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Further Practice Section
- Choice
: correct word

. rt not to be too protective of children as 12 Jack's completion of a triathlon for charity was an
on new challenges. amazing of endurance.
C prosPer i $r feat C action
D succeed B deed D stroke

:n find it difficult to the 13 The mayor is no............... to controversy, his remarks

,^ges to their lifestyle into practice having got him into hot water many times before.
C adjust outsider C foreigner
D employ stranger D alien
: .......... in any healthy diet for both 14 J.G. Ballard's novel Empire of the Sun heaviiy
.:rd vegetarians. on his own experience as a child in Japan during World
C Part War Two.
: D aspect A places draws

- most about the countryside is the B holds D employs

-?nery. 15 An artist's success is not ............... by what the critics

C generous may say, but by whether people still want to look at
abundant the work a hundred years on.

= Great created a huge empire while in

reckoned C assessed
're IVacedonian army. 9 measured D estimated
C progress
16 The president said the continued violence was the main
D power
.... .... to successful negotiation
also works in the kitchen, lulian's hindrance C drawback
:-.onsibility is to supervise the restaurant obstacle D restriction

17 Despite hunting for my glasses, I still cannot

C exclusive
find them.
D primary
A head to toe C slow but sure

:t in England has appealing geographical らl high and low D by and large
.h as limestone cliffs and extensive
18 The expansion of cities has had a huge ........... on
bird and plant life, reducing the numbers of many
C attributes cnariac

A impression C imitation
to being asked to the party was
. .... Brr impact D importance
:oo busy, but then she decided to go
19 The continued of Agatha Christie's writing is


based on her gripping plots and engaging characters.

A appeal C fascination
B demand D call
,. called on to resign after his team's
quickly made a declaring his
20 lt takes a lot of planning to take a large
family on holiday.
A prompt C punctual
◎ statement
' Q7 forward D further
D verdict

:nt at the museum has 21 A Hollywood film is usually .......... by its plot,
whereas French films often focus more on character
:ttract visitors !

(, dreamt up development.

D made off driven

A-, C propelled
B ridden D steered
rning for a moment 1o...... his
´ヽ   い

Further Practice Section

22 The computer has . .. .... from being a huge 34 When you hear the words 'desert island', what pictL--= 46
machine in the 1960s to nowadays being incredibly normally

to mind?
compact. comes C arrives
A extended C presented brings D calls

O evolved D developed
35 lt is an unfortunate fact that air travel and air pollutiur 47
23 Stanley Kubrick is one of the most film go ...............
directors of all time A eye to eye @ nanO in hand
A accustomed C animated B neck and neck D face to face

0 acclaimed D acknowledged
35 Today's fast-paced lifestyle can have a profound 48
on our health.
24 No amount of money can for losing a loved
effect C result
one in an accident.
A refund C reimburse
conSequence D outcome
B cover (Dソ
compensate 37 After working here for twenty years, Robbie has, o,,= 49
the ............... of time, become expert at the job.
25 Despite it being the height of the tourist season, the
A length corrse
streets as far as the eye could see. @
B path D track
@ deserted C uninhabited
B abandoned D isolated 38 Recent management changes have rea1|y,.............. c-
26 What's your of the new employee in the

A scared away C laid off

accounting department? 51

' A examination exhibition

B settled down shaken up

B explanation evaluation 39 VVhat rea‖ y ……… … your imagination about t‐ 」

painting is the v〆 onderful use of colour
27 Danielis expected to in his father's footsteps
A grasps C grips
and becorne a doctor
A walk C stride
B getS ① grabs

b‖ ow D trall 40 VVhatever happens′ stay callγ l and don′ t lose yc_│

28 I have no in recommending this film to

A brain C heart
everyone who loves a good comedy.
hesitation B mind . D.r head
,A. C insecurity
B ambiquity D indecision 41 We … the chef on his excellent choice,
29 The company is investigating the theft............... as it is
A praised C . complimented
![ought to have been committed by an employee.
B recommended D admired
(,1) C centrally
B privately D inwardly 42 how long it takes, Jack is determineo ::
finish the project
30 At the theatre, I had the ...... ........ to be seated next to
A According to C Even though
someone with a terrible cold
B_. No matter D Due to
A dilemma C nuisance
/r,B misfortune D complication 43 By approaching the problem from another

.lustin managed to solve it.

31 He was coached for six weeks before the
angle C aspect
direction D point
extremely C exceptionally
intensively D particularly 44 There's no need to hurry; we have time --
get to the airport.
32 tVaya thought the vase of flowers in her
A plentiful full
room was in poor taste. _C
B generous A ample
A false C imitation
B mock artificia I 45 Will you stop ............... about the bush and get to r-:
33 Doug annoys people by constantly their ideas
A knocking striking
and plans
I B hittln9 beating
A finishing off L runnrng oown
B knocking out D rushing into
Further Practice Section

as under the that some of his 59 1n a .¨ ¨.¨ ¨ , the sales growth has exceeded all our
,,ere dissatisfied expectati()ns.
C impression A pinch C'flash

Dn D notion B nutshell D moment
to me whether the national team 60 lt's only a of time before the pOlice catch
C consequence A hitch C issue

e D result B period D matle.
rdseeata that her patient was 61 Anna can't go hiking because she doesn,t own any
walking shoes.
C peep A nandy C pract,cal
D peek B valuabie D useful
..; has been . for next Wednesday 62 Brooke's parents her to practise the violin
a:l resched u led every single day.
, -ed D withdrawn ; push
A,) C control
lone entirely on in Kenya.
B make D demand

C position 63 I could tell he didn't trust me by the way he

D spot his eyes when I spoke.
the letter quickly to see if he'd written A reduced C slimmed

- rt her father. rB narrowed D lessened

scan ned 64 Taking away Terry's mobile phone was a

D glanced punishment indeed.

3 1s a of a masterpiece by Rubens A harsh C potent
_■ lon C substitution
B mistaken D rigorous


replacement seems... to argue about such a trivial matter

-:et in touch with your service ............... to

restless C help less

..e's a technical problem. useless ヽD) pointless

C receiver 66 Taking your own food into a restaurant is not

D.r provider rn most situations
″ ヽ
cf ....... ....... who thinks something good A approved ヽ19' acceptable
rr up in the end B tolerable D satisfactory
optimist 67 Harry felt quite ............... after his afternoon nap.
D rea Iist A recovered C renovated
i very poor B., refreshed D resumed
of the novel
edition 68 Linda quit being an actress because she hated being in
η adaptation tho

during the economic crisis.

A communal C public
C ruined B private D open
D insolvent 69 The highlight of the lourney was crossing the ... ........ ..

jokes even though nobody mountain

pass at sunset.
=]to ′ │

W SCeniC
`「 C sparklrng
B elevated D sheer
D rip 70 Elena has very good because she trained as a
a. ballerina.
:― smile that it's as though it's
A stature posture
C invalid
B ratio D features
D forgeil 71 All of the organs of the body are affected by .

s lee p.

