMS data and reporting to the
IV2 Pending
company and client?

Is there regular formal feedback to drivers on their driving habits? (How

IV3 Pending

IV4 Did contarcor shared his IVMS credentials with PDO JMCC? Pending

Is the IVMS system / units checked regularly for accuracy / calibrated and
IV5 Pending
functional and report is provided to the senior management?

Does the vehicle maintenance manager have a record of IVMS checks for the
IV6 Pending
last three months?

Does the IVMS report form part of a driver incentive / penalty (consequence
IV7 Pending
management) scheme?

IV8 Is the data from IVMS used in regular toolbox talk with the drivers? Pending

Is there an effective system in place which prevents unauthorised use of the

IV9 Pending
vehicle access keys?

Has the management reviewed the IVMS reports with a review to limit/reduce
IV10 Pending
driving exposure?

Are the vehicles randomly tested on road to check the function of the speed
IV11 Pending

Is there a designated person in the company formally appointed to manage

IV12 Pending
the IVMS reports i.e. responsibility in the company HSE plan?

IV13 Does the HSE plan incorporates the regular monitoring of the IVMS data? Pending
No Question Audit Evidence Comments

IV14 Are identified events by the IVMS system investigated regularly? Pending

IV15 Does the IVMS system provide second-by-second data in case of an MVI? Pending

Is the storage of the IVMS data protected, and the servers are located in
IV16 Pending
Sultanate of Oman as per the regulations of the Sultanate of Oman?

JOURNEY MANAGEMENT - Approved By Manager
Audit Date : 08/08/2022   Carried Out By : Ahmed Al Ajmi 

Total Questions 19





No Question Audit Evidence Comments

Is there a sufficient number of qualified and currently competent Journey

JM1 Managers to manage the companies journeys (max 35 journeys per day Pending
per JM)?

JM2 Is the Journey Management system audited every 6 months) Pending

JM2.1 Are JM records for the last 3-months are in place Pending

Are records in place of the vehicle daily checks done by drivers before a
JM3 Pending

Is there a Fleet-Management Procedure in place to include booking

JM4 Pending
vehicles in and out and managing the vehicle keys?

JM5 Does the Journey Management forms contains all critical information? Pending

JM5.1 Are journey managers randomly checking 2 vehicles per day? Pending

Is there a process in place to confirm that the Journey Manager checks the
JM6 driving licensing and condition of each driver before the journey Pending

Is the Journey Manager fully aware of what action to take in the event of an
JM7 Pending

Is advice given to driver about what to do if involved in an MVI, vehicle

JM7.1 Pending
breakdown or tyre blowout and MAN lost

JM8 Is the Journey Management system available during night working hours? Pending
No Question Audit Evidence Comments

Is a monthly report sent to management presenting details of the number of

journeys managed (No. of Journey Plans issued, No. of Journey Plans
JM9 which required permission from the authorizing person, The number of Pending
times that drivers failed to report in as per the Journey Plan or other non-
compliances identified and action taken)

Is there a system in place for handing over journey management between

JM10 Pending
Journey Managers?

Is there a system/records in place to ensure all journeys are closed out

JM11 Pending
properly including spot checks by supervisors?

Has the Journey Manager access to IVMS and the system for online
JM12 Pending
tracking of the vehicles ?

JM13 Are all Journey Management maps are the latest? Pending

Has the Journey Management system a procedure for emergency

JM14 notification and reponse (i.e. road traffic accidents, vehicle breakdowns Pending

Has the JM resources under his command or override when urgent

JM14.1 Pending
intervention is required? (in case of breakdown, MVI , man-lost)

Is the Journey Managers office properly equipped, and all emergency

JM15 Pending
numbers are available?

Audit Date : 08/08/2022   Carried Out By : Ahmed Al Ajmi 

Total Questions 27





No Question Audit Evidence Comments

Are senior management actively involved in the promotion of road safety

LC1 Pending
and the development of initiatives?

LC1.1 Do senior management participate in TBTs, driving forums ? Pending

Do senior management offer resourses (e.g. time, finance, staff) support for
LC2 Pending
road safety?

