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Lng Sunt uadssenmdsypai, Geman ydgyrit BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY Ref, No. COE/UG Time Table/Dec22-tan-232022 Exams Date: 18.11.2022 From To ‘The Controller of Examinations ie ‘The Principals of all Ans & Science BBhaathiar University Colleges (Non-Autonomous) Coimbatrs-681 046 SiMadam, Sub University Examinations” Dee22-Jan-23- Time table — UG Degree courses ~ sent by e-mal ~ Reg Ref This office email Ref. No.BUICOE! Dec22-Jan-23 exameldh 18/11/2022, With reference tothe above, the schedule o the od semester Dee22-Jan-23 examinations of all UG degree programes offered in afllisted (non-autonomous) xileges and the examinations for anvar papers in any of the semester i sent ‘hough email 1D of your college. Is also available in the University website Hence, you are equested thatthe timestable may be doveloadd and go through the same. Please verify whether all branches of study and all subjeuis offered at your college are covered an! ny cash inthe dies ovis, ‘Any diserepaney noticed may please_hy_hrouphl to the notice of the Convoller of Fsaiinalions on or belore 28.11.2022 either by post or email, Irmo reply is received until the stipulated date, it will be presumed that there no discrepancy in tho time able In this connection, | am farther to state tha wherever a single question paper ode is mentioned inthe time table fa a panicular paper, ite applicable to al the hatches of the candidates. Since, diferent hatches of candidates, great care should he aken ising question papers atthe ne of examinations, ‘The Computer subje-code whieh is incorporated in the ime table may also be checked caret. Its lso requested that all the Heads ofthe departments in your college may please be insiucied to cross cheek he rime table relating to their respective epartment forthe coreeness in the tle of the subject and the batch with the respective syllabus nd regulations, A copy of the timetable may please be put up on the college notice board forthe information of students ‘Your personal attention and kind e-operation i solicited The receipt ofthis communication may pease be acknowledged Yours faithful, feieres CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS i Copy w:The COR" table All Oicers/Secton Officers (Exam, Setion) Contidemial Section BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY : COIMBATORE - 641 046 yy UG DEGREE EXAMINATIONS - DECEMBERIJANUARY - 2022/2023“: (COURSE: 8A. TAMIL LITERATURE (218) BATCH: 2008 ONWARDS. wen [ow] ove [SSS |___wemcr arcooe [aaron 5 feo] saa few | sa | wacom ‘ever | w-0my 5 | ov] 202 Jew | so | pomumozina. | Teraia | Tsao oncr TORR —} eT sor «| sw! sone | ew | aca | meee ear THODARBHYAL ELECTIVE) |_‘47A'S ee eee 10TAt3 10-130NLY Seeds ans ews so | cuanaacome | vine | wownnos or (ELECTIVE) eta ee “OUDAGANGEL ‘oeLna8 moe erase | mow vasa ores | Te-rowy sue | ame || 220 | cam pammmvaunas| 0T208 | _10-200my ronea | mowy TAMILAKA VARALARUM ae jewsbi oe : s7TA02 12-190MLY vara ves | wow cenaa | wacour ‘wa | p- 0m e |meo} wre | aw | aon | saarnanovan-scast