Andrew Tate's LEGENDARY Motivational Speech To Adin Ross - İngilizce (Otomatik Olarak Oluşturuldu)

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i've always been rich but i'm not just rich because of money you have to

understand i'm rich because of a bunch of things that money cannot buy

like i know there's people with lots of money but they don't have the network i

have they don't have the brotherhood i have

just sitting with my boys knowing that if it comes to if it's if if the bullets

start flying me and my ten friends we all die or no one dies

having that brotherhood having women who would literally

you could go to jail for 10 years and they would wait for you

they exist for you and only you completely and utterly you are their

entire universe like having physicality walking through

the world bigger and stronger than everyone else having all those

professional fights having and all the bad things having the

trauma all the pain all the i've been through you ain't a good man

if you haven't had trauma a man without trauma is a weakling

andrew i've been stabbed with a knife before

congratulate good finally something admirable

show me i got eight stitches it was in my sleep

good good see now now that's what i like to hear

so that's what i love to hear because as a man you need things that almost kill

you and don't kill you so i'm rich not because of money i'm rich because i've

been through a whole bunch of like i don't see anyone else on the planet

richer than me because they're either too old or their life's been too easy

like i have a i've had a very very unique life very very eclectic life

i was born with the best possible start a man can have which is good parents and

no money i've made all of my money completely

myself the hard way none of this internet twitch

easy i've got it hard well what did you say and would you say like so like

you don't think any like social media like logan paul ksi like

like you don't think like any like the top dogs like they've they've worked

hard to be where they're at they've worked hard but it's not coal
mine is it youtube videos but i actually have i have respect for the for

the paul brothers because they fight now they don't have to fight right they're

gonna have to yeah exactly and they're doing it anyway they're

making life hard for themselves i have to respect men who decide to do that

because they could just take their money and just be jackasses and

instead they're fighting so i respect them for that i'm not saying that

everyone can do it i know it's competitive et cetera but it's not it's

not a it's not a coal mine do you see one do you see me ever boxing

i mean you can you can get in the ring anytime you decide whether you win or

not is a different story right gotcha yeah yeah for sure

but it takes dedication it doesn't take motivation it takes dedication you can't

be motivated to put yourself through hell all the time you have to be

disciplined 100 dedicated 100 different but um yeah i i'm one of the richest man

on the planet because of all the things i have that money cannot buy my money's

nothing right money is easy like once you're past

10 10 mil let's say there ain't nothing to buy

it's like what are you really gonna buy it's like in gta when you like do like

like you have like the money and you did all missions like you're done you know

what i mean yeah like once you have okay 10 ml is

too low because i have i have 10 ml of cars but let's and then a nice house

blah blah blah let's say 20 30 mil whatever there ain't nothing to buy i

mean how many diamond watches do you need three exactly

yeah it gets pissed you know so there ain't nothing to buy so at that point

it's just collecting money for this is your most is your most expensive uh uh

is your most expensive asset your uh jet your private jet

no [Music]

i i have some land and some houses that cost more oh okay

okay but but the the point is is that

once you get money that's fine but then you're gonna i believe money is an
amplifier i don't believe money changes i think it amplifies so if you're a dork