Does the company have a complete set of presentations for road safety
LC3 Pending
No Question Audit Evidence Comments

Does the company hold regular toolbox talks, driver forums and other
LC3.1 Pending
events as a way of promoting road safety?

LC3.2 Does the company have a yearly plan for road safety promotion ? Pending

Has the company have a driver complaint or feedback mechanism, where a

LC4 Pending
driver can formally report to corporate safety?

Are senior management aware of the roles and responsibilities of the

LC5 Pending
authorizing person for journey management?

Are there established and PDO aligned road safety policies in place to
LC6 include at a minimum: driving, JM, commuting, vehicle Pending
standards/maintenance, IVMS, fatigue management, drug and alcohol?

LC6.1 Are policies reviewed and communicated annually? Pending

Are the Life Saving Rules related to driving embedded in the company,
LC7 Pending
through policy, documents, forums and TBT?

Does senior management regularly emphasize the need and importance of

LC7.1 Pending
complying with the LSRs?

Has there been any seat belt non-compliance detected in the last 3 months,
LC8 Pending

LC9 Is there a policy/process for night driving Pending

Is the process for night driving approval in place and followed when
LC9.1 Pending

Is there a working system in place for reporting any problems with road
LC10 Pending
maintenance or signage to the Operator?

Management has a record of monthly journey management reports which

LC11 Pending
provide the number of managed journeys?

LC11.1 Are the monthly JM reports reviewed by senior management? Pending

Is there an up to date (within one month) list of all current vehicles used in
LC12 the project/location? (breakdown on light /heavy /coastal based /interior Pending
based /km driven) including sub-contractors?

Are road safety HSE stats data managed and available (Road Safety Spot
LC13 Pending
Checks on A,B,C,D defects, Life Saving Rules Non Compliances, MVIs)?

Is there a process in place for subcontractor’s management including audits

LC14 Pending
and monitoring as well as a full list of subcontractors?

LC14.1 Are all subcontractors audited annually? Pending

LC14.2 Are all action items of previous sub-contractor audits closed out Pending

Does management review monthly logistics activities such as risk

LC15 Pending
exposure, cost, tonnage, and penalties/safety defaults?

LC16 Is there a working process for managing fatigue in place Pending

Is there a coaching/mentoring process in place for those that violate road

LC17 Pending
safety including sub-contractors

LC18 Is the IVMS RAG report analysed by senior management Pending

RAS - Approved By Manager
Audit Date : 08/08/2022   Carried Out By : Ahmed Al Ajmi 

Total Questions 14





No Question Audit Evidence Comments

RAS1 Do all vehicles have an up to date RAS sticker (sample 5 vehicles)? Pending

RAS2 Are all subcontractors vehicles audited on RAS ( evidence) Pending

Is the RAS sticker issued by a qualified and recognised OPAL RAS

RAS3 Pending

RAS4 Is the RAS sticker placed on the vehicle? (sample 5 vehicles) Pending

RAS5 Are random check of vehicle conditions conducted and recorded? Pending

Is there an assurance in place that the workshops used for vehicle RAS
RAS6 Pending
inspection are OPAL approved and compliant?

Does the company hold regular meetings with the Operator’s Road Safety /
RAS7 Pending
HSE Team to discuss improvement measures?

RAS8 Is there a responsible person (focal point) for monitoring RAS? Pending

Is there a record of campaigns with the drivers to assure the

RAS9 Pending
roadworthiness of vehicles?

RAS10 Are the RAS stickers inspected monthly? Pending

The RAS stickers are not issued for vehicles which do not have IVMS, but
RAS11 are required to have one according to the current version of OPAL Road Pending
Safety Standard?

Can the company confirm that all sub-contractors have up-to-date RAS
RAS12 Pending
stickers on their vehicles?

Can the company confirm that any hired vehicles have approved RAS
RAS13 Pending
inspected and not used if do not have valid RAS sticker?

