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Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl 2021;32(2):307-317

© 2021 Saudi Center for Organ Transplantation SaudiJournal
Saudi Journal
of KidneyDiseases
and ofTransplantation
Kidney Diseases
and Transplantation

Review Article

Urinary Tract Infection in Renal Transplant Recipient: A Clinical

Comprehensive Review
Priti Meena, Vinant Bhargava, Devinder Singh Rana, Anil Kumar Bhalla

Department of Nephrology, Institute of Renal Science, Sir Gangaram Hospital, New Delhi, India

ABSTRACT. Since the initial times of renal transplantation in the 1950s, understanding various
aspects influencing graft survival and outcome have been progressively improving. However,
infections especially urinary tract infections (UTIs), are an important factor leading to an increase in
morbidity and graft failure. UTI degrades the health-related quality of life and can potentially
impair graft function. UTI occurs in 25% of kidney transplant recipients within one year of
transplant and accounts for 45% of infectious complications. Asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB),
uncomplicated UTI, and complicated UTI comprise 44%, 32%, and 24% of cases, respectively.
This article reviews important aspects regarding posttransplant UTI, including definition, incidence,
predisposing factors, recommendations, ASB, and controversies in management. UTI after renal
transplantation is still an under-estimated aspect, despite its degrading effects on allograft and
recipient health.

Introduction diagnostic criteria used in the studies. The risk

of UTI is highest in the 1st-month post-
Following kidney transplantation, urinary tract transplantation and continues up to three months;
infection (UTI) is the most common infection following which this risk reduces.2 UTI in the
and the incidence varies from 35% to 60%. It post transplant patient is attributed to factors
accounts for approximately 44%–47% of all associated with the host and the causative
infectious complications.1 This considerable organisms. Various predisposing factors for
variation in the incidence of UTI could be due UTI are shown in Figure 1 and are divided into
to variability in the local epidemiology, local preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative
outbreaks and difference in the definitions and factors.
Correspondence to: Acute, uncomplicated UTIs in adults include
episodes of acute cystitis and acute pyelo-
Dr. Priti Meena, nephritis in otherwise healthy individuals.
Department of Nephrology, These UTIs are seen mostly in women without
Institute of Renal Science, structural and functional abnormalities within
Sir Gangaram Hospital, New Delhi, India. the urinary tract, kidney diseases, or comor-
E-mail: bidity. These could result in more severe
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308 Meena P, Bhargava V, Rana DS, et al

Figure 1. Predisposing factors for urinary tract infection after renal transplantation.
UTI: Urinary tract infection, AR: Acute rejection, SLE: Systemic lupus erythematosus, CMV:

outcomes and therefore need attention.3 Genetic Factors

A complicated UTI is an infection associated
with a structural or functional abnormality of Innate immunity is the first line of defense that
the genitourinary tract or in the presence of an provides a barrier to pathogen invasion and is
underlying disease, which increases the risks of responsible for host resistance against UTI.
an infection or resistance to therapy.4 Cells of innate immunity such as neutrophils,
macrophages, and natural killer cells, limit
Host Factors penetration and damage by the pathogen.
Numerous studies have established the asso-
Some of the risk factors predisposing to UTI ciation of polymorphism in genes like toll-like
in postrenal transplant patients are common to receptors (TLR4) and C-X-C Motif Chemokine
the general population. As compared to males, Receptor 1 (CXCR1) with asymptomatic bacte-
females are at higher risk due to a shorter riuria (ASB) and acute pyelonephritis (APN).8
urethra and proximity to the anus. Multiple CXCR1 was the first identified human UTI
studies have shown that the immunosuppressant susceptibility locus, followed by polymorphisms
dose and depleting antibody agents used for in other genes such as interferon regulatory
induction like anti-thymocyte globulin signifi- factor 3 and TLR4. Genetic variants lead to
cantly contribute to increasing UTI and risk for impaired antibacterial defense by the host and
other infections.5 The insertion of Foley’s allowbacteria to establish infection in individual
catheter is a routine practice during renal trans- hosts but not in others.9
plantation surgery, which is a common cause of
UTI in the early post-transplantation period. As Microbiological Factors
the number of days with the urethral catheter in
situ increases, the risk of UTI increases. In the UTI in posttransplant patients can be caused
general population, as the number of days with by viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. Gram-
the catheter in situ increases the risk of negative bacteria, including Escherichia coli (E.
bacteriuria increases by approximately 5% per coli), Enterococcus sp., are the most common
day.6 It is advisable to keep catheter for as short organisms accounting for more than 70% of UTIs.
as two days to prevent UTI.7 The strain of bacteria varies between centers as
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Urinary tract infection in renal transplant recipient 309

