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COLLEGE Institute of Teacher Education

Name: Rosalito S. Tierra Jr. Date: October 30, 2022

Year and Course: BSEd-ENG 3B Professor: Leonida Piorac


1O A.M)


Lesson 1: Defining Reading and Tracing its Foundations

1. Share your strong stand on whether you agree or disagree on the line of Grabe,
W. (2009) as shown below.
 I'll have to disagree with Grabe's mindset about how reading couldn't
guarantee success to anyone because I do believe that many people today
are living their lives successfully. In general, reading books will not make you
a successful person. Reading, on the other hand, increases one's chances of
success. Reading allows you to learn from the mistakes and successes of
others. It also makes you more creative, innovative, and intellectual, which
helps you reach success faster. When you read, you use both your
comprehension and analytical skills. It activates your creativity and stimulates
your memory centers. It aids with the retention of knowledge as well as the
regulation of emotions. A reading habit is beneficial since it improves brain
muscles. Reading effectively means reading in a manner that allows you to
comprehend, assess, and reflect on a written text. As you might expect, these
skills are essential for college students, regardless of field: you'll be doing a lot
of reading. In other words, when you take up reading as a long-term interest,
you are developing your intellect and gaining more knowledge. Readers are
often more successful in their careers as a result, according to some.

Address: Davao del Norte State College Tel. No.: (084) 628-6341
Tadeco Road, New Visayas Website:
Panabo City, Davao del Norte 8105 Email:
COLLEGE Institute of Teacher Education
2. Share your views briefly & concisely on the topic “Ways we read and why we
 When I was just a child, probably in my elementary school days, I practiced
my reading fluency by reading every text I just encountered anywhere, and
sometimes I just read unconsciously as long as there was a text in my
peripheral vision. This kind of habit that many of us do have has led us to
being comprehensive citizens and taught us analytical skills, empathy, and
many more. Whatever way you look at reading, we can't see any
disadvantages or cons to it. It's always beneficial to all of us.

3. Choose 3 authors who defined reading, and give your views. Apply in-text
citation in your explanation. I’m sure you have discussed in-text citation or citing
references in your Technical Writing course. However, if you have questions on
how to cite references, post your query in our chatters’ box.
 This enables the reader to use their existing knowledge, adopt a range of
reading approaches, and change the studying environment. Reading is a
dynamic and complex process that necessitates the use of techniques,
abilities, and past knowledge (Afflerbach, 2016; Afflerback & Cho, 2009;
Pressley & Afflerbach, 1996). Afflerbach's concept of reading incorporates the
ideas that humans read to generate meaning and that doing so necessitates
the use of specific methods and skills (Afflerbach et al., 2008). These
techniques and abilities are acquired over time.
 Enthusiasm aids both comprehension and retention when studying. Motivation
(Guthrie & Klauda, 2016), self-efficacy (Schunk & Bursuck, 2016), and prior
reading experiences all influence reading development and success
(Anderson & Pearson, 1984). Reading development is divided into two
stages: learning to read and reading to learn. Mastering the sound structure of
spoken language, grasping the alphabetic principle, decoding words, and
becoming fluent are all part of learning to read.
 The primary curricular pillars of the course, reading ability, vocabulary skills,
academic skills, and digital abilities, are all designed to help the demanding
reader become proficient in these areas. Reading is developmental in nature,
with recognizable cognitive components such as word identification and
comprehension that combine to ensure good reading (Alexander, 2005).

Address: Davao del Norte State College Tel. No.: (084) 628-6341
Tadeco Road, New Visayas Website:
Panabo City, Davao del Norte 8105 Email:

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