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+2 Faculty
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu


I hereby declare that the work presented in this project report has
been done by myself/ourselves under the supervision of Mr. Gautam
Joshi, and has not been submitted elsewhere for any examination.
All sources of information have been specifically acknowledged by
references to authors or institutions.

Name of the student: Examiner:

Sujal M.G Gautam Joshi
Symbol number: 5871
Signature: Signature:

…………………… ..……………………

Date: 25th November 2022

Foreword ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction: Census of Nepal ............................................................................................................... 3
Overview of Nepal Census Report 2021: ............................................................................................. 4
Increase in Migration ....................................................................................................................... 4
Growing urban population ............................................................................................................. 4
Declining rural population ............................................................................................................. 5
Key statistics of preliminary results ................................................................................... 5
Population Distribution ................................................................................................................ 6
Population Distribution by Geographical Area .................................................................................... 6
Population Distribution by Provinces: .................................................................................................. 8
Population Growth Rate .............................................................................................................. 9
Population Growth Rate by Geographical Regions: ........................................................................... 9
Population Growth Rate by Provinces: ............................................................................................... 10
Population Density ......................................................................................................................... 10
Population Density by Geographical Regions: .................................................................................. 10
Population Density by Provinces:........................................................................................................ 11
Population Distribution by Religion .................................................................................... 12
Population Distribution by Age Group: .............................................................................. 13
Population Composition by Ethnicity: ................................................................................. 15
Population Composition by Mother Tounge: ................................................................... 16
Population Composition by Literacy Rate: ....................................................................... 17
Population Composition by Life Expectancy: ................................................................. 17
Life Expectancy by Ecological Region: .............................................................................................. 17
Life Expectancy in Years (2011 AD to 2021 AD): ............................................................................. 18
Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................... 19
References.......................................................................................................................................... 19

Once every ten years, the Census of Population provides a detailed and comprehensive statistical
portrait of Nepal that is vital to our country. The census is the only data source that provides
consistent statistics for both small geographic areas and small population groups across Nepal. The
Census of Population is a cornerstone and an essential tool for understanding how Nepal is
changing over time. Census information is central to planning at all levels. Whether starting a
business, monitoring a government program, planning transportation needs or choosing the
location for a school, Nepalese use census data every day to inform their decisions. The 2011
Census offered excellent insight into our country, its geography and its people. For instance,
Population of Nepal as of the census day (June 22, 2011) stands at 26,494,504 showing population
growth rate of 1.35 per annum. Similarly, Total number of households in the country is 5,427,302
with 5,423,297 individual households and 4,005 institutional households (Barracks, Hostels,
Monasteries etc). At Statistics Nepal, the census is also central to the work that statisticians do. It
is the foundation on which many important statistical programs are built. The census process is
ever changing.

Introduction: Census of Nepal

The National Population and Housing Census (NPHC) is part of an integrated national statistical
system of Nepal. It provides the benchmark for population count at national and sub-national levels
at regular intervals of ten years. For small geographic areas or sub-populations, it may represent
the only source of information for certain social, demographic and economic characteristics.

In Nepal, the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), under the National Planning Commission (NPC),
Government of Nepal (GoN), is responsible for planning, implementation and management of all
census activities, including collection, processing, editing, tabulation of data and final
dissemination of results.

The first population census of Nepal dates back to 1911. However, the first modern population
census of Nepal was conducted in 1952/54 and counted a population of over 8 million. The last
census was successfully conducted in 2011 and counted a population of 26.5 million. This
information has been widely used for diverse purposes, but especially in development planning
and policy making.

The Constitution of Nepal Provisions under article 281 states: "the Government of Nepal shall
make appraisal and review of the implementation of special rights of the women and Dalit
community and impacts thereof, on the basis of human development index, concurrently with a
national population census to be held in every ten years." Similarly, according to Article 84 (2),
House of Representatives under the proportional electoral system, representation shall be ensured
on the basis of a closed list also from women, Dalit, indigenous peoples, Khas Arya, Madhesi,
Tharu, Muslims and backward regions, on the basis of population. As per Article 286 (5), when
determining constituencies by the Constituency Delimitation Commission, constituencies shall be
determined in the states in accordance with the federal law, taking population as the main basis
and geography as the second basis for representation.