A disappointing C irrelevant
B unsatisfactory D inadequate
Further Practice Section 一 一 ― ― 」

Open Cloze 44
2 Complete the gaps with the correct word 45

N/rlly didn't sit down until each anO ... .... .t. one of the children had been served their meal, 46
When the lawyer proved hrs clrent's innocence, the judge realised it ...i.....l.................. be a case of mistaken identity 47

What mischief have the children been getting . .... to while l've been out? 48

N/laureen finds she has to strike a fine balance r..,. .. . looking after her children and working part-time. 49

The doctor's surgery is fully booked this week but it .../.{ just be possible to fit you in for an appointment tomor'- 50

Garv hasah ealth y attitude hard work and will be a valuable asset to his employers. 54

れθ I fully agree with what you say, you may have a hard time convincing the others 52
σ ^′.か 、

The actress wh ovノ on the(Dscar does not tolerate rivals′ . メl_'I.` accept criticism well 53

The salmon, wh ich had been in the freezer for over six months, had lost 54

ι been watc- - 55
Although Brian claimed to have spent all evening working in his study, he had, in actual
football on TV. 56
11 You could see she was nervous but, θ
_ダ .. things considered, lthink she gave a remarkably good performa'-. 57
12 You can borrovv the car fortheヽ Veekend i l . :that you getit Ⅵ′
aShed befOre l getit back 58
13 lam not tfr..7… tO bein9 SpOkenわ like that ‐ 59

14 「 he nice thing about the lnternet and mobile phones is that you can stay in touch 、
vith people 1117_:r.‐ 1_1:1(...lt_. .こ
happen to be

15 There vyere at least five thousand people at the concert′ … nOt rn(Dre 61
_′ ′ 1´ o● 1 .…
16 」oe came (卜 ■ ││(flつ ′
(:│′`・ …an imoressive fortune、 ∼hen his uncle died.
17 Far from being an easy prolect′ lt is one which is fraught l″ ││'ヽ difficulties 62

18 Whatllike beSt abOut SundaySiS nOt l.■・ 111 tO get up early 63

19 Althouqh it was a lonq iournev′ we manaqed to reach our destination without

ン ´ ′ ´ ' ' ´
l:│‐ 1l particular oroblems

20 Do you mind showing me.│● (71′ to use the scanner' ′ 64

21 Althou9h Elaine knows for sure that Ke‖ y′ s wron9′ She′ d _│: i dare say anythin9 tO her
22 l would stronclv advise vou to be ll′ ′.. time to the lecture
23 . 1■ 1,1: ..laccount ofthe bad、 ′
veather′ the meetingヽ vas cancelled
24 l wOnder Wil「 1:1‐ ギ :' Or not」 ason wi‖ show up 9t the concert today.
25 sugar causesl?‖ manner of health problems′ ″,7 to mention t。 。
th decay
26 l wi‖ dO .::│.│:1l utmOst to have the design completed by Friday morning
27 ⅣIIliam loved New York when he‖ ved there but he WaS Very youn9
ヽ ‐
■ ……… the time.
1‐ / 71
28 lf VVe′ re 901ng int(D the Centre′ │′ d prefertO take the tube_rather l′ ′
:`(1`41 … . the buS

29 lt、von′ t cost that much to repair the damage_at . …r a fe、 hundred pounds 2   3       4

30 he did exactly ,在 …OppOsite
Tim didn′ t do what[rica advisedi to be honest′

31 へ

、げe vvere all taken l‐ 11,ヽ ′
I surorise vヴ hen the unexoected ouests arrived
/ ′
´ ′

32 Evervone
´ in the fam‖ v had a different ooint r′ ノγll … view about where to oo´on ho‖ dav´

33 when it cOmes… … ブP … exa ms,Amv is alwavs a nervous wreck

34 she urgecl ll` ::.: tol cancel his travel plans v/hen the baci vveather started. 75
35 Ms」 amison finished her PowerPoint presentation with plenty of time 「
丁0■ … spare 76
36 At the momentlcan only run a half marathon′ but ….. ・ /1 . time l′ │l be fit enou9h to run a full「 narathon.

37 So that's the reason ...:,'.:.;1........ ..... the sgrprise party was cancelledl
38 The company was fin ally profitable ......:.i..;...:,,1' ...... having to go through five long years of losing money 78
39 Why don't you make somethinq French lor the dinner party .. . . .... beef bourguignon? V IЧ

40 You should |ook...... , .............. .... this as an opportunity to learn a foreign language. 79 れ]

80 tr」
41 Once you've finished the last chapter, l'd Iike you all to move .....':.,.,.1.i...1 ......... to the questions that follow
Further Practice Section
ll.ヽ ⊆
=off… …… recc)rd that he vvOuld be standing fOr electiOn next year

.,v anyone who is ..........1 . .. . the environment committee?

' more
much : :' .. . just a romantic comedy as it had real depth and true-to-life characters
'alises he has to l-'i.. . . ..... truthfulwhen answering the police officer's questions.
'he redevelopmentcould present........;.:.... .......... problem forthe cash-strapped
local authority.
;ed to rip .....-..1.:l:r.... ....... the whole kitchen
and get a new fitted one.
:-' i have been a good idea for the actor to appear in public
so soon after the scandal.
:s not only a financial success Out . . . ...: .1....,1, a critical
麟輸│= the programme had nothing to do........,.....'.,' ... the scottish Highlands at alll
rim - he might be incrediblycharmrng, but, . ..1.. all accounts, he is a con man.
.rorter was on the scene fo,llowing events .. .7.2 ..1..t........... they happened.

L seem to be any diiference at all ... .. ..: ........ . ... the two recipes.
rave come up with a new way -f , ... .. treating fibroids without surgery.
:lovernment minister has, in recent years, devoted t.rerretf
. ..... . ..... humanrtarian work
=ssay is on the borderline between an A and a B and in....?r.i).eY.y cases, the examiners alwavs seek
rion. t

w q:.i.;l-Iia abilities as a playwright were vvidely acclaimed′

was alsO a political activist who ultimately

"ding age is so . ' above that of his ciassmates that

lthink he needs to be put in another class.
:lon has always been a magnet for immigrants and artists
and, despite gentrification, retains ..........
character today. ,

o the army are put 'i i' .'i.'..: :.:.,i.'..... a battery of tough physical and psychologrcal
tests to assess their

:riod of illness makes her achievement of 6 A grades in her exams

all more impressive
解 つ分

'rur months of taken on by the company, Amy was promoted


;ely a foreign la nguage to Peter despite his dad being Spanish, but he did pick up some
his relatives.
; his children's books, Alan Farmer says he turns ... 1,._: his ndchildren for inspiration
r trjes to be as conscientious and industrious as possible
in ....... does
-ally sleep deprived can prevent someone from functi oning effectively work or school
- think that the English don't like political change; nevertheless,
there was a revolution in England
the beginning of the j 7th century.
right see bungee jumping as exciting while someone .. .... ... ._..........
regards it as a terrifying ordeal.
iuism is thought of as a human characteristic, some animals
. .1.,:.,..,,i.i............. , and do, show empathy with

recently, people had not been able to modify the genes

of plants directly but scientists are now abie to do this
' -'pmental stage, we would expect a child to take the blocks and attempt to build .. .1.!.,:. ..,.. ,. .. into a
lr structure.
オ ,D0
暉 L3ge Often COnVeyS muCh… … r)∩ .9■准 _ than WOrdS Can eVerSay
n deCided tO deSCend the mOuntain so they could pitch their tent on a safer′ ρ
‐ Ψら exposed part
巨 tain.