and you get incredibly wealthy you become a mega dork

whereas if you're a g and you get incredibly wealthy you become a mega g

so i'll give an example amplifies your status

it doesn't change who you are amplifies who you are if you see a lamborghini

pull up and a little nerd gets out you think oh super tech nerd

probably invented stripe or something he's a nerd whereas if you see a lambo

pull up and a big strong bald whatever crazy dude gets out you think

okay he's a drug dealer he's a mafia boss the lambo doesn't change what you

think it amplifies who the person is money is an amplifier it doesn't change

so i'm very i'm very fortunate i'm very happy that i was poor for a long time

because i never would have been able to learn the lessons i've learned if i was

rich i wouldn't have been able to take those risks i would have never been able

to be in those situations i've been stabbed just like you i'll show you my

scar so i would never been able to put put

been put through hell if i had money so i'm very glad i was poor for a very long

time and the reason i'm the richest person on the planet is not because of

the amount of money i have is because of all the that happened to me when i

was poor that's when i became top g it's only

when i became rich that people start to pay attention so you are you are more

wealthy wealthy than elon musk and jeff bezos

go for i wouldn't swap lives of them no like i respect elon i

want him to buy twitter don't know why i stopped

should have carried on anyway i love they're great guys whatever i don't know

them who cares point is i wouldn't want to be that

like everyone wants to be me i'm top g for a reason

i've got it all i've got every single gift that god can give

plus all the gifts you can make yourself and i state that without arrogance i

don't mean to be arrogant but i am a realist and as a realist it would be

absolutely unprofessional for me to sit here and pretend i am not an exceptional

human being because i am

and a lot of those things i did myself and some of them were god given but the

ones that weren't god given was because i put myself through hell i put myself

through hell because i decided to throw comfort away for 10 years of my life i

was never comfortable never for a second isn't that they say

like the best like when you're uncomfortable it's like the best

because you like i don't know how to put in words but

you're you're good with your words

yeah that's what i'm trying to say yeah you're you're sitting here on twitch i'm

comfortable i'm not gonna lie to you you're comfortable right i am if you

were born if you were born 100 years ago and it was the 1920s you'd be in some

ditch in northern france living in the mud hoping not to get killed by

a random sniper and some war you barely understand for four years

then you come home and hope your wife hasn't been bombed

yo but that's the work that's the world the

world has become it's exceptionally easy for a lot of men it used to be a

different different place most men were crad and fodder most of us would have

ended up in wars dying for no reason

now we don't have to do that so because we don't have to do that men

think it's okay to just become comfortable now you're not supposed to

be comfortable you're never evolved to be comfortable you're supposed to be

uncomfortable right and if you find make yourself uncomfortable constructively

it's very easy to be anything you want you talk about gta grand theft auto i

know the game i used to play the old one on the playstation one when i was a

child what's wrong i haven't played anything which one you talk about yes

very first one 23 yeah oh the very very very very first

one like 1994. okay

but i don't i've never played any of those games but i find it amazing that

people will sit there and spend all their time upgrading that character
making as much money as they can getting the best guns getting strong getting

some hoes meeting important people getting the best car they'll do all that

in a game but they won't do it in real life i find that incredible like my life

is gta i don't need to play a game for gta if i want a gun i'll buy it

i want a car i'll buy i want or gear it's me i am gta

i don't see why people play the games they play the games because they're

scared of loss because if you die in the game you get another chance if you lose

in the game you get another chance in life you get one shot damn that's but if

you get some balls if you get some balls that's what life is is a game that's

what life is as a man this is one big video game you get to upgrade your

character you're not born with any value all these women that you just put me on

with are born with value they're pretty already they're gorgeous already they're

good-looking enough even if they're a five someone's going to give a they

exist because someone wants to them as a man if you don't make yourself

valuable you have no value you have to get up and do it just like a video game

you start with zero you have to decide if you want to completely upgrade

your character so i find it amazing that men are going to play video games and

about and waste their time instead of upgrading their character everyone

knows what to do you know what you have to do you're right if you hadn't become

the most dangerous intelligent respectable man on the planet you know

you're supposed to go to the gym you know you're supposed to train learn how

to fight you know you know all these things you don't do them that's your

that's your decision it's your prerogative i didn't i didn't make that

choice i made the choice to do it all i decided all of that and every single

man watching this can do the exact same thing which is why i have very little p

when i when i do these streams and people think i'm arrogant or i'm rude to

people or even to you earlier when i was making jokes and i've been joking with

the girls saying yeah

of course and i know we're only joking right

but the point is that's a conscious decision you made i would never make fun
of someone who hasn't got a choice i wouldn't make fun of someone born with

one i have a choice though but if you if you've made a decision

to be less than you should be then i believe you should be mocked for

that decision yeah because like you're not living up

to your full potential like it's your choice to basically not live up to your

full potential completely and me as a man when i put

myself through hell when i have had such exacting such

stringent standards for myself why would i then have less exacting

stringent standards on the people i meet why would i put myself through hell to

be me and then meet someone who didn't put themselves to hell and then treat

them like my equal no you i suffered when you didn't so you're not

my equal because you decided not to suffer you have enjoyed comfort when i

haven't and that's fine but don't expect me to look at you as my equal because

you're not i'll snap your neck and just the world and you i have like a

lot of friends around me they're like good friends looking around like they're

real friends but like they're they're incredibly like

like lazy and they're and they have so much potential like they can be big they

could be getting rich all this bro but like they choose not to

so but it's really hard because i love them they're my friends and i came up

with these guys and they're so entertaining i love them

they're my brothers but like

i understand but you have to but there's something that's very

always kind of confused me when i tell people that you are the sum

of the five people you spend the most time with everyone agrees they go yeah

that's probably true the people the five people you spend the most time with

that's what you're gonna end up like they say yeah that's true

and then they continue to hang around with people who they don't want to be

why you have there has to be a point there

has to be a point where you sit and go okay you're my friends etcetera etcetera
i love you guys yeah we can talk whatever but i want a different life

