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DR. A.


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Prabhat Paperbacks
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ISBN 978-93-5521-470-6
by Dr. A Shanker

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First, 2023

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Author’s Note
There are twelve Zodiac Signs in Hindu Vedic Astrology. Your zodiac
sign (rāśi) broadly tells you about your intrinsic nature as well as it
can predict their imminent patterns in advance. During my 30 years
plus research on the subject, I found people having inquisitiveness to
know about their nature as it may vary from individual to individual.
There are layers of compatibility. Mostly sexual, platonic, spanning
familial, and other connections, relate to spiritual compatibility.
Astrology is a complicated branch of study but looking at your Sun
Sign can still guide you in the right direction to deal with approaching
life events.
Everyone’s actions are directly related to their nature, this applies to
every aspect of our life. Not only the actions but the style in which an
individual approaches a problem is also a reflection of his persona.
The chain leading us to act has our inner nature as an important link.
This, I believe, is reflected through our Ascendant/Sun Sign. The
traits are refined by environment, circumstances, and other factors.
Thus, the zodiac sign is a fairly good indicator of your personality
and instincts irrespective of your position.
This small booklet deals with the Zodiac signs in detail and looks
into aspects of relationships, love, compatibility with other signs,
financial and professional implications. A useful broad view on the
trends that can potentially happen with respect to each Zodiac Sign
(Rāśi) is given as well as predictions for the year 2023 based on the
transit of the major outer planets. This will provide each reader the
sensitive points or areas of concern for practical consideration. The
exact happenings might differ, but it can be a guide for timely counsel.
I would like to end this with the thought of Vrindavan and Shri Banke
Behari whose blessings have been with me and upon whom I always
look in all my endeavours.
Author’s Note..................................................................................... 5
Introduction........................................................................................ 9
• Aries (Mésh).............................................................................. 11
• Taurus (Vrīśh)............................................................................ 18
• Gemini (Mithūn)........................................................................ 25
• Cancer (Kark)............................................................................ 32
• Leo (Sīmhā)............................................................................... 40
• Virgo (Kanyā)............................................................................ 48
• Libra (Tūlā)............................................................................... 56
• Scorpio (Vrīśchīk)..................................................................... 63
• Sagittarius (Dhanū).................................................................... 72
• Capricorn (Makar)..................................................................... 80
• Aquarius (Kūmbh)..................................................................... 87
• Pisces (Meén)............................................................................ 94
The effects of twelve Signs (Rāśis) and Planets have been described
in various classical books of Astrology. In this small booklet, we have
provided the general pattern of Zodiac Signs for the year 2023. This
pattern is based on the transition of planets, their daśā and effects on
that Rāśi at a particular point of time. Zodiac signs concur special
effects. Its portable nature will help the natives born under these sun
signs to understand the zodiac characteristics and the impact of these
planetary movement on these sun-signs.
The Zodiac is an elliptical circle of space surrounding the Earth. It
may be imagined as a belt in the heavens about 12 degrees wide in
which the planets travel. It is the Sun’s apparent path known as the
ecliptic. The zodiacal circle is divided into twelve equal parts and
each part containing thirty degrees of space called the signs of the
Zodiac. Thus, a sign is one twelfth division of the zodiacal circle and
is deemed as containing 30 degrees of celestial longitude.
Twelve signs each measuring 30 degrees constitute the circle of the
Zodiac or 360 degrees. In this circle, the planets travel on their own
orbits in a concentric arrangement. The twelve signs of the Zodiac are
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius,
Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. These twelve signs through which
the planets transit from west to east, going through one sign after
another in their order from Aries to Pisces. Each sign bears a specific
influence. The planets also, as they travel around the Zodiac, exert
an influence, according to their separate nature and position in the
According to modern Astrology, although there are twelve heavenly
bodies viz., Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rāhu,
Kétū, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto; Indian Astrology recognizes only
the first nine planets. Each sign of the Zodiac is owned by a special
planet that is deemed as its ‘ruler’ of that sign. The Sun and Moon
rule one sign each viz. Leo and Cancer respectively while Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn rule two signs each. There is a
controversy about Rāhu and Kétū ruling some signs, but the fact is
that they, being shadow planets do not own any signs but cast their
influence, according to signs in which they are placed, or lords of
those signs, or according to planets influencing them by aspect or
conjunction. Mars rules Aries and Scorpio, Mercury rules Gemini
and Virgo, Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces, Venus rules Taurus
and Libra; and Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius.
A general awareness about the characteristics of the different Zodiac
signs can give one an advantage on their relations with people around
the self (Native). Astrological traits of every zodiac sign are different
from each sign, understanding the way their personalities are, can
make it easier to understand why people do the things they do and
helps in a better understanding of relationships.
Aries (Mésh)
March 21 – April 20
Rāśi’s Basic Characteristics: The Ram; 1st sign; Rules 1st house;
Ruling planet Aries; Governs the head and brain; Forest Quadruped;
Priśtodāya; Movable; Odd; Dwāra Rāśi; Mineral; Fierce Male;
East; Red Head; Night; Goat; Kśhātriya; Tẽjo-Tātwa.

Aries Horoscope 2023 highlights the significant role of emotions
as they are influenced by almost everything. Your feelings will be
dominated by love life and career equally in the first and the second
half of the year.
The Aries horoscope for 2023 indicates high energy levels throughout
the year, enabling you to accomplish tasks easily in various walks
of life, to motivated you to take up new ventures that may greatly
improve your financial position. The horoscope demands constraints
on expenses at least for the first half of the year. Your reputation will
remain unhurt.
Still, per Venus 2023 horoscope for Aries you may spend some of
your savings on travel. As in 2023, both Rahu and Saturn are affecting
your intellect and subconscious mind, so control your thoughts. A trip
to mountains is a way out.

Love Life
A strong Venus in Aries Horoscope 2023 chart points out to many
opportunities in love especially during the first half of the year.
12   Horoscope 2023

Occurrence of Rahu and Jupiter in Aries in the first half of the

year is auspicious for planning a marriage or proposing someone.
The transit of Moon in Aries in the second quarter of the year
will provide strengthen your relationship, avoid coming under the
influence of a third party who will cause a split between you and
your partner.
Aries love life 2023 show strong inclination of Arian dominance due
to the presence of strong Rahu in the beginning of the year, likely
to lead to bitterness in the relationship of old couples. Giving up
dominating nature and think about the comfort of others. Mutual
understanding will solve any crisis in your love life this year.
Aries Love Horoscope 2023 has some good news for those still
unmarried. The second quarter may end your wait for a perfect
match. The influence of Saturn may cause you to attract to an
old friend who may propose to you. You may also get a marriage
proposal from him.
In the second half of the year, Rahu and Mars will create hindrance
in your relationship. Then an Arien must shed away his ego for a
peaceful love life. Planning a trip with your spouse or partner will
prove to be helpful.
The Aries 2023 love horoscope urges you to express your crush
freely. Gauge the future prospects. Finding love in the second half
of the year will be a little difficult but not impossible. Astrologically,
opportunities in love in 2023, will depend on measures to strengthen
Venus, the planet of luxury, shopping and travelling generously is one
way to strengthen it in your horoscope.

Income Prospects
Aries Horoscope 2023 urges you to moderately spend on luxuries.
As at beginning of the year, astrologers advice to be cautious of
the influence of Saturn on Aries. Take measures to please Shani to
keep your savings protected. There is a likelihood of unexpected
expenses during the latter half of the year. Such as medical expenses
in the third quarter and excursion in the first and last quarter.
Aries (Mésh)    13

Favourable Jupiter in the first half of the year can bring property
related gains and profits through investment as well as recovery of
loans from friends and family members.
Repairing property-related damages can be difficult. Ariens may have
a hard time spending more on others, especially females. No doubt,
the joy of giving is immeasurable, if by doing so you intend to win
someone over, you will be certainly disappointed.
Per Aries 2023 horoscope indicates a strong Venus at the beginning
of the year will lead you to spend on entertainment. During May,
September and October, considering your finances you will think
in a long-term perspective. July and August will be the months of
minimum expenses. Spending money on your family will bring you
happiness during these months. In October beware of the influence of
Ketu and Mars that may cause you to take wrong financial decisions,
which, in turn, can lead to sudden loss of money. Increased holidays
expenditure in November and December will be affordable.
Stock market investment though will attract one this year, many cause
due to Saturn’s strength some losses initially requiring an informed
decision. Business and job earnings stable throughout the year will
help you diversify your investments. Aries Horoscope 2023 warns
you against real estate investments in the latter part of the year.

2023 will be favourable for business growth for Aries, especially
during the first quarter of the year. Jupiter in the business house will
support the business targets of Aries. To get the best of Jupiter, Aries
2023 horoscope requires activeness and positive thoughts about your
goals. The first quarter of the year is a golden time to set up a new
business or firm in 2023 by virtue of blessings of Jupiter and Saturn.
The best businesses one can get this year are of real estate, food
processing, metals and lumber and the auspicious months in 2023 are
January, March, April and November.
The Horoscope 2023 predicts that the auspicious movement of
Jupiter in your zodiac sign from May will improve your prospects
14   Horoscope 2023

at workplace. Progress in career is likely to stabilize after May.

Work goals will seem easier to achieve, boostering your self-esteem.
Consider offering water to Lord Surya daily for further career
improvement. The transit of Sun in Aries will be lucky for job and
promotion seekers in the second half of the year. In the second half
of the year, Rahu and Saturn will hamper your work and luck. So,
focus on pleasing these two planets, for new career opportunities
after April 2023.
Students planning for competitive exams need to adopt a time bound
schedule and to work harder to achieve the target. Chances of getting
a government job are dim in the first half of the year, while extra
efforts can be productive later.
Per Aries career horoscope 2023 predicting that the year will benefit
the real estate business. The support of Mars throughout the last three
quarters will bring sudden gains and investment opportunities with
high returns in this sector. However, beginners are advised not to
invest blindly. One should be careful and adopt a positive attitude at

According to Aries Horoscope 2023, the Ariens intending to
start a family life, should wait for the second half of the year. The
beginning of the year will help make family life smooth. The joint
glance of Jupiter and Saturn in the fourth house of Aries natives
will make family life peaceful and harmonious. Disputing couples
should try to resolve it in January, when auspiciousness of Venus
is at its peak. By the end of the year, the family may witness some
auspicious happening in the family.
With an Arien child, you have to be strict with him from the
beginning of the year. Don’t let the child’s stubbornness overpower
you. The favourable Venus effect on Aries Virgo will be at its peak
in 2023 making a girl child a little secretive. While respecting her
Aries (Mésh)    15

privacy, consider taking steps to reduce her screen time as well.

The boy who will be under the influence of Rahu in the first half
of the year should be watched closely. Focus on in sparing time
for bonding with your kids. July and August are the best months in
2023 to plan family trips.
By the end of the year, the transit of Sun provides a good opportunity
for procreation. This is the ideal time to conceive. Opportunities like
marriage of children are likely to greet you in the latter part of the
year. If your marriage is delayed, the solution will come after May
2023. Influence by a strong Venus in 2023, Ariens will be able to
overcome family woes.

As per the Aries Horoscope 2023, health should be one major
concern, especially in the second quarter of the year in view of
astrological observation of the strong influence of Saturn on Aries,
causing health issues. The more greater attention to your health
will save your hard earned money. To counter the effect of Saturn
on your health some regular light exercises and meditation are
Ariens as naturally hard working they are mostly remain the most
stressed out under stress. Both their physical and mental health
deserves attention in 2023. The horoscope predicts that the native
will not sacrifice eating habits for some pending work. One needs to
channelize his emotions in the right direction to avoid unnecessary
stress and anxiety. The combination of Rahu and Jupiter can lead to
wastage of energy in the second half of the year. One should get a
clear picture of what he is going to embark on.
In 2023, Ariens may experience a change in their eating patterns
likely to lead to differences in the family. The yearly horoscope 2023
shows rigid difference of opinion over eating patterns between the
son and the father.
16   Horoscope 2023

According to the horoscope the year 2023 is very pleasant for love
affairs as well as marriage? The strong influence of Venus on Aries in
2023 will help many to find perfect love but they should not rush into
commitments, especially if they have recently started dating. Jupiter,
though it spoils chances of marriage of the native is highly helpful for
Arien’s marriage in the latter part of the year. The universal lord of
luck and benevolence is all blessing for Ariens in a relationship for
more than 2 years and want to carry it on.
As Jupiter is also the planet of stability it warns you against
choosing marriage over your profession in 2023. If you still expect
steady income or work something that will make or ruin your
professional life, you should prioritize it over something else. In
case your partner is not ready to wait, you still need to prefer your
profession to marriage. If divorced, you’ll have a chance to get
married anytime.
If the native of Aries is getting delayed in marriage, any hurdles
will be removed in 2023. Things will go fast for you this year. It
is advisable to take measures to delay marriage. Offering holy
water on Shivling is the first measure to get positive results in case
of expediting marriage. Further, Aries native can get 108 bel patra
leaves and write Lord Rama on them using sandalwood paste.
Offer leaves on Shivling while chanting “O Namah Shivaya”. Lord
Shiva’s blessings will help you find a good partner in 2023.

