IELTS Academic Writing Marking Criteria

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IELTS Academic Writing Marking Criteria and Scoring Checklist

IELTS Writing Task 1 and Task 2 scores are calculated using 4 criteria:

1. Task Achievement (TA) = how well you answer the question. An important factor
which the examiner checks for while marking is whether you’ve followed the
instructions given in the question.
2. Coherence and Cohesion (CC) = how well is your text structured.
3. Lexical Resource (LR) = how good is your vocabulary.
4. Grammatical Range and Accuracy (GRA) = how good is your grammar.

 Each of these four criteria receives a score from 0 to 9 points. After that, an arithmetic
mean is calculated to determine the task's total score. Note that Writing task 2
weights two times more than Writing task 1.

For example, if Task 1 gets following marks:

 Task Achievement: 6.0,

 Coherence and Cohesion: 7.5,
 Lexical Resource: 7.0,
 Grammatical Range and Accuracy - 7.5. then score for IELTS Task 1 is
(6.0+7.5+7.0+7.5)/4 =7.0.

 To increase score for TA:

o present the information accurately

o answer all parts of the task
o provide a clear overview
o highlight key features and support detail with data (Academic task 1)
o give a clear position, have a definite opinion (Task 2 and General task 1)

 To increase score for CC:

o manage paragraphing
o make sure that each paragraph has a central idea
o use linking words and cohesive devices (firstly, in contrast, thus, in my
opinion, to sum up etc)

 To increase score for LR:

o use a wide range of vocabulary

o use less common lexical items
o avoid errors in spelling and word formation

 To increase score for GRA:

o use a wide range of grammatical structures and tenses

o manage punctuation
o avoid errors in sentences

Rizvi.A.R MA. TESOL The University of Nottingham 1
Task 1 scoring rubrics

In the IELTS Academic Writing Task 1, you’ll have to create a factual report of the data that
is provided to you. Once completed, you will be assessed and scored based on 4 marking

o Task Achievement – 25%

o Coherence and Cohesion – 25%
o Lexical resource or Vocabulary – 25%
o Grammatical Accuracy – 25%

Scoring criteria Key focus Comments

Achievement (TA) o Emphasis on key features

For the Academic section of Writing Task 1

Academic, you’ll be expected to write a summary
after analyzing a graph, table or chart. So it’s
essential to be able to analyze and identify the key
features of the chart and mention them in the
summary. The examiner, while marking, will be
checking for your ability to identify these key
o Include data in the Body
After analyzing the graph or chart, it’s very
important to identify the presented data and
include the details surrounding it in the body
of the summary. The examiner will be
looking out for details surrounding the data in
the body paragraph.

o Stick to the given

While writing your summary, it’s necessary to
write it based on the information that’s given
in the question and not based on your opinion
of the topic. Avoid writing an opinion, as the
examiner will only be looking for how you
write, based on your analysis of the given

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o Follow the word count
For both the writing tasks, the word count will
be mentioned and it is important to make sure
you stick to it. For writing task 1, the word
count given is 150 words, which means you
should aim to write between 150 – 180 words.
While for writing task 2, the word count given
is 250 words, which means you should aim to
write between 250 – 280 words. Remember,
that marks will be deducted if you write under
the word limit.

Coherence and
Cohesion (CC) o Proper Content Structure
While writing, it’s very important to follow a
proper content structure, i.e you have to write
it in four paragraphs. The first paragraph
should be the introduction in brief. The
second paragraph is the overview, and the
third and fourth paragraphs are the body of
the content. The overview paragraph can be
written either after the introduction paragraph
or at the end after the body paragraphs.

o Organize the content

As mentioned earlier, the content has to be in
4 paragraphs, so you should keep in mind,
what to write in which paragraph. The first
paragraph will be the introduction, where you
have to write a description of the graph in
your own words. The second paragraph has to
contain an overview, where you identify and
mention all the key features of the graph. The
next two paragraphs will be the body
paragraph that should include the data and all
the detailed information related to the graph.

