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Zig-Zag drill
Purpose y y To develop ability to read and react to QB's shoulders. To develop ability to rotate hips and change direction quickly.

Description Four defenders will align 5 yards from the coach and side by side 5 yards apart. On command backs will back pedal and drive off at 45 angle concentrating on QB's shoulders and changing directions, push off opposite foot and elongate stride in changing directions. Coaching Points Defenders will react to coaches' shoulders and eyes. Ball may be thrown to a particular back.

Purpose To develop proper back pedal technique, (feet, hips, shoulders and head) Description On Signal DB will back pedal on a yard line across the field concentrating on the total body position. Coaching Points y y y y y

Narrow base Feet close to turf Hips should be cocked in slightly Shoulders low Head up

Carrioca on the line (long stride)

Purpose To develop flexible hip movement

Description On signal DB will Carrioca down the line, keeping the shoulders parallel to line and low and arms horizontal to ground. Coaching Points Keep upper body still, shoulders low, while hips and legs work.

Backpedal and weave

Purpose To develop the ability to keep lateral position on receiver Description On signal DB will backpedal then push off opposite foot from the desired direction, turning hips toward desired direction. Coaching Points Do not cross feet or turn shoulders as you weave

5 yard backpedal drill

Purpose To develop good body positioning during the backpedal and improve reaction time. Description This drill is a full speed backward drill in a 5 yard area. Defenders will place toes on the line in a good stance and body position (chin over toes). On command GO , defenders will backpedal 5 yards, plant foot and sprint forward to the line, then backpedal and plant foot again and sprint past the line. Coaching Points Stress chin over the toes, vigorous arm movement, leverage foot and head up as they sprint forward.

Cone drill

To develop body position during backpedal and proper drive technique to a receiver Description Defender will backpedal, plant at 1st cone and drive laterally at a 45 angle forward to the next cone and backpedal to cone and drive laterally 45 angle forward to cone and backpedal to last cone. Coaching Points Stress driving laterally (to receiver), before looking at QB and center of mass forward. Equipment y


Stance Drill
Purpose To teach and practice a good stance for the defensive back. Description Not finished yet :-( Coaching Points

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Outside foot up Inside foot staggert to the arch Feet 6 to 8 inches apart Bend your knees and lower hips Shoulders over balls of your feet Arms relaxed over front foot Don't rise up when coming out of your stance

Backpedal Drill
Purpose To teach and practice the correct backpedal technique for defensive backs Description

1. Defensive Backs line up in one line at the sideline (outside the field) at any given yardline.

2. The coach stands with the defensive backs off the field. 3. The first Defensive Back lines up on the sideline facing off the field 4. Upon command he starts backpedaling along the yardline all the way to the hashmarks 5. At the hashmark he shuffles over to the next yardline, and backpedals back to the sideline. 6. While the previous Defensive Back is still backpedaling the next Defensive Back lines up already in his stance ready to start backpedaling.
Coaching Points

1. Be Quick 2. Push off front foot 3. Be under control 4. Chin over toes 5. Shoulders over knees 6. Feet close together, "skim" grass 7. Elbows in at 90 degree angle 8. Move arms in normal manner 9. Relax your arms and shoulders 10. Move arms in "sliding" action 11. Never cross arms in front 12. Maintain leverage on the receiver

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Backpedal and Plant Drill

Purpose Defensive Backs Drill to work and improve the backpedal technique and to keep a good body balance when backpedaling to do a plant step whenever necessary. Description

1. Defensive Backs line up in one line at the sideline (outside the field) at any given yardline.

The coach stands with the defensive backs off the field. The first Defensive Back lines up on the sideline facing off the field Upon command he starts backpedaling along the yardline After about 12 yards the coach gives a command (audible or visual) and the Defensive Back plants his foot on the next step and sprints forward for a few steps. 6. While the previous Defensive Back is still backpedaling the next Defensive Back lines up already in his stance ready to start backpedaling.
Repeat according to practice plan. See that all Defensive Backs get as many repetitions as possible. Coaching Points

2. 3. 4. 5.