path you have to leave some people behind

you wouldn't want to be if you were to come hang out with me and you were in a

room with me and my five friends you'd feel you'd feel self-conscious you're

right you don't feel so with your friends because you only so you don't

you only you only surround yourself around people that are on like your

level of like with viewers i'm with killers we're monsters

if you were to come hang around with me and my crew you would be self-conscious

and that self-consciousness would motivate you or they would certainly

instill the discipline required for you to change you don't feel self-conscious

amongst your peers that's why you don't change

if you were to get in a room and you're the only person who ain't a

monster you'd want to become a monster that's life that's humanity so i say

this to people all the time if you know you're the some of the five people you

hang around with why are you hanging around people you don't want to be no

it's true bro i'm gonna tell you why right i was um

do you know who i show speed is no

uh he's this other creator that's like like obviously like in my in my space i

i was staying with him in september and like i would literally like be all

my every day like grinding like at what i'm grinding right

and like when he left

i had like no one around me to basically like kind of like oh my oh like like

so i did it yeah i

and and that's why i live in a competitive environment i live with my

brother my cousin i live with men we have a big house like we could all

afford 10 houses each we live together on purpose if my brother does

500 push-ups i'm going to be the of the house i'm going to not do them

right right so that that's another reason the war

room exists my organization the reason it's so competitive the reason we kick

people out you have to fight to keep even even if they pay you're like i
don't give a get out like get out

it doesn't matter everyone pays to join you get kicked out anyway you have to

fight to keep your place that's the whole damn

that's because that's how life was if we were still in the animal kingdom

the lions that you see on tv they weren't just born big lions they had to

fight other lions they had to fight to get that antelope they had to fight

other animals hyenas jackals they had to fight to be the boss

we live in a comfortable world now where people think ah it doesn't matter it

doesn't matter but you know what to some degree it does matter it does

matter and i'll tell you who it matters to it matters to your soul and it

matters to god i stand in the mirror with a pure heart

i know i am the best version of me that could possibly ever exist i know that

god is proud of me there's nothing that god hates more than sloth and laziness

if god were to create a man and that man were to sit around and do all god

will frown upon you it's why you're never lucky if you're listening to this

and you think i'm never lucky i'll tell you why because god dislikes you because

you're lazy start to work start to show god the beauty of his own

creations you'll be amazed how lucky you'll become

god is unhappy with these people and inside their hearts they're unhappy

we talk about depression anxiety all those things you mentioned earlier on

this podcast that comes from self-loathing you loathe your own

weakness you load your own laziness this is what all of these things are i don't

feel depression how can i feel depression when i'm the most powerful

version of me that i could ever be how can i feel depression when i

could squeeze my own hand hard enough to break my own bones how can i feel

depression when i've smashed and destroyed 68 people's faces in front of

me men who thought they could test me in fair combat how can i feel depressed

it's impossible do you understand bro you got like the

best mentality like brain like ethic i've ever seen in my life
what the everything you're saying is just like

that you've said is literally facts i agree with like 100 of everything so why

why do we okay here's another question do you have you do do you notice that

like human beings naturally we don't care about things until it's gone like

we don't appreciate we have until it's gone you know that you know what i'm

trying to say like appreciation right why is that why do you think that and do

you do you feel that way like are you very grateful you appreciate what you

have like you know how to speak on that yeah that's that's a mental trick you

have to rewire your brain that's one of the things you have to

rewire your brain to do and the reason your brain needs to be

rewired is because anyone who is watching this stream below the age of 30

your brain is already broken and i'll tell you it's broken i'll tell

you why watch your friends when they're on tick

tock how long can they even focus on a video

before they have to change half a second a second maybe

all of your minds are broken you can't even focus on anything anymore you're

right you are called distracted to the point where you can't

even appreciate the good things in your life

you're distracted your minds are broken you need to rewire your mind and resist

the slave programming how they approach i'll tell you how first thing you have

to do is identify it you have to identify what is happening to you

i use my mind to break the trap

what i do is i allow my enemy to manipulate me

on purpose and then i use my mind to break the trap

and punish the perpetrators i will sit on tick-tock for a day

and i'll just enjoy tick-tock and by the end of the day i'll watch myself how

how quickly i'm looking to be entertained how little time i give a

video how up i am and then i'll blink and i'll cure my brain

you must allow yourself to be manipulated and you must fix it all of

it you just talked about not appreciating the things you have then
blink and cure your brain it's a it's a conscious decision

you're letting other people control your mind all distraction

the matrix is trying to control your mind they're very good at it

that's what they do to control all of us you have to break the trap if you cannot

