Physics (Question Paper)

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1. A cockroach of mass m is moving on the rim of the disc of radius r with velocity v in an
anticlockwise direction. The moment of inertia of the disc about its own axis is I and it is rotating in
the clockwise direction with angular speed . If the cockroach stops moving, then find the angular
(a) (b) (c) (d)

2. An air filled parallel plate capacitor charged to potential is connected across an uncharged
identical parallel plate capacitor with dielectric constant K. The common potential is The value of
K is
(a) (b) (c) (d)

3. The change in potential energy, when a body of mass m is raised to a height nR from the earth’s
surface is (R = Radius of earth)
(a) mgR ( ) (b) nmgR (c) mgR ( ) (d) mgR ( )

4. In 2 the number of waves of voilet light of wavelength 4000 is

(a) 0.25 (b) 2.5 (c) 5 (d) 0.5

5. The graph in the figure shows how the displacement of a particle describing S.H.M varies with time.
Which one of the following statements is not true ?

(a) The force is zero at time (b) The acceleration is maximum at time T
(c) The velocity is maximum at time T/2 (d) P.E = total energy at time T/2

6. A solid rubber ball is carried from the surface to the bottom of a 200 m deep lake, as a result of
which its volume decreases by 0.1 % density of pond water is 1.0 kg/ . If g = 10 m/ ,
then bulk modulus of elasticity of rubber will be ( in N/ )
(a) (b) 2 (c) (d) 2


7. For Hydrogen atoms in an excited state, six spectral lines were observed. If “Eo” is the ground state
energy of the electron, the energy required to excite the Hydrogen atom is
(a) Eo (b) Eo (c) Eo (d) Eo

8. A car is moving with speed of 200 m/sec on a parth of radius 100 m, if speed of car increases by 100
m/ sec. in each sec, then total acceleration of the car in m/ is
(a) √ (b) √ (c) √ (d) √

9. Light of wavelength  and intensity (I) ejects photoelectrons from a metal plate. Now this beam is
replaced by another beam of smaller wavelength and smaller intensity, as a result,
(a) No change in kinetic energy and current takes place.
(b) Kinetic energy and current both increases.
(c) Kinetic energy increases but current decreases
(d) Emission of photoelectrons stops

10. The radius of the first Bohr’s orbit of the hydrogen atom is 0.53 Calculate the radius of the 9th
excited state in the hydrogen atom ?
(a) 5.3 (b) 4.77 (c) 43 (d) 53

11. In a biprism experiment, the distance between the slit and the eyepiece is 1 m and the bandwidth is
2 m. When a convex lens is interposed between the slit and eyepiece, at a distance of 20cm
from the slit and the eyepiece, the distance between the two virtual images observed is 1.2cm. The
wavelength of the light used is
(a) 6000 (b) 3000 (c) 5000 (d) 4000

12. When a small quantity of an impurity which is partially soluble in water is added to water, the
surface tension of water
(a) remains the same (b) increases
(c) decreases (d) may increase or decrease

13. The Wheatstone bridge shown in the fig alongside is balanced. If the positions of cell E and the
Galvanometer G are now interchanged, G will shown no deflection,

(a) only if = and = (b) only if / and / are equal

(c) only if all the resistances are equal (d) in all the above cases


14. A wave is represented by the equation, y = cos ( kx – ) is superimposed with another wave to
form a stationary wave such that the point x = 0 is a node. The equation for the other wave is
(a) y = sin (kx + ) (b) y = cos (kx + )
(c) y = cos (kx + ) (d) y = sin (kx – )

15. Two NOT gates are connected at the two inputs of a NAND gate. This combination will behave
like a
(a) NAND gate (b) AND gate (c) OR gate (d) NOR gate

16. Two simple pendulums of length 5 m and 20 m respectively are given small linear displacement in
one direction at the same time. They will again be in phase when the pendulum of shorter length has
completed………. oscillations.
(a) 5 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

17. In a double slit experiment, the path length of one of the interfering waves is changed by 3 mm.
If this produces a shift of the central bright band to a position of the 6 bright band previously
occupied, calculate the wavelength of the light used.
(a) 3000 (b) 6000 (c) 5000 (d) 4000

18. At constant temperature, the mean kinetic energy of gas molecules is proportional to pressure the
value of x will be ( where P stands for the pressure exerted by the gas)
(a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 0 (d) –1

19. A cycle wheel with 64 spokes is rotating at the rate of 120 r.p.s in a normal magnetic field. Potential
difference of 10 V is produced between axis of rotation and the rim. If the number of spokes is
reduced to 16, the potential difference is
(a) 2.5 V (b) 5 V (c) 10 V (d) 40 V

20. Two tuning forks P and Q are vibrated together. The numbers of beats produced between them are 3
beats per second . After loading Q with wax again these are vibrated together and the number of
beats per second now heard is 2. If the frequency of P is 341 Hz, the frequency of Q will be
(a) 341 Hz (b) 338 Hz (c) 344 Hz (d) 3432 Hz Ω


21. The curie temperature for nickel is
(a) 317K (b)631K (c)1047K (d)1394K

22. There are three voltmeters of the same range but of resistances 10000 8000 and 4000
respectively. The best voltmeter among these is the one whose resistance is
(a) 10000 (b) 8000 (c) 4000 (d) all are equally good

23. The effective capacity between A and B is

(a) C (b) 2C (c) 3C (d) 4C

24. A body is executing simple harmonic motion. At a displacement x its potential energy is and at
displacement y its potential energy is . The potential energy E at displacement ( x + y ) is
(a) √ = √ √ (b) √ = √ √
(c) E (d) E =