it depends on local epidemiology, immunosup- surgery are associated with an increase in

pressive regimen, and antimicrobial protocol. relative risk of UTI up to 1.5-times.15 In a study
Pathogenicity of E. coli in urothelium increases by Kamath et al, the odds ratio of ureteric stents
with P. fimbriae expressed on its surface to for UTI was as high as 4.6.18
facilitate its adherence to the urothelium.10
Patients with diabetes are predisposed to fungal AnatomicalFactors
UTIs. Candida albicans is the most common
organism causing fungal UTIs. The fungus can In the renal transplant population, development
aggregate as fungal balls to obstruct and lead to of urinary stasis due to urethral disease, pelvi-
hydronephrosis.11 Common viruses causing UTIs ureteric obstruction, vesicoureteric junctions,
are the BK virus and cytomegalovirus (CMV) dysfunction of bladder or outflow obstruction,
virus. In countries like Africa, Schistosoma and neurogenic bladder can lead to the develop-
hematobium is endemic. Its infection is often ment of UTI. In renal transplantation surgeries,
associated with renal stones and ureteric the ureter is generally anastomosed to the
stricture.12 In developing countries, tuberculosis bladder by using an extravesical technique.19 In
(TB) mycobacteria is also a cause of UTI this anastomosis, secondary reflux occurs,
(reactivated by immunosuppressive medication). which can affect both transplanted and native
kidneys. Unsterile infected urine, if present,
Allograft Factors causes UTI and predisposes to graft pyelo-
nephritis.20 In the pediatric population disorders
There is inconclusive evidence that as com- like prune-belly syndrome, posterior urethral
pared to living kidney transplantation, trans- valves, spina bifida, or any other urogenital
plantation from deceased donors is at high risk sinus abnormalities lead to any structural
of postoperative UTI. The most likely cause of changes or neurogenic bladder.21,22 Regular
lower incidence of UTI in kidneys from a living posttransplant follow-up, and evaluation and
donor could be due to shorter periods of cold treatment of neurogenic bladder before kidney
ischemia and less severe ischemia-reperfusion transplantation is vital in these patients.23
as compared to cadaveric transplants.13 In
patients of autosomal dominant polycystic Immunosuppression
kidneys, the native kidney serves as a reservoir
for microorganisms and can cause recurrent Theoretically, the immunosuppression regimen
UTI. should impact UTI incidence and spectrum, but
Some studies have found that because of the there is insufficient evidence about the asso-
use of more intense immunosuppression, acute ciation of any specific immunosuppressant with
rejection (AR) episodes are linked to higher increased risk of UTI.24 However, anti-CD3 use
episodes of UTIs.14 as induction treatment has been seen to increase
UTI incidence in numerous studies.25
Ureteral Stents and Other Urinary Tract Hence, multiple factors such as catheteri-
Manipulations zation, manipulation of the urinary tract, lower
urinary tract dysfunction, and the impact of
History of instrumentation of the urinary tract antibody depleting agents are responsible for
also predisposes transplant patients to UTI.15,16 UTI in the posttransplant period.
Foreign material in the urinary tract, like stents
and Foley’s catheters can cause UTI. Loss of Clinical Presentation
glycosaminoglycans from the urothelium leads
to the invasion of pathogens into the cells of the As compared to the general population, trans-
urothelium.17 Wilson et al have shown that plant patients with UTI are often asymptomatic
ureteric stents inserted during transplantation as symptoms and signs of UTI can be masked
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310 Meena P, Bhargava V, Rana DS, et al

by immunosuppressive therapy. Especially pain must also be considered in a transplant