control your own mind let me make this this point because it's

extremely important if you cannot control your own mind then

you are just a feather in the wind of life

because your own mind is the only thing you can control you can't control the

weather right you can't control people you can't even control whether your

heart stops beating you might have a heart attack tomorrow you can't control

anything besides what you think if you cannot control your own mind then you go

through life with zero control zero influence you can't control

anything you're just a feather in the wind waiting for life to blow you from

happy place to sad place to happy place to sad place completely hoping on the

gods to be fortunate to you because if any genuine discomfort comes your way

you're it is trained like everything else in

life it is trained so if you find yourself not appreciating what you have

until it's gone then you must blink and cure your brain if you find yourself

unable to focus or concentrate on tasks you must blink and cure your brain if

you find yourself unable to go and dedicate yourself to something you don't

want to do you must blink and cure your brain because

all of our minds have been under constant assault for years

the genu the way the mind functions the way people interact has changed so

significantly in the last 10 years you wouldn't believe

if you go to a party today as opposed to a party ten years ago they look

completely different people are acting differently people are on their phones

now than ever used to be even now people will go to places only to get an

instagram picture even if they don't enjoy the place wow it's all about

pretending they're having fun as opposed to actually having fun the entire
paradigm of society and how we interact has now changed

every single thing in the world is attempting to influence you

i'll give another paradigm that people need to understand

i ask people people have these beliefs doesn't matter what their belief is it

doesn't matter they believe in something i say where did you get that belief from

and they don't know oh well it's just how it's supposed to

be we're just supposed to wear a mask whatever it is right

where did you get that belief who told you that and does that person have your

best interests at heart think about it think about all the

things you truly believe think where you learn it and think if that person

actually gives a about you because the only thing you should be

learning from his personal experience are people who genuinely care about you

and love you most people are out here believing things and repeating things

that were told to them by people who don't even like them by their

enemies everyone's mind is fundamentally

all of it look at me i'm a guy who decided to conquer social

media i blinked i cured my brain i used basic into fatigability i use

perspicacity i used compendiousness i used my mind and i focused and i

conquered the world in a few short months it's not difficult there's just

no competition because everybody's distracted they're getting

distracted by this distracted by that watching netflix jerking off to

pornhub like jackasses it's so easy to win

if you can control your own mind but it seems that nobody can

and that's how the people who run the world keep the world running because

they have all the slaves exactly where they need them to be permanently

distracted and semi-depressed working their asses off in jobs which will never

satisfy them and never pay enough money that's the matrix it's a cycle it's a

cycle like it's like it's a it's a repeating cycle like people like get

caught in it too and the problem is two schools schools like don't really teach

the best things i feel like schools are designed to make you a slave
you're set up for slavery whole thing's a scam the education system's a

scam the judicial system's a scam the medical system is a scam look at these

last few years you're living in canada you haven't learned that everything's a

scam all of it oh but don't worry if things don't go my way i'll get

to go to court and have my say in court yeah that's fair we learned that that

doesn't mean a thing the law doesn't mean a thing your rights don't

mean a thing it's all a scam the only hope you have is to cure your brain

see the attacks which are coming from from the matrix get a strong network of

individuals such as the war room and then learn how to escape

most people are so deep inside of their programming what did morpheus say in the

matrix most people are so hopelessly dependent on the system they will die

and fight to defend it most people will sit here and pretend that the world they

live in is just unfair because they are slaves slave-minded and to break

the slave mind to truly resist the programming you have to understand

what's happening to you and this is only the beginning i could talk about this

for hours and hours and hours but the basic answer to everything is

you must control your mind wow mind control

damn bro what the i feel like i'm a changed man talking you it's crazy

good because i know you will change for the better and you can be absolutely

anything you want to be i'll tell you something man if i was 21 like you and i

had your money and your influence when i was 21 i couldn't even eat i was

effectively homeless jesus and i still managed i still managed to become a

world champion kickboxer without food if i was you with your setup right now i

could be anyone i wanted you can be king of earth you have every single

thing except for mind control you're the last missing piece and you can conquer

the planet wow so i can conquer the planet

i mean do you see the potential of me

yeah i do see the potential in you but there's potential inside of every this

is this is what the beautiful thing about being a man is right because being
a man is difficult it's so much harder than being a woman being a man is hard

