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Time allowed: 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 80


1– (b) Failure and success can affect your emotions

2 – (b) Optimistic
3 – (d) Falling Down and Getting Up
4 – (d) Her grit never made her give up.
5– (b) work hard
6 – (b) It quietens the noise of fears and doubts
7 – (b) Failure can deeply affect our emotions
8 – (b) Knowing oneself and others
9 – (a) Thomas Edison
10 – (c) Through mindfulness we can overcome the negative impact of failure


1.b Ignorance
2.a. Affect people in Asia
3.c. Cases are under-reported
4.b. Dengue is being tested and reported in vast numbers
5.d. 2019
6b. Dengue vaccine works effectively on people who haven‘t been infected before
7.a Disease regularly found in people of a certain area
8.d Increased 8 times in the last twenty years
9.d Spread of Dengue and directions on the use of vaccine
10.a. In country where dengue is wide-spread
1. If he ever thought
2. had invented
3. c) has been exercising
4. b) should
5. d) The renowned magazine announced that it would issue an astrology section in its magazine soon.
6. receive received
7. c) Some
8. d) Was baking
9. b) Need not
10. b) Should
11. c) Little
12. a) is


1. LETTER Format – 1 Content -2 Organisation of ideas -1 Accuracy 1 Format Sender’s address, Date, Receiver’s
address, Subject and Salutation/ Salutation and Subject,Letter, Complimentary close (largely accepted -Yours truly–
editor&Yours sincerely- formal /business)



Content -2 Organisation of ideas -2 Accuracy 1

NOTE FOR GIVEN DESCRIPTORS---Dedicated marks at a level are to be awarded only if ALL descriptors match. If one or
more descriptors do not match, the marks are awarded at a level lower.


1 Passage 1

1 Natalya Stepanova

2 Oxen Meadows

3 a) threshing machine

4 b) impudent

5 nomads/ free spirited person/traveller


1 The other aeroplane and its pilot.

2 because he had saved him from the frightening situation in which he could have got lost.

3 c) the name of the plane the pilot had been flying.

4 b) landed

5 The Black Aeroplane / Two Stories about Flying

2 Passage 2

1 b) How to tell wild animals

2 c) nonplus

3 smile

4 crocodile tears

5 c) while swallowing its prey


1 Robin Klein

2 c) unhappy and frustrated with her surroundings

3 a) her mother

4 because of her mother never ending instructions

5 b) mothers nags her which is affecting Amanda’s personality

3 Answer any 4 questions in 40-50 words.

i) Valli had paid for the bus fare just like the other passengers and so wanted to be treated at par with them Moreover
she had earned the bus fare by saving the free penny which came her way and resisting temptation for months . This
money meant a whole fortune to her which gave her the confidence to even get onto the bus without taking help from
the conductor.

ii) Buddha compares that's to an ox being taken for slaughter to show how helpless man is in front of death. One should
accept this reality because no matter how strong you are when the time comes you face the same fate. Resistance does
not help, only acceptance is the way forward. The word is afflicted with death and decay, therefore the wise do not grieve
knowing the terms of this mortal life.

iii) Visitors keep away from Coorg during the monsoon season because it rains heavily and continuously for days together.
They know that they will not be able to enjoy its scenic beauty nor indulge in outdoor activities like trekking and
adventure sports. It pours down discourages the

iv) The image created is of a strong opponent attacking a week one. The poet wishes to convey how Custard the dragon
jumped at the pirate who was attacking Belinda just like a bird would attack a worm. It shows the pirate was completely
over powered by Custard. It also reflects the strength custard possessed that he had never exhibited in front of his

v) The mermaid in the poem is Amanda herself. She wishes to drift blissfully and relax in the emerald sea, alone without
being checked or controlled by anyone, especially her nagging mother. It is an expression of her desire to be free. Her
wish is an outcome of the frustration she undergoes every day because of her mother who nags her constantly to control
her life.

