Assesment 5 - Jegera m2

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A Solution


Paragraph 1: Introduction

Climate change has always been a major problem in the world. There have been

numerous studies on how to help and reduce the speed in the changing of the climate.

Climate change is an extremely dangerous phenomenon, this is because climate

change changes a lot of factors in the present world. An example would be the rise of

temperature, the rising sea level, the instigation of new bacteria and diseases. (WHO,

2021), “The social and environmental determinants of health, such as clean air, safe

drinking water, enough food, and adequate shelter, are impacted by climate change.”

Now, is there actually a way for the rising global population to help in the mitigation of

the climate change? Let us find out.

Paragraph 2: Reason 1

Although climate change is major problem as of now, if the global population

were to act in unity with movement of protecting the environment, then surely there is a

way for us to help in the alleviation of climate change. For example, if every living

human were to plant a tree and let it grow, it would help in the minimization of carbon

gasses. (Goncalves, 2020), “As they develop, trees assist in soaking up and storing

carbon that would otherwise contribute to global warming.” In short, the more trees we

have the more we help the environment, the only problem that would remain is whether

there are people who still cannot understand the danger of climate change and is too

stubborn to change.

Paragraph 3: Reason 2

Choosing a lifestyle that consumes less fossil fuel and other resources is one of

the most crucial things people can do to lessen their own carbon footprint. This can

entail doing things like taking the bus, walking, or bicycling instead of driving,

conserving energy at home, and picking products made of sustainable materials to buy.

(Learn, 2021), “The advantages of minimizing your carbon footprint also mean you're

contributing to the fight against climate change, whether it's through cleaner air, a

healthier diet, or lower energy costs.” If every person in the face of the planet were to be

taught how to conserve, there is no doubt that it would be a major contribution in

resolving the problem known as climate change.

Paragraph 4: Conclusion

In conclusion, I can say that there a lot of ways in which the global population

can help in the minimization effect of climate change. In reality, although it is quite ironic

that the more population we have, the more damage we actually do. Personally, I view it

as a paradox. At first it was a very difficult question for me as the first thing that came

into my mind was harm. There is no doubt that we humans have damaged more than

what we can actually help, so little by little we can always try to help our planet with

climate change. It may be hard, it may take us a lot of time, but as long as we keep

trying and we keep putting our efforts into saving our dear planet then it would

eventually be a fruitful endeavor.


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