■ as vve know, there is no life on any of the other planets in

our solar system.
. . Lewis shows '' '''''i i" sign of being willing to fix the computer himself,
so l,ll have to take it to the
個 旧 糟 旧 爛 旧旧 目櫃 個 旧 個 旧
Further Practice Section

Word Formation

3 Complete the gaps with the correct word derived from the word in capitals

■ ■ ■ ■ 1 ■■ ■ ■ ■ ●1 1 ■1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■●1 1 ■■ ■ 11一
1 : ....'..1.., .. of his patients' illnesses DIAGNOSE

Dr Farnon always makes an accurate -.1.r

2 Tne accused p'eaded .... ,:│ ρ′わねユ . of the law, but the judge still sentenced him to IGNORE

│(`フ │

two months community 堅 rvlce

3 bowls

The guest room had been ...1. decorated with vases of flowers and TASTE

of fruit.

4 We found Chris's excellent in helping us complete the project VALUE

5 lf you've got any . .....,.....'..... ouestions.novv′ s the tirne to ask them! ASK

6 It is generally acknowledged that ou 9nχ l¢、■%ゝ … are mirrored
r in our dreams ANX10US

1 ■■一
7 better after a vino l仄)■ 、 ... workout in the gyml VIGOUR


■■■■1 ¨
8 dreさ Th of making a fortune from their、 vritino

9 the mystery of the crime slowly υn鯵
.J 場 scene by scene FOLD

11 for tomorrow's REAL
0 1
V _
12 υり)ム の 「
)lγ }│十
υ ソ…in women′ s Fashlon nowadays

190e,す UNIFORM 4

When writing your`ssay′ yo` can dravv c)n personal

v Чノ
your main points.
` :ゝ ctlο
We were struck by the 01ご に融互 scenery on our mountain drive. PICTURE 49

像1艶Jふ 鋭「them to go on the desert expedition without


15 It was absolutely ........ SENSE 5〔

taking water with them ′

16 As the accused had no previous ..C..An.ttl ヽ
アラ ′the judge let him off with a short CONVICT 52

1'` on´
υ` ` o
` .
_■ 1.

17 On his :λ l肛 ρ
1` l]「 Mr Smith was given a gold watch as a token of the firm′ s RETIRE
^ l

18 After the acciden t′ H to let his 隆 affect his quality of life BLIND
19 He denied the made by a number of journalists investigating his ALLEGE
20 He was arrested for ,. ORDER
21 Of course you'll feel t ired if you are suffer hg frOm ta Vitamin… ∂
ツ :1像 n⊆[理 DEF:CIENT
のみqっ 、 、
ゎ1ハ V , , ノ
22 Reading good books is the best way to ... 将 I` 子いゝ1` y9ur vo兵 負Oulary
23 l've rea rguments about the benefits of 981■ 9ヽ IC9'伴ンv.modified f。 s GENE


24 The...1. was withdrawn from the magazine on the grounds that it“

25 The… 性罐rェ)0西 1.ν jazz musician played to a packed house at the Apollo Theatre on LEGEND

saturday.(リ ′、 n
26 N/any elderly people suffer the effects of ゆ解イ

ン Σ`
′′ 、
due tO iSOlatiOn Within the LONELY
community `口

27 The cost of CflЭ lγ :` ls q other clubs in the area MEMBER

28 Oliver is far too biased to the OB」 ECT
29 lt was really u.ry . . ....,'C of Tom to give you money when he's so broke SELF
30 I give my children a weekly .arVlQ.N.1.r..t..*.... Out they have to complete their chores
first. 65
l ″ l 、

31 Did you have to make a lot of 9d/1バ C■ 9嘱 たhe en9ine tO makeit hSter? IViODIFY
Further Practice Section

the diamond ring on her hand for the benefit of the SPARK

・ ,
1(勒 alority of Ir/Ps in parliament are male OVERVVHELM
'. of a .€O. r硼 志lo・ by a client, all fees will CANCEL
le's a government minister very DIPLOIVIA

that she suffered very little 誹 _Э Cο ねナ the COMFORT

“ of
… … … … … ・ …

:ians attribute the fall in wages to the CLOBAL

about what I did - it was com pletely of me. THINK
^ /い
:sults are ぼ !Ⅲ こヽ , the doctor 11: will you immediately. NORMAL
the of the waiter, we got up and left the restaurant RUDE
ハ : A
Stね tten ng bOdS are■ ttitiV釣 … harmless when ea:い n in moderation RELATE
r claimed we were enterinc a period of oreatお
´ 艤 f≧ ィ
:'(1, PR()SPER
=匡 翻 lぜ
奮 1■: ν ヽ
l l oTmy teachers, I never would `1)ヽ
havel oassed mv flnal exams

¬fyOu haVe t∞ thaChe′ a trip to the dentist is ....vlns.Y よ ば,

ス 入ュ
ごi瑕 _
wi‖ !_κ 1ふ the new student's reading ability before placing him VALUE
. ii ,,4*
,r excellent chef and nis .*l{-*.i3..;.:..i;... is feuuccine alfredo. SPECIAL
rs a highly . .,i...I..hi.:.*i.lf.#rtory ,6or, *hy he was so late. QUEST10N
, \.-.
....*l{.\7.......... about what she wanted in life made it almost impossible for CERTAIN
: -/

ttes, many people have no access to clean, .. vυ ater RUN

out in to the new legislatio OPPOSE
,hrs film ...!]f and I never get tired o'ir. COUNT
: seVefe look of on the man's face as a car drove by blasting APPROVE

tut of my ●:9が ■
when I went to the German conversation class, DEEP

h too advanced for me. ,′
.り に
arymounteda........ 徹αシ Campa19n tO Warn driVerS abOut 90ing P∪ BLiC
ay crossings on red.
'ammes such as cookery shows are a very影 イ
′′貯 イル″wav of oassin。 DEMAND
lvhen vou are tired
′ …■
`′ ダ
■″ 01丸tα 中 and won't be interested in the promotion at all AMBIT10N
:re able to ::?l'VCPI(ζ ンγ
ito numerous difficulties on their n19ht out in the COME
-an be very b.f.f.*4 *L.ll.\i.
for lowering blood pressure and inducing a BENEFIT
V ,:. \
=caring all the food for the party wasn't easy, I had a great sense of ... fr l",ti"[4,........ PROU D
-'1. , 'l

-les reduce the level of ...#fi:?r:*.#.r.W.... in all new vehicles. t n I t fr EMr

ng bike can be pretty expensive, but there are now many more ;1:,{,ft€?|?'r1.#€ arrono
-o market. rr ti
could ..1fl.1;.t1.1..,.F........ infinite clean energy and thus bring an end to the SURE
f fossil fuels.