1. Ariens must donate black-coursed things on Saturdays to please
planet Saturn to remove obstacles in front of you to achieve your
2. Wear Pearl (Moti) gemstone. Pearl will help the natives to be able
to stay focussed and gaining best concentration.
Aries (Mésh)    17

3. Wear ‘Rudraksha’ with correct spiritual way to energising the

4. Tolerance is very important for Ariens natives in 2023. Don’t let
yourself get easily distracted by shiny things and especially the
opposite gender.
Taurus (Vŕiśh)
20 April – 20 May
Rāśi’s Basic Characteristics: The Bull; 2nd sign; Rules 2nd house;
Ruling planet Venus; Governs Neck and Throat. Meadows;
Wetlands; Quadruped; Priśtodāya; Fixed; Even; Bāhya Rāśi;
Vaisya; Prithvi-Tātwa.

In the previous year, you did exactly exercised your free will. Now,
in Year 2023, you will explore new opportunities. So redirect your
chariot of life. Here, Taurus the typical Bull – somewhat funny, too
romantic and extremely stubborn, will be your guide.
The 2023 Taurus horoscope predicts that the trio of Saturn, Rahu
and Jupiter will play an important role in your life though tough on
you in the first quarter of the year. They will bring you abundant
success mostly in love, career and money. The Sun may pose some
career problems initially. Still, natives will benefit from business
expansion. In the first quarter of the year, they must remain calm
and quiet. Closeness to the family deserves priority. The strong
ruling planet Venus may help you succeed in love and career.
Talking about love, Taurus people are not considered to be chasers
and they will remain so this year too with a dim chances of finding
love adding to loneliness and dejection. Dating is one way to
overcome the grief but avoid getting involved with someone else
too soon as you will meet many new people this year. In the second
half of the year, Rahu can cause you to take up sudden business
Taurus (Vŕiśh)    19

Love Life
Venus, the lord of Taurus and flag bearer of love and romance will
prevail in the life of a Taurus person throughout the year. Contrary
your general tendency to attract others you will be attracted to
someone you have known for a while. Taurus as you are will work
hard dauntlessly. For those desiring to get married this year the last
quarter will be the best.
The Taurus Yearly Love Horoscope 2023 is influenced by the
movements of Mercury and Jupiter. Auspiciousness of these two
planets will bring a pleasant effect on the marital relationship of the
Taurus natives at the beginning of the year while newly weds may
make a breakthrough start. According to the Taurus Love Forecast
2023, the strong influence of Rahu in the second quarter can bring
marriage proposals from foreign lands. While the influence of the Sun
can facilitate a spark between you and your dear friend culminating
in marriage.
In a normal love relationship, you may feel dominated by your partner,
to make choices for you in the first quarter. This will be something
new but exciting for the Taurus people. There will be a lot of fun in
love life but as a couple, you will be more excited to explore the world
with each other provided don’t let your professional life affect your
marital relations with no room. You need to pay for doubts about each
other. A strong impact of Mars can make your relationship bitter in
April and May. So, make sure to maintain closeness, says the Taurus.
If still single, the Taurus Love Horoscope demands you to shorten
your expectations and to normalcy. Rahu advises you to give up
stubbornness and feel free to find love. The best time for you to
find love is in the month of July and August. Also, the month of
November will bring more opportunities in love life. While dating,
look for someone you’ve known for a while or someone close to you
preferably a colleague.
20   Horoscope 2023

Income Prospects
The Taurus Horoscope 2023 predicts complete fulfillment of your
desire including money matters. You can explore several investment
opportunities—including the stock market that will improve your
finances in the years to come. Aggressive investment will cause
losses. To make up for the predicted financial crunch at the year end
you should save money.
For those who feel that they are inept in business or the stock
market, Jupiter will shower fortune on them this year to help you
take right and profitable investment decisions even though, Saturn
points to some unregrettable expenses in the month of March and
April confined to necessities or leisure. The Taurus man really likes
to keep his money close to his heart. From a financial standpoint,
it’s always a good idea to find safe options for fundraising through
The Taurus Finance Horoscope 2023 predicts some petty expenses
after April. Expenses on health will remain low thanks to kind
position of Jupiter. Avoid any aggressive or quick decisions about
investment. It will be in your best interest to involve your spouse in
your financial decisions. Since Taurus is often attracted to luxury and
ambitions to have everything in life. This spirit will prevail you in the
month of June and July. Avoid to incur heavy expenditure to save for
travel and family.
With a loan to repay, you may need to consider several options this
year. If you want to take a loan this year, then the month of September
and October are ideal. A good time to take a loan for business is
during the month of October and November. While a vehicle loan
may be taken at any time of the year.
Those studying abroad will have to pay more this year. Weddings
and even a small celebration can add to your expenses in the
last quarter of the year. Although the financial horoscope of
Taurus predicts a normal financial scenario you should spend
Taurus (Vŕiśh)    21

Taurus people are rich in luxuries and money is a means for them to
get everything they want. That’s why his career is very dear to him.
According to the Taurus Horoscope 2023, the year 2022 has been
very fortunate in terms of career building.
The trio of Saturn, Rahu and Jupiter will play a major role in
enhancing your career this year. Strong presence of the planet
Saturn representing responsibility, hard work and determination in
your chart will help bring out these qualities from within you. Avoid
negative thoughts about your work or progress to get the best results
of Shani. Also, the planet Sun will help you interact with people
belonging to the field conducive to progress in your career. The first
two quarters of the year will benefit you in terms of promotions and
job changes.
Something significant in business is not expected in the beginning
of the year. Progress will be slow initially due to the unfavourable
position of the Sun in the trading chart, but it will look up by the
end of March. According to Taurus Horoscope, March to September
is a good time for business expansion in 2023. October is not an
opportune time to make any changes to your plan, especially in a
family business. To achieve expected business goals you will require
new strategies and tactics.
As your dominant planet is Venus, you have a creative side that
you need to explore and utilize. Try something different this year.
A dominant Sun with Venus will help you make new friends and
contacts in the online world from whom you can learn considerably.
Job seekers or job switchers will get plenty of opportunities in the
initial months of the year. Initially you do face some difficulties in
finding a job but gradually things will get better. Positive effect of
Rahu prompts you to look for jobs outside your state.

Taurus people are obstinate by nature. This is what they realize as
parent when complaining that their Taurus child is not giving them
22   Horoscope 2023

proper attention. So like any other year, this year too, you may not
enjoy connected familial harmony. Due to strong influence of the Sun
your relationship with your brother might be a little acrimonious, but
under control.
Also, from the family point of view, the beginning of the year will
be auspicious. Your achievement will get full support of all the
family members for the next part of the journey. If planning to buy
a house to relocate, the period from mid-February to March is ideal.
There is a need to take special care of the health of the family
members. Do not let the family members especially your parents take
any kind of stress. Try not to be aggressive with them and create a
positive atmosphere. Also, if possible, help your parents interact with
your old friends as the latter will take care of them when you’re not
You have always been wary to control your child’s craving for toys
and digital devices. However, as a parent, you cannot deprive them of
their curiosity and digital enjoyment, but excessive screen time will
certainly add to their mental strain due to Mars in the fourth house in
the middle of the year. So, instead of making them to sit idle, try to
bond with them by engaging them in simple games.

You will remain hale and hearty. Health is something that will stay
with you in 2023 shedding away the past effects of ill health. Those
using a medicine will get better results from the beginning of the year.
However, the mental health of Taurus people is still sluggish causing
you stress and fatigue which persist throughout the year. Luckily,
despite the mental anguish, you can evolve creative ideas for both
your personal and professional endeavours.
According to Taurus Horoscope 2023, the elderly will witness no
change in their health though it will not deteriorate. By the mid-year,
Taurus people, over generations, need to be a little more attentive to
Taurus (Vŕiśh)    23

their health. During this period responsibilities will render you too
helpless to duly attend to your health. Lack of knowledge will spoil
your relationship with your family that you may overcome through
yoga or taking a regular morning walk.
By the end of the year, you need to take special care of your skin
and eyes by cutting down on your screen time, particularly if you
are diabetic. Take regular walks and focus on a healthy diet. Keep
kids away from gadgets. In 2023, you are advised to stay calm and
composed for necessary confidence to move ahead in life.

A strong Sun or Venus favours marriage in 2023. Hence, a gloomy
marital relationship will stabilize in due course. Differences will
be completely resolved by mid-March. An outing or a dinner date
with your partner to bring back the spark in your relationship. A
delay in resolving your marital differences now will cause you
mental stress.
Delayed marriage or fresh proposals will be favoured by Jupiter in
the initial months of the year making the chances of getting married
are high. You have to be crazy to be arrogant and whimsical to find
someone worthy. The first two quarters of the year will be favourable
in terms of finding a partner. So, make a simple approach to whom
you have feeling for. A strong Venus from March to May supports
proposing marriage to someone and finally tie the knot by the end of
the year.
The marriage of the native may get affected due to the shadow
planet Ketu in the latter part of the year. Mars can also heighten the
tension between you and your spouse. It needs a gentle and congenial
response on your part. A rift happen between you and in-laws in the
month of August. However, fortunately, a divorced Taurus will get
opportunities to find love again during this period.
24   Horoscope 2023

If planning to have a child in 2023, the month of April, August,

September and November will suit the most. Avoid a decision
regarding a child from March to the first week of April. Try to
motivate a Taurus child to pursue a career in sport to keep healthy in

1. Do not take hasty decisions in any financial deals and change of
2. Keeping fast on Thursday in 2023 will help in career enhancement,
especially in the first few months of 2023.
3. Worship Shri Laxmi Yantra for better financial gains.
4. To rein the energy of strong Rahu in 2023, practice meditation in
order to channel your energy in the right direction.
5. Wear Blue Sapphire or Emerald gemstone in 2023 for growth and
Gemini (Mithūn)
21 May – 20 June

Rāśi’s Basic Characteristics: The Twins; 3rd sign; Rules 3rd house;
Ũbhāyodaya; Common; Odd; Gārbha; Human Rāśi; Fierce Male;
West; Green; Village; Neck; Night; Shūdra; Vāyu-Tatwā.

In the previous year you did your best! This year you need to notice
some changes for a bright future as planetary transits are in your
favor. So what are you waiting for? As the Gemini Horoscope 2023
clearly indicates you will be free from various burdens, make progress
and lead a happy life. The experiences in the New Year 2023 will
compensate for the past sufferings. You can fully attribute it to the
auspicious position of Jupiter till the middle of the year, supporting
your health and make you lucky.
If you take a stock of the days to come, the Gemini horoscope
predictions for 2023 will make you thoughts to things around. You
have to avoid certain petty situations concentrating on the ultimate
success. There are some obstacles in your way. Around the first quarter
and Saturn’s maiden move of the year, you will be excited about goals
but still feel tied down in a certain way. However, Venus and Mars
will encourage you in your personal endeavors. So, definitely expect
glad tidings from them.
26   Horoscope 2023

Love Life
The first quarter of 2023 will be very good for you in the sphere of
love and relationships. With Gemini horoscope 2023 for love solacing
you will be relieved from all the troubles and sufferings that you went
through in the first quarter of the year 2023. You will be mindful
of maintaining your relationship and you partner will definitely give
your best. However, some misunderstandings may crop up between
you and your partner around the first quarter due to the influence of
Mars and Rahu.
The two strongly suggest you to value your relationship with due
regard for the partner. Also, the 2023 Gemini horoscope for love says
that single individuals have to be very careful while forming new
relationships and bonds with someone for the fear of planets Sun
and Mercury who can create obstacles in the same around the third
quarter of the year.
While some planets favor your horoscope, Ketu will remain neutral
but will not harm your love life except delaying some of your plans.
Luckily Jupiter is here to save and keep you as positive and optimistic
as in the beginning of the year, it will also help you forge better
relationship with someone important to you.
There is a good news for those trying to get over difficult times in
love. Chances of reconciliation are high around the last quarter of the
year. But there is an obstruction. Love Horoscope 2023 for Gemini
observes effect of Rahu. Be cautious of interference of your ex-
partner. Assess the past before you letting once again! The horoscope
also says that Gemini people are planning to take some big step in
their life will be lucky in the second half of the year. There is a strong
possibility of receiving a marriage proposal.