1. See Coaching points of the Backpedal Drill 2. Plant back foot and come forward 3. Keep eyes on coach, throw shoulder

Backpedal, Break at 45 degree Drill

Purpose Defensive Back Drill to improve the technique of breaking out of backpedaling into a 45 degree forward sprint. Description

1. Defensive Backs line up in one line at the sideline (outside the field) at any given yardline. 2. The coach stands with the defensive backs off the field. 3. The first Defensive Back lines up on the sideline facing off the field 4. Upon command he starts backpedaling along the yardline 5. After about 12 yards the coach gives a command (audible or visual) and the Defensive Back plants his foot on the next step and sprints forward in a 45 degree angle for a few steps. 6. While the previous Defensive Back is still backpedaling the next Defensive Back lines up already in his stance ready to start backpedaling.

Repeat according to practice plan - alternate side to sprint to. See that all Defensive Backs get as many repetitions as possible. Coaching Points

1. See Coaching points of the Backpedal Drill 2. Turn plant foot 45 degrees 3. Throw shoulder

Backpedal, Break at 90° Drill

Purpose Defensive Back Drill to improve the technique of breaking out of backpedaling into a 90 degree forward sprint. Description

1. Defensive Backs line up in one line at the sideline (outside the field) at any given yardline. 2. The coach stands with the defensive backs off the field. 3. The first Defensive Back lines up on the sideline facing off the field 4. Upon command he starts backpedaling along the yardline 5. After about 12 yards the coach gives a command (audible or visual) and the Defensive Back plants his foot on the next step and sprints forward in a 90 degree angle for a few steps. 6. While the previous Defensive Back is still backpedaling the next Defensive Back lines up already in his stance ready to start backpedaling.

Repeat according to practice plan - alternate side to sprint to. See that all Defensive Backs get as many repetitions as possible. Coaching Points

1. See Coaching points of the Backpedal Drill 2. Turn plant foot 45 degrees 3. Throw shoulder

Backpedal, Man turn to Corner Drill

Purpose Defensive Backs Drill to teach and work on the techniques of turning out of backpedaling into running forward and changing direction correctly when man covering a receiver who is going downfield (i.e. running a corner route). Description

1. Defensive Backs line up in one line at the sideline (outside the field) at any given yardline. 2. The coach stands with the defensive backs off the field (about 5 yards off the sideline. 3. The first Defensive Back lines up on the sideline facing off the field (the remaining backs stay behind the Coach). 4. Upon command he starts backpedaling along the yardline 5. After about 4 yards the coach gives a command (audible or visual) and the Defensive Back turns as if the receiver was breaking to a post route. 6. After 6 more yards the Defensive Back turns again to stay with the receiver who is now breaking to a corner route.

Coaching Points

1. 2. 3. 4.

See Coaching points of the Defensive Backs Backpedal Drill Open to post, man turn to corner Snap your eyes around You must commit your hips


Backpedal, Zone turn to Corner Drill

Purpose Defensive Backs Drill to teach and work on the techniques of turning out of backpedaling into running forward and changing direction correctly when zone covering a receiver who is going downfield (i.e. running a corner route). Description

1. Defensive Backs line up in one line at the sideline (outside the field) at any given yardline. 2. The coach stands with the defensive backs off the field (about 5 yards off the sideline. 3. The first Defensive Back lines up on the sideline facing off the field (the remaining backs stay behind the Coach). 4. Upon command he starts backpedaling along the yardline 5. After about 4 yards the coach gives a command (audible or visual) and the Defensive Back turns as if the receiver was breaking to a post route. 6. After 6 more yards the Defensive Back turns again to stay with the receiver who is now breaking to a corner route.
Coaching Points

1. 2. 3. 4.

See Coaching points of the Defensive Backs Backpedal Drill Open to post, man turn to corner Snap your eyes around You must commit your hips


Backpedal Turn and Go Drill

Purpose Defensive Backs Drill to teach and improve the footwork when turning out of backpedaling. Description and Coaching Points

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Back pedal Turn in direction coach gives Keep shoulders over knees Don't "open" up Exaggerate forward lean Run in a straight line Cross over with far leg Stay off your heels Break on ball, intercept

Equipment y


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