mode but just like you play the video game on hard mode when you win you get a

higher score there is no better existence than a

top-tier male being a woman would suck

i don't mean that i don't mean that in a horrible way i

mean that there's no conquest you don't conquer you're born with value and by

the time you're 27 year old and you have some kids great good that's a woman's

path fine but you don't get to conquer the world yeah but like getting on but

there's been but there but there's been but to be fair there has been

accomplishments like that women have done that have been like superior to in

history they can accomplish things but

the true the true importance of being a woman is procreation

do i'll be honest with you let's let's talk about this now wait wait wait

really quick dude my bladder is literally going to explode

please let me pee you could just say whatever you want to my stream whatever

the you want give me 20 seconds i won't even wash my hands

all right cool i'll wait for you bro i'll read the chat

i'm gonna read the chat

a lot of guys are asking me how you get rich i'll tell you how you get rich you

go to and you join hustlers university i have a school that teaches

people how to make money online with 18 modern wealth creation methods

if you have the money now then you join the war room between those two programs

i can make anybody who's prepared to work rich i cannot make lazy people rich

i cannot make quitters rich but i can make people who are prepared to work

rich it doesn't matter if you're in nairobi with nothing i can teach anyone

how to make money anybody it's really actually easy i can teach anybody how to

make money but you cannot be a quitter and you

can't be lazy so if you look in the mirror and say i'm a dedicated hard

working person i'm not a quitter and i'm not lazy then you can make money cobra hustlers university or the war room between those two programs you can
conquer earth just like i have it's not complicated i'll tell you exactly how to

do it if you're not a quitter and if you're

not lazy if you're prepared to follow instruction if you're prepared to

dedicate yourself for six solid months six months out of your life and you'll

be fine that's the answer to that question yo aiden what's up bro uh uh

the girls like they're like pressing my they want to know if they should

just leave or i think they're gonna angel i think we're done with the girls

yeah okay yeah um andrew


for all like everyone's just gonna call me a dick sucker i hate that i hate how

showing love and praising and giving flowers now it's dick sucking on the

internet i hate it the internet's turned into such a up place

the internet is a up place yeah it brings out the best and the worst

with humanity yeah exactly what you said it's the best

and the worst it's like it has its pros and it's cons for sure

completely but all in all it's changed the world and it's here to stay

but um i mean i get i get hate all the time i get canceled twice a day that's

why i was joking earlier about it i didn't give a

i don't care at all i can't explain how much it doesn't bother me wait i find it

wrong you actually get a hell of a do you actually a hell of hate

uh nowadays most people understand my genius so not so much but i get the odd

you know the odd whose mind is not capable of understanding

the the the things i say and they're they're limited by the matrix

programming and they'll come at me and say i'm going to call you an uh

misogynist and you're going to have to say sorry and they're very disappointed

when i don't give a solitary right right right right

damn nah i i just think i think that uh the way you you

sometimes you you you address i could see how people are like whoa you

know like point of fingers and but i think if they have an actual
intellectual deep conversation with you you mean no harm i feel like and i feel