rag] aecieomr 6 | wep] aia _— cer | marca icene | canes | eeomanos won] ane | av [oc [rowmauncn eccrve| once | ovowwaros ee | monTaTaAH Jorrcncis| ee omnanoe : 7 et ‘OTN? “AO ONWARDS: = | evra euecrve | omrwe | eeownanoe @ [EEE [enna [womans ‘uaa tavor_|__wowr ram wacavavaracaru-| omTa13 | 02sec Pau) toraor_ | _to-r8 omy Tanacavarasanon |_¥908_|_¥-t¥ ony PANPADEM-2TALIED) [re] — po oma vaworevounavanon | ~porags | a0 ono Paroxou-2 aie) | satace | _12-190mY AL mores | wow 7rTnos_| PIONWARDE ‘CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS He be BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY : COIMBATORE - 641 046 UG DEGREE EXAMINATIONS - DECEMBERIJANUARY - 2022/2023 ‘COURSE: POLITICAL SCIENCE (218) BATCH: 2018 ONWARDS. sen] ony [ore S58] SUB sumsecr ‘rcooe | aaron 5 [wen] wie] rw | sax | avremnaonn.onaanzarions | senue7 | wowwnnos sea | senr anoMeonaLnn | 122 | wownRos ee en ec ‘wer | 18-700my afm] sana] ew | aun | moun acumusrearion ‘imor [21 onwaaos 3 [von ssn | ew | sap | TETONAL RELATIONS smc |_T9PUE | 19-200m¥ arnuce | zromy © [ve] wna] a [eo | nonnroumear cur | vonae © [er] ama] ar | cae | _woocrarouncaeverom | voce = Tao] ana fav [ear | SRT A POITIESO oe | mon] ser [a | cen | SEERERSTCASERESTOR [ soe [wows @ va [eee | eizcrveincnscanesrraron | wo |soowwaros ® <<. | coe ‘18022 | 19 onwaRDS | 4 | rw] sana} an | | aio: nesexronneriooo.ooy 4 | rue | ama | an | aca | S88 sega 0 2 | om | son] ov | an] pmgeiesorean mam | mom woswconsrmuTon | wos | wouw Tine [prewar FN: FORE NOOM 10.90 AM TO 64.0 Fa DN: AFTERNOON 82.0 941708500 PML beet ‘CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS Ve UG DEGREE EXAMINATIONS -DECEMBERUANUARY. 2023/2023 [BHARATHIAR UNVERSITY : COIMBATORE 648 046: ‘COURSE: 8A. ECONOMICS (21¢) BATCH: 2008 ONWARDS. seu) ony fosreSese] 242 susuecr | apcove | aren © [eo ral [on | won concmcn | SR ORE * SE) nomvecowome | trecm | n-reomy sar fir ow cue A 5 soo | “routes ‘reco | owanos [rue farm mw] ec | MTEMETONAL | oeccxe_| os onvanos vimepneneumane [feo | co TeOMY 5 | wow zor ow | 520 eT ‘1705 | 17 ONWARDS "| mca poucies cevsomy sew] “vosroonamics | C20 «| we fone] en ecm) [ee | ao El wiome eiccrve) | osecon | co onwanos one /ELEoTWE sec)| Fenelon eabe ee | pracrice ano | 096028 o8-tecmLv we | rou [zara] ew PROCEDURE tec | RRIRTRODUCTIONTO | gaccsr_| 08-18 ONLY ED T exsic ECONOMETRICS | 206000 20ONLY RAL EASED SORIEST SricArwreR tT | saecoas | eancoomy “abe conc couuren verbs Sau wed sonecT oricuariver t | 108000 | roomy | won coos] rw | exc | comPure Svs saurasco sues’ | swecons | 1-180Mr omens rare ee |20ec007 200NLY_ 5 w ceccna | we wom oro cconowes [Tacs | arom 3 | any | 15:12] ew | 216008 | 21 ONWARDS TRCRTORRL ERA 2 say | Sevevomuet | 28600 | oso omy Gite sn : aay | Muameuarone ey 38 METHODS | — =. son} cont ed) 3 ase | stanerca mersoos [ees OORT RON ECONORE 3 ata| ceveioruenrano | cscose | o8-soony POUCES 28] a cvcces | 08-s20my an 2 Foreconowes. | seco | 19-200NLY zrectt | aronmanoe TOROS OF 3 sau | “Teaser” — | caccr | oo onnanos (ALLE) DIPLOMA PAPER 1 rape econanr 0 | seecoro | casooomy CouPuTER srerent | rue ara] ew | azn [PAN ACcoUNTING THESBRT] wo powr sau mscaies | EBT | vo-z000 faccountwe. | 2100 2 | a onwanoe tocar | 10-190NY 1 | eri [ronal en | 120 | wero econowes 1 accor | _mOMy zecor | _20My oust ecowowucs| SCH _| 62-co ony voor _| 10-190NLY [STORY oF ECONOMICS RY OF ROOM twecot | omy + | rue ear} ew | 198 sseco_[ e160 agmcurura. — Teco | 47-180mWY Seonowles vwccor | 1owy recor | 200NLY necce | a1 ONLY visrony oF wow From |_CeHO_| ob- 19 OMe 1 | ert fzana} ew | sc |" Seooro west A | aor | _anonuy ate) ana | 2 0Nty + [we faaral ev | tao | MUEB;SUTINESS | ssesor | s5-z00ny aa an | nos | ceecen | ca onwanos | weo| ara] an | SY | riscat economies anal aw | 622 [STORY OF EcoNOMCS| yyeqq, | 11- 120M 2 | wen fara) an | O39 | octane vecor |" from 2 | sat firme aw [SB | novstmiac economes | seecee | vw onwanos 25 | wen favre] an [S22 | PRROMMENTAS T rrecon | 11 onanos TWWESTHENT POUGES * aw ex] SKormoonesnen’ | coecas imicenve =] wox anna} |e cara MARKET INTERMEDIARIE Garces | cecremene = rar | eee | etecTne Jounnausu | cacoan | os onwanos EC sazocats | OP 18OMLY on I = Bl 203 ‘200NLY ‘Two fran) AN |e | auuenvevectivem) | 226° znecos | zroner Sar ROCOT NET FOR os aw [| ““econoucs | osecrr_ | osownanos ea ES won eons] 2 [=F | PRMGEMERETS ceca [ee onan wwoun econowe | ear os am | osx | sSsvesisecrver | 222%, | oe. yoy ‘one Scr econo | o1ecozr | oeovontr coweren vere ‘SKILL BASED suBUECT; | t4eccAD1s| ONLY aren CousuTER SYSTEMITHEORY | seco08 | +1 onwaRDS Ecowouics oF ‘ 40 peveionaesno | oscors | co-tromy nasi ied cone] 4 | me J1s2] 0 | aan | oevetornenrano | 1eec02 | 18-s0my 4 sex] woroecoromesn | zoecce | 20% ‘eo | weno tr 4 [moana] an | 38") atrsneat. | acre | os onasos conenuen) | [Sorarer serch TON «+ | foam] aw [aaa [iweconoucs naneo!| carers. | os omnanoo aco TAGE ECONOMY COMPUTER | geecois | 08-09 ONLY Sreren mabe 4 | rue faa] an | ao [amie easeDr a Pare OeCORRT | — TRADE DOCUMENTATION | 14£CCADO6 sohant ‘SKILL BASED suBJecT n |_TECDG3 | 11-16 ONLY aoe cocina] eooee ) 1 ounaaos 2 | rm {rea} aw | 2a | mono econowes » [eos | 1-20 oN" Hesse [ar onns history oF economic | 18001 | 18-200mLy 2 | Tue [20a] an | zoe | HISTORY OF ECON rEon6 | 21 ONWARDS coattce | 8-12 0mLy HisTORY OF WOIA 1658 2 | rr lara} an | aac | HISTORY OR MOM. 1855 coos | 200M arar | 2+ onwasos seca | 16-180 oecon | a00nLy recor | 21 oNwaROS ALLIED SUBJECTS HISTORY, ECONOMICS & DEFENCE STUDIES AN [ALLIED CONSTITUTIONAL] _OHHi09 | 08-200NLY vw | Fru fos] rw | aan | vasToRy OF nO 773 | ——f Sea | To erst zine | zone TR] —PRRGRESOF —|“oerana | ov- a0 Ow 19 | sat Jor] Fw | S0i] science PouTICAL Sci some Fou zea | zor mw] _coxsrrunow | eanor_| ov zoom aie rm fons] an | Ean] sesTonr OF OI Tee 8S] SS encase | av owaos iB PRNGRLEEOF | sao _| eo -a0 ont 24 | SAT 0701) AN | 245] SCIENCE W POLITICAL, gi] sorencewroumes |“ esas [21 owwanos FU: FORE NOON : 19.00 aM TO 01.00 Pa ‘3M: AFTER NOON :0200 PUTO 08.60 Pl ‘conouiee oF GataaTOns ye BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY : COIMBATORE -841 048 UG DEGREE EXAMINATIONS - DECEMBER/JANUARY - 2022/2023 ‘COURSE: BA HISTORY AND TOURISM HISTORY (21) set |ony | oae Pon | oe ser ecooe | _earow . sx | stoirmisrs sao [reac | -vaoney wie | ORDER | onarr_[ovecrour coo 200) 0 | cua reat 0 Pelee (eel vw [ocwour 3 [oon] aoa [ms | oo | woamonernecreons | S| Bom ba ‘eieemes ee so | uatdewreicciveg [sre sehocntouhensrony 1 | cerinac) | #20 ceive rrucationn | sores | 18 {| sae few | aaa | TORO NOM ROM 3 luan| wre} | ase | SToRV CE Momsnou | “Tae TFS SREE Turron" [ae —} age rue) ama | mn | ‘COvERAENT acre Sioa ounsi anor |_s0NLy WORD HSTOR-VFROW | sora | socom worupuisrory ero | saeoe | r4-17 om an | 2 | sigronrromout sence | SHO lon cnvanos wen} asre A BaNNATONS oxime on) 202 (escwen) or STU ‘ana? | ox onwnnos| 2 eee eee Pe canae | 09-coomy escrwe rons | oomanos eee mene ‘mor | 17-1900 = Se me | cane | oe-eromy ‘ ase | MSTORY OF amnsou rou | "SHS | 16-100mY ma | mow a | rue| arma | an | $2 | auscormonnconsrunon |_o#se+_| v8-200% [rm | sore | aw | azo | couaintarnre ecu TEE WSIOR ASOT | oan | Goon Torin 10-1eony [ALLIED SUBJECTS HISTORY, ECONOMICS & DEFENCE STUDIES thw] prncmesorrounca. |_ovres_[ ee-zomr 19 |r| eros | ew | 3) | scence roumen, SOME Toy au [nr] ovo | an | | cchcetrareaeces |__1S O ie a hed ‘CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS ie BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY : COIMBATORE -641 048 UG DEGREE EXAMINATIONS - DECEMBER/JANUARY - 2022/2023 CCOURSE:B.A. ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE SAL ENGLISH LITERATURE 24F) batnsihattcetdnite ‘am | ony [are [SSS] SU sauecr ercoos | aaron ees, [wom Sts, | e-tomy a 2209, | c-120my | mow | ons | on | sxc siencAdoo| 10-1901 feuronencomse ren | zoe Foy eee _| oon reson |B ONWAROS SESS, | som [ENGUSH PAPER oeencapio | 8 ONLY Fu wseamect | 1001600 | a ear sea |_cstottarne Sito | enteou (eeNeH [toa ss OMY ee |e wrowr me | nowy zee | omy iene 4 eu Yanna | | oan ‘mie ae, [ec voowy 6 | sar | rma} an | eno | sceamvgsruororan | WENeHO seu, | os. 1200y 6 [wen ava) an | osc | eretiorrmmacanon [HEM | aa sony Tetecrmeconay” | MENCAtS cx) emgnerem | oe To manos comuammeurenerure | (SMI, | op. ssomuy name stencae | es = cus ay [sw | ana] an on 120% | ssonnos = taerie steno | @oNwanos ie eee vx |e | an | i acm [NS] PH ate, | csacnour ES [eo wonr sc, | mow e07_| 2130 sR aS, | & one te (eee lead ‘alse ewe | 18-120Nty conser eian-y [enna | ONT ae [ono MeN! | 44-17 ONLY Pieweaoe BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY : COIMBATORE -641 048 UG DEGREE EXAMINATIONS - DECEMBERIJANUARY - 2022/2023 ‘COURSE: BA DEFENCE & STRATEGIC STUDIES! peice mtn BATCH: 2008 ONWARDS [sess] sus seu| par |oare SESS) SUB sussect ‘op cone] earch | wen [rez] en | ssn ramen [sw faare| ow | eX MUTE — NEWEWRITNG PROCEDURE AND. | ceosDrs | cea coon vwmrTigpmccsouRe aNDNEWS | scosoes | so orwAROS murray nsrorv oF wotu mou | Sees {OER Iinuttas TO RDA NOSPENSENGE) 2 | won |wra| ew | son | WORDMLTARY eTonru som | ean |e. 29OHY exrunyTowosiowaRt)” | arose | 2+ owwAROs > | rw [zane] ew | aac | ABED-ezoNOMCs Fon erence | coosor | ox-aroNEr faosinareoi Tuoi | | ayoeer_| 21 ownanDs TDELOUA RI DEFENCE TOURNALSN | oansnoe | coop ony INTRODUCTION TO JOURNALS ° osat | 24 0nLY + | ruc [aoe] ew | ran | Oncausarowsmaracenen or ["ieosne [10-2008 © [wen fava] ax | wo | raniowncscoumrvormon | eaves | osonnanos © | mow [as] an | sea ae ccosza | ce onnanos @ | ow [ane] an | eco aos eoszs | cx onanos DRLOUAPIPER. BASICS OF DEFENCE] som, | ceaovony HLL BASED SUBIECTV BASES OF tu [are] aw | asc | EoaMomesroncerenceim | osssrs | osonnanos ‘ Stnareoe sTubes NALD) : 4 | rue ferme} aw | an ‘oosont | 10-r90n su ens suse 0 2 | em sera] aw | am | waumarrmsrorrormont: |"oser | —aoomy Pa a owosas | oe-seomy boleh WORD MMITARY TORY! ee : am | ComurrscToNmesnint ae | ase | sow [ALLIED SUBJECTS HISTORY, ECONOMICS & DEFENCE STUDIES wo] ow oom] ex] 24] emorsorrounon [oom | e-aonr at | em Jono | aw | Zi | covermunow nsvonvorwon | Conor | 65-200K07 ww ‘tao 980-1 zoe | =1OWWAROS Bo pancmesorpounca, | araia | 09-2000 24 | sar foros am | 140) | scrncewroumen scence | ayrene | 21 oMNAROS fut ‘CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS He (co BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY : COIMBATORE - 641 046 | UG DEGREE EXAMINATIONS - DECEMBERIJANUARY - 2022/2023 ‘COURSE: BACHELOR OF LITERATURE (21L) BATCH: 2008 ORWARDS. acu one [onre | S| ‘wer ‘arcane [avon wom _| wawour 5 [er] mmm | we ono wae | ewowanos 5 |weo| av | mu | sxe | savastoonman fas iucaiee 8 | mu | 2an2] pw | SEA | NATTUPURAVIYAL (ELECTIVE) erage, — & [Mn coer | | see ae 710 JT ONWARDS 35 mea oonnanen | Ge | weacour 5 | nw Josor| ew | s2c | cesimmmnnooonanons | spa | vo-veomy mun] arownanos ele lee aie) nus | Howaros ORAL VARTA VARARRLINY| BDI ‘STIORALAL VARATZATI—|~599 | soccer zoe | eronwanoe nor | ceacnomy ‘aun | 19-s20nr once | eectwonty eis | oneosOMY weo| zara] ew | tao | T@azaavarwanun |_wt08_ | te-t9ow ParenDUM mo | mony away em a) Serbaates) | reo] ware] aw | eas sncanacavan vas [150m Twazensemozarrneuca | GH | roa rowy sw | ava | an | cea [rauverron serreoumerectve)| cause | osonwanos wow] aera] a [seo | nomuarauvan ieee | Sea | we ownanns ea ovoaca noomanas | Gtk | o#aqeouy mau | omy {son} av | eso | saamwomavanaany mae | mow rue | co01| a | 42 Jasouanoasrevarorynawuen) rw 220] 00 | ao | Steomatscammen | ‘008 | w-wour moe | mony wus | weacmouy we | omy © ae ea 2 | we|aur| av | 2x0 wwoaounen an | ony 2 |weo| ane] aw | 200] Tawmmanvanniann [eine | aoomr 2 Yes |ome) aw | es | ometpanenniAie) | 5} Sr ommanag FW: FORE NOON : 10.00 AM TO 04.00 PM, ANAFTER NOON :02.00PM TO 05.00°m fe ‘CONTROLLER OF EXANNINATIONS fc (COURSE: BACHELOR OF SOCIAL WORK (21) BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY : COIMBATORE - 641 046 UG DEGREE EXAMINATIONS - DECEMBERIJANUARY - 2022/2023 ‘BATCH: 2008 ONWARDS seu ony [onre SSS) ‘sunseer a coe | _ exten eer |rme] mse] aosremmmcane | SNe feu Soce Downe | HOH | aceon 8 [mon | 262 | en | szc SOCIETY AND ENVIRONMENT. peach ie ‘heme oecrons 2 |r| | [sn [amr soon snce aw | we [8 3 Jawon | asn2 | FN | 398 | COUNSELLING AND GUIDANCE eet eee 2 | nw] zor] mv | arc] *ne>-coumrerwoomce [see | mom arsana [= OWAAoe 2 ma] ee | sq | POAT Apr TOY + [ru [rane] eu | a0 | wrncoucnen roscoe work [zoster | arony cesnea [19M + | re] ane | aw | a uss socery sno | ORT arswea | arorer 2 ve ace casa | oe-r20Nr Mid - ‘AuueD: mown soci prostens [Soswoa | aoomy : wa) untae utey ‘renee | arom es [wen | rae] aw | SE ‘SEAT TESTATION case | coownanos| sal ecweeow vat [38 [soca worn nosrmals wi}ee | cumcusccarwor — | toma | 1-007 © |wep] ava] an | een (ELECTIVE) et eee TMA RESOURCE NAGE | Tae [ WOMARRDS Se ed ee som worcavnesearcnasocns| epsuns |on-1omy | 1 sera a | aan [Stance Seen woe resewrenastaiores | 3 w mee ceowna [oe -40ney 4 }won | tan2 | an | aan | ENTREPRENEURIAL DeveLopMenT | SSWO! | 15-78 ONLY 2 “ao | coumiren me orrGEAaTEuaTION swe [ob BONY Neouavacencer roameracs | eeonors | osaosomy pape a ‘or scouvtne TELUS Seen om Patent puowENTsor | noe | womanos| 2 | em| sie] an | 2a | weroosorsocut wore — asanr] mom 2 | rue | 20] a | ase | ms oncurs ano vevetcrnenr -assnee | mom rs STONES ol em lawn Women ano oevevopwenr | 98005 [08 i20M beta “2iswo6 [21 ONWARDS CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS fe BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY : COIMBATORE - 641.046 UG DEGREE EXAMINATIONS - DECEMBER/JANUARY - 2022/2023 {OURSE: SOCIOLOGY (218) BATCH: 2019 ONWARDS sem] ony | onre [98 $08 ‘sunt ‘ercove| _BAroH ‘on [cone SOCIAL GHANGE NO DeveLcruenT | aoevia | aDONLY (Rem SonIOLoer move | omy eee ws | wom a [rw] na] mv fam | soci cenocrarin zssvor_[aromvanos| csv [zr owwanos ‘AuieD-soom pewoorara® | were | iow 3 | mu | ame | ov | ae ‘oer | mow ‘ute soo stansncs 2 | oman Ae oy oremasarionserAinouR sve [ar ennros + | rx | 612] ev | rn] avtocucnontosoco.osy-1 | Zea | sour SSOBLOGEN TRONS 1 | weve | wow 1 | Fm | ane | FH | 184 Ln: SOCIAL PaYCHOLOGY mares | 20 Outy © [sar] ena ow | os | socutounae aro oeveroruenr | weve | wowunoe © [weo[awa| = [oc] oarsrenmmncenen | vases [eowanos ° a [een | eiecrve-sonns cenowrocoar | wove | womanos @ om [occ | azomve nconmwnorwent | sevae | wownanos| ° voi [eco | SESH STREREERS ass | wowmnnos | na | anna | a | cee vg HUN “ese [wownnos [won| cams | a | eo | ses coamnsryoaveiorwcnr | weve | wanna ~ Twowl anal an [22 [_sesecnweroowor | weve | wom | enemosocen | zero | mone 2 | rm) ira) a | 234 1 socscuoey oF Nom SOCIETY mf nor arse [onan 2 |rue|2e2| au | 20] soccccaca nieonesn | we | wow -A.ueo-socutskvinorotooy CONTROLER OF EXAMINATIONS Ye BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY : COIMBATORE -641 048 UG DEGREE EXAMINATIONS - DECEMBER/JANUARY - 202212023, [B.A ENGLISH LITERATURE WITH COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (217) an ees act] ony [oae 9] 6 sumsecr ercooe | exren ERS, | ce-trom ooencais | 08° TONLY 5 | sar] sma] en | 536 INDIAN WRITING BLENOLISH sapncaen | PHONY | ro | ae | ow Poem ‘eowwnnos| 5 [won | eur | ra] szo | °Sotathacaie Enalc — Booman Fooweaaeornrowuren — [-HEnot | arom Lot Gece caret ie ed TECHNOLOGY {ENCAGS | 10 ONWARDS: 3 | mau | aaa] pw | aan ALUSD “LITERARY FORMS swencarg | 16-19 ONLY mencaor | ONY Sata sHenenone | 1-1 OM ei enone | ONY ean | oewomy ey, [a womr saeneace | 200 SEES | w-trow rm| am] ru| in| sccunmorvoroeane mien | si | e-mour sora) an | eo Tan ons “aes Tom a, | reonanos “ace | owen G) cA | cmncameacioraucney | BSH, | wo coment OE amen) | aeaea | © BOUY won | as12 | av | se6 [Anwosconor coursrmneurensture| EN", | saison coursearveurennure euscrven | weneaar |] ONWARDS = (ELECTIVE R) eencaze | 08 ONWARDS: vox va] mow [PMR NRE] HE Tw ear = ‘acne SET a owane wy | zane | aw “TREE “ons (ELECTIVE) aencaso_| 08 ONWARDS paenose) | 08.08 ONLY won| am | | exo | measur cemosarare: | eves i penne! | Yo onwaRDS ny, [amour anes | t0-s1 ONLY ae | mow ears, | oa. wsomy su aa | | aan vay ete, | wou ee ee “COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH - soencaons | 10-1 ONLY samenee | 0e-11 ONLY SS" + | mane] | om | oomerggiounne | i siencare | 21 ONWARDS "AU FOREOGH? W605 TO; OF = [Ns APTER ON e240 To 800 ce contol Sr Bamarions ve BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY : COIMBATORE -641 046, UG DEGREE EXAMINATIONS - DECEMBERIJANUARY - 2022/2023 (COURSE: BA TOURISM & TRAVEL MANAGEMENT 21U) BATCH 5 [weo| wna] rw | aaa | noseraurvannneuenr Certs [stron CRE OPT SSH | corner | w-seouy TOURISM PUY AKO PLANING «| ase] on | eecrvecrrncernr [erm | or Tousunareense — | Tormne | mou ‘errwoe_| ONWARDS Layauace For commcsnion [izrTuor [-17=190aLy ‘Soren EnGuinroR TouNSN ZiT |—SoONET mown cuvrunaLenrace 1 ITM [r= eoney 3 | rm | sar] en | aaa aan zormo [OMY (a) ‘DPLONA CORE APPLIED MTOR 8 [wer | ne | ew | 65S | Power semvoe exaumaions | ‘saan’ | 0°-¢# ON SRULGASED SUBECTT PAPER T Jrereo aston ror cv Sesvce| erruoce | 10-18oNy EXANATIONS eee ee [ele rma | 790 ‘CRN ARDELATIONG sass Toe ae oar + | rue Jane | en | 190 pias oF TOU oe | em | are | en | say |iroRMAON comnecarioN ARO a ‘AUToMSTON: TALIED) ame TOUAITCENTRESINWDARD | cermes | corse a foen se an | een La aitoabceectven) a. score sovenrure ours | errs | rronwanos eee | stecrve-sociuocr — | sermwee | seonwanos ‘Salk BRSED SUOTECT TOPCO PAPER coumUTeRASRICATON | cATMGGS | co8OP ONY | multe] an | on) somtonawomacson [st | #-i00uy carn <4 4 fron] sara] an | ao | e00t0cy, enone AnD rome |_momy 4 [fama || eo arms [ a7-1900r ~ auto conrnui7 | o9-s60n Sku, SASED SUBLET PAPER Comntuwearveenouen | | Twas | «seo 2] rm Jere] an | 256 | econcencsorrounsy | Um | 7-Owy arm | _2oNy vorrwas | 08-120N¥ 2 | rm [awa | ar | dan | ORATION CORRS carn Ta [AUTOMATION WALLED) co om ‘CONTROLLER OF EXANANATIONS fc BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY : COIMBATORE -641 046, UG DEGREE EXAMINATIONS - DECEMBERIJANUARY - 2022/2023 ‘COURSE: &.COM CO-OPERATION (2Ae) ‘BATCH: 200¢ ONWARDS sess] sua sew]oav]oare [ESS] S05 ‘susvecr ‘ap cone] Baron coopemarvetaWs® T oacore | op-1somty DPLOMA I OFFICE Jarctimon atasue] crcoom | sacs ow “Sat BRED SIRIECT jusuceneNTmro™MAriON| 1200005 | seowaROS stmvceco-onmanes | ‘20008 | 1-200My zicoor | atonwanos: oe a fru] ana} ew | aac | cosraccourrne icoe | ar onwanos nem | _at-r0my oonotacsrecoNaMes! |r fe ‘souzsasen sussecri: | 1900008 | 9=i80M eecaauawr awa” [rcoon | 260m wenee Tarcoorr [2+ ONWARDS £0 - OPERATION rmmcerssorco. SL RO eine | mmm | wean pate lie ae. ‘410001 11-19 0NLY [BUSINESS ORGANISATION & | 160003 20 080LY_ erestazanie «= | non frolowe fom | om | AeRSRERTS [cc | manor a ace | | ost leecemaninones ese cates rch etme | Sr REE oe | womncs a | (a ene eco ceca | ax Seo aear i me canes | cal OG on ee FUNDAMENTALS OF 4 em) so] av | azo | “Funoniewatsor | secon | 10. 