Overview of Nepal Census Report 2021:
According to the Census Report 2021, the population of Nepal has reached 29,192,480, which is
an increase of 2,697,976 compared to a population of 26,494,504 ten years ago. Since 2011,
Nepal’s population has grown by 10.18%. However, the average annual growth rate is 0.93%, a
decrease from the data reported in the Census Report of 2001-2011, which presented a growth rate
of 1.35%. The decrease in the population growth, the lowest in 80 years, is the result of several
factors including decreasing fertility rate, increasing migration, public health, and urbanization.
The fertility rate in Nepal has declined over the years, from 2.516 in 2011 to 1.853 in 2021.
Additionally, the decision of families to have fewer children with the average family size being
4.33 compared to 4.88 from the last report, due to increasing living costs and employment of
parents is believed to have contributed to this decline.
According to the report, the total population is 14,291,311 males (49%) and 14,901,169 females
(51%). The sex ratio for males per 100 females is 95.91, slightly higher than 94.16 from the last
census demonstrating a slight increase in the male population. While there are more females in the
total population, a slight increase in the population of males since 2011 has been observed.

To analyze the declining population growth, the article will delve deeper into the key areas
presented in the report of 2021, including migration, urbanization, and declining rural population.

Increase in Migration
A total of 2,169,478 Nepali persons are living abroad, an increase from 1,921,494 in 2011. Among
them, 1,684,029 are males while 237,400 are females. Since 2011, more and more Nepalis have
migrated abroad in search of better opportunities which in turn is a critical factor for the lower
population growth rate in Nepal, presented in the recent census report of 2021. Despite the
pandemic, more than 240,000 labor permits were granted in 2021 alone, which does not include
workers moving to India. Due to this, around 30% of Nepal’s GDP is in the form of remittance.
The census report also highlighted that the number of women that migrated to foreign countries
has increased by 71% in comparison to the previous census owing to the development of
information and technology.

Growing urban population

Evidently, Kathmandu Metropolitan City has the highest population of 8,45,767 and the highest
population density of 5,108 persons per square kilometer. The rapid growth in population has led
to mismanaged urbanization as more people are migrating to cities like Kathmandu, Bhaktapur
and Butwal making it more populous.
In 2021, the urban population reached 66.8%, which is an increase from what was reported in the
2011 report, where urban population was at 63.2%. In contrast to this, the rural population has
decreased to 33.9% in 2021 in comparison to a 36.8% in 2011. Increase in poverty, a lack of
education, and employment opportunities in rural areas are key motivators for people to relocate
from rural to urban areas. As more people migrate to urban areas in search of employment, income
levels tend to rise as more jobs and opportunities are available due to the economic activity.

Declining rural population
The out-migration from 32 districts, including Ramechhap (-1.65% population growth), Khotang
(-1.56 %), Manang (-1.41 %), and Bhojpur (-1.32 %) played a big role in the decline of rural
population. Subsequently, a population growth of districts like Bhaktapur (3.32%), Rupandehi (2.3
%), and Chitwan (2.3 %) with new urban centers like Bharatpur and Butwal, has been observed.
According to the report, 53.66 % of the population lives in the Terai, 40.25 % in the hilly region,
and 6.09 % in the mountain region. More people are moving from the mountains to Terai owing
to the development of cities in the Terai region. Similarly, Terai’s population density is rising
quickly, reaching 461 people/sq km, compared to only 34 people/sq km in the mountains. For
instance, the Madhesh Province is getting populous with 21% of the population now living there.

Key statistics of preliminary results

The preliminary results of the National Census 2078 cover the entire territory of the new map of
Nepal, according to which the population of Nepal has reached 2,91,92,480 people, which is 26,
compared to the population of 2,64,94,504 ten years ago (2068). 97,976 seems more. In this way,
the population of Nepal has increased by 10.18 percent in ten years. The annual population
growth rate (exponential growth) of the last ten years is 0.93 percent. In the ten years from 2058
to 2068 B.S, the average annual population growth rate was 1.35 percent.