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o Use a range of linking
devices/ transition words
Transition words or linking devices are words
that help make the content easy to read for the
reader. They are words used to help link
sentences and paragraphs together so that
there is continuity while reading. Examples of
transition words are ‘as’, ‘and’, ‘like’, ‘as
well as’, ‘likewise’, and so on. So it is
necessary to learn how to use these linking
devices in the right way

Resource (LR) o Range in Vocabulary
Practice using nouns and verbs correctly
while writing. It’s important to focus on using
them the right way or else the content may not
make sense. The more you practice, the more
confident you’ll be in using different nouns
and verbs in your essay.

o Understanding Collocations
A collocation is two or more words that are
often said together. Mostly between the two
words, one of them will be a noun and the
other will be a verb. For example, when it’s
raining a lot, you can call it ‘heavy rain’ but
you can’t say ‘large rain’. You can pick
up common collocations by reading English
passages in newspapers, journals, etc.
Understanding collocations will help make it

o Avoid Spelling Mistakes

While practicing for your writing test, you’ll
come across words for which you may not
know how to spell. Learn and practice the
correct spelling so that you’ll be more
confident during the test.

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o Avoid using informal
language or slang
While practising for the test, you should try to
learn to use more formal, professional, and
respectful language. Make sure to avoid using
language that may be considered as informal
or slang.

Grammatical Range
& Accuracy (GRA) o Use the right verb tense
Avoid making errors while using verb tenses
in your essay. Between the three verb tenses,
the past tense is used for things that have
already happened, the present tense is used
for things that are currently happening or
things that are continuous, while the future
tense is used to describe things that haven’t
happened yet. Make sure to learn the different
tenses for verbs you may frequently use.

o Use punctuation marks in

the right way
Punctuation marks are basically language aids
that help with the interpretation of the text.
The most common punctuation marks are
upper case letters, full stops, commas, and
question marks. It’s very important to learn
how and when to use them.

o Avoid basic grammatical

Learn the difference between nouns, verb,
adverb, adjective and so on and how to use
them. Basic grammatical errors in your essay
can cause you to lose marks

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Writing task 2 (Essay) scoring rubrics

The 4 Marking Criteria which you will be assessed on.

o Task Achievement(TA)
o Coherence and Cohesion(CC)
o Vocabulary (Lexical Resource)
o Grammatical Range and Accuracy (GRA)

 Each carries 25% of the marks.

 To score well for task achievement, you must do 3 things:

o Answer the actual question asked (i.e. don’t just write generally about the topic).
o Answer all parts of the question.
o Clearly express your opinion and support it with well-developed ideas and,
ideally, examples.

 To score well for Cohesion and Coherence, you must do 4 things:

o Write an essay with clear ideas that are easy to understand.

o Organise ideas and information logically.
o Progress clearly from one idea to another.
o Use cohesive devices to link ideas, sentences and paragraphs.

 To score well for Lexical Resource you must:

o Use a wide range of vocabulary.

o Use it correctly and appropriately.
o Use topic specific vocabulary.

 To score well for Grammar you must:

o Use complex sentences

o Produce error-free sentences
o Use a good variety of appropriate sentence structures

Rizvi.A.R MA. TESOL The University of Nottingham 6
Writing Task 2 scroring checklist

Scoring criteria Key focus Comments

Achievement (TA) o Did you answer ALL parts of the
question sufficiently?
o Are all your ideas and support directly
relevant to the question?
o Did you avoid over-generalising the
o Does the examiner know exactly what
you think, and do you present this
position clearly for the whole essay?
o Did you support your ideas with clear
examples [not vague research and survey
o Did you write over 250 words?

Coherence and
Cohesion (CC) o Can the examiner follow your ideas
easily, from the beginning of your essay
to the end?
o Does it progress clearly [introduction,
main ideas with supporting examples,
o Did you use a range linking words and
o Did you avoid repetition and starting
every sentence with a linking device
o Did you use referencing [These issues…]
and substitution [problems/issues]
o Did you use sufficient paragraphs?
o Did you use one paragraph to develop
each idea?
o Is there a clear introductory and
concluding paragraph?

