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 Pitch is the highness or lowness of a sound.
 Notes represent sounds.

 Rests represent silences.

 A clef is a symbol placed at the leftmost end of a staff to indicate what notes are on the
lines and spaces of the staff. In the case of the G-clef, the G is on the second line of the

- Pitch Names are letter names for the notes of a staff. The letters used are C, D, E, F, A, and B.
Each pitch name has a corresponding Sol-fa Syllable used in singing: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti
or Si, and Do.

s you may already know, the G-clef is also called the treble clef. This is because the word treble
describes high-pitched sounds, and the notes of the G-clef are relatively high-pitched. But if
there are high-pitched sounds, then there must also be low-pitched sounds, right?
That is where the F-clef or bass clef comes in. The F-clef is a musical marking that resembles a
large, reversed C. The mark begins on the fourth line of the staff, curves upward to the fifth line,
the curves downward all the way to the first line.

The fourth line is then framed by two dots, on the third and fourth spaces.

Do you notice that the symbol seems to point towards the fourth line? This is because, with an
F-clef, the fourth line is where the note F or Fa is.

The G-clef staff, and the F-clef staff together form the grand staff. In the middle of the grand
staff is middle C.

In this unit, we will be painting the different natural and historic landscapes in the Philippines.
Let us recall some of the terms that will help understand the succeeding lessons.

 A landscape is a feature of landforms integrated with human-made or natural

 The natural landscape is the original feature of landforms.
 Historic Landscape is an area historically used by humans.
 Cultural Landscape is a landform that combines human-made works and nature.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) selected

six World Heritage Sites in the Philippines.

Baroque churches in the Philippines are very majestic.

Built during the Spanish Occupation, they prove that western designs can be fused with local
elements. This reinterpretation of Baroque style by Chinese and Filipino artisans was made as
strongholds that can withstand earthquakes and storms.
Two hundred thirty-three well preserved European-style buildings were scattered on 25 streets
of Vigan. These treasures give a glimpse of how the Filipinos, Spaniards, and Chinese traded
with each other during the colonial era.

The Ifugao Rice Terraces from different towns in the Cordilleras were inscribed as World
Heritage Sites. Carved from the mountain slopes more than 2000 years ago, they feature the
creativity and ingenuity of early Filipinos.

The Tubbataha Reef is a natural heritage site. With an area of 100,000 hectares, it is home for
500 species of fish and 350 species of corals.

Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park is an 8.2 km underground river filled with
limestones and rock formations. Also known as one of the “New Seven Wonders of Nature,” the
place is a popular tourist attraction.

Mount Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary is a home for different plants and animals
including the endemic and endangered species. Some notable residents of the place are
Nepenthes, Philippine cockatoo, and the Philippine Eagle.

What is puberty?
Puberty is the time when your child moves through a series of significant, natural and
healthy changes. These physical, psychological and emotional changes are a sign that
your child is moving from childhood towards adulthood.

Changes in puberty include:

 physical growth and development inside and outside children’s bodies

 changes to children’s sexual organs
 brain changes
 social and emotional changes.

When does puberty start?

Puberty starts when changes in your child’s brain cause sex hormones to start being
released from the gonads, which are the ovaries and testes.

This typically happens around 10-11 years for girls and around 11-12 years for boys.

But it’s normal for the start of puberty to range from 8-13 years in girls and 9-14
years in boys.
There’s no way of knowing exactly when your child will start puberty. Early changes
in your child’s brain and hormone levels can’t be seen from the outside, so it’s easy to
think that puberty hasn’t started.

Puberty can be completed in about 18 months, or it can take up to 5 years. This range
is also completely normal.

Girls: key physical changes in puberty

In girls, these are the main external physical changes in puberty that you can expect.

Around 10-11 years

 Breasts will start developing. This is the first visible sign that puberty is starting.
It’s normal for the left and right breasts to grow at different speeds. It’s also
common for the breasts to be a bit tender as they develop. If your child wants a
bra, a soft crop top or sports bra can be a good first choice.
 A growth spurt occurs. Some parts of the body – like the head, face and hands –
might grow faster than limbs and torso. This might result in your child looking
out of proportion for a while. On average, girls grow 5-20 cm. They usually stop
growing at around 16-17 years.
 The body shape will change. For example, a girl’s hips will widen.
 The external genitals (vulva) and pubic hair will start to grow. Pubic hair will get
darker and thicker over time.