Income Prospects
The year for Gemini is a year of introspection for you! Take a good
look at your past investments and plans. Movement of stars is in
your favour now except some ups and downs that may impact your
Gemini (Mithūn)    27

circumstances. However, Jupiter is there for you to make things

better. Gemini Finance Horoscope 2023 says that the year is all about
profit and earning in the long run and there are lots of opportunities
and possibilities for accumulating wealth.
Certainly, Saturn may block your path due to its delayed nature,
especially around the first quarter of the year. Hence you should take
a conscious decision about everything. Also, avoid dealing with any
legal financial matters. Venus, will help you successful in all financial
matters. Further, the movement of Venus will favor Gemini people
who deal with international finance matters like currency exchange,
international trade etc.
Your professional will benefit you financially in this entire year more
than before. However, as soon as Mars steps in the new year 2023 you
will face some hurdles. As per the Gemini 2023 finance horoscope,
you should avoid any large scale investments around the mid of the
year, to avoid losses. The chances of any investment in the real estate
sector during these few months are very slim.
The last quarter of the year will be favorable to Gemini men and
women for monetary gain, thanks to the planetary transits of Venus
and Mercury 2023 enabling you to generate wealth from your actions
and investments. Saturn will also be on your side, to attract some
unexpected savings from your current business transactions. Those
who wish to execute long-term investment plans would succeed at
the end of the year. Gemini sign people should avoid any large-scale
investment in the business sector for the year 2023.

You will retain the previous success in addition to improve your
career and your worth to others as you will focus on your professional
life in the first quarter of the year. Saturn will demand greater effort,
which in turn will give you an opportunity to evaluate your skills, in
order to achieve great heights at work bringing you applause. This
will be an opportunity to rectify the past mistakes.
28   Horoscope 2023

For professionals, in the 2023 Gemini career horoscope, there is some

warning from Mars! Be flexible with work. As much as you love
taking charge, the planet wants you to give space to others, without
losing your dignity. Also, for Gemini people with favorable Mars in
their birth chart, you will excel in speech skills to be used wisely. For
freshers, the conjunction of Mars, Saturn and Venus will benefit you
at every level to become professional.
The second quarter will be for hardworking Gemini people for some
recognition, or promotion. The movement of the planet Mercury
too will be helpful. Mercury and Venus together will be helpful for
people in fields like journalism, writing or communication. Only the
planet Ketu will prove to be a boon for business people will benefit
in the long run. However, any partnership will be troublesome. Take
business decisions cautiously.
Lawyers, freelancers and sports persons will make progress with the
support of Saturn. Your hard work in the year will give you fruitful
results around the last quarter of 2023. Jupiter will be kind to people
trying to find jobs outside the country besides helping Gemini people
who want to start a new venture. In addition to making you optimistic,
it will prompt you to introspect your current situation and analyse
your weaknesses.

Home is where your heart is. In the first trimester by the grace of
Saturn, new relationships will come your way. This will help you
build new relationships and expand your family circle. Your family
members will witness progress in your professional life. Your siblings
are likely to get a slightly better promotion. As per the Gemini family
horoscope 2023, there is some good news with it. Mercury can affect
your communication skills putting you in stressful situations at home.
Around the third quarter, the planet Jupiter will make things better
again. Peace and harmony will prevail in your life again. Something
with regard to your parents may be neglected. Avoid indulging in
Gemini (Mithūn)    29

dialogues with them as Venus will make things good around the last
quarter. The 2023 Gemini family horoscope predicts that people in
your household will remain healthy. A few wedding bells may ring
for a very dear person in your family.
Your social life will also improve. Some close ones will become
dear as a family. With the blessings of Sun and Mercury together, the
elders in your family will be helpful towards your goals. Together
with you might start a business or project. Also, Mars and Rahu may
make you a little rebellious towards your loved ones towards the end
of the year over some personal issues.
There may be some pending work. The first half of the year 2023 may
keep you busy. In the second half of 2023, Mars and Jupiter will make
your task a little easier. Some Gemini natives may see new additions
in their families. Due to the transit of Ketu around the third quarter of
the year, the children of the family may have to face some emotional
problems to be solved affectionately and wisely.

With overall smooth course of life, you will keep good health. Around
the first quarter, you may face some health problems. Professional
Gemini men and women may have to face some physical troubles like
stress and anxiety caused by posture due to workload. With a little
yoga and grounding exercises you will get rid of it. But, remember
not to over-stress and take breaks from time to time, to save you from
serious casualties.
With Mars moving around the third quarter, minor ailments may irk
you. The Gemini Health Horoscope 2023 predicts that people can be
a little low on energy around the mid-months of 2023. Chances are
that healthy natives may run into trouble with unbalanced chakras,
mood swings, emotional ups and downs, etc. They should practice
meditation on a daily basis and engage in activities that calm your
mind stressfree till lord planet Mercury moves into the auspicious
house to give you more relief.
30   Horoscope 2023

Children, old people and Gemini sign people already battling with
health issues may see some rough patches with Saturn Transit 2023.
The first quarter of Gemini in 2023 may appear to be full of decline
and negativity. But things will get better for you gradually. Medicines
and remedies will work and they should be tried to bring you relief
by the blessings of Venus and Sun.
Gemini men and women with digestive disorder should be careful
of their diet plans for the year. Natives with fitness goals may not
achieve till the third trimester. Moreover, Rahu and Ketu may bother
you a bit till around the end of the year, things will be all right, giving
you the desired results in terms of health and wellness.

Children will be an important part of the New Year 2023 for married
Gemini couples. The planets playing a major role will be Rahu and
Ketu. Gemini horoscope 2023 for marriage suggests you to follow
the signs given by the planets. Make sure to consult a doctor before
planning for a child. Planets are auspicious, but with a warning for a
better and healthier newborn. Not only this, the planet Ketu can also
have some effect on the life of a single parent who need to focus on
parenting cues to raise their child.
The horoscope on marriage says that Jupiter will also support women
trying to improve their marriage. This will act as a boon for women
trying to conceive and maintain their motherhood for a long time with
Gemini. Yet, movement of Mars can give a tough time to married
couples living away from each other. You may develop communication
gaps and often get into fights and arguments, especially around the
mid months of 2023. However, as the months go by, your mode of
expression will get softened. So, peeps, don’t lose any hope!
Newly married Gemini couples need to focus on their words, tone
and attitude around the first quarter of the new year 2023 because
Sun and Mercury can create nuisance in your bonding with in-laws.
This can create a long lasting negative impact on your relationship
Gemini (Mithūn)    31

with them. There may be some interference or involvement of family

members between the couples.
Fortunately Jupiter is the binding thread of your marriage in 2023
which you can rely on. Those looking to end their relationship may
look at things differently and give their marriage another try. Jupiter
Transit 2023 will be helpful for the natives facing any delay in
marriage due to the impact of Saturn on the horoscope, which will
fade away later because of chance of new proposals or wedding bells
for you. Overall, Jupiter will protect your year from all evils.

1. For hindrances in your financial sphere and avoid any adverse
situations in wealth, keep fast on Thursdays.
2. Gemini natives must worship Lord Hanuman on Tuesdays. It
would help you get rid of the hurdles that could come your way.
Cancer (Kark)
21 June – 22 July
Rāśi’s Basic Characteristics: The Crab; 4th sign; Rules 4th
house; Governs breasts and Stomach.Chasm with water channel
watery, Priśtodāya; Movable; Even; Dwāra Rāśi; Mineral; Soft
female; North; Heart; Night; White; Brāhmīn (czkã.k); Jala-Tatwa
(ty&rRok); Watery animals; Smithy work; Insanity; Windy disease;

If things are not working well for the new year 2023. Here is the
Cancer horoscope for the year, with mixed results, asking you not
to be disheartened even in the bleak scenario. With great enthusiasm
and the spirit you will win over troubles. In second quarter of the year
when Jupiter enters Aries, you will find the circumstances in your
favor. Cancer Horoscope 2023 indicates some bumps in the road,
with Saturn landing in ruling sign Aquarius in the quarter of 2023.
Saturn may cause delays, but will also give you time to cover all your
actions and to help you achieve sky-high success.
Treading the right path will turn celestial disposition in your favour.
Venus despite being in a state of disintegration around the third
house. However, to you in many ways it will be helpful. Per 2023
Cancer horoscope when the Rahu enters Pisces, you may struggle to
develop strong social supports helping you to focus better on your
life and achieve new goals. Ketu is likely to affect your health and
Cancer (Kark)    33

wellness as well as your personal life. With mixed possibilities, you

may be faced with trying times occasionally will crawl.

Love Life
Talking about those planning to propose someone in the first quarter of
the year, will succeed. Jupiter transit will give you a good opportunity
to make your relationship stronger and better. However, natives trying
to solve their relationship problems for some time may experience
hardships. Saturn’s movements around this period which may create
some obstacles in your love and relationship to be countered by the
Cancer love horoscope 2023 in the coming months.
Retrograde Mars will move straight in the beginning of the year
requiring people to pay attention to their emotional ups and downs
as it affects Cancer single people and making them sad, and isolated.
Spending time with your family and friends, will help in improving
your mood. In the second half of the year, the Cancer horoscope for
love shows Ketu demanding for serious commitments on your end
which is to be decided by both you and your partner.
The first half of the year will be difficult for you, while the second
half will be favourable. Whether people in relationships, single, or
just looking to break free from the toxic of their past, will succeed
and feel better differently. Thanks to Jupiter and Saturn. Together,
who will not only restore the lost spark in your relationships but
will also ensure that things freshen up in the best possible way.
The love horoscope 2023 for Cancer predicts that some of your old
relationships and bonds will be refreshened. They will either become
a matchmaker for singles, a shoulder source of solace for those who
have forgotten their past, or a loving companion for those trying to
find a suitable partner.
Thus, the second half of the year will be entirely yours but the fourth
quarter comes with a few hurdles. When the Sun and Ketu join hands,
they may cause some tensions leading to a marital dispute, quarrels
34   Horoscope 2023

and arguments. But, as soon as the negative impacts on the horoscope

diminishes, at the end of the year 2023, you will enjoy a healthy,
successful and serious relationship. The natives can also expect an
opportunity of excursion.

Income Prospects
By sky high success for you we meant a huge amount of money you
will get. The finance horoscope for 2023 for Cancer predicts that
your family will become a source of your financial growth and well-
being. Matters related to ancestral property will bring you benefits.
The same applies to the second quarter of the year. Saturn may create
some trouble and delay your financial matters in the first quarter.
Contrarily, Mars will provide you excellent opportunities to earn
money. If you have a touring job related to travel, expect to gain of a
huge amount of money in 2023.
For factories owners or business men, 2023 will be a good time.
There will be some beneficial expansion in business and partnership
in the middle of the year. Throughout the year Mars and Saturn will
constantly warn you not to take hasty decisions, especially about
investments. As per Cancer finance horoscope, you need to be very
careful in financial dealings. If you are in the trading business,
remember to use words wisely.
There may be some expenses around the third quarter of the new
year 2023. Saturn and Rahu together will cause you to incur some
unnecessary expenses. A shopping spree is something that you will
become. However, Ketu, will save your day, attracting you towards
savings schemes and investments. Mercury and Mars will be favorable
for your finances around the last quarter and will help you in earning
money through travel and business trips. So, make the most of this
period and do your best.
Lastly, here are some investment tips in the finance horoscope 2023
for Cancer. Even though the planets are in your favor, they want you
to think about them before making big or long term investments.
Make sure you seek advice if you feel unsure at all. Since Saturn
Cancer (Kark)    35

will be watching you continuously since the beginning of the year,

you must understand that things can take an unexpected turn if you
do not pay attention. You can invest in property related matters in
the second half of 2023. For short-term plans or investments in
the stock market, the time around the end of the year 2023 will be
highly auspicious.

Saturn appreciates efforts. So, if you show your best work and take
all the necessary steps to be successful, you will do great in your
professional life. Saturn is the most powerful planet in its ruling
house. So, make sure you keep your karma in order, and work to
lift yourself up instead of pushing others down. As per the career
horoscope 2023 for Cancer, professional men and women will spend
a good time at their workplace. However, some bumps and bumps
may also be encountered. Some people may try to bring you down.
Mercury, the planet of communication, may not show its compatibility
with Cancerians until the third quarter of the new year. For freshers
seeking a job for a long time must remember that this is the best
opportunity for them to call themselves working professional in the
second half of the year 2023. Cancer career horoscope 2023 predicts
for some of you to get good promotions and hikes in the second half
of the year. The blessings of Jupiter will be upon you around the last
quarter of New Year, which will improve your relations with your
superiors and bring you fame and success.
With this great news, there are some obstacles in the way. The
horoscope indicates impart of Rahu and Ketu on people in trading
profession. While Rahu will lead you to make impulsive decisions,
Ketu will isolate you from all this stupidity and impulsiveness. It is
recommended that in the second of the year, sure you trust your inner
conscience and seek advice from experienced people who are in this
sphere such as family members. For natives planning to start their
new business, make sure to double check your action plan before
36   Horoscope 2023

Travel related business and business will prove to be helpful for the
people of Cancer zodiac. As per the career horoscope 2023 for Cancer,
you will not only make good money from some domains but will also
see excellent rise in your professional graph. With Mars behind travel-
related success, it will also help students who plan to study abroad or
start their new professional life there. Jupiter too will also cooperate
here. Students will find themselves in a better mental state around
the third quarter of 2023, which will improve their concentration and
skills. Those preparing for competitive examinations will also benefit
from the transit of Mars and Jupiter throughout the year.