130m “Spenumonsmmon | 18000 | 38-z00my 2c008 | 21 onwanos econ | mowy MeNAEMENT (ALIED) 1: FORE noon: 108020 TOON 0pm JO APERoOn 0280 TO O80 as ‘CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS ie BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY : COIMBATORE -644 045, UG DEGREE EXAMINATIONS - DECEMBERIJANUARY- 2022/2023 (COURSE: COM CORPORATE SECRETARYSHIP ZAR) BATCH: 2008 ONWARDS focscau | 20K feeeee, | anaovonr anon) (682, | ce-tpomy sea) clgemvercen jacana oar 3 | ru | rsa] ov | aan | eovncn secounras (282 [wo ae oa 2 | ru Jaana} ew | se jrcocasa Em, | atowmnsos ole (aut) [reso [7-80 ee | fewaos i crreznonmesrnon resort | “ar owmaRDS rena] rw | ran | emvcwsaccounma: PEST zoom saaucenaseconoues 7098 sony, ulensuProRTNe cee 2roMY weo| wre] av fon] Reuse Neca | co ownanos a oo fess | reomanos we laure] on [5] tects, SESE, | cvcmnnnos won ara] aw [oc] — «reweert, — evcsar | ceaosomy [eteme (Stsines’ _fiocscroe |e ‘wen |aunal av SEX —Stztve-cooosme —hoesea —1 5 onnnane so | “sernecsratonffcacane ee oe sox faa, an [Sz] OBESE [Re ao rw [amma] an [82 | nerve" fsesonae = fees, | onseronr gorrmnesscraome [rescas | 7-WORY a feces | —to-seone “TL rue [anal on | wo feces | e-reomy fcsre mouy 4 | em fone) ae | are frcor | -seomy ‘tussonve” ecsca | 208Y eumisriansirmeren fecscnrs | O84 smuzassro saccrw |igcscapce | _'9-18oMY crea emens, Sess} — presoe | sr own es pees | e-seomr neigewornsor frcsm | c-tour wre ecmiooy fesoe | 21 onnanos Ne FUSFORE NOON: 1090 AN TOOt20 PHL 2NCAFTERNOOK 6200 PATO 0:20 © hed ‘couroun oF oanuaTIONS BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY : COIMBATORE -641 048, UG DEGREE EXAMINATIONS - DECEMBERIJANUARY - 2022/2023 ‘COURSE: &.COM CORPORATE SECRETARYSHIP WITH BATCH: 2008 ONWARDS [COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (20). sa | mow 5 | mow | anna | rw | 2" Seecrtna,——_[esescare ccitileine REET — Taran fecscae | mou csc | zoouy fscacanas | onacsony | swe | cone | on | sxc | RE ts Nesom | es wor foscanora| som a oo 3 | awe | aan | | a8 preecaee } Tey (ar an 4 rue | aa | | anc | mesg sa, | won Er | aromas CRED REST [tscscaoot | as 1eomy — [216SCAD10_| 21 ONWARDS. ey [_arowe fcsou | “Teo rue | awe | rv | 120] susmessuanscenenr fc 20ONLY eeu [som sat | ta | an | oa CORPORATE LAWS yoscscaae enon, wo [ama] [oo | Recorns, SEL, | ovcmane rw [ame [an foc | gman [Se [e-em weo | au | mx | 8 | cocosmosenvces mxeen ['S9. | wwownanos |e ‘elects noscanr_ | OPONNAROS su paso sunsecr/petonn [oe ee feesoer | weomanos rans! |racsCa08 wou fr | ax | a0 an Screen necitts Naeger} ons «| em | oma] a|co | svmgisganenes fcr facscae | 200r ‘Srrecrouestnanon "PRES | onagwomy frcscam | ce-scomy presen, | sr-t90my 2 | we | ama | av] x0 | wmeponsinucston lscscace | onaoeomy Sees | _20ur fcscacs | ar owmanos ‘AU-AFTERNOON 0200 PTO 0820 Pe courrousn oF SaimUATIONS Ve

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