Tabular Representation
Households Preliminary Population 2078 BS Gender
Region Number Total Male Female Ratio
Nepal 6761059 29192480 14291311 14901169 95.91
Geographic Region
Himalayan 416480 1778104 877666 900438 97.47
Hilly 2974698 11748548 5721329 6027219 94.92
Terai 3369881 15665828 7692316 7973512 96.47
Province 1 1203930 4972021 2425266 2546755 95. 23
Madhesh 1190154 6126288 3078223 3048065 100.99
Bagmati 1575097 6084042 3033574 3050468 99.45
Gandaki 678176 2479745 1180460 1299285 90.85
Lumbini 1155523 5124225 2457484 2666741 92.15
Karnali 371125 1694889 828307 866582 95.58
Sudurpaschim 587054 2711270 1287997 1423273 90.49

In this census, houses / buildings or structures "inhabited by people" are considered as census
houses. According to the preliminary results of National Census 2078, there are a total of 56,43,945
census houses in Nepal. The number of families living in these census houses is 67,61,059. Thus,
in 2078, the ratio of census houses and families is 1:1.20, that is, 120 families live on average in
every 100 census houses, which was 1:1.18 in the 2068 census. Ten years ago, the number of
families was 54,27,302. It seems that there was an increase of 13,33,757 (24.57 percent) families
during the period.

Population Distribution
Population distribution is a term that is used to describe how people are spread across a specific
area. In other words, population distribution shows where people live. Population distribution can
be measured across the entire world or a smaller region within a country or continent. Population
density is typically expressed as the number of persons per square kilometer (/km2) or square mile

Population Distribution by Geographical Area

In the distribution of population according to geographical area, it has been seen that the proportion
of Terai region has increased in 2078 compared to the previous year 2068. In the last census of
2068, Terai accounted for 50.27 percent of the total population, and in 2078, it increased to 53.66
percent. In the Himalayan region, it is 6.73 percent of the total population, but in 2078, it is seen
to be 6.09 percent. Similarly, in the hilly areas, it was 43.01 percent in 2068, but now (in 2078) it
has dropped to 40.25 percent.
Tabular Representation
2068 BS 2078 BS
REGION Population Percentage Gender Population Percentage Gender
ratio Ratio
Himalayan 1781792 6.73 93.84 1778104 6.09 97.47
Hilly 11394007 43.01 91.37 11748548 40.25 94.92
Terai 13318705 50.27 96.66 15665828 53.66 96. 47
Nepal 26494504 100 94.16 29192480 100 95.91
In the period of ten years, the gender ratio does not seem to have changed much in the plains,
but it seems to have increased in the mountains and hills. In the last census of 2068, there were
94, 91 and 97 in the Himalayas, Hills and Terai respectively.
Graphical Representation

Nepal Population


2068 BS 2078 BS

Graphical Representations

Population Distribution by Geographical Area

160 133
140 114 117
Population (in Lakh)

40 18 18
Mountain Hills Terai
Axis Title
2068 2078

Gender Ratio
98 97.47
97 96.66 96.47
95 94.16
92 91.37
Mountain Hills Terai Nepal