over the renal allograft is often absent because recipient. Prostatitis due to Cryptococcus,
of the denervated transplanted kidney.26 Aspergillus, or Salmonella and epididymitis
Symptomatic patients can present as acute with Klebsiella, Mycobacterium haemophilum,
cystitis or graft pyelonephritis, sometimes with CMV or TB have also been reported.28
native pyelonephritis. Symptoms depend on the Furthermore, orchitis due to salmonellosis and
involvement of the upper urinary tract or lower CMV ureteritis have been described in the
urinary tract, ranging from mild lower tract context of renal transplantation.29 Recipients of
irritative symptoms, for example, frequency, a combined pancreas-kidney transplant with
urgency, dysuria, suprapubic tenderness, and drainage of the exocrine pancreas to the bladder
incontinence. However, there can be severe might also develop (nonbacterial) urethritis.30
systemic manifestations, such as bacteremia,
sepsis, and shock. Fever with costovertebral Pathogenesis
angle pain and graft site tenderness are the
manifestations of APN. Sometimes, patients The pathogenesis of UTI typically begins with
can also complain of cloudy or foul-smelling uropathogenic bacteria ascending to the bladder
urine. Characteristic symptoms of UTI are from the urethra. Pathologic invasion of the
summarized in Table 1. A study by Valera et al2 urothelium is aided by bacterial virulence
on 172 transplant patients showed that uncom- structures, such as P. fimbriae, which promote
plicated acute bacterial cystitis is the most adhesion to the urothelium.31 Type 1 pili get
common presentation and accounted for 77% of attached to mannose receptors on uroepithelial
UTIs. Another study on 189 renal transplant cells lining the urinary tract.32 The absence of a
patients reported APN in 10% of cases the sphincter between the transplanted ureter and
study showed that more than five episodes of the native bladder can predispose kidney trans-
ASB after transplantation was as independent plant recipients to develop transplant pyeloneph-
predictors for APN.27 Infections with TB ritis. Transplant pyelonephritis can occasionally
manifest as low-grade prolonged fever and occur by seeding of the kidney from blood-
renal impairment. BK virus infection can stream infection or surgical site infection.33
present as symptomatic graft failure, urethral
stricture, and stenosis.26 Acute Effects of Urinary Tract Infection on
Graft Kidney
Site of Infection
The acute effects of UTI on renal graft are
The most common site of involvement is the complex. Colonization of virulent microorga-
urinary bladder (>95%), followed by renal allo- nisms in the renal pelvis can cause direct
graft. Occasionally, an infection of the native cellular injury. Indirect damage can also occur
kidneys can develop. Symptoms and signs of from inflammatory mediators. Sometimes metas-
UTI can be masked by immunosuppressive tatic infection leads to renal infection, which
therapy, especially pain over the graft is often presents as cortical abscesses.34 Elevation of
absent because of the denervated transplanted inflammatory mediators and acute phase
kidney.26 Nevertheless, other atypical forms reactants such as erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Table 1. Symptoms of posttransplantation urinary tract infection
Lower urinary tract symptoms (cystitis) Upper urinary tract symptoms (pyelonephritis)
Frequency Rigors and/or pyrexia
Urgency Hematuria
Dysuria Loin pain in the native kidney
Hematuria Pain over graft
Suprapubic pain
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Urinary tract infection in renal transplant recipient 311