like you just you're just very direct and you you

don't really have any uh filter

i yeah i don't see i don't see how filter aids so i don't bother yeah like

yeah no i feel i feel you on that um i don't have to have one so i don't have

one but all in all i'm i mean the best for people i want everyone to be

successful i want the world to be a better place and i think the world's a

better place based on the back of strong men who stand up for what they believe

in i think that's how the world's always been a better place the matrix

programming says the opposite but what did i say earlier about what who is

telling us who is giving us these ideas and do they care about us they're

telling us that to be a better place all the men need to be weaklings and

compassionate without any morals or without any

hard lines or beliefs and they must talk in a very very

soft way and we need to be very very compassionate and very very tolerant and

all these things but if you look at history the only times things were

peaceful and nice is when strong men stood up with their swords and said no

this is mine and this works this way and no one's going to come with it i

think that masculinity and strength is what makes things beautiful is what

preserves things and that's what we need more of this is what's missing from the

world all of the problems in the world today could be solved by men of honor of

honor not doing bad things men of honor standing up and saying no this is wrong

that could fix a lot but nobody seems to want to do it because they're too busy

being distracted distracted by the matrix depressed andrew people who have

addiction whether it's drugs alcohol

whatever it is do they do you recommend that people to stop their addiction do

they do they uh cut it cold turkey or do they

slowly um stop it ease off it

it's a good question it's difficult right because there's a

lot of personal circumstances involved and just different addictions do

different things etc i i don't know i i

i can't imagine truly wanting to quit something and not

being able to quit like i could quit cigars today like it wouldn't even

plague my mind like if i wanted to quit i'd quit i i

can't imagine a mind frame or a mindset where i want to do something and can't

do it right so it's it's it's almost difficult for me to answer that question

because if you have that kind of mind if your mind is so fundamentally broken

that you cannot do with your own mind what you want to do right

you know like that then you're then you're just right life is

hierarchical there's always going to be kings and there's always going to be

peasants if you have a mind that you can't control then you're never going to

be a king you're going to be a peasant that's your life you have a peasant's

life ahead of you and that's your that's your destiny enjoy right there's always

been peasants that's life but i i believe that i mean the most important

thing you can do as a man is to gain control of your own is to

gain control of your mind once you have control of your mind life is so

ridiculously easy it's it's so ridiculously easy it's so

easy to be in people say to me tate you're in good shape all you do is drink

vodka and travel the world you're never even home you never even have a gym how

do you do it it's ridiculously easy if you control your mind

if i decide to do a thousand push-ups i'll do them maybe i have to do one at a

time maybe i'll get tired maybe i need a break i'm gonna do a thousand cause i

said i'm gonna do a thousand it's not hard everyone knows what they're

supposed to do once you control your mind it's easy

right getting over a breakup with that you miss that girl you're upset

you miss her with all your heart did it but once you realize she's gone if you

control your mind she's gone now she's gone now i'm gonna miss her that's

a shame off to the gym but like

you either control your mind or you don't

and and this all of these things stem from the same problem

it's something you can do it's something that is learned it's something that is

taught but it's it's something that i needed to

survive so for me it's easy right it's all i've ever known but people have like

now they don't need it to survive so they never develop the skill that's just

how it works at the end of world war ii when men seen scene when men went to

europe and saw unspeakable horrors at the end of world war ii did they all

come home and need therapy or do they all come home and get back to life get

back to life because because that was everyone was

taught to have a mind that they controlled because they needed it to

survive there's no one else that's how life worked back then

now imagine there was a war that big imagine the therapy the fallout

the no one would be able to just go back in and

don't i'm not saying they didn't see bad things i'm not saying it's not hard it's

horrible but that's just how that's how it works

that's life like i've seen like uh we've all had our trauma you have to get

through it you need to let it destroy you or let it build you have you ever

been in love before completely

i believe in love i believe in love i believe in men and women being in love i

believe in finding a woman and loving her with all my heart i'm not gonna let

her take the piss at me i'm not gonna let her walk over my standards or

my my boundaries i'm a man i love you with all my heart and i said you're not

going to the club with your girls i want to go i want to go cool then we're over

and i will love you while i don't see you i might still love

you a little while but you that's the last of line you overstepped the

line goodbye that's life

i can love a and ignore her texts watch me

i can be head over heels in love and still ignore her ass for breaking my

rules because i set the rules because i'm a

man it's my world you step into my world i don't step into your world you step
into my world you're never going to win 100 of the time you might love a

and lose or cool but you might love a and keep her

if i let her go to the club with her girls all the time how long is it until

she meets a new dude and cheats on me anyway sooner or later

you're going to lose her anyway so why not lose her as a man sticking to your

guns instead of losing her seven months later behind your back

just stick up for yourself stick up for your self but this

is it but people are so scared of the emotions that's all it is no one's gonna

shoot him in the head they're scared of the emotions of missing her you're a

full-grown man you're scared of some emotions sit in bed and be sad and

play your chest and go to the gym and be sad and lift your weights and

be sad for a while and do your you're not sad anymore the you're

scared of emotions to the point you let a run your life

it's insane and this is the world we're in today everyone's scared all full

grown men are scared of feeling sad a little bit

it's crazy um

uh someone said uh what what uh what what hobbies do you do besides obviously

go to the gym i don't like by the way i don't like

working out i hate it's a chore that i do every single day for an hour every

single day it's this it's a chore it's discipline

it's just i don't enjoy that things i enjoy i enjoy driving i enjoy

driving fast cars around i don't i don't have to obey the laws in where i live so