Moderate to good results are on the cards for Cancerians in terms of
family and social life. Your supporting family members also will be
successful both professionally and financially. Some of them may get
good news from their siblings and close ones while others. However,
time may not be so lucky due to the influence of Rahu and Ketu,
which may upset you emotionally and cause some mood swings and
heated conversations with family.
Jupiter will be give you the confidence and understanding to deal with
difficult domestic situations. Some opinions may be against you in
family matters. Around the third trimester, there may be disapproval
from parents for important topics like marriage with a partner of your
From the point of view of health, the family members will be
healthy, fit and fine. However, around the second quarter of New
Year 2023, your mother may develop some disorder. It is advised to
take care of yourself and avoid over exertion and overloading with
work. The family members of the native should also keep an eye
on him to save him from accidents and injuries. Try to manage all
the issues in line with the health of all the members of your family.
Also, the brothers and sisters of the natives should also take care
not to exert mental pressure on them around the second quarter of
2023 as it may cause headache due to the impact of Rahu in the
Cancer (Kark)    37

Married Cancerian may face some problems in relation to their in-

laws. For some people, this problem can be so severe that they may
feel isolated from their family and spouse. All this can even lead to an
unhealthy family environment. Thus, the keeping your cool, take care
that nothing disturbs the peace of the family. Also, be sure to speak
up instead of fighting over issues using harsh or rash language, even
if things completely go out of hand.

The Cancerians zodiac will experience the blessings of Saturn on
their health and well being throughout the year. However, you may
feel tired and upset with your life and the things around you. In such
a situation, Cancer Horoscope 2023 advises you to remain calm at
gloomy moments. You must remember not to be disrespectful about
staying healthy and fit. If you are careless about your health, Saturn
will warn of situations that can go wrong. Therefore, pay attention
to all the signs that may point your deteriorating health.
Cancer Health Horoscope 2023 says that the Jupiter will bring
amazing changes in your life. Once it becomes active again in the
second half of the year, the health of the people suffering from it
will be restore for some time. Treatments, medications, thought
irresponsive will become effective. So, remain optimistic about
where you are in your life in terms of health. Also, remember not to
switch from one treatment to another as it may harm you.
You need to notice that you worry less, even in unconducive
circumstances. As per the Cancer 2023 health horoscope, even a
slight combination of Mercury and Sun in your horoscope can make
things difficult. Make sure that you accept things positively and relax
from time to time. Going on a vacation or a family trip it will refresh
your mind and help revive your energy, in turn making you perform
well in all areas of life.
For the fitness freaks, you need to remember that Rahu and Ketu
together can impact your health and wellness while Jupiter will be
active to save your day. The health horoscope 2023 for Cancer says
that your confidence to do everything may be broken. So, keep aside
38   Horoscope 2023

fitness propositions for some time and take to meditation, yoga,

balancing your chakra and breathing exercises as they will help
you to relax. Rahu may make you crave for something unhealthy.
Remember not to be attracted to it and focus on the diet plan prepared
by you.

Enjoy and feel great because the married life of the natives will be
quite pleasant in the new year. If you have any pending discussions
and topics to chit-chat then Saturn may delay a bit. Hence, as per
the Cancer Marriage Horoscope 2023, the first quarter of the year
will not be a favorable for doing something that may create problems
between you and your spouse. There are some chances that you and
your spouse run into issues with your family—in-laws may feel a
little isolated, children may act rebellious. Try to be mentally alert
before speaking in front of them.
For the newlyweds, Jupiter will be blissful and auspicious in the
horoscope. The couple will spend a great time, engaging nuptial
place. It would be a good idea to plan a trip to escape the crowd. It
will help you to deepen your bond. Despite Mars being in your favour
dealing with the family in favor of the spouse can be a bit difficult.
But, remember that with the passage of months this feeling will also
Cancerians sign trying to get out of marital dispute or fighting a
legal battle will see positive results in the year 2023. However,
celestral movement needs you to keep patience. For people trying
to fix their marriage; Venus is on their back. You need to feel the
love within you and make sure you share it with your partner.
Furthermore, the 2023 Cancer marriage horoscope predicts that the
efforts will be successful, but for this to happen, you need to think
and act positively.
Couples trying to welcome a baby will be blessed by Jupiter, Sun
and Mercury jointly. Saturn can cause delay for people trying
Cancer (Kark)    39

to get married. Still the second half of New Year 2023 will be in
their favor. Those trying to get married and trying to convince their
parents may have to wait till the end of the year, as the planets will
not be favourable till the end of 2023. But, don’t give up hope and
stick to your partner as together you will surely be able to set the
things right.

1. Worship Lord Ganesha and recite ‘Mahamritunjaya Mantra’.
It will help you in your works and actions – professionally and
2. Donate black-colored clothes on Saturdays to seek auspicious
results in the year 2023.
3. Energise your planet Mercury to chant Budh Mantra.
4. Wear seven-faced Rudraksha to reduce the malefic impacts on
your professional life.
Leo (Sīmhā)
23 July – 22 August
Rāśi’s Basic Characteristics: The Lion; 5th sign; Governs 5th
house; Governs heart and back. Mountain; Quadruped Śhirodāya;
Fixed; Odd; Bāhya Rāśi; Vegetable; Fierce Male; East; Stomach;
Day; East; Lion; Kśhātriya (Nf=k;); Tẽjo-Tātwa (rstksa&rRok).

Leo natives, welcome to 2023. May opportunities shine upon you
like the Sun, your ruling planet. Leo Horoscope 2023 predicts a
chaotic start in Leo people, yet promises you a destination where you
will be happier, more famous and content than at the beginning of
the year. Leo Horoscope 2023 looks very promising in terms of love
and relationship as the energy of Venus will prompt a surge of tender
feeling in you. Concerns over career may bother in the middle of the
year, but a positive attitude and practicing career remedies will help
you overcome such crises. Barring some good news within the family,
with plenty of backpacking opportunities at the end of the year. Yet,
throughout the year, health issues will capture your attention amidst
interruptions in business.
Your life has changed in myriad ways in the years of Leo, and this
year is no different, but the pace of change will remain stagnant in the
beginning of 2023, as the strong energy of Saturn will make you a bit
lazy and lethargic. Working hard won’t help, requiring you a break
from all the hustle and bustle. This year, astrologers suggest that you
try to focus on things that you once thought to be out of your reach.
Leo (Sīmhā)    41

Take up new adventures frankly in the beginning of the year. Thus

Venus will become more active in your horoscope. At the beginning
of the year, you may be inclined to switch over your job/career but the
expected success will allude you.
The energy of the Venus planet of love deepens from the month of
March in 2023, bearing a lot of romantic conversation. Leos tend to
be a bit shy and self-centered, but it is time for you to fondle your
heart for any tender feelings. Even if you don’t, Leo Horoscope 2023
predicts that Venus will naturally increase your desire to express your
feelings of love and romance towards a special someone. So, expect
someone at the work place or from your close circle to infatuate you.
In the third quarter of the year, work-related complications will mix
with health issues that deserve attention. As Jupiter strengthens in
Leo Horoscope 2023 from the third quarter of the year, your life will
be perfectly balanced and enjoyable.

Love Life
Leo love horoscope 2023 is positive and there is much to make Leo
shy. Love and relationships will prevail the scenario in 2023 due
to the strong influence of Venus throughout the year. Thus, your
romantic life may be different in the coming years. Any kind of
romantic indulgence in 2023 will help in your personal progress. The
year 2023 is especially good for Leos who want to take things a step
further and settle down with their love. Such opportunities will be
plentiful towards the end of the year.
Leo horoscope 2023 predicts that love and relationships may go
through some hurdles due to Saturn in the first quarter of 2023.
Disputes may arise due to disagreement from old quarrels hampering
the love life of married and unmarried couples alike. So, Leo people
should not bring their past into the picture in 2023. On the other hand,
Jupiter is in positive position in Leo Horoscope 2023 and favors love
marriage in the third quarter. However, married couples need to be
42   Horoscope 2023

careful during March 2023 as weak Mercury may create unnecessary

dispute not only between you and your partner but also between you
and your in-laws.
By the middle of the year, Rahu and Sun will come together to
help the Leo people stabilize their ailing marital relationship. The
movement of Saturn and Moon can change the opinion of unmarried
couples. You may have second thoughts about your own relationship.
Leo Horoscope 2023 advises couples to take a break and spend some
time alone in the second trimester for rebounding and relief from
disputes and bitterness in marital life.
For the unmarried relying on luck to find love in 2023 won’t help
much. Both Rahu and Sun require greater effort on your part to find
someone worth your time and energy in 2023. Before considering
online dating, look for people near you, such as those at your
workplace or in friends circle. The third quarter of the year is the best
time to make new relationships. The movement of Moon and Ketu in
September may hamper love for Leo, but any dents will be levelled
by Mars and Venus.

Income Prospects
A powerful Saturn, the planet of Karma at the beginning of the year
in Leo Horoscope 2023 shows the importance of forgetting about the
past and focusing on future building. No major changes will come in
the finances for Leo people in the first quarter of the year. Ominous
Mars can delay success, causing your frustration. A larger hold at
despair will only add to harmful impacts of Mars and Saturn. So,
concentrate on your work regardless of monetary gains in the first
In the second quarter of 2023, a well informed investment decision
will bring you profits in the second half of the year. Yet, the presence of
Saturn may delay in expected financial gains. Those in corporate jobs
are expected to get hikes and promotions along with the possibility of
Leo (Sīmhā)    43

traveling for professional purposes. Leo women need to rein in their

expenses and confine to their budget. To get the best that you should
live up to your promises on both personal and professional fronts, as
it will please Mars.
Jupiter will be strong in the third quarter in Leo Horoscope 2023.
The chances of loan recovery are highest. Jupiter will help in family
business, especially if you deal in household items besides helping
to benefit from property and agriculture. The month of October 2023
is the best time to buy a vehicle. Brihaspati, the Guru and icon of
knowledge prompts you to take a wise decision.
The last quarter is mostly about vacation-related expenses that you
won’t regret. Miscellaneous needs of children may not help you hold
funds and there will be no saving. In fact, spending money on leisure
or just shopping in December 2023 will strengthen Venus in your
horoscope, the planet of love and luxury. A strong Venus will bring
more romance and good luck in your life.

A strong Jupiter is ready to support Leos in their professional
endeavors in 2023. It will be a tough time for those seeking for
career through competitive exams. Leo Horoscope 2023 clearly
states that it needs extra effort from the beginning of the year
itself. Rahu in Leo Horoscope 2023 will cause a distraction in
the first quarter and together with Saturn, it can also bring delays
to your disappoint. Hence, you are advised to avoid bad company.
Opportunities may welcome in the second quarter of 2023 in their
search of foreign jobs.
Health-related issues will dominate initially and it will impact your
career or study goals. Therefore, leaving aside everything and focus
on health. Patience and perseverance will get you through your
professional goals this year. Not much will change for the corporate
job seekers in the first two quarters barring an ease in work pressure
44   Horoscope 2023

June and July are lucky to switch the job. Traders will see a jump in
sales in the first quarter. The best time for business expansion is the
third quarter of the year when Jupiter will favor you with innovative
The third quarter of 2023 will be conducive for assessing your
expectations and achievements. This is the best time for students
preparing for competitive exams as a strong Jupiter in Leo Horoscope
2023 will motivate them. Working professionals may find a chance to
reshape their future strategy.
Businessmen will reap the fruits of business expansion in the last
quarter of the year 2023. For those planning to join a vocational
course this year is quite opportune. There are high chances for you to
pass out with flying colors. This venture should be launched after the
first quarter of 2023.

The year 2023 cautions you about dealing with important people in
your life. As marital issues may surround you be careful in words
and actions towards your spouse. Fortunately, Leo Horoscope 2023
predicts improvement in your relationship with your in-laws. Due to
movement of Sun in the horoscope, marital and live-in relationship
will flourish. January to April is a great time to take a spiritual
excursion, especially if you have children. Parents of a newborn
should avoid travelling until April 2023.
If you are a parent of children in the age group of 15-20 years, track
and curtail their screen time without infringing on their privacy.
Let them not be distracted by such junk and appreciate their overall
development. Working parents need to spare time for kids more
often. Avoid foul language and harsh arguments before children.
An auspicious ceremony is likely to be celebrated at home by the
end of the year. For having a baby February and August are the
best months. If already pregnant, try to be reduce your screen time.
Leo (Sīmhā)    45

Spend more time in arts and crafts to please Jupiter and to make the
intelligence of your future child intelligent.