.oth her house and her car with a hlqhlv… アf巌 摯

メ■ 嫁観cencv
. looking to its 繰証,.ィ ;迪 ,iff〈 寵楡 dant ADMINISTRATE
can barely stand up without knocking something C00RDINATE

. it into ..................... detail about the company's failings EXHAUST

旧 旧 旧旧 旧 旧 旧 旧 旧 旧 蠣 旧 旧 旧
Further Practice Section

67 Dan was overjoyed by his (威 を 1(鵞 暉 4秒 of long-lost relatives i COVER

68 As a vegetarian, Tracey fi nds it difficult to understand the .. of meat- MENTAL
ea ters. ハ
69 l'm sorry, but my client's personal information is ok」 く
70 Blake made a.… …れ8ジ 碑兵去...... attempt to finish all his work
:卜 by the deadline. HERO

71 She looks渉 different after a‖ that C su rgery. DRASTiC

72 The changes to the were not . when I first looked at it. APPEAR
73 We're looki for a flat near Tommy's school FURNiSH
74 Sally is quite about all aspects of ancient Greek civilisation KNOW 2

75 John is my in thle Amstettam offic9 ofthe company. PAR丁

76 The lecture on chaos theory 笞

not as l'1′ イ

露4Fr)含 葺 ♂ちsi wasled tO beheve
ljヽ lNFORM
͡ /
77 He's suffered many‐Ъis life′ but has succeeded against a‖ the Odds HARD
78 ht.' DiSTURB
79 in the south of England. CONVENE

9 -

¬ ■

Further Practice Section

Key Word Transfornnation

Complete the sentences us ng the lvord in capitals Use three to six words including the word given. Do not change the
rryord in capitals.

The town council is planning on converting the old park 11 Paula is responsible for arranging the office party this
nto a leisure complex. tryT} VPr year
DRAWN ptans areYCMlw.4tl.C . . ........ SORTING Paula is in Cね 90198… …
9ム ……
...tC-n\(q:\t...... the otd park into らd書 亀 the omceい arty ttt year
a leisure complex.
12 Somebodv stole Brian′ s wa‖ et
've heard a rumour that John will be resigning at the HAD Brian わ00 拙:腕囲l轟Qn
end of the month. wな く
転. he was at the concert
HAND I l've heard a rumour that iohn intends 13 He pretended to have a cold so that he wouldn't have
Jn u'v d. l4 ll'\^^ P...:l*..Di.9r.VoaSRCeno ot
rv\ to oo to、 vorK I I

the month.
AttlD lnの こ R.ψ t(ィ θヽυ

thought my new job would be a lot more exciting. .■ 91:ln3..._ ‐。work′

NOVVHERE lob… lIう .nO VVれ んユ米 │ he pretゝ dedお 'have a c。 ld
(1 `

ひシ ヤ キ…… … …aS l had thO ught

5、 :。` C人
it wouldte
lT I搬

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■1 ■1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ●

14 Can you please help me with mylug■ geワ 、 │


plaver olf his oualitv shouldn′ t have mrssed
‐ ノ
鉤。 ´ ::lょ

GOOD He's らψCム .q じし

15 Ryan usua‖ yg()es for a walk oO^a Sunday mor,ing. 4
ζい麻‡ V`′ shO n't have ed
HABIT Ryan is Iへ .4′ くl. IT C94
り 9ヽ ゆ
that penalty
.α 01ィ r)夕、.ゝ br a walk σ
jhe intends to buy those designer shoes no matter

on a suns:ym。 信イ

1 1 ●旧 旧 ■ ●1 1
vhat l say 1 1 ヽ T ∫

へ…ση ・卜崚 J 16 The executive board couldn't decide who to hire as

HEART she h6も・ ・・ ・ ・ ・ ・・ ¨ … ……
′… 千■
`Jll new t) ,

︱ 1 1
6ン アヽ……り UV… …… thOSe deSi9ner ShOeS

nc)matter vvnat i say.

No ..d ( ( t lla N -. vV): DC\Lrv
.rr'.q.dg ... regarding the hiring
: Do you mind if I open the L window? of the new CEO.
OBJECTIONS Do vou have .A.vr:.: ...A6.t8.lhC , n

口旧 旧1
17 Sean phoned the secretary before he left home to
lo- ne 0@ gJzq,r(\rhe t inoowz

1 ●旧 ■■ 旧 ■■
check the meeting hadn't been cancelled.

There have been fewer visitor\ to the r(Jseum in recent IVIIGHT Sean phoned the secretary before he

years 1 ハ left home because he thought the
DECLiNE There has been(フ P(メ,_2(1(ι
、 せ12 ′

、 Q - .m...?rh1....1-o.,t.q...
0 ko..n olf. n(
- 6ci-L\u6 I

旧 旧旧1
l_ぃ VISitOrS tO the muSeum
18 John would only leave his house when he had checked

1 ■■ ■ ■1 ■ ■ 1

in recent years

that all the windows had been locked.^ L t.
The school board plans to reduce the English department lNSlST John used-,to .r.r:.|Lo c (, ., ,Q

by a half i!- .. all the windows had C

′The school bqard tt planning .(2/レ been lockLd before he left his house.
{J´ 11Qヽ :■ 1ビ α…OY.half the Enclish
19 Polly's fancy dress outfit was so funny that it made me
deMrtment. g
laugh. n I )t n A"
Ho‖ y felt it、 vasn′ t vvorth trying out for the hockey tearn HELp ^ t..qt!Ck'l hpllp..l'v..yrfv-)
POINT Ho‖ v felt +h″ ■① rza'tqA-r'lQ .,:*Fow'sfun.y d["r, or#it. U
n■ 1。 ・ "Wの
trying Out br dd
20 Tom can't stop thinking about his holiday since he
the hockey tearn.

l don′ t think it′ s a good idea to lowerthe vc)tlng age in

booked it three weeks ago
OBSESSED Jom has… ノ
梃欲「 Ob`もONd」 ぃ│十 九

…three weeks now

national elections ∩ ′ hO;^∂ Q/・


FAVOUR I′ m90ヾ 0:弊 ン1 011_

21 The bread dOuOh ShOuld be tい ノ
ICe aS blC after an hOur

(1フ '4.10ノ
:し :i`No the votinc tte ンフ DOUBLED.
m natlonal electi。 結 ′ The bread douch should ′ ヽイ
「イ i

ィL Slた ater an hour


∂ cァ したEノ
Further Practice Section

22 He'd only been away from his desk for a few seconds 33 They were sure they had been right to relocate to tr 45
when the boss came askinq for him : , C(t countryside. , .: i.
LEFr No f,c:lfr t;lld i.t \a\I
'''';\ REGRETS ft,ey i s lf {, {lJ$r '
his desk thln to the countryside.
the boss came asking for him.
34 If ianet doesn't accept the job offer promptly, $tr 46
23 She refused to pay the bill because the waiter was very might lose it
rude. fl ; i RISK
LED The rudenesq of the waiter .{.,;.,...1. ..-.dl the job offer if s:=
i"tr .::,.i4irlt{^\.. to pay the bitt.
it promptly
24 You need to explain the system to the students clearly 35 We will probably have to get our central heatiu
for them to understand it. system serviced soon.
GIVEN The students need to ./.... 史 NEED , Our central heatinq system will k
...'.................. ..... Of the system l.^ ..naPd.b ...k* .-... .' ....,...^. soon
'XIv ICq( 48
for them to understand it.
36 There were hardly any people in the cinema when ue

25 They say that she has been cheatin9 the cc)mpany for went to see the film
yearS ,´ 1 ヽ j l VIRTUALLY The cinema Wひ ‐

ALLEGED She l=^:m頃 dl… 1曾 … l`:て α C rf,、 、
ρ when we r'..
胆いよばれ渉he‰ mpany br yearS
ヽ ヽ
ノ 49
,こ '■ to see the film.