and C-reactive protein (CRP) may be found. creatinine, graft loss, pyelonephritis, or urosepsis
Increased levels of serum interleukin-6 (IL-6) in treated and untreated patients.40 In various
and IL-8 are responsible for fever.35 The other studies also no benefit of the treatment of
secretion of tubular proteins in urine such as ASB was proved.34 Concern about the treatment
α2-macroglobulin and N-acetyl-b-D- of ASB with antimicrobials is increasing the
glucosaminidase reflect tissue damage. risk of antimicrobial-resistant organisms, and
Bacteria can induce a serological immune these resistant organisms are difficult to treat.41
response to its various antigenic components There are high chances of promotion of re-
leading to damage to the renal parenchyma and infection with organisms with the treatment of
promote more permanent structural and ASB. High-quality evidence also suggests that
functional impairment.36 antimicrobial therapies are associated with
adverse effects.42
Asymptomatic Bacteriuria
Definition In renal transplant recipients who have had
The definition of ASB in patients without renal transplant surgery >1 month prior, recom-
indwelling catheters is ≥105 colony-forming mendations are against screening or treating
units (CFU)/mL in a voided urine specimen ASB.37
without signs or symptoms attributable to
UTI.37 For women, two consecutive samples Importance of First Three Months Post-
should be obtained, within two weeks, to transplantation
confirm persistent bacteriuria. For men, a single
urine specimen meeting these quantitative Säemann and Hörl43 established that most
criteria is sufficient for diagnosis. Patients with UTIs are diagnosed after renal transplantation
indwelling devices often have multiple occurred within the first three months. A
organisms isolated from the urine, some of retrospective cohort analysis involving 29,000
which are present at lower quantitative counts.38 transplant patients reported a 17% cumulative
ASB is a common finding in renal transplan- incidence of UTI during the initial three
tation patients. Risk factors for ASB are similar months. So, it is essential to detect UTIs as
to symptomatic UTI, such as female sex, early as possible among transplant recipients,
comorbidities, urologic abnormalities, and particularly those who are within three months
immunosuppression. A retrospective analysis of of transplantation. According to Giral et al,
189 renal transplant patients on 36 months APN in the first three-month post-renal trans-
follow-up showed that 51% of patients had one plant negatively affects graft survival.44
or more episodes of ASB among these, 19% of
patients had one episode, 24% of patients had Diagnosis
2–5 episodes whereas 8% of patients had >5
episodes of ASB.27All episodes of bacteriuria in History
these patients were consistently treated with Lower UTI present as burning micturition,
anti-microbials. More than two episodes of frequency, urgency, fever, allograft site pain,
ASB were reported as an independent risk and fatigue-like symptoms of systemic inflam-
factor for APN. However, this finding was not mation. These are also common symptoms of
supported by other studies.39 In a study done by pyelonephritis. Careful clinical history is essen-
Green et al analyzing a single episode of ASB tial to distinguish between ASB and UTIs, more
diagnosed in 112 patients following one year importantly, APN.
after transplantation; antimicrobial treatment
for ASB was given to 19.6% of patients, no Clinical examination
difference was found in the increase in serum Patients presenting with UTI should be
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312 Meena P, Bhargava V, Rana DS, et al

examined for loin pain, suprapubic tenderness, is the usual finding in UTIs. Its absence prompts
prostatomegaly, and atrophic vaginitis. for consideration of an alternative diagnosis.45
The presence of a positive dipstick test for
Specimen collection leukocyte esterase and nitrite increases the
As urine culture is crucial for the diagnosis of likelihood of a positive culture, but their
UTI, accurate specimen collection is essential usefulness in renal transplant patients is limited.
to reduce the chances of contamination. A The role of urine culture in the diagnosis of UTI
specimen should be collected before the is indispensable. Typically, for symptomatic
administration of antibiotics. The Infectious UTI significant quantitative count of bacteria
Diseases Society of America (IDSA) recom- (≥105 CFU/mL) is necessary. Definitions of
mends cleaning of perineum or glans with different UTIs according to urine culture are
antiseptic wipes and then collects mid-stream given in Table 3.
clean catch urine in a sterile container. In case of suspicion of pyelonephritis, blood
Indwelling catheters increase the propensity of cultures should be sent before antibiotic
colonizing flora due to biofilm formation; initiation. Raised CRP and leukocyte count
therefore, specimens from urinary catheters in indicates systemic infection. To detect CMV
place for >2 weeks are strongly discouraged, and BK virus, urine and blood polymerase
but if necessary, the sample must be taken from chain reaction and urine cytology for decoy
the sampling port of a newly inserted device. cells must be done. Suspected cases of TB
The diagnostic recommendations by the IDSA should be screened with the polymerase chain
are presented in Table 2. reaction of early morning urine.

