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5․ The body falls vertically from h = 19.6m height without initial velocity.
What path will the body take?
1․ In the first 0.1 seconds of movement.
2․ In the last 0․1 seconds.
Ignore air resistance. Answer: 0.049m, 1.9m
6․ The wagon with 20t mass moves with constant negative acceleration, numerically equal to
0.3m/s2. The initial speed of the wagon is 54km/h.
1․ What kind of braking force affects the wagon?
2․ After how long will the car stop?
3․ What distance will the wagon pass before it stops? Answer: 6000N, 50s, 375m
7․ Under the influence of F = 1N constant force, the body moves in a straight line so that the
dependence of the S path passed on the body by time t is given by the equation S = A - B t + C t 2։
Find the mass of the body if C = 1m/s2. Answer: 0.5kg
8․ Find the work that needs to be done to make the speed of the body, on the 10m road, increase
from 2m/s to 6m/s. Constant friction force is applied on the whole road, which is 0.2. Weight of the
body is 1kg.
Part of the work done will be based on kinetic energy, the rest on the force of friction.
9․ Find the numerical value of the first cosmic speed, which means finding the speed, which one
should apply to the body in a horizontal direction near the Earth's surface so that it begins to orbit
the Earth as its satellite.
Answer: V1 = 7.9 km/s, V2 = 11.2 km/s, V3 = 16.7 km/s

10․ m = 2kg load up to h = 1m when raising the height in a vertical direction, A = 8 J was
performed by a constant force.
How fast did they increase the load?
Work A spend on increasing the potential energy of the load and accelerating it.
11․ The ionization potential of the helium atom is U = 245V.
Find the ionization work: A. Answer: 392 10-19J
12․ At what temperature does mercury atoms have an average kinetic energy of sufficient
simultaneous motion for ionization? The ionization potential of the mercury atom is 10.4V.
k = 1.38 10-23 J/K Answer: 8036K

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