26 1don′ t mind if youbo to the botba‖ match with your 37 "Can you help me with the gardening?" Tom asked
friends me.
DIFFERENCE lt.:奪 f像を 重01,ti Z:gp 0ィ C丈 HAND .l
.F爵 …紳 鷲…………… lf yOu l 90 tO : ...... . 1:.. . with the gardenin:
the football match with your friends.
27 Connor isn't handling his retirement very well. l NCAPABLE Paula.15… 11f予 lllJl″ 魚 ■
TERMS Connor ..... ......:..'... σ,ね し̀:3よ nO ヽ
i the meetinc

with his retirement yet ‐
39 The idea of 9C)in9 0n a sklin9 holiday this vピ inter does―
28 But for Paul's help, I never would have finished the mterest me at all 51
project on time. .l
LESS I coLrldn't
HAD If . . .'..'.,.'..,.,.,:,,:. We go
Paul's help, a skiing holiday this winter or not
I never would have finished 40 "lt was me. I ate the last piece pf qakel," Alice said. 52
the project on time.
HAVTNG Rlice l.:: .'*'J. . ..\At,.!*,..
29 As well as the rate of pay for your new 1ob, you need to kki teasipiec;;;:.0;.
consider the workload.
41 The apple crop this year has never been better.
TAKEN The workload
. .. . ... .

THE The,apple crop this year is .'.M.........

...!t.................. as rn;ell as the rate I
*.1>.1....p. * 5..,,t.../:q.. .=.. been. 53
of pay for your new job. { v !-r.
42 I almost took the job, but changed my mind at the lm
30 I tried to contact you earlier but l've only just managed
t09et throu9h
TOUCH l have beenれ yF∩A.ヽ 9算こ 麗
躍 ′│ム つ 1 54
ぴ ay… …wllへ … ln. i,l. J,i ;;;..

(3れ ……1.witt you brXours

31 The government's measures did nothing to combat the

`呼 my mind at the last minute

43 They claim that King Cha‖ eslspent a night at this hot』 、

high unemployment rate.
丁HOUGHT Kinc Charles I… ′).141:7ι イク :│l liC .′

lNEFFECTIVE Ttte q9Vernment′ F meaS ures■ 1ゼ 4,

I蝶 `
F譲 l

恭 納に 1静 the high
'Ttt a nightatthも
hOtel・ 55

unemployment rate 44 Schoc)lchildren find the museum′ s interactive exhibils

partiCularly eXCiting ,、 ′ ′_1^
32 lVy hometown used to be a lot quieter twenty years
EXCITED lnつ :●あ1000'X,.サ 越 .C′ ″ ゝ971‐ )´


、りの 1■ VQ刀 )C'パ ` the muSeum′ S

My hometown r′ ).)″ (y
interactive exhibits 56
・ ■3(/1`K… … aSit
O■ Wgs
twenty yeaだ o90.
Further Practice Section

-ne problems no one expected were

encountered on 57 lVario's interest in archaeology began during a family

e pr(DjeCt. vacation as a child.
■GAINST We Wlil111 αtti討…
感 寺
福 wHtLE vtariofirstbecame t.J?2}%tJ ,^ *,

a..oufifila}, ^ h&
problems on the prolect bu',.1 .0-n ... a family vacation as a child.
::e was afraid of seeming ridiculous, so he avoided 58 He praised the speaker because she stated the problem
swering the question. quickly and offered a number of solutions.
IOL Pete avoided answering the question POINT He praised the speaker for ..... . 0
ro, .(.c:..d....rne.l: )r;. of himserf. .
0 J dL*^
a nurnber of solutlons
quickly and offering

-r't forget to send regular emails to leut me know

^at's going on. 59 The schoolsOOrts davぃ
ン /ill be held next Fridav l
、 _^′ ^^` _^‐ ■ ^
:TURE You can Leep ........... GOING The schoolsOorts dav 11● ()颯
_t19卜 `υ
regular emails. `
q終 、 1… piace next―frida「
-'ra succeeded because she was able to follow the 60 Marisa is bound to pass her drlvin9 te,st thi5 0ftern.oon
. ru ctions. DOUBT Thereハ f● f1000`^夕│イビ
,E ヽ4aria′ s su ccess nsa孵 、 :l① ・ WI卜 羊 …… ■paSS her driving test

諸to foliow the instructions this afternooh

rdy informed N,4ary about the changes to the 61 l oblect tO anyone speakin9to me llke that ′
APPROVE ldoツ lpF αρ蔵 ンマi ヾ0
'lLY itWaS al´ V.ユ 聟:摯 メ . (2(:: .I pOken tO llke that
│′ ││′

蒟 F、 ノ 榔 )inb rmed about 62 N,4att

can be very aggressive if you don't give him what
the changes to the regulations
he wants.
.: people say that the most effective way to learn is WAY When N,4att
'ial and error
, he can be very
F, P-::t:a i:,:"'
1 1 _

い ・ ・ ・ ・
agg ressive.
… …

麟にい・Oθ ... by trial and error

is the most effective.
63 The ar,rdience applauded enthusiastically at the end of
the shoνv
- was less economic growth in September than SOUND The SOα ´

- was in October. the show

3HTLY ln October, the econo my ..\,..:I.*::..3. to an end.

十ハ tに ヽ・ rt did in 5eptember
64 Considering lt was Daniel's first olfence, the judge let
cesn't need to worry at al about his exam results hir off w rr a wa.nirg
VIEW The judge let Daniel off with a
_sT Benis bα 」 :│, … . Jlヽ .ヽ ヽ

o ri、 vva rnin 9 ……

■■ ソ・ abOut"l・
hiS eXam
because he knows how hard he studied.

イ being his first offence

lt was Jean's fault that we missed the beginning of the

:re is a fire in the building, everyone must evacuate. play. カ

:NT The b,uilding must ,f.+r. 4 fQ r,:.:c.llacrf BLAME 」ean .!ノ

.,,.....'..'i ,1.....q*... . ... of a fire missing the beginnins
rugh we had no money, we were able to enjoy our "iin" J"
:av at home. 66 As you've got nothing planned for thrs afternoon, why
,;'"'"""'' r"r0,," +b !q cQ {- ,"ong don't you join us?
...\xi"r......(.n4 .O.y.eC1........ spendins WELL As you've got nothing p,lanned for this
our holiday at'h6me. afternoon, vou n.).q hi.....6j.;...
. started to .we!-Q ... . co.,-.1*-../alonq with us.
laugh when she heard what had

: ened.
67 "You will apologise to me for being so rude,,,
father said.

;r." .li";;t3;?1",,0 GAVE ,[r/y lather insisted f . a,a:1e....1)r.,:f.). c, ,.

what had happened. a6:E(9.fl X (61 r .nv rudeness.

take half the time if we make pasta instead o[risotto.