there's no speed limits for me so i can just race around do whatever i want shut

the up you can just go 200 miles an hour

that's all i do it's all my instagrams all my stories i race to the city do

whatever i want so i run it so um i like to race fast cars

[Music] and then um a conquering earth this is

my new hobbies conquering earth and freeing minds i watched the movie the

matrix i watched morpheus and i understood why he goes back inside of

the matrix to free minds that's what i'm doing that's what i'm on this podcast

for i don't care if i take one person and i free his mind that's all that's my

new hobby now my new hobby now is replicating the mindset which is going

to be capable of resisting the oncoming enslavement of humanity i am morpheus

coming in and outside of the matrix driving the nebuchadnezzar up and down

from zion freeing minds that's my new hobby and i'll be around for a while and

then one day i might vanish and disappear i can i can buy a 100 million

dollar yacht and just off and not talk to anybody if i decide take my 10

women settle down if i want to have 20 kids easy if that's what i decide to do

i'm here freeing minds for a while and this is my new current hobby and i'm

enjoying it it didn't take long to conquer the entire internet all of it is

mine i own it done this is this is it conquest conquest is

all life's ever been for men this is what men have an innate desire to

conquest to conquer even you you care about having as many viewers as possible

on your streams you care about being as big as possible you care about

conquering why did the romans wake up make melt rocks make swords and walk in

random directions they didn't have google maps they didn't have a

clue where they were going random directions to find some other group of

people and them up and take their why

conquest this is a conqueror why did genghis khan ride his ass from mongolia

all the way to vienna it's a long way why conquer men are born with

this innate desire to conquer us inside of us they're trying to suppress it

they're trying to distract it away from you tell you that you're wrong you're

toxically masculine you shouldn't want to conquer you should want to sit at

home be tolerant no you shouldn't you should want to conquer only thing

that's going to make you intrinsically happy is conquest nothing else if you're

depressed because you don't conquer conquer something get up and do it it

doesn't have to be a negative at all you can do it in a very very positive way

you can have a positive impact on the world i like to think that my my impact

on the world's been positive i've conquered the whole internet and
i've done it in a positive way i'm helping the world maybe my enemies maybe

the matrix doesn't like me but there's young men who are watching every single

one of my videos whose lives are changing

so i i see conquest can be a very positive thing

so i'm here on the internet conquering the internet because i've decided to

because that's my hobby because i don't i don't do anything

degenerate i don't take drugs i don't gamble anymore i used to gamble

a bit bored of it don't gamble don't take drugs i drink sometimes but it's

really not a big deal for me i don't like to drink too much

pussy's great but how much of it do you really need i have enough and what the

else is it to do drive cars nothing else to do

that's it so my organization the war room is already i would i would vouch as

one of the top five most important and powerful organizations on the planet

within 10 years we will be the most powerful organization on the planet i

can't even tell you here in public that you will not believe the influence we

have you will not believe the the organizations we have infiltrated you

would not believe it if i told you i'm going to run the most powerful

closed circuit organization on the planet it's going to be mine and

i'm going to conquer earth and my i'm going to have 20 sons from 10

supermodels and i'm going to die and there's going to be 10 20 andrew tates

watching my old videos continuing the legacy

this is what i'm going to do for my bloodline i'm going to conquer

earth so you're not so you're what is your

next like goal now your big like your next goal like what is your next thing

you must conquer i don't even look at it as goals because

goals are something that you put on the goals are something you put on the wall

to motivate yourself right right goals remote

so if you want you want to buy a car you put the car on the wall and it motivates

you to go to work to get the car so you that's a goal that goals are for
motivation i don't work on motivation i work on discipline so i don't have a set

goal i just get up and do what i know i'm supposed to do i don't work to try

and afford that car i work because i'm supposed to work and then i can already

afford that car and another one and another one and a boat and a plane and a

house and another house and a land and i just work i do my work that is my duty

as a man is my duty to god i train the gym it is my duty to god i do i do my

duties to god i fulfill my duty i'm an old-school gentleman of honor and

respect i do what i'm supposed to do i don't have any particular set goals

anything i decide to do or want to do i can do instantly and if i can't do

instantly i can do it pretty quickly

i don't need goals in that old traditional sense i do what i'm supposed

to do wow it's it's not a matter of how i feel or

how i'm motivated if i was depressed it's impossible but if i was depressed

my life would be and the day-to-day activities would be exactly the same as

if i was ecstatically happy you wouldn't be able to see a difference i'd be up at

the same time i'd be in the gym the same i'd be doing the same

it's it's those are my duties my duties to god i know how i feel has nothing to

do with it completely unrelated

how i feel is unrelated to my duties to god they don't change based on how i

feel they're the same and they will be completed because i

refuse to fail god or my bloodline

that's amazing how let me no i'm telling you um there's a bunch there's how many

people in the stream 188 168 000 whatever

you could take 150 000 of these people and and and sh and

travel back in time and stand them in front of their

ancestors and their ancestors who fought

saber-toothed tigers or escaped the the mongol hordes or managed to dodge bombs

in the second world war all the they went through just for this

to be born and to look at him look at who he is listen to his life

story listen to what he does on a day-to-day basis and they would feel
nothing but shame your ancestors did all that all

that struggling to survive hunting hunting and gathering avoiding

enemies anything it took dying at age 30 from a tooth infection all the crap they

went through just for you to be born so you could smoke weed and jack off that's

what your ancestors died for that's what they worked so hard for

that's who you are that's the end of your bloodline

do you feel no shame it's shameful

my ancestors will look at me and think everything we went through was

worth it your ancestors will look at most these

people their ancestors look at them and feel nothing but disgust

it's true this true it's disgusting

and they should look in the mirror look deep in their own eyes and say yes i'm

disgusting i can change this that's the beauty about being a man if

you're disgusting you can change it that's the beauty there's nothing

stopping you changing it you're right you must accept

you must accept it first most of these people what they do is

they hang around with other disgusting people and then they're a little group

of disgusting people and they well i'm not disgusting everyone's disgusting and

this is normal and it's normal to be a jerk-off

not in my world it isn't this is when i was making jokes early

about predators and prey in my world i'm in a world of predators

it's not it's not normal to be a jerk off in my world

damn there are duties that men must fulfill

whether to god or to your bloodline but this is a genuine illness i'll say

this now of those 150 000 people i guarantee even

their living relatives their living parents aren't even proud of them

it's like the your own father's ashamed of you and you don't even feel

motivated to do y'all say that's true

it's a shame if you were to go and look your father in the eye and said
you know what i could have been a i could have been a ufc champion