RAS14 Is there a follow up system for tracking reported defects Pending

VEHICLES - Approved By Manager
Audit Date : 08/08/2022   Carried Out By : Ahmed Al Ajmi 

Total Questions 15






No Question Audit Evidence Comments

Do all vehicles receive a daily check and this is

VH1 Pending

Has the company a complete set of maintenance

VH2 records for its fleet of vehicles and all vehicles are Pending
recorded in a site log with fleet number?

Questions for HGV

Do all vehicles have functioning seatbelts and lights Questions for HGV
VH3 Yes
(sample 5 vehicles)? vehicles.jpg)

Questions for LV vehicles.jpg

Questions for LV vehicles.jpg)

Questions for HGV

Does the company perform planned and random vehicles.jpg
VH4 checks on vehicles beyond the Operator’s Road Safety Yes (AuditResults/1659957920469-
/ HSE Team inspections? Questions for HGV

Questions for HGV

Are vehicle and trailer tyres checked regularly by a vehicles.jpg
competent transport mechanic, including correct tyre (AuditResults/1659957920484-
pressure, and that the tread depth across 75% of the Questions for HGV
VH5 Yes
tyre width are minimum: -1.6 mm for light vehicles vehicles.jpg)

(sample 5 vehicles) -2.4 mm for heavy vehicles (sample Questions for LV vehicles.jpg
5 vehicles) (AuditResults/1659957920491-
Questions for LV vehicles.jpg)

Questions for LV vehicles.jpg

Questions for LV vehicles.jpg)

Tyres are not being used beyond 4 years from date of Questions for HGV
VH6 Yes
manufacture (sample 5 vehicles)? vehicles.jpg
Questions for HGV

No Question Audit Evidence Comments

Questions for LV vehicles.jpg

Do all vehicles have the necessary safety equipment in Questions for LV vehicles.jpg)

good working order, and in date including fire Questions for HGV
VH7 Yes
extinguisher, first-aid kit, sandboards, high visibility vehicles.jpg
vests for each passenger etc. (sample 5 vehicles)? (AuditResults/1659957920546-
Questions for HGV

Questions for LV vehicles.jpg

Vehicles used on blacktop and graded roads are fitted
Questions for LV vehicles.jpg)

with ‘all terrain’ tyres, unless the vehicle supplier has

Questions for HGV
VH8 formally confirmed in writing that all terrain tyres are not Yes
required for vehicles using blacktop and graded
(sample 5 vehicles)?
Questions for HGV

Questions for LV vehicles.jpg

Questions for LV vehicles.jpg)

Have the vehicles a sticker confirming the correct tyre Questions for HGV
VH9 Yes
pressures (sample 5 vehicles)? vehicles.jpg
Questions for HGV

Is there mechanism in place for vehicle maintenance,

VH10 Pending
eg in house or contract with third party workshop

Questions for LV vehicles.jpg

If in-house vehicle maintenance workshop does it meet Questions for LV vehicles.jpg)

requirements for tyre repair( eg cage for HGV and Questions for HGV
VH11 Yes
machinery tyre/ if external do they audit workshop to vehicles.jpg
assure compliance on tyre repair (AuditResults/1659957920628-
Questions for HGV

Questions for HGV

Do vehicles carrying hazardous loads have the vehicles.jpg
VH12 appropriate licence, markings, plates and TREM cards? Yes (AuditResults/1659957920643-
(sample 3 vehicles) Questions for HGV

Questions for LV vehicles.jpg

Questions for LV vehicles.jpg)

Are the heavy vehicles fitted with under-ride protection? Questions for HGV
VH13 Yes
(rear mandatory, side optional) (sample 5 vehicles)? vehicles.jpg
Questions for HGV

Questions for LV vehicles.jpg

Questions for LV vehicles.jpg)

Have rollover bars being fitted to all vehicles requiring Questions for HGV
VH14 Yes
them?(sample 5 vehicles) vehicles.jpg
Questions for HGV

Questions for LV vehicles.jpg

Questions for LV vehicles.jpg)

Questions for HGV

VH15 Is the registration in date of all vehicles Yes
Questions for HGV

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