25. An inductor takes a current of 8A when connected to an ac source of 100 volts and 50 Hz. A pure
resistor under the same condition takes a current of 10 A. If the two are connected in series to an ac
supply of 100 volts and 40 Hz, then the current in the series combination of above resistor and
inductor is
(a) 10 A (b) 8 A (c) 5 √ A (d) 10 √ A

26. Two small drops of mercury, each of radius R coalesce to form a single large drop. The ratio of the
total surface energies before and after the change is
(a) 1 : (b) :1 (c) 2 : 1 (d) 1 : 2

27. In stationary waves, all particles between two nodes pass through the mean position
(a) at different times with different velocities
(b) at same time with equal velocities
(c) at different times with same velocities
(d) at same time with difference velocities


28. Two–Spherical black bodies of radii and and with surface temperatures and respectively
radiate the same power. The ratio of must be equal to

(a) ( (b) (c) ( (d)

29. The frequency used for broadcasting a signal is 1 MHz. The length of transmitting antenna should be
(a) 37.5m (b) 75m (c) 150m (d) 300m

30. The resistance of the galvanometer coil having 48 turns is 20 How many more turns should be
added to the coil to increase its sensitivity by 25 %
(a) 60 (b) 12 (c) 36 (d) 48

31. A satellite is moving in a circular orbit around the sun with a speed v. If its mass is m, then the total
energy will be
(a) - m (b) - m (c) m (d) - m

32. Interference fringes of light are observed in an interference chamber containing pure water (
Now if water is drained out first and then the chamber is evacuated, then:
(a) No interference fringe pattern is observed
(b) Same interference fringe pattern is observed
(c) Interference pattern with smaller fringe width is obtained
(d) Interference pattern with larger fringe width is obtained

33. The difference in the frequencies of series limit of Lyman series and Balmer series is equal to the
frequency of the first line of :
(a) Lyman series (b) Balmer series (c) Paschen series (d) Brackett series

34. A steel wire 1 m long and 1 m cross section area is hung from rigid end. When weight of 1 kg is
hung from it, then the change in length will be? (given Y = 2 N/ )
(a) 0.025 mm (b) 0.25 mm (c) 0.05 mm (d) 0.005 mm

35. A weightless thread can bear tension upto 3.7 kg-wt. A stone of mass 500gm is tied to it and rotated
in a circular path of radius 4m, in a vertical circle. If g = 10 m/ , then the maximum angular
velocity of the stone will be
(a) 2 rad /s (b) 5 rad /s (c) 4 rad /s (d) 3 rad /s


36. The de Broglie wavelength of an atomic particle is when its kinetic energy is K. What will be the
change in its de Broglie wavelength, when its kinetic energy is increased to 4K?
(a) 0.5 (b) 2 (c) (d) 1-5

37. The displacement of a particle performing linear S.H.M is given by x = 3 sin t+4cos . Its
amplitude is
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) 5

38. The magnetic flux passing perpendicular to the plane of the coil is given by = 7 + 6t + 3. Find
the e.m.f induced in the coil at t = 3s if is in milli-webers and time t is in seconds
(a) 48 mV (b) 48 V (c) -48 V (d) -48 mV

39. A tension T applied to a wire of length I, radius r and density d. The wire vibrates in p loops with
frequency n. The length, radius and density of the wire are doubled and when a tension of 2T is
applied to it, it vibrates with frequency 2n. The number of loops in the wire will now be
(a) 2p (b) 4p (c) 8p (d) 16p

40. The p-n junction behaves as an insulator, if connected

(a) to a.c. (b) in forward bias (c) in reverse bias (d) to d.c.

41. Monochromatic light is refracted from air into glass of refractive index . The ratio of the
wavelengths of the incident and the refracted waves is
(a) 1 :1 (b) 1 : (c) : 1 (d) :1

42. Which of the following compounds cannot be used to prepare LEDs?

(a) gallium arsenide (b) gallium phosphide
(c) silicon dioxide (d) gallium arsenide phosphide

43. The ratio of angular speed of minute hand and hour of a watch is
(a) 1 : 12 (b) 24 : 1 (c) 12 : 1 (d) 1 :24

44. A radioactive substance has nuclei. Its half life is 20 s . The number of nuclei that will left after
10 s. will be
(a) 11 (b) 7 (c) 1 (d) 2


45. A cell of e.m.f. E has a resistance R connected across it, and a voltmeter measures the potential
difference across the terminals of a cell is V. The internal resistance of the cell is
(a) RV (E – V) (b) (c) (d)

46. The equation of a wave traveling on the string is y = 4 sin ( ). If x and y are in cm, then the
velocity of the wave is
(a) 64 cm/sec in –x direction (b) 32 cm/sec in +x direction
(c) 32 cm/sec in –x direction (d) 64 cm/sec in +x direction

47. When a metallic surface is illuminated by light of wavelength ƛ, the stopping potential is V. When
the same surface is illuminated by light of wavelength 2 ƛ, the stopping potential becomes V/3. What
is the threshold wavelength for the metallic surface?
(a) 4 ƛ (b) 3 ƛ (c) (d) 5 ƛ

48. The domestic power supply of 220 V, 50 Hz is connected to a resistor. What is the time taken by the
a.c. flowing through the resistor to change from its maximum value to its r.m.s value ?
(a) 5 s (b) 2.5 s (c) 2 (d) 4

49. Two spheres of radii in the ratio 1 : 2 and made of same material are heated to the same temperature
and left in the same surrounding. Their rates of cooling will be in the ratio
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : 1 (c) 1 : 4 (d) 2 : 1

50. The moment of inertia of a body about a given axis is 1.2 kg- . Initially, the body is at rest. In
order to produce a rotational K.E. of 1500 J , an angular acceleration of 25 rad/ must be applied
about the axis for a duration of
(a) 4s (b) 2s (c) 8s (d) 10s



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