Resource (LR) o Did you use a range of vocabulary that is
o Did you use precise vocabulary choices?

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o Did you avoid memorised language,
clichés [double-edged sword] and
o Did you use collocation correctly
[environmental problem | global issue]?
o Did you use appropriate uncommon
words [detrimental to | cultural diversity |
o Did you correct your spelling mistakes?
o Did you check for typos?
o Did you use the correct form of the word
you needed [adverbs, nouns, adjectives
and verbs]?

Grammatical Range
& Accuracy (GRA) o Did you use simple and complex
structures accurately?
o Did you use a range of structures
[conditional, present perfect, relative
clauses, modal verbs]?
o Did you avoid long, complicated
o Are your sentences error-free?
o Did you punctuate correctly?
o Did you use capital letters to start
sentences and for proper nouns?
o Did you use commas in your complex
sentences, where needed? [If the
government invests funds in
implementing environmentally-
friendly solutions, pollution in the
atmosphere will be reduced.]
o Did you use full stops(.) to finish

Rizvi.A.R MA. TESOL The University of Nottingham 8
Dos and Dont's in writing task 2

I. Answer is relevant to the question

Answer what you have been asked in the question. Don’t produce an essay that is close to a
topic you have previously prepared. Make sure your examples and ideas are relevant. If
you generalise too much and are not specific enough this will affect how your ideas are
presented to the examiner.

 Make sure your ideas are directly related to the question 
 Use ideas and examples that you are familiar with, and that relate directly to the topic
 Extend your answer to include a number of ideas that will support the question.
 Include irrelevant information 
 Over-generalise 
 Produce a memorised essay
 Present ‘recent’ research or statistics related to the topic “At least 41% of all men…”

II. Answer all parts of the question

You must read the question carefully and decide how many parts are in it. You must answer
all parts of the question to reach a band 7 or higher. Remember, it is very important to present
a clear position when answering the statement to show that you understand the question being
asked and to keep that position clear throughout the essay.

 Read the question carefully and decide how many parts are in it
 Present your opinion and support it throughout the whole essay
 If asked to present both views, make sure each view is presented equally (similar paragraph
 Watch for plurals. If you are asked to give ‘advantages’, you must present a minimum of 2
 Watch for ‘and’. You may need to comment on more than one element
 Write more than 250 words.

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 Ignore parts of the question
 Assume that your opinion is clear, use the first person to ensure the examiner
knows it’s your opinion ‘I think’
 Tell the examiner what you are going to say and what you have said
 Produce a short essay.

III. Organise your essay logically, with clear progression using linking phrases

Ideas must be expressed and ordered clearly - starting with an introduction and moving
through to a conclusion. If you are asked to present both views and your opinion, state your
opinion at the beginning of the essay and then move on to present both views. You can then
come back to your own opinion and then conclude the essay. This is a logical way to present
these ideas.

 Use a range of linking words and phrases, but don’t overuse them
 Use adverbial phrases, rather than single basic linkers
 Use referencing and substitution to avoid repetition (this/them/the issue/the problem)
 Use punctuation to make your writing coherent
 Make sure your ideas are sequenced correctly
 Make sure your ideas are logical and easy to follow
 Use a separate paragraph for the introduction and the conclusion 
 Use one paragraph for each idea or topic area.
 Overuse basic linking words like firstly (instead, try using ‘The first reason for/ The
primary reason for this’)
 Start every sentence with a linker (Try to put it in the middle of a sentence. E.g. “Some
people believe, however, that individuals must also take responsibility for the
environment” or “I believe, on the other hand, that individuals do have a responsibility
 Use numbers, symbols or abbreviations (1, 2, etc, &, +)
 Use headings or subheadings
 Underline words or phrases
 Use one-sentence paragraphs 
 Start every sentence with a linking device.

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IV. Organise your essays into paragraphs

Use paragraphs to organise your essay into clear parts. Make sure each paragraph contains a
clear and developed topic with a minimum of two sentences. You must use enough
paragraphs to clearly show a structured response. This will show that you can organise and
present your thoughts and ideas logically.

You can use the acronym “PEEL” when writing your essay.