Around 12-14 years (about two years after breast development starts)

 Hair will start growing under the arms.

 A clear or white discharge from the vagina starts several months before periods
start. If the discharge bothers your child, you could suggest your child uses a
panty liner. If your child says it’s itchy, painful or smelly, consult your GP.
 Periods will usually start within 2 years of breast growth starting, but can take up
to 4 years.

Boys: key physical changes in puberty

In boys, these are the main external physical changes in puberty that you can expect.

Around 11-12 years

 The external genitals (penis, testes and scrotum) will start to grow. It’s normal for
one testis to grow faster than the other. You can reassure your child that men’s
testes usually aren’t the same size.
 Pubic hair will start to grow. It will get darker and thicker over time.

Around 12-14 years

 Your child will have a growth spurt. Your child will get taller and their chest and
shoulders will get broader. Some parts of your child’s body – like their head, face
and hands – might grow faster than their limbs and torso. This might result in
your child looking out of proportion for a while. On average, boys grow 10-30
cm. They usually stop growing at around 18-20 years.
 It’s common for boys to have minor breast development. If your child is worried
by this, it might help your child to know it’s normal and usually goes away by
itself. If it doesn’t go away or if the breasts seem to be growing a lot, consult
your GP.

Around 13-15 years

 Hair will start growing on other parts of your child’s body – under the arms, on
the face and on the rest of the body. Leg and arm hair will thicken. Some young
men will grow more body hair into their early 20s.
 The hormone testosterone is produced, which stimulates the testes to produce
 Your child might start having erections and ejaculating (releasing sperm). During
this period, erections often happen for no reason at all. Just let your child know
that this is normal and that people don’t usually notice. Ejaculation during sleep
is often called a ‘wet dream’.

Around 14-15 years

The larynx (‘Adam’s apple’ or voice box) will become more obvious. Your child’s larynx
will get larger and their voice will ‘break’, eventually becoming deeper. Some boys’
voices move from high to low and back again, even in one sentence. This will stop in

The start and stages of puberty happen at different times for different children. But if you’re worried
that your child is starting puberty early or late, it’s a good idea to talk to your GP.

Other physical changes in puberty: inside and out

Teenage brain development affects your child’s behaviour and social skills. Your child
will begin to develop improved self-control and skills in planning, problem-solving and
decision-making. This process will continue into your child’s mid-20s.

Bones, organs and body systems

Many of your child’s organs will get bigger and stronger. Lung performance improves,
limbs grow, and bones increase in thickness and volume.

Because children grow so fast during puberty, their centres of gravity change and their
brains might take a while to adjust. This might affect your child’s balance. You might
see a bit more clumsiness for a while, and your child might be more likely to be injured.

Physical strength
Muscles increase in strength and size during this period. Your child’s hand-eye
coordination will get better over time, along with motor skills like ball-catching and

Your child will gain weight and need more healthy food. Teenagers’ stomachs and
intestines increase in size, and they need more energy, proteins and minerals. Foods
with plenty of calcium and iron are important for bone growth and blood circulation.

Sleep patterns
Sleep patterns change, and many children start to stay awake later at night and sleep
until later in the day.

A new type of sweat gland in the armpit and genital area develops during puberty. Skin
bacteria feed on the sweat this gland produces, which can lead to body
odour. Hygiene is important.

Skin and hair

Glands in the skin on the face, shoulders and back start to become more active during
puberty, producing more oil. This can lead to skin conditions like acne. If you’re
concerned about your child’s skin, first check whether the pimples or acne are worrying
your child too. If they are, consider speaking with your GP.

Children might find their hair gets oilier, and they need to wash it more. This is normal.

Children will get their second molars at around 13 years of age. Third molars – ‘wisdom
teeth’ – might appear between 14 and 25 years. These teeth can appear in singles,
pairs, as a full set of 4 wisdom teeth – or not at all. Healthy teeth and gums are vital to
your teenage child’s health, so teenage dental care is important.

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