As per Leo Horoscope 2023 prediction, health will not be a matter of
concern for Leo in 2023 except in the first quarter. The natives will to
enjoy good health with no need to visit a hospital. One’s health will
improve after the first quarter of the year and care should be taken
to maintain it. Be cautious of the presence of Saturn and Rahu in the
beginning of the year that may lure you various kinds of addictions
and seek more healthy available options.
Leo Health Horoscope 2023 also warns the natives about the
possibility of eye strain problem this year. Mind your diet and wash
your eyes regularly. Wear computer glasses regularly. Running daily
will also help you keep fit throughout the year.
Mental, not physical health issues, may not hinder your progress in
2023. Problems in marriage, delay in marriage or career advancement
are some of the issues that a Leo may have to face in 2023, likely
take a toll on your mental health. You may feel disappointed as
Rahu will delay your progress and Saturn will test your strength. A
positive attitude towards life will help you move forward along with
practicing yoga and meditation will help you stay calm and take short
naps during the day to refresh.
There is no significant health problem for the elderly and old people
of Leo sign, but preventive measures need to be followed. A balanced
diet is really important. Some of you may be suffering from the
problem of weight gain. Leo horoscope 2023 predicts that if you
have suffered an injury recently, you will eventually heal up. Do
not take medicine without medical adivice. Leo sign people must be
careful while playing outside, as there are chances of injury due to
46   Horoscope 2023

Leo Marriage Horoscope 2023 predicts tough times for married
couples. This year the transit of Mars, Saturn and Rahu can bring
confusion and hindrance in marriage like never before. If your
relationship is already going through a bad phase, then the influence
of Mars may worsen it. Your partner’s attitude and behavior will give
you a tough time despite the strong support of Venus. To resolve such
issues you have to relinquish ego and work maturely. Try to carve out
together new ways of happiness.
As the Leo Marriage Horoscope 2023 predicts, the midyear is of
little help for married couples due to the transitional energy of Venus.
Couples have a chance to bond with their current or future in-laws.
Leos planning to get married, should postpone it to the second half
of the year to seek the blessings of strong Jupiter. Leo Marriage
Horoscope 2023 states that unmarried couples should take time to
understand each other in the first half of the year and should not rush
into the bond of marriage. Talking about arranged marriages, the
second half of the year is the best time. There are chances of family
travel in the month of May to July as this will help you get closer to
your life partner.
As per Leo Marriage Horoscope 2023, bride or groom hunting is
not advisable in the second half of the year, as Saturn may delay
your plans. But a strong Jupiter in your horoscope will help you find
someone with whom you can think of tying the knot in 2023. Those
who are in a relationship may consider tying the knot in the second
half of the year.
Any pending divorce case due to interference of a third party in the
relationship, may be settled by the second quarter of 2023. Rahu
strength in the third trimester may prompt you to seek extra marital
affair, a feeling that you need to control. Transit of Saturn and Moon
towards the end of the year can lead to communication gap leading to
tension in the relationship. This will be a temporary crisis and can be
resolved only through dialogue with each other.
Leo (Sīmhā)    47

1. Visit Shani temple on Saturdays. Offer mustard oil, black things
and Chant Shani Mantra to calm Shanidev.
2. Be in contact of White and Green things for good results and
calm mind.
3. Help needy and elderly, blessings will help you for good growth
in life.
4. Distributing food to needy will give relief in any health issue to
Leo natives.
Virgo (Kanyā)
23 August – 22 September
Rāśi’s Basic Characteristics: The Virgin; 6th sign; Rules 6th house;
Governs bowels; Town land full of water and corn, first: half biped,
Śhirodāya; Common; Even, Gārbha and Human Rāśi; Soft female;
South; Variegated; Colors; Waist; Day; Maiden; Vaisya; Prithvi-
Tatwa (i`Foh&rRok).

How are you girl? Or should we ask, how did you do, Virgo? But
after another year has passed, does it matter now? Well, as the wise
man of Virgo, you’ve always loved the idea of ​​re-examining your
past for the things that work for you and the things that don’t. Yet,
this year, don’t let yourself feel sorry for the lost opportunities as it is
yet to happen. Having said that, Virgo Horoscope 2023 advises you
to find practical answers to the questions that are bothering you to
start your new year. Doing so will ensure that you do not miss another
opportunity in 2023.
Strong presence of Jupiter in 2023 Virgo Horoscope The beginning
of the second quarter of the year will bring good prospects for
business success, marriage and child birth. Also, love affairs will
blossom under the influence of Venus throughout the year. But as
we are moving towards the end, Ketu transit advises you to focus
on your relationships and financial matters. Also, due to strong Mars
and Mercury in the horoscope, you will get many opportunities to
Virgo (Kanyā)    49

travel in the year 2023 from the beginning of the year. According to
Virgo Horoscope 2023, some of you may be able to earn money by
traveling this year.
Considering the professional opportunities, they will have a lot to
offer in 2023, especially if you are in the research or legal field.
Although Ketu and Mars are placed in the third quarter of Virgo
Horoscope 2023, people practicing legal services need to be honest
towards their work and do it sincerely to not be affected by Mars.
At the beginning of the year and after September, Virgo people
will get plenty of opportunities to move forward in business. If you
are working in a corporate environment, avoid arguing with your
co-workers. However, a strong Venus in this period gives you an
opportunity to form some romantic bond with your partner.
The best advice that Virgo Horoscope 2023 gives you is to be patient
in life. As a Virgo, you are powerful, courageous and always ready to
win. And when you set your mind to something, you like to get into it
until you achieve it, which is both a pros and cons. Virgo horoscope
wants you to know that in focusing your mind on something, you
sometimes overlook things that are more practical and beneficial. As
a leader, having the propensity to finish what you started is a virtue,
but in 2023, you need to stop and think whether there are alternatives
to achieving the greatness you want?

Love Life
This year you will have such love which you would have never
imagined. The strong presence of Venus in Virgo Love Horoscope
2023 will prompt the shy ones to seek love and the adventurous ones
will eventually attain the maturity to find a balance between the desire
for a relationship and their professional life. In fact, the transit of the
Moon in the first half of the year will encourage you to look for long
lasting relationships.
If you have been friends with the opposite sex for some time now,
chances are you may feel a sort of attraction towards them. Astrologers
50   Horoscope 2023

suggest not to be desperate to act on the feelings and assess them

before expressing them. Also, there is a high chance that you may
misinterpret the signals coming from them, so don’t rely on them.
If you are in a relationship or married, then in the first quarter of
the year, some disputes may come up in your relationship. The
presence of Saturn in the horoscope during this period indicates that
you should not tell each other’s past mistakes, as doing so will only
add to your troubles as a couple. Love Horoscope 2023 asks you to
avoid unnecessary arguments especially to hurt each other’s egos.
Later, the transit of Jupiter and Rahu in the second quarter of the
year asks you to beware of secret love or any bond which is morally
wrong. Astrologers say that by doing this your bad karma will
increase, for which you will have to repent. Jupiter is called Guru or
Thus, a strong presence of Jupiter will be detrimental in such a way
that the planet will do anything and everything to teach you a lesson
for your wrongdoings. If someone is planning to propose or ask for
marriage, then the month of June is the best for him. Don’t be flashy
but work on aesthetics to make the offer memorable and increase
your chances of hearing a yes. Virgo Horoscope 2023 states that the
month of June is also good for travelling. So as a couple, you might
consider spending some time together amidst the mountains, away
from the hustle and bustle of life.
The months of July and August are desirable for love marriage.
Hence, you can make such plans during these months. If your
parents don’t agree, it’s time to do so. Mars in search of love through
arranged marriage, love horoscope 2023 is coming with unexpected
relationship proposals after the month of August.
In the last quarter of the year, it is advised that you continue to keep
your secret love a secret as the involvement of your parents may
create difficulties in your relationship with your partner. Be careful
with your siblings in this period as they may create hurdles in your
relationship, says Virgo Horoscope 2023.
Virgo (Kanyā)    51

Income Prospects
A lot is happening in terms of finances in the first quarter of 2023 for
Virgo. From the beginning of the year, the income of independent
businessmen and people associated with the business related to
consumable goods can see an increase. However, this is not the best
time for business expansion when considering doing so. Also, this is a
good time to buy a vehicle. However, the 2023 horoscope warns you
about the lack of financial support from the family, so you are likely
to be alone in such an endeavor. At the beginning of the year, the
combination of planets related to economic matters is serious. So if
you take decisions without thinking then you are likely to suffer loss.
In the first quarter of the year, expenses may be substantial for you
and the sources of income will be less. Don’t expect much profit from
the stock market in 2023. However, if you change jobs then you are
likely to get a salary increase and a good hike. The transit of Rahu
and Jupiter can give you the opportunity to travel abroad in the third
quarter. Plus, 2023 would be a great time to travel abroad if you’re
saving for one. As per Virgo Horoscope 2023, Sun and Mercury may
make some expenditure for children.
In the second half of 2023, Virgos can expect an increase in income.
As your finances are dominated by Jupiter in 2023, the harder you
work, the more benefits you will get. The month after August can
open additional sources of income for you. Nevertheless, you are
advised not to incur unwanted expenses. However, you shouldn’t
compromise too much, especially when it comes to things that are
essential to your well-being, for example, a short trip or a dinner date
with your partner. Also, Virgo horoscope states that there will not be
a lot of health expenses for you to worry about, and hence, you can
save a lot here.
As per Virgo Horoscope 2023 any major investment, such as in
property, should be made after the second quarter of the year. If there
is any dispute going on in the family regarding property, then it would
be wise to avoid taking big decisions at this time. , you have a good
chance of getting a return on your previous investment in the third
quarter of 2023.
52   Horoscope 2023

A lot is happening in terms of finances in the first quarter of
2023 for Virgo. From the beginning of the year, the income of
independent businessmen and people associated with the business
related to consumables may increase. However, this is not the best
time for business expansion when considering doing so. Also, this
is a good time to buy a vehicle. However, the 2023 horoscope warns
you about the lack of financial support from the family, so you are
likely to be alone in such an endeavor. At the beginning of the year,
the combination of planets related to economic matters is serious.
So if you take decisions without thinking then you are likely to
suffer loss.
In the first quarter of the year, expenses may be substantial for you
and the sources of income will be less. Don’t expect much profit
from the stock market in 2023. However, if you change jobs, you are
likely to get a salary increase and a good hike. The transit of Rahu
and Jupiter can give you the opportunity to travel abroad in the third
quarter. Plus, 2023 would be a great time to travel abroad if you’re
saving for one. As per Virgo Horoscope 2023, Sun and Mercury may
make some expenditure for children.
In the second half of 2023, Virgos can expect an increase in income.
As your finances are dominated by Jupiter in 2023, the harder you
work, the more benefits you will get. The month after August can
open additional sources of income for you. Nevertheless, you are
advised not to incur unwanted expenses. However, you shouldn’t
compromise too much, especially when it comes to things that are
essential to your well-being, for example, a short trip or a dinner date
with your partner. Also, Virgo horoscope states that there will not be
a lot of health expenses for you to worry about, and hence, you can
save a lot here.
Any major real estate investment will fructuous by the second quarter.
Avoid decision on family dispute about property. A good return on
your previous investment in the third quarter is expected.
Virgo (Kanyā)    53

Family environment may seem gloomy. But, with Jupiter comes into
you and the entire family will live in harmony. There may be some
changes or modifications in your family around the second half of the
year. Your siblings may move to another place owing to retrospective
planning or professional needs or minor disturbances in your family
life. However, by the grace of Jupiter and Saturn, you will remain
Unfortunately, your thoughts and actions are not compatible with
those of your family. Hence Virgo sign people will have a bad start
this year. The transit of Saturn in Aquarius in the first quarter can
bring many ups and downs in your family circumstances. People
older than you may disagree with you due to professional reasons.
Discuss any problems amicably. Keep your cool to get things better
around the second quarter as per the Virgo Family Horoscope 2023.
In the new year 2023, many happy moments may welcome you the
people of Virgo. Your act of self-assessment and giving a patient
listening to your family members will greatly benefit you. Thanks
to auspicious Venus. At the end of the year, your child may be in
trouble. But overall the second half of the year will be enjoyable for
Virgo people.
Besides health issues with grandparents. When Rahu is in Pisces
around the last quarter, and Mercury is also in action, you may
apprehend health disorders in family members. You too need to be
careful about being infected due to moving around them. The same
period will be beneficial for the people of Scorpio zodiac. They will
do well in their work and studies with health condition.

Furious nature Virgo natives in 2023 will wrake health issue. Your
control over anger, may ensure good health throughout the year. The
best way to control your anger according to Virgo Horoscope 2023 is
to eat healthy and take proper rest besides spending more time with
your spouse or partner.
54   Horoscope 2023

Stress and anger are related to the Moon. Following are measures
to please the Moon. Till June 2023, you should be careful not only
about your health but also the health of your children. Try not to
miss regular check-ups or medication. Due to the transit of Rahu,
the elderly may have some eye-related problems during this period.
Also, astrologers suggest that we should reduce our dependence
on medicine as much as possible in 2023. For example, if you take
sleeping pills or pain relievers, try to avoid them as much as possible.
To enjoy good health in 2023, Virgo Horoscope 2023 suggests, is to
take to naturopathy including waterfall remedy.
There may be aggravated be skin problems in the last two quarters
of the year in pregnancy. In, the last quarter of the year is the best
time for pregnancy. Women already pregnant should avoid stress, and
reduce screen time, and practice moon-strengthening remedies for a
positive effect on the mental health of both you and your child. If
possible, take babymoon in the month of June 2023, it interesting
these days.
Overall, there is nothing to worry about your health in 2023. Just try
to avoid over work and to cope with sleep problem, exercise regularly.