2068 2078

Population Distribution by Provinces:
According to the initial result of National Census 2078 BS of the province wise population
distribution, the population of Madhesh is the highest and the population of Gandaki is the lowest,
which is 20.99% and 5.81% respectively. Similarly, the Bagmati Province where the capital of
country lies has the second largest population. The population is (20.84 percent) which was 20.87
percent in the last census of 2068. The third, fourth, fifth, and sixth largest province in terms of
population in 2078 B.S is Lumbini, Province 1, Sudurpaschim and Gandaki respectively.
Compared to the last census, the number of all provinces except Madhesh and Lumbini in the total
population seems to have decreased.
Tabular Representation
2068 B.S 2078 B.S
PROVINCE Total Percent Gender Total Percent Gender
Population Ratio Population Ratio
Province 1 4534943 17.12 91.48 4972021 17.03 95.23
Madhesh 5404145 20.40 101.18 6126288 20.99 100.99
Bagmati 5529452 20.87 98.77 6084042 20.84 99.45
Gandaki 2403757 9.07 83.08 2479745 8.49 90.85
Lumbini 4499272 16.98 90.73 5124225 17.55 92.15
Karnali 1570418 5.93 95.69 1694889 5.81 95.58
Sudurpaschim 2552517 9.63 91.25 2711270 9.29 90.50
Nepal 26494504 100.00 94.16 29192480 100.00 95.91

When analyzed in terms of gender, it is highest in Madhesh province and lowest in Sudurpaschim
province which is 100.99 and 90.49 respectively. Compared to the last census of 2068, the gender
ratio has increased in some provinces and decreased in some provinces.
Graphical Representation

Population by Provinces (in Percent)





Province 1 Madhesh Bagmati Gandaki Lumbini Karnali Sudurpaschim
2068 17.12 20.4 20.86 9.07 16.98 5.93 9.63
2078 17.03 20.99 20.84 8.49 17.55 5.81 9.29

2068 2078

Population Growth Rate
Population Growth Rate by Geographical Regions:
According to the preliminary results of the National Census 2078, the population growth in Nepal
during the period from 2068 to 2078 is at an average rate of 0.93 percent per year, which is less
than the growth rate of the period from 2058 to 2068 (1.35 percent per year). Looking at the annual
population growth rate, there is a negative growth in the Himalayan region (-0.02 percent), a small
positive growth in the hilly region (0.29 percent) and a high positive growth (1.56 percent) in the
Terai region compared to other regions.

During the last ten years, the population of Nepal has increased by 10.18 percent and 26 lakh 97
thousand 484 people have been added. According to the geographical area, it is seen that the
population has decreased by 0.23 percent in the Himalayan region, while the population has
increased by 3.11 percent in the mountainous region and 17.62 percent in the Terai region.


2068 2078 POPULAION
Himalayan 1781792 1778104 - 0.02
Hilly 11394007 11748548 0.29
Terai 13318705 15665828 1.56
Nepal 26494504 29192480 0.93

Graphical Representation

Population Growth Rate by Geographical Region

1.8 1.72
Yearly Population Growth Rate (in %)

1.2 1.06
1 0.93

0.4 0.29
-0.2 Himalayan
-0.02 Hilly Terai Nepal

2068 2078

Population Growth Rate by Provinces:
During the last ten years, the population has increased the most in Lumbini Province by 13.89
percent and the lowest in Gandaki Province by 3.16 percent. Similarly, in Madhesh Province and
Lumbini Province, it is more than the national average, while in Gandaki Province, Karnali
Province and Sudurpaschim Province, it is less than the national average. And in Bagmati Province
and Province 1, the population seems to have increased around the national average.
Looking at the annual population growth rate and population change for a decade from 2068 to
2078, the highest in Lumbini province is 1.25 percent and the lowest in Gandaki province is 0.30
percent. Madhesh province has the second highest annual population growth rate with a growth
rate of 1.20 percent. The annual population growth rate of other provinces seems to be less than
1.00 percent.
Tabular Representation
Province 1 4534943 4972021 0.88
Madhesh 5404145 6126288 1.20
Bagmati 5529452 6084042 0.92
Gandaki 2403757 2479745 0.30
Lumbini 4499272 5124225 1.25
Karnali 1570418 1694889 0.73
Sudurpaschim 2552517 2711270 0.58
NEPAL 26494504 29192480 0.93

Population Density
Population density is a measurement of population per unit land area. It is mostly applied to
humans, but sometimes to other living organisms. It is a key geographical term. In simple terms,
population density refers to the number of people living in an area per square kilometre, or other
unit of land area.

