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CoinSwitch: APM Program

Problem statement and Deck

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Problem Statement
CoinSwitch’s motto is to help Indians grow their Wealth. Yet, 86% of all eligible indians are
saving their money in low interest yielding instruments such as Fixed Deposits and ULIPs. This
way, they fall behind the inflation growth curve and end up losing money.

Imagine you are a Product Manager at your favourite wealth-tech Product companies (don’t use CoinSwitch)

● Tell us about the possible user persona which you would target.
● Tell us about why you think Indians don’t invest in high yielding instruments? (try to
interview few users from your target personas)
● Using technology, suggest 2-3 ways in which you could solve the problem.
● Which solution would you pick and why?
● How would you measure if your solution is working?
● Tell us one reason why your solution will not work.

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● Make a copy of this deck and rename to ‘<Your Name>_<Your campus>’
● Use this template to present not more than 8-9 slides on your solution
● Set share settings to “anyone with the link”
● Share your deck here:

● Use as many visual tools, to help explain your solution, as possible (such as
images, charts, wireframes, etc)
● Be problem-first vs solution-first
● Back your findings with data wherever possible
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<Your Product here>
<Your Name here>
<Your ID number>
<Title here>


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