Virgos are devoted lovers but always on alert to protect themselves
from complicated and confusing situations and relationships. Virgos
take their time to make sure they are always with the right person at
the end of the day.
Virgo marriage horoscope predicts the return of your ex beloved by
the blessing of Jupiter. Old matters will get resolved and thus both
of you can think of starting all over again. Over indulgence in love
during this period will not hurt but will strengthen your bond as a
couple. The presence of Saturn and Rahu in Virgo in February 2023
can bring negative energy to couples. To counter it, you should spend
more time with your family or on a trip with your spouse.
Virgo (Kanyā)    55

Those are planning to get married this year stand a good chance as a
delay may occur in finding suitable bride or groom in the first half of
the year. Mars advises you to be patient and wait for the right person.
Still, Virgos in love do not face such delays. The months of July and
August can be considered for disclosing your matrimonial choice to
parents. Virgo Marriage Horoscope 2023 gives favorable time for
marriage in the months of April, June and July. Avoid getting married
in the month of May 2023. After the first half, as Jupiter strengthens
in your horoscope, you are expected to bring lots of happiness in your
love life and marriage.
If inclined to get divorced or involved in a marital legal battle, the
second half of 2023 is when you can expect things to get sorted
out. Avoid arguments with in-laws to avoid complications. Since
Jupiter is strong in the second half, some of you may also consider
reconciliation. Overall, don’t have harsh feelings towards anyone.
Try to handle situations in marriage with maturity.

1. Worship Lord Shani, recital Shani Mantra to gain confidence and
reduce insecurities in mind.
2. Read Hanuman Chalisa, this will make you calm and reduce
your impatient behavior. Also, you can improve decision-making
3. Mind gets restless sometimes, wear ‘Panna’ or Emerald gemstone
on gold metal to reduce anxiety, if any in 2023.
Libra (Tūlā)
23 September – 22 October
Rāśi’s Basic Characteristics: The balance; 7th sign; Rules 7th
house; Governs reins and kidneys. House of Vaisya; First half
biped; Śhirodāya; Movable, Odd, Dwāra Rāśi, Mineral; Fierce
Male; West; Dark Color; Day; Weighing; Balance; Shūdra; Vāyu-
tatwā (ok;q&rRok); Human Rāśi; Trade Brain.

Friend! You are already doing very well and further you will have
good time and opportunities. Libra Horoscope 2023 in second quarter
of the year will be blissful. With Jupiter moving into Aries, you will
prosper professionally provided you maintain work-family balance.
Saturn will test you from the beginning of the year 2023. With the
ruling house of this planet in Aquarius, you may apprehend delays in
your work and face financial problems. Since, the year will be full of
opportunities a Libra fellow should not lose hope and should rather,
be alert and cheerful.
With Mars out of retrograde mode in the first quarter and your ruling
planet Venus by the third quarter, you will prosper in your personal
life. The transit of Rahu in Pisces in the last quarter of the year will
give you a setback in some spheres of life. However with your ruling
planet taking its assigned position, your personal life may take a
different turn causing you worry about non issues. So, Libra people,
have to undergo both joy and sorrow.
Libra (Tūlā)    57

Love Life
New Year 2023 will be positive and lucky for Libra men and women.
You will enjoy spending good time with your partner. Around the
first trimester, the natives will get an opportunity to spend a good and
peaceful time with their partner. Libra love horoscope 2023 also says
that a plan to go on a vacation with the partner would deepen their
bond. some problem with their partner. The horoscope 2023 predicts
that all complications will be resolved in the first half of the new year.
Alone! The year is full of opportunities and possibilities! Unmarried
Libra people will enjoy the company of someone special around the
third quarter of the year 2023 blessed simultaneous by blessings
of Rahu and Venus in your horoscope. There be possibilities of
reconciliation as well. But for this to happen, you must also be
optimistic about yourself with the grace of the planets. Things may
get affected a bit towards the end of the year. You may have mood
problems temporarily.
Jupiter no doubt will shower its blessings on you but conjunction
of Saturn and Jupiter may disturb you. These impacting your
relationship profoundly in the long run. But, Libra Horoscope 2023
for love suggests that you will tackle all the issues in your relationship
patiently. Don’t be aggressive and act wisely. Ketu can influence your
mind as well as your big decisions. As a true Libra man, demonstrate
your determination and patience.
Mercury and Mars will be in joint action with at the climax of New
Year 2023. There are many indictments in your horoscope, such even
though you may be calculative in your expressions, time may not
be ripe for it. For natives seeking a better love relationship, Libra
Horoscope 2023 says that they need to be extra careful in your words
and deeds.

Income Prospects
Libra! Financially you will have a good year. A visible Mars is from
the very beginning, then you will make you prosper. You can give it a.
Be it real estate investment or trading gold, jewelery etc., the natives
58   Horoscope 2023

will reap profit. With the great aspect of Jupiter and Saturn in your
horoscope, you will see an improvement in your financial situation as
well. As per the Libra finance horoscope 2023, some of you will be
in a better position. There will be a sigh of relief for those who are
under debt pressure.
Also, when Rahu interacts with the Ketu, there may be some conflict in
your head to be conferred by other planets in the coming months! The
third quarter may be difficult for you in terms of money. But, sensible
people, will resolve the situation. Your investments during this period
will not be as fruitful as they appear to be. However, it would be
favorable to encash some of your mature FDs for personal or business
purposes. You can execute some of your short-term investment plans
around the beginning of the first quarter with likelihood of taking a
In the first quarter, the transit of planets, especially Saturn in its own
sign will test your actions and plans. How strong or conservative you
are at saving or spending, such questions will face you sometime
or the other. Saving from the very beginning would be a great idea.
Later, around the third trimester, your savings will help you stay
steady. It will also keep you away from adversities and problems. You
also need to know where to invest when you intend to invest. So take
advice wherever necessary as retrograde Venus can make it difficult
to deal with financial situation for some time.
You may have big profit making plans for which a quarter of the year
is then for you. In the last few months, Libra people will improve and
will find many new ways to earn money. More than one visitor will
add to your glory and prosperity. The 2023 Libra finance horoscope
suggest investors to plan for SIP around the end of the year.

For you, patience is the key, and being opportunistic is the way to
success. Libra Career Horoscope 2023 says that despite Saturn’s
harshness from the very beginning, the year will be favorable in terms
Libra (Tūlā)    59

of education and business. Professionals seeking to take leave from

their ongoing job and work, will see results after a little struggle.
Despite a bumpy journey your chances of success will brighten in the
long run.
Also, Mercury will play a major role in the career horoscope 2023
for Libra affecting communication skills and decision making and
weakening in turn, your performance at work, especially at the start
of your career and studies. Things may get little mismanaged and
strayed. Government job aspirants will have to put extra efforts for
desired result. As the influence of the Mercury subsides, odds will
Business people may require little more than just planning and
investing. For those in the family business, it’s time to demonstrate
the heights of their skills. After all this is the year when you can
use your opportunistic approach and give your best shot! The 2023
Libra career horoscope predicts that the planet Jupiter will bless you
with great intelligence and will. Make sure you make the best use
of this time. Therefore, around the second quarter, Libra people and
entrepreneurs should launch their venture. This phase is lucky and
auspicious for those seeking to dig into business—new or old, family
or non-family, single or in collaboration.
Well, the last trimester might head a bumpy road. With Rahu in motion
and Ketu in action, all the working Libra men and women may find it
a little difficult to deal with things again. There won’t be many issues.
However, you should be cautious of anyone else as your horoscope
indicates that the people you work with may drag you down which,
in turn, impacting your overall performance and reputation at work.

You will face roughshod even in your family matters. The first half
of the year will be a bit difficult for you but Mars will put an end to
the retrograde phase and encourage you to face all the troubles and
problems fearlessly. Your parents may face domestic problems and
health issues not leading to causality in the family.
60   Horoscope 2023

The second half of the year will bring you peace and harmony. Thanks
to because conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, putting an end to all the
issues and troubles in the family including chronic disease and stress.
However, Libra people must remember that some problems may arise
again to plague your loved ones.
As the family horoscope for the year 2023 for Libra people, indicate
some people may move to another city or country where you will
get an opportunity to settle down for professional reasons. This is
a welcome change but may create tension between you and your
siblings. Married ones may face domestic problems and financial
crisis in the family. However, your spouse will help you to come out
of it.
Also, the Libra family horoscope 2023 has something in store for
the kids. Please the parents with their shining performance The last
trimester may witness health problems with the family members
including anxiety in children and youth. Quarrels among siblings as
Rahu and Ketu together affect your mood and feelings unexpectedly.
Saturn may cause some delay in household routine likely to create
problems in the long run.

Rahu and Ketu alert you to take extra care and stay positively.
Believe in remedy besides shrugging of the mindset that “my health
will not improve,” as Jupiter is there to protect you from any injury
or casualty. Thus, around the second quarter of New Year 2023, Libra
sign people will get rid of all the health problems like body ache,
mental exhaustion, anxiety while healthy ones will be inspired to
perform in other areas of their lives.
In the health horoscope for Libra in 2023 has the influence of the
Saturn, which will help you maintain a balanced and healthy life. Yet,
as the planet is your ill habits, you should avoid unhealthy eating and
practice yoga and meditation regularly to maintain wellness. Older
people who have a chronic illness may develop a fear of separation.
Libra (Tūlā)    61

Therefore, you should make sure that you spend your time in
optimistic things and pay less attention to illness.
Your thoughts and energy will take a positive turn favoured by Saturn
and Jupiter in your horoscope. The 2023 Libra health horoscope
predicts that you will do better in your personal and professional life.
The “I can’t do it” attitude will last for a long time while Venus also
will be helpful around the third quarter supporting your judgment and
boosting your enthusiasm. There may be a little risk to your health
due to the combustion of the planet.
You may feel physically tired at the end of the year besides digestive
and nervous systems problems likely to happen due to excessive
stress and in balanced diet impacting your immunity. The last few
months can be difficult for Libra people.

New Year 2023 will act like a mirror for Libra men and women. You
will realize each other’s contribution to the marriage. Your spouse will
support you in the second quarter of the year. This is the time to plan
for family with full support of Jupiter. Professionally driven married
couples will not be able to spend time with each other. However,
compatibility will remain intact.
Also, according to Libra Ascendant Horoscope 2023, married women
trying to conceive will be successful around the end of the third
trimester. Jupiter on Saturn will add to your luck. Those burdened with
domestic obligation heave a sigh of relief with improved relationship
with their partners. Those waiting to negotiate to settle their marital
differences will be favoured by the celestial movement.
Unmarried people waiting for marriage will get success this year.
Some Libra people will hear wedding bells this year. Especially those
going in for love marriage, 2023 will get full support in addition to
win the favour of hitherto disgruntled parents. Also, as per prediction,
some single men and women may find a suitable partner. Therefore,
Libra natives in search of an arranged marriage will succeed in the
second half of 2023.
62   Horoscope 2023

There is something for those stuck in marital litigation which will

finally be resolved. If you have filed for divorce, the results will be in
your favor for which you have to happen, you’ll have to wait until the
last quarter of the year. Rahu and Ketu may confuse you and affect
your feelings and actions towards the end of the second quarter, which
may create some disturbances in your marital life worth resolving

1. Offer water to Sun every morning, donate yellow sweet on
2. Seek blessings from those who are needy.
3. Visit Shani Dev temple on every Saturday and do rituals.
Scorpio (Vrīśchīk)
23 October – 21 November
Rāśi’s Basic Characteristics: The Scorpion; 8th sign; Rules
8th house; Governs the secret parts. Hole or Cavity, Reptile or
Centipede; Śhirodāya; Fixed, even, Bāhya Rāśi; Vegetable, Soft
female; North; Brown; Well sex organs; Day, Scorpion; Brāhmīn
(czkã.k); Jala-Tātwa (ty&rRok).