Population Density by Geographical Regions:

Population density is the number of people living in an area per square kilometer. According to
the preliminary results of the 2078 census, the population density of Nepal has reached 188 people,
which was only 180 in 2068. According to the geographical area, in 2068, the highest population
density was 392 per square kilometer in the Terai region and the lowest in the Himalayan region
was 34 per square kilometer. Currently, according to the preliminary results of 2078, the highest
population density is 461 per square kilometer in the Terai region and the lowest is 34 per square
kilometer in the Himalayan region.

10 | P a g e
Tabular Representation
2068 2078 2068 2078
Himalayan 1781792 1778104 34 34
Hilly 11394007 11748548 186 192
Terai 13318705 15665828 392 461
Nepal 26494504 29192480 180 198

Graphical Representation

Population Density by Geographical Regions

Himalayan Hilly Terai Nepal

2068 BS 2078 BS

Population Density by Provinces:

Analyzing by province, Madhesh province has the highest number of 636 people per seems
to have settled in which was 561 in 2068. Karnali province has the lowest number of 61 people
per seems to be living in The second and third most densely populated provinces are
Bagmati and Lumbini provinces. Terai districts have a higher population density than most of the
hilly and mountainous districts.
Tabular Representation
2068 2078 2068 2078
Province 1 4534943 4972021 176 192
Madhesh 5404145 6126288 561 636
Bagmati 5529452 6084042 273 300
Gandaki 2403757 2479745 112 116
Lumbini 4499272 5124225 202 230
Karnali 1570418 1694889 56 61
Sudurpaschim 2552517 2711270 128 136
Nepal 26494504 29192480 180 198

11 | P a g e
Graphical Representation

2068 BS 2078 BS






Population Distribution by Religion

People of Nepal belongs to the different religion. Nepal is a non-secular state. Nepal is a multi-
lingual and multi- religious country. There are various religions followed by people in Nepal like
Hindu, Buddist, Islam, Bon etc. The majority of people of Nepal follow Hindu religion and then
second Buddhist religion. Nepal is a birthplace of Gautam Buddha. The total percentage of people
following Hindu is 80.62 in 2001 and 81.34 in 2011 AD. People also follow other religions like
Jain, Prakriti, Bon, Sikh etc. The given table shows the population composition by religion in 2001
and 2011 AD. The actual data of Census 2078 BS on population distribution by religion is still
awaited. The given table shows the population composition by religion in 2011 AD.
Tabular Representation
Hinduism 21,551,492 81.34%
Buddhism 2,396,099 9.04%
Islam 1,162,370 4.39%
Kirat 807,169 3.04%
Christianity 375,699 1.41%
Prakriti 121,982 0.46%
Bon 13,006 0.04%
Jainism 3,214 0.01%
Bahá'í 1,283 0.01%
Sikhism 609 0.01%
Others/unspecified 61,581 0.25%
TOTAL 26,494,504 100%
12 | P a g e
Graphical Representation

Population Distribution by Religion

3.04 1.41 0.01
0.46 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.25




Hinduism Buddhism Islam Kirat

Christianity Prakriti Bon Jainism
Bahá'í Sikhism Others/Unspecified

Population Distribution by Age Group:

Population classified on the basis of age is called population composition by ages. There are
different people of different age. Some are a child, some are young, some are adults and some are
old. These people of different age as a whole make a community or the population. The population
of age group between 15 years to 59 years is known as economically active population and the
population of age below 15 and above 60 years are considered as economically inactive or
dependent population. The government can make the plan for adult, child and old people by
knowing the composition of the population by age. The data about population composition by age
are organized by 5 year age groups as it is very difficult to record and study about single age group.
The actual data of Census 2078 BS on population distribution by age group is still awaited. The
given table shows the population composition by age group in 2011 AD.