.G PrepSring risottp)i/ill take ... ζ ォ 〉
:ィ (4ィ ,`:〕

Thqn pasta.
Further Practice Section

68 Sheila can hardly manage to live on the money she 75 ln my opinion, lessica's behaviour last night
BARELY Sheila earns


… k
EXCUSE ln my opinion, there's ..'.....
紳 .hC-W..... Jessica behaved last

69 I haven't got a lot of money, so I can't afford holidays I

76 Oscar had great difficulty in changing the flat
abroad every nr his car.

YEARLY lf I had a lot of monev. .I,.1. qdcl



rス θ
jo_ol、 ひ

…… ・・…・ ・・・処・―

\r qorr e. y(g?Sroaa
+fred 人絋nO・ サhe flat tyre On
,` r・

his c=

70 Jake's careless driving really

, l'
gets on my nervet , ,

77 "Do you want to watch N,4anchester United play


r WrT,h....iol.e.....w.Qa-l.n.t... I weeke n d' asked Ke ly

. k*.r.e....fu.r, caretessty. I
NTERESTED. Kel ly asked me │

71 Betty always gives the impression that she's in an l裁 疎ュIDI∂ 」ヽ .


play this weekend

AcRoss Betty always .{.*tt:g>....atcllq.l:" I

78 According to my calculations, we get to the hote
* - ir l'r5 in an incredible hurry hours after we leave home
TAKE Accordin
72 A police spokesperson told the press that the two I

burglaries were clearly linked. I
CONNECTION A police spokesperson told the pless

79 The first thing Grace did when she heard the
that there was ...4.,..(.Qo.nPdl?." i news was start to cry. , t

Mt*q*l ' the two crimes l BRoKE crace f

c,, .c ...'.:..::1....f.(i:.,.
...SOen................ as she

Paul was just about to go for a run when he noticed

the good news.

that it was raining , 0

vERGE paurwas e-n /
la Vhtr * |

80 Police have arrested the man they believe
the two burglaries.

SUSPICION A man has been arrested
,.. .""1:$ift ;, ;;,l:i.iJYn T噸 │∝ 体

… … Out the tWO hHrAl`



74 How likely is it thatt 5asha wlll come to
Sasha will ,l t':t:' I

tonight? 'nt 1 1
cHANCEs whatare lle- Chqrcq.i" 4 :'*1Dn ∝
COnr'.LX to the cinema tonightZ

日 旧旧 旧旧旧 = 順旧襦
TO>O Cヽう卜﹂

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。 還E。.

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﹄賃 P

灘 泥
萎 准 ゛督 ・ 一

メ 0っ∝ OoV∽o ヽ定 oo﹂一
o o工μ ^
3・30> oヱoPOPOE PCcヽ
g うo卜 oの
ヽヽ ・

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. .
ZO 一
L一に■⊃ Z ∽ ︵

一¨奨 一´ ¨一錦 ´ 一一一誕
繁 導 語 一幹 一一一. 薫
︸ CCo 一
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の聖≧ くコ∞ 工 O ⊃ 〇 ∝〇 工L POC 、。・ ヒ C 。 いP CO ﹂。P。メ〓
・ ″ ︵ ︶。﹂。・
ヒ 3
一 ″碑一︸∝コ一い,午狩当″噸″奉一 守N 〓〓
ヽC﹂OCO∪0 0f︶︶Of︶つ一 い、一
o∽P QCC 一
﹂oエト  トN ・ ′﹄
。鍾っ 。
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にく コ⊃ ∪ Ш∝
一 F︵  夕X。C 。こ︶﹂。﹂

¨一 ¨︸
一 一︵一

﹂ 董事 董¨

憂弓. 羮一
″ .

C   く

ぃ一 ∽﹂ぅ0ゝ 0∽う OPO>oこ ゝ“C﹂DO^ 、
二︸、0﹂CPoO ﹂O yC一 Q ︸OQ
→ ―

Loo oOCooCPo﹂
一C一 つOゝ
﹂0一 >oこP
∽  ψ銀 ﹄ぉ﹂。
。薦緊♂寧 一 ≫︵
資づゝ 3 ち¨Φ
。 Q
〓 。〓ぅ
. ﹂

∽ I 〓。ぉE 。υE。× 。 ︰ 。cざ 、
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︵ oc一
能 ol 8 うo 5
. ¨一一バ 喜 ど ぜ ぶ ヽ r■ 、、 露 ヽ
.. 運 お イ 誕 ﹁ 、
一 oc いo Eof ど ヽ 受 oP 〓いうoco oo rco3 ︶
oE﹂ ・coヽ 3 ﹂o ^だ o・

卜こ 。ち 。o∞oc一 ● ∽■一ち o 、
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り 、 ≫ 一”0■ バ o︶
﹂.く ∪ フ〓 ∽0、O≧´〇⊂一
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CO O〓﹂>> ヽ

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  OCO  ∽ヽ0> 一
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. ,
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理 o3 6 5 いcも う一 υ⊆一

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D>> 一
、 ,, .〓 〓Э 一Эン
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﹂二 一
 〓〓〓〓Fl .1 ■一
 ︶一〓 〓一一^■︰ ︰ 〓I I 〓F■ ︶   ´了二■ 一二︱ ・r︶
〓0 /FI ■一一 一 ・ t・ 1 ● 〓三 ■■ ・
 ^ ︰ ・

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P一 oE〓t F b f τE く ﹂
■⊆馬QXE oP of 一
一 〓 of OcGい一言 o﹂ o一え﹂

0 ⊆一0■七C〓 ﹂o ■o吟ヽこ >2■ b f OPOo、 D 聟一0こ0 ●0 し ︶﹂
∞ト  ー 菫一 一  二︶
ぃア一 ﹂ 0⊂一
〇一 QQF事  0 00>一 υ∪0﹂ >⊂⊆うm ⊆F⊆C﹁⊂Om 一∽o000 、く

Oc輛´⊂o一 ﹂ o∪b Q o工 0もぅ一
of Oo>一 ぃぃ二 ‘ いt〓一Σ OC一
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ヽ ″
, 、
oP B 一fじ一
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一 い重 一
一Σ 〓ob >Ш 6〓3 ∞も 一 o﹂coぢ 一
o〓ぃof も o■6 oPぃ ぃ8 ﹂
cυof 一o0 0c、

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E ぃの一 ︵
一一一 cし
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夕 も Z

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0ぅ σ 一
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﹂ of 一
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0 f い ご ∪一

、 、
林¨ QQ⑮三⊆ぅ 0⊂一
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〇〇2 一 ‘一
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o︵ 髭⊆o﹂

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●CooこPoり ooこυ

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‘ うoメ

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 on  メ
 oP oO
O メcc むoつ  o
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 o﹂oE 〓ρ

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一QO﹂ ,,
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三 一 0 ∽000∪00
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り一 ﹂
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P ﹂⊆一30f ﹂0 0∽⊆oИ

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6∽。﹂。E POC﹂一、ro三∽⊆〇一 PQ︶一
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S EO もつo∩ ゝ ﹂①⊆o 一
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一5 cCPヽつoヱ⑮︶∽
一E o∽■一もC一E
o﹂OE   一DQ  、
さ一o︶一 のうσo  い一
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∽﹂0>O∪ OC一 ∽〇いい 一 つ ⊆0 い〇寸 〇 一 ∽一

メCOE E Of ∽ζ Ofい ︶ 、
一一⊆0 E DOいっE 〇一︶ ⊆一0﹂Of3 0い一
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お E C030f