People know you from a list of people who have their own thoughts
and ideas. But in the new year 2023, the planets will force you to
change your perception about many things in life. Especially in your
personal life, you will see things in a completely new way with your
partner. But why has the mindset suddenly changed? Well, this will be
due to the influence of your lord Mars, which will end its retrograde
phase at the beginning of the first quarter of this year. Along with
this, Scorpio Horoscope 2023 predicts that the planet Saturn will act
around a similar period, acting as a warning and prompting you to be
careful about your professional life. However, on the other hand, the
planet Jupiter will shower its blessings on you and help you and your
family till the third quarter of the year.
Also, when the second half of the year begins, Scorpio sign people can
expect some monetary gains. This will remain until the planet Venus
burns up. Thus, it is highly advised that you make the best use of this
time. Moreover, the Scorpio Horoscope for 2023 has something in
store for those who are either married or about to get married. Well,
64   Horoscope 2023

there may be a change in perception in your life too! How? Well, if

you are not ready to take this new responsibility or step into life, then
you will be all set to join in, and if you are already married, you will
be the brand new and supportive partner of your partner. Will be Will
see the side, which will make you respect them even more. Mercury
can create obstacles in your health. Thus, you need to be careful about
your health, especially around the last quarter of New Year 2023. So,
guys, with some caution, ready for some nice modifications in your

Love Life
No matter how practical you are, love is something you need to work
on. This year will be full of love and romance for you. Those who
have just entered a relationship seek the blessings of the planet Jupiter
around the second quarter, which will allow them to understand each
other better and resolve all pending issues and problems. There will
be a half chance that some of you may end your present relationship
because of the planet Saturn. But, it will not end on a negative note
or in a bad situation. In such a situation, people should not worry too
much about how the situation will be.
Also, those who are into legal matters will seek success in their legal
issues towards the end of the first half. Being in the aspect of Jupiter
and Saturn, you will see results in your favor. However, to overcome
any situation emotionally, you will need more time than usual as
the planets Rahu and Ketu will affect your life. As per Scorpio love
horoscope 2023, there will be conflict in your head, due to which
decisions and situations may trouble you. Therefore, the people of
Scorpio zodiac should be assured that they are not under any pressure
to move forward.
There are some caveats for Scorpios. Mercury can affect your
communication sector and bring some unnecessary troubles and
problems in your life. The 2023 love horoscope for Scorpio says that
people will feel uncomfortable interacting with others. Furthermore,
it may seem that the prospect of finding a suitable partner for
Scorpio (Vrīśchīk)    65

yourself is difficult and troublesome. Things are likely to improve

around the fourth quarter of the new year 2023. Not only will you get
marriage proposals, but you will also be more socialist and better at
Also, regarding the love life of Scorpio natives, the horoscope
predicts that some couples who have been in a relationship for a
while will take their relationship to the next level. Either you can
plan to get engaged with them or you can plan to have an intimate
and sexual relationship with them. Romance is definitely in the air for
the Scorpio man. Professionally you will seek cooperation from your
partner. They will support you and help you with some difficult and
difficult decisions in life, which will aid in your success and growth
and further strengthen your relationship.

Income Prospects
Obviously this year is lucky for you financially. But, it also comes
with a light caveat. When the planet Saturn enters its ruling house,
your plans and thoughts about your finances and money may not go
as planned. As per the Scorpio Finance Horoscope 2023, the first
quarter will really ask you for a break. You will not only have to
rethink everything but act in a completely new and different way as
Shani is set to test you this year and raise your financial level a bit.
When Jupiter acts around the second quarter, people will see some
of their losses in profit and feel motivated to invest in better places.
When Rahu enters Pisces in the last quarter of 2023, you may feel
insecure about your money. The more you want to turn your money
into a better and useful asset, the more you dig into deeper thoughts
about what or what. It doesn’t have to be done with money. However,
as the year is about to end, you will surely be on solid ground regarding
the accumulation of money and its utilization. You are likely to have
more money in the new year 2023. So dance a little and stay away
from negative mindset or possibilities.
Those who want to invest big money can do it in the second half of
New Year 2023. One after the other planetary changes will improve
66   Horoscope 2023

your financial condition. There is a high chance that the natives who
have been working hard to earn money from long lost assets will also
be looking for success and profit in the long run. Also, the planetary
transits suggest that some Scorpio natives with Scorpio zodiac will
earn from personal relationships as well. So, if you’ve lent some
money to people close to you, the second half would be a good time
to get your money back- even if you think it’s not the right thing to
Apart from this there are some caveats in the 2023 Scorpio finance
horoscope. You may make some impulsive decisions which can
change your choices and affect your success rate and growth. Also,
around the first quarter, Mars is going straight from retrograde mode,
you have to understand the budget as mid months may show you
some tough times. At the same time, this period will be very good
for long term investment and trading. However, it would be a worthy
consideration if you include help from those around you to get the
best possible results and avoid the possibility of harm in the long run.

When something happens in your love life, you take a loss- obviously,
you react that way. But, when something doesn’t go right in your
professional world, you start thinking straight. Well, Scorpio Career
Horoscope 2023 suggests you not to do that. Around the first quarter,
the planet Saturn will be fully active to test your patience and control
yourself. With this planet entering your ruling house, you may feel
uncomfortable and lost. Taking that giant leap in your career can seem
like a daunting task for you. Professional men and women may face
trouble in achieving their goals at work. Therefore, in such difficult
times, the natives need to take some precautions. You must find out
your weaknesses and skills to get back that space in your office.
The people of Scorpio, who are working hard to get a job, will be
successful in the second half of the new year 2023 with the blessings
of Jupiter and Saturn. Students who want to start their career in
internship or freelancing can plan for it. Duration. However, you will
Scorpio (Vrīśchīk)    67

need more concentration and focus as Rahu and Ketu are working
together in your Kundli, you may feel a lack of energy, keeping you
all away from your good part of your professional life and studies.
Time will be good for some. Those who have a career in the technical
field are likely to get promotion or appreciation at work.
Business people, who are involved in their family business, will get
excellent offers to expand their enterprise. Also, the 2023 Scorpio
career horoscope says that your real success will be around the third
quarter. With the help of Jupiter and Mercury, you will communicate
better. This is definitely going to bring you great partnerships.
However, you must be careful not to reveal your business secrets to
them, as there may be possibilities of betrayal. So, be careful who
you let into your business and make a part of it. There will be some
success and profit – some international money will also remain in
your bag. Around the last quarter of the year 2023, just wait for the
right time.
Those who are in solo venture or starting a small business or startup
will get support from their parents and others. The combustion of
Venus will give you an opportunity to understand and manage money
in business. However, on the other hand, with the help of the planet
Rahu in Pisces, you will have a great sense of energy in your action
plans. The same planetary transits can lead you to mistakes.

Unfortunately, your way of thinking does not match with the behavior
of people in your family. Hence Scorpio sign people can expect a bad
start this year. The transit of Saturn in Aquarius in the first quarter
can bring many ups and downs in the position of your house. People
older than you may disagree with you. The reason for this can also
be professional reasons. So, make sure you discuss all the problems
calmly. Avoid anger as much as you can and take it as a test, as things
will get better around the second quarter as per the Scorpio Family
Horoscope 2023.
68   Horoscope 2023

Family happiness may initially seem a difficult task. But, as soon as

the planet Jupiter comes into action, not only you but your family will
also get positive energy and happiness. There may be some changes
or modifications in your family around the second half of 2023.
Your siblings may experience a change of place. This may be due to
retrospective planning or professional needs. Apart from this, there
may also be a possibility that it may cause minor disturbances in your
family life. However, due to the grace of the planets from the point
of view of Jupiter and Saturn, you will stay away from it without any
trouble or trouble.
There may be some health issues with your grandparents. When Rahu
is in Pisces around the last quarter, and Mercury is also in action, you
can expect ups and downs in the health sector of family members.
According to Scorpio Family Horoscope 2023, be prepared and be
alert about health problems. Along with this, you should also take
care of yourself, because due to the running around in your family,
you may lack some energy. On the other hand, the same period will
be beneficial for the people of Scorpio zodiac. They will do well in
their work and studies. Along with this, their health will also remain
In the new year 2023, many happy moments will come from the
people of Scorpio. If you listen to yourself, you will easily handle
the problems that come your way. As the first half of the year ends,
you will listen patiently to your family members. The same will bring
peace and harmony in your family’s world. In this, the planet Venus
will help you to a great extent. In this regard, you will give your best
chance to make things completely great and comfortable in family
life. At the end of the year, there may be some problems from the
child side. But overall the second half of the year will be enjoyable
for Scorpio men and women.

According to Scorpio health horoscope 2023, the native will feel
blessed as his ailments and other health related problems of the
previous year will be cured. With the end of the retrograde period
of Mars in the first quarter of the new year 2023, there will be a lot
Scorpio (Vrīśchīk)    69

of improvement from the beginning. With strong immunity to fight

diseases, you will also enjoy some relaxation time which will aid in
your utmost health and well-being. If you are struggling with any
mental problem or sleep problem, then this year is going to give you
caution. In order to change and improve your lifestyle to a healthier
lifestyle, the planet Saturn will knock you continuously from the very
Bad conditions may arise around the mid months of 2023. The
planet Venus will set around those months, which can make you
a little weak in terms of health. People with weak immunity may
face difficulties in terms of energy. This can have a direct impact on
your professional life. Scorpio horoscope 2023 predicts that people
suffering from diabetes, gastric trouble or problems related to the
digestive system may face some difficult times if they do not switch
to healthy food. However, the planet Jupiter will save them from any
serious casualties. But, you need to be very specific about your eating
habits and workout routine.
Scorpio women who are about to welcome a new life in this world
will remain healthy. Children who are going through a few touches
of flu and basic viral illnesses should take care of themselves as they
may face a slightly rough patch in the first half of the new year 2023.
The Saturn transit requests due care and calls for several precautions
to be taken to deal with the ups. and declining health. Those who have
made a massive resolution to lose weight or get into body shape may
find the situation a bit disturbing when Rahu will be in action in the
last quarter of the year. However, the other planets will be there to
sustain your spirit and not let you give up in any way.
Finally, there is some good news for a healthy Scorpio as your health
will be satisfactory. From the second trimester, you will improve
your routine. In fact, the 2023 Scorpio health horoscope says that you
will instinctively create a healthy pattern in your ongoing lifestyle.
Also, the year 2023 will be healthy and healthy for you mentally and
physically. If you worry too much about the things around you then
some challenges may arise. Moon can make you feel uncomfortable
70   Horoscope 2023

and can make it a little difficult to deal with medical challenges from
time to time. On the other hand, Jupiter will constantly remind you
to keep pace and keep yourself away from any disease or condition.

Your search for a perfect life partner is very different. Not only do you
need their support but sometimes their suggestions are also needed.
Scorpio Ascendant Horoscope 2023 predicts that the native will be
very lucky in terms of getting a life partner. Those who are looking
for a suitable partner for themselves will see fruitful results, Jupiter
will be favorable for them.
Natives with an arranged marriage plan are more likely to find
someone they already know as their life partner. However, if you
meet him around the third quarter of the new year 2023, there may be
some movement in the mind. However, in the long run, there is a high
chance of you getting married later this year.
Those who have had a bad married life or are facing legal problems in
their married life, decisions will be seen in their favor. According to
Scorpio 2023 marriage horoscope, your legal matters and troubles will
be resolved at the end of the year. And, with Jupiter-Saturn transit in
the year, you will be better mentally in your life ahead. Some married
couples will resolve their ongoing issues of the previous year. And, if
you run into trouble dealing with family and in-laws, friends, things
are definitely going to get better for you around the last quarter of
People struggling with the problem of late marriage can expect good
news for themselves. Horoscope 2023 for Scorpio says that some
remarkable proposals will come your way. You are more likely to get
married or at least engaged by the end of the new year 2023. However,
there will be obstacles in your way, which can create problems in
your marriage later in your life. So, make sure which one you choose
and take things as slow as you can. You closely watch the family you
are building a relationship with, as the Scorpio marriage horoscope
says that the natives may have trouble settling down with them.
Scorpio (Vrīśchīk)    71

Finally, some Scorpio natives will feel blessed with a new life in their
homes. This will help them to build a better relationship with their
partner and get closer to them. Also, this event will bring peace in the
house of the natives. Not only this, Scorpio horoscope 2023 predicts
that you will be involved in social events, which will lead to a better
relationship between you and your partner. The chilly time will surely
give you a great chance to take a break from the hustle and bustle of
your life. The same will help find the missing spark between you and
your partner in marriage.

1. Worship Shani Dev to avoid obstacles in life.
2. Visit religious places on regular basis to get rid of negative energy.
3. Remind or offer prayer to your ancestors regularly, you will be
4. Visit Bhairav temple on Sundays.
Sagittarius (Dhanū)
22 November – 21 December
Rāśi’s Basic Characteristics: The Archer; 9th sign; Rules 9th house;
Governs the thighs. King’s residence; First half biped; Latter half
quadruped; Priśtodāya; Common; Odd; Gārbha Rāśi; Fierce male;
East; Brown color; Forest; Garden; Thighs; Night; Arrow; Tẽjo-
tātwa (rstksa&rRok).