i could have been uh a multi-millionaire could be a race car driver i could have

been a nuclear physicist could've done all these things but i was

busy on pornhub you think he's gonna be proud of you

no no

and and there's men here who will deny it right there's many will go no no no

no but those are the ones who are most lost

it's the things it's the denial that's going to hold you back the most the

people who go yes i'm wasting my potential those are the ones who have

potential the ones who stand up and go i am wasting my potential i could be

anything and i am not that yet they have a chance

the men who go well no actually i'm fine they're they're inside the matrix

fully slave-minded they're a waste of time but if you sit there and go you

know what yeah i am wasting my potential yes i can be more than i am even if i'm

already great i can be better as good as i am i still i still push

myself to the limit every single day i have every single thing a man

could possibly want i'm still pushing myself this is your prerogative as a man

but you need to be instilled with a sense of duty duty to your bloodline you

must want it you need to want it deep inside your soul i can't die as anything

less than emperor it's it's my destiny

jesus christ no i'm not gonna lie bro

this stream actually like i pretty sure changed like lives i swear to god like

you changed lives just now like this one stream

like i hope so i hope so too i really do i really feel like like people's lives

are gonna be changing this i hope so

i hope so too mine is because i'm telling you right now i promise you i'm

gonna literally be texting you on ig and showing you like

i'm really hitting the gym do it and you're going to feel so much

better for doing it not even just physically but mentally knowing that you

pushed yourself to do things you don't want to do there's nothing there's

nothing that feels better than the feeling you have after you did something

you don't want to do as you know when you're supposed to clean it yeah you're

right you eventually clean it and you're like

thank i've cleaned i did it like the homework i went back at school oh i

did my homework oh thank god i did i didn't want to do it but thank god i did

it's done correct that's what it feels like every

single day of your life is nothing but discipline it's beautiful it's a

beautiful existence that's a great feeling that's like that's a really

really good feeling i bet i need that i need discipline i need it

it's a beautiful existence after i picked up my shiron when i bought the

bugatti and i picked it up the first thing i did was order another one

like it never ends there's always a new mountain to climb so you're saying

there's always there's never really beating the game there's always a

mission there's always something to conquer

always and even if it's just tiny little it's professionalism

it's it's holding yourself to such a high standard there's a professional way

to do everything i'll tell you a story i lost my keys

about three weeks ago it was the first time i'd lost anything in

four or five years because when i put something down i've taught myself to put

it down and repeat in my head where i put it

i put my phone on the on the kitchen counter i put my phone in the kitchen i

say my head like three times i walk off i don't lose things i know where

everything is all the time i'm professional i don't lose stuff ever i

lost my keys i was furious at myself the ways i punished myself for only

losing my keys took me 20 minutes to find them found them i donated money to

charity i refused to go driving i worked harder in the gym i fasted for 24 hours

i punished myself and and my chicks like what are you doing so i lost keys she

goes yeah it's only losing keys you're a chick you don't get it

i don't make mistakes i don't make mistakes and i made one and
i will pay a price i will not lose my keys again

god is my witness god above i will not lose my keys again

i will make sure i repeat in my head 25 times if necessary every time i put

anything down out of my pockets exactly where it is i will never lose anything

ever again i am a professional i am exceptionally hard on myself

because that's how i enjoy life i can't imagine life any other way i can't

imagine life going through life losing my keys oops crying over a oops oh

i don't feel like it today oops i i can't even fathom that existence

it sounds like hell to me i get anxiety even imagining that

existence you don't talk about anxiety i get anxious even imagining living that

way i am a hyper professional so can you can

you always be more professional yes i can always be more professional i

could memorize the number plate of every single car behind me every single time i

drive a car to make sure i'm not being followed you have i'm trying do you have

always something to do yeah and i and i'm trying to learn that now

and if i drive for more than two or three hours i start to forget the number

plates so it's difficult so there's always a new level of professionalism

there's always a new place to go so the game is never completed

damn so it never ends there's always

something there's always something and thank god there is because if i

completely then there would be nothing to do you lose your mind

i'd be more depressed than i did that would be the sadness yeah the true

sadness when the game is over the true status when the game is over

wow the game has just begun

wow andrew you're a legend

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