Challenges in Organising Truama Care in India

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Letters to Editor

for assessment instead of hypothetical situations. has just been started in Gujarat but students’ perceptions
and opinions can be of great help in organizing future
When asked about the differences between conventional IMNCI trainings.
teaching and IMNCI training, students expressed
that this is an excellent form of integrated teaching. A References
different modality of presentations is not seen during the
1. Simoes EA, Desta T, Tessema T, Gerbresellassie T, Dagnew M,
usual teaching of pediatrics and preventive medicine. Gove S. Performance of health workers after training in inte-
Active interest was created during this training, which grated management of childhood illness in Gondar, Ethiopia.
reinforced their existing knowledge. Bull World Health Organ 1997;75:43–53.
2. WHO Division of Child Health and Development and WHO
Most of the opinions from students suggest that it Regional Office for Africa. Integrated management of child-
was useful to them but will be more important and hood illness: Field test of the WHO/UNICEF training course in
Arusha, United Republic of Tanzania. Bull World Health Organ
meaningful for health workers. 1997;75:55–64.

The methodology was impressive and the whole

program can increase the conÞdence of undergraduates Mamta Rani, Abhay Kavishvar1,
in managing common pediatric morbidity and promoting Ratan K Srivastava2
Tutor and 1Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine,
positive behavioral changes. Government Medical College, Surat, 2Professor, Department of
Community Medicine, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.
It will be premature to generalize the observations as it E-mail:

Challenges in Organizing Trauma Care Systems in

Sir, trauma. Trauma is caused by a wide variety of risks e.g.,
Injury and trauma, often used interchangeably, represent fall (common in pediatric patients), agricultural-related
a major health problem worldwide. Everyday around the injuries, Þrearm injuries, poisoning, burns, drowning,
world almost 16,000 people die from various injuries. intentional self harm (suicides), assault, falling objects,
Injuries represent 12% of the global burden of disease.(1) natural- and man-made disasters.
Road trafÞc injuries are a major cause of mortality: 22.8%
in the overall burden of death related to injuries.(2) It is The improved survival and functional outcome among
startling to note that the lower and middle income group injured patients in developed countries can be partly
countries (which include India) contribute about 90% of attributed to high-cost equipment and technology.
the global burden of injury mortality, thus highlighting Much of this high-end technology is unaffordable
the disparities in outcome of trauma between the high,
and unavailable to victims from developing nations.
middle, and lower income nations. Injuries affect the
However, much improvement in the outcome of trauma
productive youth of the country. In addition to excess
patients has come from improvements in the organization
mortality, there is a tremendous burden of disability
from extremity, head, and spinal injuries in developing of trauma care services in the form of developing trauma
nations. The more tragic fact is that injury is the third systems in given geographical areas. The improvement
most important cause of mortality and the main cause of and organization of trauma services or trauma systems is
death among 1 to 40-year-olds. Therefore, trauma effects a cost effective way of improving patient outcome and is
the productive youth of the country, which is otherwise achievable in almost all settings.(4,5) Proper organization
healthy and free from chronic disease. Road traffic of these systems reduces the time between injury and
injuries represent only a fraction of the trauma spectrum. the deÞnitive treatment thereby reducing morbidity and
In India, most of the available literature regarding trauma mortality. In India, such a trauma system is almost non-
epidemiology is pertaining to road trafÞc injuries(3) and existent and even if present in some urban areas, lacks
there are hardly any studies done on the other causes of the cohesive effort required.(6)

75 Indian Journal of Community Medicine / Vol 34 / Issue 1 / January 2009

Letters to Editor

The organization of a trauma system has four impact nation’s administrators formulate policies regarding
pillars: organization of pre-hospital care facilities, hospital the organization of trauma care facilities throughout
networking, communication systems, and organization the country.
of in-hospital care (acute care and deÞnitive care). An
integrated approach is required at all levels: human It should be once again emphasized that the establishment
resources (stafÞng and training), physical resources of innumerable trauma centers with heavy Þnancial
(infrastructure, equipment, and supplies) and the process burden should not be the goal of policy makers.
(organization and administration). Compared to the Instead, upgrading existing hospital infrastructure to
western world, the trauma care services in India lack treat severely injured patients should be undertaken.
each of the elements listed above. Most of the physical
Training of manpower in acute care and pre-hospital
resources for in-hospital care in terms of infrastructure
services should be a priority. Proper organization and
and equipment are already available at secondary and
administration of trauma services along with legislative
tertiary care hospitals and need moderate upgrades.
Therefore, the thrust areas in the Þeld of trauma services backup will go a long way in strengthening India’s
are as follows: essential trauma care services.
1. Provide physical resources for pre-hospital care and
communication systems. References
2. Provide well-trained staff at all levels of care from 1. WHO global burden of disease project 2002. [accessed on 2008
pre-hospital to deÞnitive trauma care. Providers Feb 1]. Available from:
should be well trained and should understand the html.
critical needs of a trauma victim. Skill-based training 2. Peden M, Scurfield R, Sleet D, Mohan D, Jyder A, Jarawan E,
programs for doctors as well as paramedical staff in et al. editors. World report on road traffic injury prevention.
Geneva: World Health Organization 2004.
Acute Life Support (ALS) procedures are needed.
3. Organize and integrate pre-hospital services with 3. Dandona R. Making road safety a public health concern
for policy makers in India. Natl Med J India 2006;19:
deÞnitive care facilities (hospital) so that a patient
is shifted to an appropriate facility in the shortest
4. Sasser SM, Varghese M, Joshipura M, Kellermann A. Preventing
possible time. death and disability through the timely provision of prehospital
trauma care. Bull World Health Organ 2006;84:507.
The Government of India has planned this organization 5. Joshipura MK, Shah HS, Patel PR, Divatia PA, Desai PM.
in an apex to the base format. The establishment of the Trauma care systems in India. Injury 2003;34:686–92.
Jai Prakash Narain Apex Trauma Center (JPNATC) 6. Joshipura M. Guidelines for essential trauma care: progress in
at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New India. World J Surg 2006;30:930–3.
Delhi is a step forward in providing an apex institution
for quality trauma patient care facilities, which will Amit Gupta, Ekta Gupta1
act as a role model for other institutions and centers Department of Surgery, JPN Apex Trauma Center, All India Institute
providing trauma care in the country. More than of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, 1Department of Microbiology,
providing the best patient care facilities, the role of Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, India.
this apex trauma center has been envisaged as an apex E-mail:
research and training institution that will help the

Review of Epidata Entry and Analysis Freewares

Sir, entry, Epidata analysis, Openepi and Epiinfo DOS (EPI6)
Database management and data analysis are important and Windows, belong to the latter category.
skills of public health professionals. Available
epidemiological and statistical softwares can be divided EPI6(1) users remember its functionality and range of
broadly into two categories; commercial and open source commands and capabilities. The underlying concept
products like other computer softwares. SPSS, SAS and is solid. Type your questionnaire and use the speciÞc
STATA represent the former category while Epidata variable types. Convert into a record Þle and begin the

Indian Journal of Community Medicine / Vol 34 / Issue 1 / January 2009 76

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