Laboratory testing
Pyuria (>10 white blood cells/mL in the urine)
Table 2. Classification of urinary tract infection in renal transplant recipients.
Type Clinical Appearance Urine
1. Acute uncomplicated lower Dysuria, urgency, frequency  >103 CFU/mL
UTI, cystitis (woman)  10 WBC/mm3
2. Acute, uncomplicated Fever, flank pain, no urologic  >104 CFU/mL
upper UTI: pyelonephritis abnormalities  10 WBC/mm3
3. Complicated UTI Symptoms from 1 to 2 plus at least 1  10 WBC/mm3
complicating factor:  >105 CFU/mL (female)
 Operative or radiotherapeutic changes  >104 CFU/mL (male)
of urinary tract
 Immune deficiency
 Ureter stent/bladder catheter
 Intermittent self-catheterization
 Diabetes mellitus
 Residual volume >100 mL
 Neurogenic bladder
 Vesicoureteral reflux
4. Asymptomatic bacteriuria No urologic symptoms  >105 CFU/mL in 2 urine
samples >24 h apart
5. Recurrent, uncomplicated Only female 3 episodes of uncomplicated  >103 CFU/mL
UTI UTI/1 year; no structural or functional
pathology including both reinfections and
UTI: Urinary tract infection, CFU: Colony-forming units, WBC: White blood cell.
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Urinary tract infection in renal transplant recipient 313

Table 3. Diagnostic recommendations by the Infectious Diseases Society of America.

Type Clinical symptoms Collection Urine
Gram -ve bacteria Routine aerobic culture Midstream, clean- Closed sterile leak-
 Enterobacteriaceae: Gram stain (optional, catch, or straight- proof container;
includes Escherichia coli, low sensitivity) catch urine refrigerate (4°C) or use
Klebsiella spp urine transport tube
 Proteus spp unless delivery to lab ≤1
 Other Pseudomonas spp, h is certain
other nonfermenting gram-
negative rods
Gram +ve bacteria Routine aerobic culture Midstream, clean- Closed sterile leak proof
 Enterococcus spp Gram stain (optional, catch, or straight- container; refrigerate
 Staphylococcus aureus low sensitivity) catch urine (4°C) or use urine
 Staphylococcus transport tube unless
saprophyticus delivery to lab ≤1 h is
 Corynebacterium certain
 Streptococcus agalactiae
(group B streptococci)
Mycobacteria Mycobacterial culture First-void urine Prefer >20 mL urine,
 Mycobacterium refrigerate (4°C) during
tuberculosis transport
Virus Adenovirus NAAT Midstream or Closed sterile container
clean-catch urine to the lab within 1 h
BK polyomavirus Quantitative NAAT Serum or blood Serum EDTA or citrate
from urine, plasma blood collection tube,
RT Clot tube, RT

Imaging statement regarding posttransplant UTI prophy-

Role of different imaging modalities is as laxis, however, most centers prescribe anti-
follows: microbial therapy for three to six months but
 Ultrasound of transplanted kidney, native follow variable regimens. Antimicrobial therapy
kidney and bladder: Dilated pelvicocalyceal prophylaxis for the long term is effective in
system, stones reducing the incidence of UTIs, but its benefit
 Plain X-ray/computed tomography (CT) in the improvement of patient and graft survival
kidney, ureter, and bladder: Stones in trans- is not established. A meta-analysis by Green et
planted or native kidneys, pyelonephritis, al showed that antimicrobial prophylaxis therapy
 CT–positron emission tomography: lowered the risk of developing bacteriuria by
Localized infection of polycystic kidneys, 60%. Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP/
 Micturatingcystogram: Suspected reflux, SMX) was well tolerated, and a daily dose of
 Urodynamics: Bladder dysfunction and 320/1600 mg provided optimal benefit.46 TMP/
outflow obstruction, SMX is the first-line recommended therapy for
 Static renogram (DMSA scan): Renal prophylaxis against Pneumocystis jirovecii
scarring. pneumonia (PJP) for the first 6–12 months
posttransplant. In a prospective, double-blinded
Prophylaxis and Challenges in Treatment of randomized control trial by Khosroshahi et al,
Urinary Tract Infection done on 95 renal allograft recipients, two groups
were analyzed. Group 1 (n = 63) received low-
Although there is no consensual universal to-moderate doses of TMP/SMX (either 80/400
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314 Meena P, Bhargava V, Rana DS, et al