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﹂OOEOr>0 〓﹂
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5一 慟PcoE一
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, ⊆三しO︶
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ヽCE   〓∪CO﹂QQの い二 ″
, 二 ζ   OCo  いoっ︶oPい oつ  も一
> ゝE   ﹁OE L﹂⊆O︶ 〓υDE
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>お 一
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or3い 〓 ∽Do>5 o″つoo⊆
一 fP夕 と OE一
一 b Q5 ︸ヒ6 00 〇三 OCC 、
∪一ち 5 3 0oc一
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一CO ´
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>0﹂ E O﹂ C■ ︶O Q
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一 工 一 一
。三″ CO ∽
0∽Dじρ 三uDE Xb > ⊆o一 ,
︶一Q〓こ 0こ
■ 0⊆① OCo立∪C一Q﹂Oぃ 、o﹁ゝ〓00〇一PC一QD> >o﹂OCO﹁つ0︵一⊂0一イ、  ´

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> C 〓P C O ヱ一〇 ヽ
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一 ﹂o>>o一
>0﹂ mO﹂の一∽
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〓﹂0 ぐ′一

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>0﹂ 0 〓卜 .
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´ぃo 3 一
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つ 二一 二 2 P 一い つ ´o ■ 2  つ  一o めヽ>υ 一
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>> . .
>J 一
  ・う o 一
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  o ″  い こ 一
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■ ■ ■ ■1
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、 oいO CO QOOQ ∽Oc い つOPυoCCO︶︲一Φ⊆﹂OPC一
ぃOF七 ∽〇ヾ〇 一
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︶O>o﹁ 〓Uぅぃ 3 0〓И 〓一
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﹂﹂oO い⊆一 工 ⊂一〇⊂一
〇O O︶ ∽世⊆﹂O① COm ∽Om ∽一 〇0 〓一ぃ
 〇CO^⊆① ︶0工″ ゝ一
o工︶ ⊆一 0ヱ一
一⊆ぅ ぃF一  、
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∽■ 一﹂C一PC﹂ 一
D⊂、  C〇一
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つoつ ぃヽ ⊂0  ⊆0∪ oヽ 一oo﹂ E 一二 ∽o墜QE ︶o工︶ ﹂o3 oQ OCヌ oPい ﹂o 夕∪o一 o POC
, 、 OQ O い0 0
C一〇f︸ い︶ΦO OCO Pぅ0 PC一
∽■ 一⊆〇 一 工 工

も oO﹂of︸﹂o 3 一一﹂o⊂iooy OcOゝoO 三∪2L
o>0一工︶● Pヽ
Cつ一つ ︶of︺0﹂o。OQうυ 〓0こ Cい 0 、ミ0﹂0いPのOF〓ヽ 0 ふ 03 ︶0三︶P一QOO〓 O︶ouCo⊆oP⊆一
こ ﹂一CO>O 、
Q00Q P 、
、 00 0ン0⊆﹂oPO①〓 o一
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〓ち   ︶一

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。P。﹂ 。いて﹂0﹂ 一 ⊂﹂“⊆O﹂二∪OC0 OC一
夕﹂Oヽメ 〓ぅ﹂ OP  Oo﹂OP
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〇一QE Oυ  O  ︶ヒ ∽一
二L  と ocυ″一
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< ■0一P﹂ OD理>もC一
2 一
ヽ  ∽く、
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一 3
い o 三︶一 ,
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 ぃ一 〓∽一> ∽ヽ
0正 ⊂0三、 ′
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工 И一 ∽O⊆﹂ い0いい0﹂Q×0
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co∞ ︶o三︶ ocO of︶ 、

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 COm ∽oOω 五 Qo い一
6 ︶co一 二 〓o ﹂o PDO
●C〇一 OC〇〇 Φ£一三〇DO﹂三︶⊂、
︶慟﹂ く´o0 0oO⊆。二
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b Q CP一 〇n f︶〓ここO 〓■ 一 > ∽〓 ﹂O ∽い⊆一
E oぃLoこ○も 一 〓一﹂0⊆c いヾ

、 g DP一 3 0b 。つ。E 8 一
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一 ∽O﹂05
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ぃ ぃ■一E 〓 ﹂ P①f︶ ち ∞ ,
、 ﹂oゝ υO ∽ ⊂ ﹂ 沐一 ﹂ヽ0三︶メ一
0 ヱ つ 一 三  一 o〓Of∽﹁一 o﹂
︲ た。 ︶一
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o∪00 ﹂○ つ⊆一夕 o〓︶ぃΦ﹂〓QF一〇×0 0F一
〇三 めヽ
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o﹂′ o一い⊂〓o型 E o﹂ t o﹂∽一 ■ ﹂ρ ど o∞ r ∽一
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00ヽいすo〓Pヽ 工︶oぉ 3 o 〓03 〇一。f 、
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o∽一Do︶ ﹂〇
いoE一F ョ8 メ〇〇一⊂一o一〇8 ぃぅoコ一● 〓三 、

一 ぃ
ぶ G〇一 ↑せ

Omo∪o一 O沐P
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o﹂ ﹂
oo一υい一⊂o∞いo三P ∪O①三い●S
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5 oNooDσ∽ ゝ一
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≧ うい ﹂of︶o⊆<     め

〇POf OC一
‘一 C一〇一

三   b O ⊆ ﹂ラ ︶ ∽① 〓   C O ∞   0﹂0
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. f ﹂O P∽o﹂o三︶﹂○﹂
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0 ﹂〓 ﹂0 沐 0 ≧ ´ Φ 一
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>〓0⊃⊆一 うo≧ P一oE Dい∽嘔
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E 硬 ∽一 一︶2 一
〇一 o﹂oコ QD ´一P 〓c Q8 y 〓一
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OE一 二 ぃOCOQ∽ OC Иゝ03 ﹂一

ρ し OE OE

, ン﹂03 ぃ一 く 〓∽一
︶一﹂∞ ﹂ 0 ぃ ぃ o 三   ︶︶ o﹂

  .C 〇 一
C一 いぃ O Q   O C 一
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O D崎
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3 o﹂
∪ ⊆一 o一 ∪ Fこ o つ o︶ ● ゝ﹂O   ①   ゝ﹂O P∽ 一
PO ⊂  ∽ 一 〓   一こ ぅ ぃ⊆ 0 ∽  ⊂ Φ ∞  ﹂0 ﹂
ODOも 一ヽO∪CO﹂o三︸﹂ ぅ0〇三0一
0>O ﹂ 0⊆
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二 〇E 一 ■ ∽慟〓 0〓 メニ>> い一

∽〓 ﹂ も Oに 一 ヱGE ︶いD一も の﹂ ⊆一∽一①⊆〓cO O︶o﹁ o︶ Qう 沐Q′ O″ 9 ︼ ■ OLoQい o3 0E 一
〇一一o﹂OE いう い⊆一 ︶ o三︶ 〓o 3 〇一
> い ⊆Om c一
ヽ   ∞