13 | P a g e
0–4 1 314 957 1 253 006 2 567 963 9.69
5–9 1 635 176 1 569 683 3 204 859 12.10
10–14 1 764 630 1 710 794 3 475 424 13.12
15–19 1 443 191 1 488 789 2 931 980 11.07
20–24 1 043 981 1 314 090 2 358 071 8.90
25–29 917 243 1 162 111 2 079 354 7.85
30–34 770 577 964 728 1 735 305 6.55
35–39 740 200 864 119 1 604 319 6.06
40–44 660 290 725 831 1 386 121 5.23
45–49 575 101 597 858 1 172 959 4.43
50–54 505 864 499 612 1 005 476 3.80
55–59 412 892 405 371 818 263 3.09
60–64 368 451 388 376 756 827 2.86
65–69 277 782 276 667 554 449 2.09
70–74 199 610 195 543 395 153 1.49
75–79 117 358 117 777 235 135 0.89
80–84 62 787 65 990 128 777 0.49
85–89 25 810 26 716 52 526 0.20
90–94 8 940 11 395 20 335 0.08
95+ 4 201 7 007 11 208 0.04
TOTAL 12 849 041 13 645 463 26 494 504 100

Graphical Representation

Population Compostion by Age Groups (in years)




14 | P a g e
Population Composition by Ethnicity:
There are various castes in Nepal. Nepali is a country of multicultural and multi- ethnicity. Our
community and the country is made of various castes and ethnic groups. According to our great
King Prithivi Narayan Shah, 'Nepal is a garden of 4 castes and 36 sub- castes'. Some of the
examples of the caste of Nepal are Brahmin, Chhetri, Thakuri, Badi, Gaine. Hilly region and
mountain region supports the caste like Magar, Gurung, Rai, Limbu whereas Terai region supports
the caste like tharu, Dhimal, Gangai, Santhal etc. Though Nepal is a small country, a large variation
in caste and ethnic groups can be seen. There was not reliable data and document about the various
castes of Nepal since from 1911 to 1981. But the census of 2001 and 2011 AD provide exact data
about the caste and ethnic groups of Nepal. The actual data of Census 2078 BS on population
distribution by ethnicity is still awaited. The given table shows the population composition by
ethnicity in 2011 AD.
Tabular Representation
Bahun 3,226,903 12.2%
Chamar/harijan/ram 335,893 1.3%
Chhetri/khas 4,398,053 16.6%
Damaii/dholi 112,946 0.42%
Dhanuk 219,808 0.82%
Dusadh/pasawan 208,910 0.79%
Gurung 522,641 1.9%
Khas-kami 1,258,554 4.7%
Koiri/kushwaha 306,393 1.1%
Kumal 121,196 0.46%
Kurmi 231,129 0.87%
Limbu 387,300 1.4%
Magar 1,877,733 7.3%
Musahar 234,490 0.88%
Muslim 1,164,255 4.4%
Newar 1,539,830 5.9%
Rai 690,989 2.3%
Sanyasi/dasnami 1,287,633 4.8%
Sarki 374,816 1.41%
Sherpa 512,926 1.8%
Sunuwar 100,000 0.38%
Tamang 1,321,933 6.5%
Teli 369,688 1.4%
Thakuri 425,623 1.6%
Tharu 1,737,470 6.6%
Yadav 1,054,458 4.0%
Other (more than 100 4,229,290 15.96%
caste/ethnic groups)

15 | P a g e
Population Composition by Mother Tounge:
As we know that there are various caste and ethnic group in Nepal. People of Nepal represent
various caste. They have their own language and dialects. People of different area speak a different
language. Some of the examples of different mother tongue are Rai, Maithili, Magar, Urdu,
Gurung, Newar etc. The population is classified on the basis of language spoken by the people is
known as population composition by language. Nepal has been recording the percentage of
population composition by various languages since 1971 AD. Twenty different languages were
recorded in 1971 AD census. On 2011 AD census, 123 different languages were recorded.
On 2011 AD a large number of language were recorded because people became aware of their
own culture and tradition. They respect their language and speak their language for the protection
and preservation of their culture and tradition. Their culture and tradition are their identities. The
actual data of Census 2078 BS on population distribution by mother tongue is still awaited. The
given table shows the population composition by mother tounge in 2011 AD.