mg or 160/800 mg, daily) and group 2 (n = 32), Recommendations

high doses of TMP/SMX (320/1600 mg, daily In renal transplant recipients, limiting the
in two divided doses). The high dose group had duration of catheters and stents to <4 weeks
UTI in about 25% of patients, whereas UTI was following transplant surgery is suggested. If
found in 49.2% in low- to moderate-dose severe UTI occurs in the period from two to
group.47 An increase in serum creatinine and four weeks after the transplant, consider early
hyperkalemia are two important side effects of stent removal while balancing the risk of
TMP/SMX. urologic complications (evidence: strong,
In numerous studies, fluoroquinolones were moderate).50
also used as prophylaxis for renal transplant
recipients, but their use has been linked to Challenges in the treatment
surges in fluoroquinolone-resistant Pseudomonas Antibiotic-resistant micro-organism: With
aeruginosa. Other agents that can be used as an unrestricted use of antibiotics in transplant
alternative to TMP-SMX are nitrofurantoin recipients, microorganism resistance to multiple
(only if estimated GFR >60 mL/min), cephalos- drugs has become the major concern in the
porins (e.g., cephalexin) or fluoroquinolones. treatment of UTIs. The emergence of multi-
drug resistance (MDR), including organisms
Recommendations producing extended-spectrum beta-lactamase or
TMP-SMX prophylaxis for six months is carbapenemase, is associated with a poorer
recommended for PJP prophylaxis, and it outcome and increased risk of recurrent UTI.
decreases UTI and bacteremia in renal allograft Drugs such as colistin used may be nephro-
recipients (evidence: strong, high). toxic and are associated with high mortality
If TMP-SMX cannot be used for primary rates.
prophylaxis of UTI after renal transplant, Prolonged use of antibiotic therapy predis-
alternative agents with limited data include poses for fungal infections. Candiduria may
nitrofurantoin (avoid if GFR <60 mL/min), complicate UTI by forming a “fungus ball”
cephalexin, or fluoroquinolones. within the bladder and kidney.
For secondary prophylaxis of UTI in renal
allograft recipients with recurrent UTI, non- Recommendations for Treatment of Urinary
antimicrobial prevention strategies are Tract Infection in Post-Transplant Patients
preferred. Antimicrobial prophylaxis may be
appropriate for selected patients who have For simple cystitis in renal allograft recipients,
severe episodes of recurrent UTIs such as it is reasonable to limit therapy to 5–10 days.
pyelonephritis (evidence: weak, low). Single-dose or three-day treatment courses are
not recommended.
Ureteral Stent Removal For pyelonephritis/complicated UTI in renal
allograft recipients, an antibiotic with narrow-
Ureteral stents are placed at ureteral-vesicular spectrum should be used to complete 14–21
anastomosis to prevent complications such as days of therapy based on susceptibility data.
urine leak, ureteral necrosis, and uretero-vesical
obstruction or stenosis.48 A Cochrane review Short- and Long-term Outcome
revealed that indwelling stents increase the risk
for UTI by 49%, but at the same time reduce The effect of UTI on graft survival in
urological complications by as much as 76%. It transplant patients is still controversial. So far,
highlighted that indwelling stent increases UTI no consensus has been established about short-
risk if kept for >2 weeks.49 term and long-term impact on UTI. Previously
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Urinary tract infection in renal transplant recipient 315

UTI was considered innocuous, but now there antimicrobial prophylaxis in renal allograft
are emerging shreds of evidence that UTI in recipients during this era of high prevalence of
kidney transplant patients can cause severe MDR organisms.
morbidity and increase in mortality affecting New and reliable biomarkers are required to
long-term effects on graft function. Depending confirm the diagnosis of UTI and distinguish
on the pathogen virulence factor and its UTI from graft rejection. The optimal timing of
interaction with host factors, it can result in stent removal is yet to be explored. Treatment
urosepsis, bacteremia, and devastating condition and screening of ASB are still controversial.
of septic shock. In some studies, APN was not Further RCTs are required to guide prophylaxis
associated with a decrease in graft or patient and preventive therapies. Discovery of new
survival, but as compared to patients with antibiotics with fewer side effect profiles is
uncomplicated UTIs, patients with APN are required. Research of non antibiotic and vaccine
found to exhibit an increase in serum creatinine approaches to the prevention of recurrent UTI is
after one year that persisted four years after warranted and recommended. An appropriate
transplantation.51 Papasotiriou et al analysis immunosuppressive regimen/protocol to reduce
showed no alteration in long-term renal the incidence of UTI should be developed.
function with the occurrence of UTIs in
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