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In what ways has the

COVID-19 pandemic caused

farmers to face an
economical slope


COVID - 19 has shaken the economic world with a humongous disaster, which has affected people who
are only dependent on their business, especially agriculture. The breakage of the agricultural economy
has starved many farmers to death.
Despite the problem being relative to the economy, it is relative to other categories including the lock
down of all agro product buyers.
Global perspective

As the demand for food crops has decreased during the pandemic, the economy has also decreased
globally. Farmers across the globe are concerned about their livelihoods if crops rates go down on a
large scale and they think that they would not find enough income to survive.
National perspective

● Laws enforced by the Indian government

● Traders and farmers protest
● Farmers’ earnings through GDP ( gross domestic product ) doesn’t match the daily
● Buyers and traders under lockdown
Personal perspective

To add further evidence to the previous two perspectives I have seen flower farmers
who haven’t had occupation during the pandemic. His main Occupation was flower
farming and the pandemic’s main effect was on flower farming.
Course of action

The most efficient course of action I could find was this. Using fixed, reasonable rates to sell farmers'
products to the traders could give farmers sufficient earnings. Traders also can make good earnings.
So these profit margins could/will recover farmers from this steep slope to a high peak.

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