Tabular Representation
Mother tongue/ Population (in %)
language 2048 BS 2058 BS 2068 BS
NEPALI 50.31 48.61 44.6
MAITHILI 11.85 12.30 11.7
BHOJPURI 7.46 7.53 6.0
THARU 5.37 5.86 5.8
TAMANG 4.89 5.19 5.1
NEWAR 3.73 3.63 3.2
ABADHI 2.03 2.47 1.9
URDU 1.09 0.77 2.6
MAGAR 2.33 3.39 3.0
GURUNG 1.23 1.49 1.23
LIMBU 1.37 1.47 1.3
SHERPA 0.66 0.57 0.45
SANTHAL 0.04 0.18 0.19
SUNUWAR -- 0.12 --
DANUWAR 0.13 0.14 0.18
THAKALI 0.04 0.03 0.02
BAJJIKA -- 1.05 2.99
DOTELI -- -- 2.97
BAITADELI -- -- 1.03
OTHERS 7.47 5.2 5.74

16 | P a g e
Population Composition by Literacy Rate:
Education is the key to all success. Education helps us to distinguish between wrong and right
things. In today's world, education has become very important for the social and economic
development of the country. It is an important indicator of development. In the context of Nepal,
not all people are educated. Few of them are still uneducated especially female. They are not
allowed to go the school. The literacy rate of male is more than the literacy rate of female. In
developed countries, most or all of the people are educated but in underdeveloped or developing
countries only half of the population are education with less female. The actual data of Census
2078 BS on population distribution by literacy rate is still awaited.

Tabular Representation
Age group(years) Total(%) Male(%) Female(%)
6-9 55.2 54.2 56.0
10-14 85.8 87.3 84.3
15-19 88.9 94.8 84.1
20-24 79.5 89.8 73.1
25-29 70.1 86.2 60.5
30-34 60.7 81.2 47.0
35-39 51.2 74.3 35.1
40-44 48.2 72.0 30.2
45-49 43.0 65.4 21.6
50-54 31.2 53.3 12.0
55-59 34.7 57.7 11.1
60+ 22.1 38.7 5.3

Population Composition by Life Expectancy:

According to the latest WHO data published in 2020 life expectancy in Nepal is: Male 68.9, female
72.7 and total life expectancy is 70.9 which gives Nepal a World Life Expectancy ranking of 116.

Life Expectancy by Ecological Region:

The actual data of Census 2078 BS on population distribution by life expectancy is still awaited.
The given table shows the population composition by life expectancy in 2011 AD.
Tabular Representation
Region Total(in years) Female(in years) Male(in years)
Mountain 64.1 65.5 62.8
Hill 68.9 70.3 67.6
Tarai 65.1 66.3 64.0
Nepal 66.6 68.0 65.5

17 | P a g e
Graphical Representation

Life Expectancy by Ecological Region (in years)

65.1 64.1


Mountain Hill Terai

Life Expectancy in Years (2011 AD to 2021 AD):

The actual data of Census 2078 BS on population distribution by life expectancy is still awaited.
The given table shows the population composition by life expectancy in 2011 AD.
Tabular Representation
Date(in AD) Life expectancy(in Life expectancy(in Life expectancy(in
years) - Female years) - Male years) – Both
2020 72.51 69.52 71.07
2019 72.21 69.26 70.78
2018 71.90 68.99 70.48
2017 71.59 68.71 70.17
2016 71.26 68.42 69.85
2015 70.93 68.11 69.52
2014 70.59 67.79 69.17
2013 70.23 67.45 68.81
2012 69.84 67.09 68.43
2011 69.44 66.70 68.03

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Although the population has risen by 10.18% since the last census report, the annual growth has
been at it 80 years lowest at 0.93%. Increasing migration, urbanization and decreasing fertility are
major factors in the slow population growth. As a Least Developed Country (LDC), it is important
for Nepal to maintain its population to prevent a rapid rise which will negatively impact economic
development. While the report is at its preliminary stage, the final report will present extensive
data on other patterns and trends which is yet to be released. So the remaining data are used in the
report is from the previous census (i.e 2068 BS).


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