一〇0工ぃ ﹂0ゝ nC ● oり●﹄OL Oい 0こ︺ EO ∽﹄0>ン●C‘ 、ぅ0、 メ、0ヽ﹂
, ,
スo一 い 0三︶OP′ooい oυC一
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〓≧´〓0 0﹂い0﹂Oα
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ぃ0﹂ ︸ 三И
︶0〓O︶∽一 f>>⊂O CC〇二QOF﹂
Q Of f∪一 0﹂ .
●一 ︶o⊆一
ヽも 一 ∪一〓 c一
oP Qo一一
●⊂﹂o 〓⊃︸Oc⑮o︶o一
∽ しQ一
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ど  o﹂oこト バい●︲rせ︶ Ooぃ ‘υ6o ゛〓﹂ 工υ一
o﹂PXo oCO ∽一 三ゝヽ
´ ︺■ヽ ∽工Q ”﹂ぃo﹂oQ o〓P r﹂o﹄﹂ oいoo こ︺ ■ υo、PXo
 oCo oこP 一
o﹂COm ヽ三ヽ 0 い 0﹂o う0メ
NOいOr一 ● F﹄0ヽい PUo﹂︺Xo C” 0●o﹂ o︶ いC一
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一 ∪oQ∽O E 00﹂い⊆一
o一 >一一∽一
工L一 三 〇︶OC一
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一 夕 OOmOP﹁ぉ 一 P
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い .
0一υ■﹂o oC一
ト ツ﹄o﹂

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︶ゝCCE いo l
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①え も ﹂E 3
D﹂ o oPo一

■ぃ。COf メ〓oPD﹂O o0 0︶﹁o﹂GQO〓
﹂ 0■DOX 輸∽Φ一 三︶い⊂一
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0P O>一 ︶一 つCr 卜●E ∽し ︶一
一3 ﹂OQXOC一
08 5 一
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一〓ぃ C〇一
一 ︶GD一 ⑪>〇 一 ︶〓U 一DO卜 OCO〓 POE
Cり一 い、働3 ∽一
o︶⊂一 一一y﹂
o3 0︶o一
OoE ヽ
三ゼ〇三 ∽ゝ①てい
うo一 QゝE
E 3 、

ゝ〓2 一
﹂ o■ 主 Q P一o一 市 ︶∽二 Ocも 達﹂ ﹂o oO⊆Φ一
﹂ o一 一一三υ oc一>o﹂、コ ヱ﹂
い一 o3 いゝQO ´こ ⊂5oO い 、o≧一① 一Occ 一一三〓3 .

Cじ⊆C﹂﹂O υ一ぅo︶ ○︶ 0一
0﹂﹂o On Pヽ
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一o﹂ O︶ ヽ■ O∽一
〇 0一
D〇三一 DOメ 6・  QOf∪
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oP ①>0七ぃ>υ﹂

o〓︸ いoいコ ∽cQ o﹂一
︺⊂o o⊆一
>5 P3oOo り o一
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,口 ﹂

o二P ﹂0 9 〓 一夕 0¨
﹁ いo お 一
>一︸8 し こ一
りぅF一 И⑮ 3 >一
〇>C一︶×OP ´C一PPQo∪∪o O´OΦO⊂ い ∽一
︶ 0>02 〓一
一 一ミぃ一 ︶ゝ一
0一 一C 一00︶⊂一 .
υQ︶CO∪ 三∪﹂ooいo∝

。 い⊂一 ﹂ ︸一 0⊂一
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>oF o DOゝ ∽G 一︶DE いo ヱ﹂o> ﹂Doメ 0こ E o﹂ o いいo∪o﹂Q
一 ﹂ ﹂ o一っ。oc一oOフの一Pぃ⊆。。E ∽二L ︲ E﹂o﹂ど0も c一ち ⊂ ぜ0こ∽一〇Q

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 CP一 o3 ゝつ00上O O>一

一 こO OP
 ″ 一お3 卜0三P  O∽ ﹂
oP一 o ﹂っoメ い0︺υO OPO>0三 〇︸︶∪OQ×Ш
Oo ⊆≧´

P一﹂一 co>o oc一 、
ゝ一 Dσ O⊆o 、 0∽﹁OOい 0>0一
〓杖 ⊆o oち 一
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∽0﹂Q い⊆一
⊆o︶ い〓 ︶ ゝ一 ﹂≧′ o三P o>o一ゝo三︶
o︶ocDt o﹂cD ︶DO ぢ ﹂o≧´ cc〓 一 ﹂0一EDO﹂0ゝ0三L .
いゝG一 0∽
く 一> ●一DDf︶
0>O OP

。∽ぅ。υ00 ぃ⊆一
︶一一 QOOQ 、COヽ
>  OP ⊆> 。﹂0 。﹂0 〇一 ノ .
一 い⊆一芍①o﹂ 。C≡一3 ′〇一﹂Q
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o一 ODQ ︶
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, , 0一
二tOζ oO rc03 r ﹂oL o ﹂DOゝ ﹂O む 一﹂ot E ofP 、

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o P OOOC O∽一 CO ︶O Z
一0 ∪ う O o ﹂Q   D O ゝ   O C 一
三 一メ﹂0 > C   C 一
Q ︶0 ﹂   0 一D 〇 一 い   D O >   C 0 0 F 一 .
CO﹂ Q ゝ﹂o>Ш .
﹂∽〓﹂O⊆oつ 〓﹂O≧´﹂O o∪o一 つoぃ一
>o﹂0一 o︶

︶ ⊂ ∽O O つ

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⊆ぃo00 〓﹂ 〇い﹂DOヽ ﹁t 凶m 3 。ゝ ⊆一︶∽一 03 ﹂う0メ ③⊂一
ゼ QO一︶つ00﹂⊆C∪ ンヽ >0﹂QE 一

D ﹂o ИD
一 ︶一 つ c 一

、o E DO、 o一
二 ≧ ■ o ﹂o E ∽一 ∽∽o 一 ゼ O O n 、E c一 ご。P一 ① ∽0 い0一
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“≧″ ∞ “四卜一


C O ■ υ O た 0 ﹂O O ∽ ⊂ o い ﹂o 〇 一 O ΦO

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「 │ :.│
一0 に

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Po ぃ 0 0 > 一

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﹂ 0つ ︶ヽ P﹂o ∽∽o つ   ∽D 〇 一
︶ 〓0 ﹁︶ 一
︶C o  ﹂0 ︸﹂Q ︶∽  ︶⊂ o 〓O υ ×O   C o   ¨一
o O CC   O  o ︶ 〓

>も つcのo
︶ ζ︶Doつ⊂一 メ
﹂ o一場 oc一

L望 」
い Q ︸fひ一

E OCO● い 0 ち of 一

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一 0 も 0い 0一
つつ一 > 一0 やヽ
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つ⊆O  o︶一 〓夕 ﹂O  メ 一
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∽⊆O︶ ︶い0﹂OP⊂一

〇 0一
一QE O︶ ○︶い一も 0メ一
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ヽ 〓0 ﹂0こ く
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ヱ﹂ ﹂﹁0三︶OPOつ 沐一
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、 ,
O∽D〇二 。⊂一
〓∽〓0⊃Q o O⊆一﹂ o︶∽一〓∪一︶o三卜 一 ∪0一
︶一︶ o﹂∽﹂Of︶o ︶∽﹂一

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﹂ o三︶ o一 〇0﹂ 一いX O主 Q
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∽∽一 ﹂。一 〓 OQ  ﹂O  ODO〇一
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〓 0一
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