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Nama : Latiful Umam

Kelas : TI B
Semester: 3

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
Laskar Pelangi" was published in 2005. This book describes the lives of 10 students at SD
Muhammadiyah, Bangka Belitung province.
I was motivated by the book because in it there are stories of the nation's children who
have strong determination
This book provides many lessons in it, but of course there are advantages and
disadvantages of Andrea Hirata's writings.
1. The typical way of telling the story
2. There is social criticism of the government about education, especially in remote areas
3. Describes the friendship that is tightly
4. Teaches us to always be patient
5. Inspired by the author's childhood
1. Does not explain in detail about the time of the incident

The last i say wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb

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