Point – introduce your topic or topic sentence

Example – an example that supports your point
Explain – why this evidence supports your point
Link – transition to the next topic or paragraph

 Use paragraphs
 Use linkers between and within your paragraphs
 Leave a space between each paragraph (a line)
 Use a paragraph for each topic
 Use an introduction and a conclusion.
 Use single-sentence paragraphs
 Use very long paragraphs that cover a whole page (IELTS on paper)

V. Use less common vocabulary and spell it correctly

You will see in the band descriptors that a band 8 writer skillfully uses uncommon lexical items.
When we learn a language, we use common and uncommon terms. Common terms are words and
phrases we use every day to refer to personal experience and daily habits. Uncommon terms are used
when we discuss specific topics or when we use idiomatic language (phrasal verbs).

Words that are old-fashioned and not used in everyday speech should not be used. If you choose a
synonym, the meaning must be the same and must not alter the idea being presented. For example,
adolescent/teenager have close meaning and can be used interchangeably, however, toddler/baby have
quite different meanings.

Collocation is also mentioned in band 8, and it is assumed that you know which words go together,
and which words are suitable to use for different topics.

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 Use precise word choices

 Use language that we use in everyday speech
 Use words that you understand
 Use words and phrases that are related to the topic
 Use collocation and phrasal verbs (words that go together naturally – environmental pollution |
major issue | promising future)

 Make spelling mistakes
 Make typos
 Mix up American and British spelling (You should use one or the other)
 Use a word if you don’t understand it or cannot spell it.
 Use imprecise words like ‘stuff/thing’
 Use slang like ‘gonna’
 Use old-fashioned language [the masses| denizens | myopic view | Hitherto]
 Overuse synonyms, one is enough
 Use idioms/clichés
 Use contractions (can’t, doesn’t)

VI. Don’t use memorised language, phrases or examples

Don’t use any memorised language, phrases or examples throughout your essay. They are
easy for examiners to spot and don’t demonstrate your ability to write fluently. Overused
phrases, idioms, proverbs and clichés should also be avoided, again, they are often used when
speaking. These include phrases like:

VII. Use a variety of complex sentence structures

At band 8 it is expected that you can use a wide range of structures accurately to present your ideas
and opinion. Show the examiner that you can use a wide range of structures and make sure your
sentences are error-free. It is important to use a mix of complex and simple sentences. But remember,
your complex sentences should not be long and complicated.

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Your punctuation needs to be accurate, using capitalisation, commas and full stops correctly. The
most common errors are made found below.

Grammar Common errors

Relative Clause Using the pronoun incorrectly - who/that/which
Conditional clause Choosing the wrong tense for the clause type – Zero, Type 1,2,3
Present perfect/past Choosing the wrong tense - had/have had
Passive Choosing the wrong past participle
Gerunds Making errors with -ing
Countable nouns Making errors with singular and plural nouns
Articles Using a/the incorrectly, or not using it at all
Subject/verb agreement The girls ‘are’ – singular or plural
Prepositions Choosing the wrong dependent preposition, an incorrect preposition of place and so on.
Punctuation Used incorrectly, or not used at all.

Fruitful practice resources for both task 1 and task 2

o Collins (English for exams) – writing for IELTS 2nd edition by Anneli Williams
o IELTS advantage reading skills by Richard Brown & Lewis Richards
o The Complete Solution IELTS Writing by ANH TOAN
o IELTS Made Easy Task 1 & 2 (step by step guide) By IELTS buddy
o Lessons for IELTS Advanced Writing by Tổng hợp Tp. Hồ Chí Minh
o The Complete Guide to Task 2 Writing by Phil Biggerton
o IELTS Writing Target 9 Band Essays by Sukhpal Shergill
o IELTS Essays From Examiners 2020 (Task 2) by David Kowie
o IELTS Sample Essays collection- volume 2- academic training by
o Common Mistake at IELTS (JULIE MOORE- Intermediate & Advanced)
o Cambridge Grammar for IELTS By Pauline Cullen
o Spelling (English in Context) by Saddleback Educational Publishing


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