4 Answer any 4 questions in 40-50 words.

i) Ebright was just 15 years old when his paper was published in a famous scientific journal that is why the writer
compares the publication of a Ebright paper to hitting a home run while getting for the first time . Hitting the home run
is a big deal in the game of a baseball, so was getting a piece of work done in a scientific journal at the age of 15 . That
is the reason the comparison between two achievements, in the field of academics and the other in the field of sports
has connection and appears to be perfect.
ii) Children, overall are the same and have similar approach towards life . They are innocent , simple and carefree and
hold no grudges against anyone.But when we come across Valli and Bholi they both appear to be different . Valli is
intelligent, independent and mature for her age .She is bold and confident and no one can dare walk over her. On the
other hand Bholi is backward child, timid, lacks confidence, stammers and is too afraid to speak . It depends on what
kind of atmosphere a child gets. The upbringing shapes a child personality. Hence the difference between Valli and
iii) When Loisel gave Madam Loisel the invitation for the ball he thought it would make her happy but instead of
feeling elated she became angry and threw the invitations spitefully upon the table , She did not feel delighted at all as
she felt she would feel out of place at the elitist ball as she did not have an expensive dress to wear befitting the
occasion. The husband had hoped that the invitation would bring her an opportunity to go out and enjoy but madam
Loisel found a reason to complain even for the invite write as well.
Answer any 4 questions in 100-120 words.

1 The chapter gives a peep into India which gave precedence to spirituality over materialism and surrendering all
selfishness for overcoming pain and suffering. Siddhartha , a Prince leaves all the worldly pleasures behind to seek
enlightenment.Meditation takes him on a journey that reveals to him the reason for human suffering . The chapter also

highlights the respect which seers earned in the India of the past. Wisdom was shared and spread amongst the masses
through sermons by enlightened seers. Moreover knowledge was not just theoretical rather based on logic and personal
experience. For example Buddha made Kisa Gautami experience a truth that pain and suffering are common to all by
making her get a handful of mustard seeds from a family which had not lost a dear and near one. The lesson elucidates the
facts of life and the way saints and seers were revereders who revered in ancient India.


There are 3 symbols that represent nature in Frost’s poem Dust of Snow, dust of snow, the hemlock tree and the crow
.Each of the used symbols is considered in auspicious. Crow because of its colour and appearance the tree because of its
poisonous nature and the snow as symbol of hardships. The poet had presented these negative symbols with positivity
and hope. Though the poet is in gloomy mood yet the contact with some dust of snow transforms his mood and brings
in a joyous moment for the poet to experience .Snow happens to drop upon the poet as a crow flutters away from the
hemlock tree .This action dispels the darkness of disappointment and pessimism and makes the poet full of mirth and
optimism. By replacing the negativity associated with these 3 symbols with positive implications, Frost conveys a
beautiful message. not to feel dejected because of the difficulties of life sometimes what happens to be inauspicious
may turn out to be fortunate and spread happiness.

Griffin was an eccentric scientist who was adamant to achieve success on how to make human body invisible he carried
out one experiment after another to prove what he believed in and eventually discovered how to make the human body
transparent finally he swallowed certain rare drugs and he himself become an as transparent as a sheet of glass as he
achieved success in his mission instead of using it for the welfare of the human race he misused it and trouble people in
the process his appearance was also abnormal overdressed and all his body parts covered unduly as a human being he
was rude and egoistic earning for solitude he did not want to be disturbed by anyone undoubtedly he was a brilliant
scientist but he used his discovery to carry out his misdeeds he was not allow abiding person he stole money from the
clergy ments house hit people terrified them and set the landlord house on fire with empathy compassion and kindness
towards people he could have been a better person with the hint of modesty and sense of social responsibility he would
have won the hearts of people and lived peacefully and river reverentially


Anne Frank talks a lot in the class- gets punished by her maths teacher He asks her to write essays as punishment -
learning in disguise because he wanted her to focus on studies cannot blame the teacher for the punishment as he did it
for the development of Anne.
The teacher student relationship is very respectful and sacred.
It is about discipline and classroom manners which are essential for every student as well as teacher- or else both
teaching and learning could hamper.
This relationship is clearly shown in Mr Keesing and Anne Frank actions as they both try to joke with each other but in
very humorous and healthy manner.
healthy relationship is needed everywhere in the class for effective teaching and learning

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