One more year has passed very fast, right, Sagittarius? Time, the
greatest teacher teaches you to value things. Everything changes with
time, and if you don’t, the problem starts. Horoscope 2023 wants you
to change with time, Sagittarius, doing so will bring a lot of good in
all major aspects of your life including career and finances in 2023.
The Sagittarius Horoscope 2023 predicts your optimistic outlook
towards life this year. At the beginning of the year when everyone
frowned at you, how would you carry this optimism throughout the
year will decide the future course of your life. The advantage of being
optimistic is that you will be able to work harder, which will have
an impact on your career as well. Sagittarius Horoscope 2023 is a
good year for those preparing for government jobs. Venus and Jupiter
together will give you a favourable turn to your income.
A lot of Venus energy in your chart, will encourage you to forge a love
bond in 2023. Even shy people will be tempted to enjoy the company
of fair sex. Sagittarius horoscope predicts that you can expect not
Sagittarius (Dhanū)    73

only romantic relationships from the beginning of the year, but also
your social circle will become more defined gradually, in the first
quarter of the year, you will get some relief from the difficult phase
of your relationship especially divorce. However, if you are trying
to date or be in love, then Horoscope 2023 suggests you keep your
track. Due to the influence of Rahu and Ketu, you need to be cautious
in spending or even investing your money in 2023.
Due to the strong energy of Jupiter in the sphere of education,
Sagittarius will find itself in the right position from the beginning
of 2023. Later on, you may find it difficult to pursue this pace. The
presence of Saturn in Sagittarius Horoscope 2023 after the first
quarter of the year may delay your progress causing frustration and
negative thoughts. In 2023, Saturn will put extra effort on your behalf.
You need to be stubborn to achieve your goals and desires in 2023,
predicts Sagittarius horoscope.
Per Sagittarius Horoscope 2023 once again Jupiter favors your health
and fitness. However, unhealthy food will lead to fatigue in the early
months of 2023. Therefore, you may want to change this habit and
try to be physically more active. Professional performance may stress
you sometime. Do not take stress as it will be harmful for your health.
Avoid getting into unnecessary hassles to keep your mind free from
any kind of stress.

Love Life
When it comes to love affairs, Sagittarius are known to take their time.
You entertain the idea of dating after a lot of questioning because
love and relationships – are the last thing on your card. Yet due to the
strong energy of Venus in Sagittarius Horoscope, this year you will
be devote to love now more than ever. You will be lucky to find good
people and share a bond with them from the beginning of the year
till the day. However, a person already in a relationship will be very
scrupulous, as the presence of Mars can create conflicts in your love
life. The chances of a third person influencing your relationship are
abundant this year. At all levels, you need to be patient, and to control
your anger.
74   Horoscope 2023

If you are planning to propose someone for marriage, then the first
quarter of the year is the right time. If you want to reveal your love
story to your parents, choose the second quarter as the influence of
Venus will ensure parental approval to your choice. The best time to
tie the knot is year end. Married couples who want to have a child
may start planning in the month of February.
Due to the strong energy of Venus, you will feel and urge to find
a partner. This is what causes distraction to Sagittarius people.
Therefore, give up your whims and look for someone who will support
you in both your personal and professional endeavors. If you manage
to find love in January, February 2023 will be the most memorable
year of your life, when the energy of Venus is at its peak. However,
hasty freshers should not rely on these months as after some time
there will arise compatibility issues.
After June, the second half of the year is testing time for couples.
By October you will experience some difficulties that will set off by
pleasing Venus and Mars. Also try to give more time to each other
than before. Traveling during this period can really help you come
closer. As a Sagittarius male, you have a smartness complex and are
trying to impress your partner all the time than you need to change
and try to be amicable courteous.

Income Prospects
The positive Jupiter and Venus energies in Sagittarius Horoscope
2023 at the beginning of the year will support monetary growth
as your career prospects will increase. In 2023, you will focus on
accumulating wealth as things will start coming on the track for you,
especially after the first quarter of the year. The beginning of the year
will mark the start of recovery of the money you have lost. Some old
property disputes will remain still unsolved.
Sagittarius finance horoscope indicates that the month of April, will
favour you financially. Though, many of you will not be satisfied
claiming that they deserve even more. The past investments will not
fetch much returns in the first half of 2023. However the lost suffered
Sagittarius (Dhanū)    75

in stock may be capitalised substantially in the second half of the

year. Sagittarius Finance Horoscope 2023 warns you to be careful
while investing. In 2023, your focus should be on watching the
market trends and not allowing yourself to be driven by FOMO.
Your difficulty to accumulate wealth is because of the predominance
of Rahu and Venus in your horoscope. Due to your increased ambition
for material possessions, which will actually be strengthened in 2023
due to the positive Venus energy. Better to control your expenses.
Spending on outings would be a reasonable investment. Venus in the
second half of the year will give you ample opportunity to fulfill your
desire for luxuries, but till then you will be inclined to saving.
Spending on health will either be minimal or lower in 2023 in the
month of July. Friends and family will support you financially in 2023
as well as help you get back on track. The last quarter of 2023 will
be a favorable phase for investment in real estate. Your luck seems to
favor you but you would also like to seek expert guidance to manage
your finances well.

The Sagittarius horoscope predicts many good career opportunities
coming greeting way in 2023. You will be lucky to get a job based on
your skills. This will boost your confidence and motivate you to work
harder. Strong presence of Jupiter in Sagittarius Horoscope 2023
will aid in business growth after April 2023. However, the first few
months of 2023 are not conducive for business expansion or growth.
Hence, it is advised that you take informed decisions and minimum
risks related to your business during this period.
The joint influence of Venus, Mercury and Jupiter in Sagittarius
Horoscope 2023 indicates a stronger than expected growth or
promotion in 2023. Hence, which after the month of March, will
bring much needed financial gains. You may face, tough competition
impacting your mental health. During the initial months of 2023,
76   Horoscope 2023

freshers will also get many opportunities to find jobs. The month of
April is the right time to change jobs.
2023 is the year of realization for Sagittarius. So as the year progresses
(during the second half), you will have a strong desire to make plans
to try new things in life. This urge may make you shaky and unhappy
about your current career prospects confident about your capabilities
and enthusiastic to bring changes in your life. In the second part of
the year business people will enjoy a firm position in the market by
the grace of Mercury and Jupiter. Your feeling of not being paid well
for your hard work will recede.
In the last quarter of the year, you may have to take business trips. When
the presence of Venus will bring a normal career growth. However, in
October, you need to be a bit cautious of your mischievous colleagues.
Overall the planets will motivate you to work hard in 2023.

Nothing is going to change much in the family life of Sagittarius
people. While planning to introduce someone to your family
members, you must first prepare the ground to win parental support
for financial help. Some of parents pressurize you for marriage try to
convince of your arguments for the delay yourself. If you really want
to get married introduce your partner to your parents. The second
quarter of the year is ideal for marriage. Your parents may support
your choice during this time.
This year you will take keen interest in forming social bonds with
your relatives, realizing the importance of interaction. It will help
you feel confident and get rid of shyness. This year you will assume
the status of the head of the family and will make many decisions.
Sagittarius people away from their parents will crave for extended
family presence this year.
If married, your life will surely revolve around you and your spouse
like never before. There are a lot of adventures in your horoscope
2023 as you want to live your life to the fullest. This spirit, will bring
Sagittarius (Dhanū)    77

leaving no room for misunderstandings, likely to arise in the third

quarter of the year due to the strong influence of Rahu which, if left
unresolved, can lead to situations like divorce.
The chances of divorce are bleak. Those wishing to remarry may find
a partner after April 2023. Initiative will be taken by you as people
usually do not want to approach you because of your impressive
personality. You need to be very protective towards your children in
2023, as they may indulge in bad habits.

The Sagittarius Horoscope 2023 states that the influence of the Moon
in 2023 will help you improve both your physical and mental health.
The latter will require some extra attention, especially in the second
half of the year when you may have to spend in the profession of your
choice to improve your mental health. Doing so will increase your
confidence and assail away your worries.
During the first quarter of 2023 with the transit of Saturn in the third
to fourth house of Pisces, which will be beneficial for your health.
Those suffering from health related problems may feel relieved.
Since Jupiter remains strong in your chart at the beginning of the
year, you may rarely fall prey to ill health.
In April 2023 onwards, Sagittarius children may face some health
problems due to the diminishing effect of Jupiter and rising influence
of Rahu requiring parents to take good care of their children involve
them in physical activities and keep them away from fast food.
Contrarily, April will be a boom for the health of elders.
In 2023, the major health problems plaguing Sagittarius people are
of eye and stomach. Your extrovertness will help you overcome
your mental woes. If pregnant, you need to strictly avoid fast food.
Sagittarius horoscope warns you to be careful in November 2023. Try
not to take stress and stay in the natural environment. You can also
plan for babymoon.
78   Horoscope 2023

The Sagittarius Horoscope 2023 predicts a favorable first month for a
married Sagittarius to make plans to have a child. While in February,
you may have to face heavy disapproval from family members about
your love life. So, keep your love life a secret for a while.
Married couples will enjoy a very cordial relationship throughout
the year due to the strong presence of Venus in the horoscope. To
maintain it, plan trips with your spouse or just try new ways of fun.
If your spouse responds horribly then you should respond warmly
for a strong mutual understanding. Elders may play a strong role
In the second half of the year, your spouse may complain of
indifference on your part requiring you to be more expressive during
this period, especially in case of a arranged marriage. July may offer
you fun with your family and friends. You can plan events that will
reunite both your families. But beware of a third person trying to
influence and tempt you.
If planning to get married in 2023, the best time to tie the knot as
per the Sagittarius Horoscope 2023 would be the last quarter of the
year. Things will go on smoothly for you during this period. Those in
love may express their desire to tie the knot with their parents in the
second half of the year. This time is opportune for engagement.
August is quite difficult for Sagittarius people as they may apprehend
some major obstacles in marriage. This is when you have to do
everything possible to please your partner. In case love marriage then
you need to re-energize your relationship at the fag end to develop a
deeper understanding with the spouse and enjoy your personal life

1. Gayatri Mantra will help you to get good growth in life.
2. Worship planet Budh, it will help in enhancing professional life.
Sagittarius (Dhanū)    79

3. Wear Yellow Sapphire gemstone for progress and good

4. Mental health needs to be tamed for which Sagittarius natives
must try pleasing Moon. Drink water in silver glass, chanting
Moon mantras to strengthen planet Moon.
Capricorn (Makar)
22 December – 19 January
Rāśi’s Basic Characteristics: The Goat; 10th sign; Rules 10th
House; Governs Knees and Skin. Water abounding forest; Latter
half watery animals; First half quadruped; Pristodaya; Movable;
Even; Dwāra Rāśi; Mineral; Soft female, South; Mixed colors;
Lifeless river; Knees; Night; Crocodile; Vaisya; Prithvi-Tatwa

The Capricorn Horoscope 2023 predicts a favorable first month for a
married Capricorn person to plan to a family. In the month of february,
you may face heavy disapproval from family members when they
come to know about your love life. Hence, Capricorn Horoscope
2023 suggests you to keep your love life a secret for a while.
Married couples will enjoy a cordial relationship thanks to the favour
of Venus. It will become stronger through outings and merry making
with the spouse. A feeling of poor response from her may be overcome
by a cordial response on your part. A strong mutual understanding
between the couples may be established also with parental help.
In the second half of the year, your spouse may complain of lack of
attention from you for which you have to put extra effort to please
her, especially if you have had an arranged marriage. Month of July
is good for fun with family and friends. You can plan events that will
reunite your family and the in-laws. Also, beware of any third person
trying to influence you.
Capricorn (Makar)    81

If planning to get married in 2023, the best time for Capricorn

Horoscope 2023 is the last quarter of the year. Things will run
smoothly for you during this period. Lovers may express their desire
to tie the knot to their parents in the second half of the year. This time
is also very good for engagement.
August is quite a tough for Capricorn people as they may face major
setbacks in marriage requiring you to do everything possible to please
your partner. In case of love marriage then you need to bring back the
lost spark in your relationship to make your relationship more stable
towards the end of the year and to enjoy your personal life.

Love Life
The horoscope says that the first half of the year is full of ups and
downs as people may face problems with their loved ones. Even
couples enjoying a good time may indulge in conflict. Those in a
fresh relationship will need to give a thought to lot of things before
deciding they really want to choose a partner. As the third quarter of
the year starts, you will realise that the key to all is communication
for a better understanding between the couples.
Dating couples will have to take important decisions regarding their
relationship. To do this, Capricorn people need to be in agreement
with the natives. It will help to let them know about your true feelings
and how permanent you want things to be. Even a prolonged marital
conflict may be resolved by initiating conversation from your side. An
attempt to stay away from relationship, will complicate the matter. To
accept what you really want, make sure you talk and give things one
last try.
For singles, the 2023 Capricorn love horoscope predicts that soon
marriage or a suitable partner is in the pipeline. Either a friend or
participation in a social gatherings will cause you to be attracted to
some one. But don’t be hasty, rather understand her expectations for
relationship. Also be clear about your expectations, because at the end
82   Horoscope 2023

of this year, you may have issues likely that will create differences
between you and your partner.
A step forward by you may make your partner come back. Talk to the
person you want to reconcile with all the love in your heart at the end
of the last quarter to get good results. Both of you will live happily.

Income Prospects
Capricorn people are good in dealing with financial matters. Your
experience in investment will pay you handsomely. You will benefit
from real estate business and selling your old assets in the first half
of the year will be helpful. Besides you will get rid of old issues and
problems. You need to keep an eye on where and with whom you
have made investment to. In the face of any trouble you need to seek
help from trustworthy people.
The Capricorn Finance Horoscope 2023 predicts those frequently
dealing with money matters or in the lending business may face some
minor issues in the mid year. However, any investment, will yield
profit in the last quarter of the year when all money transactions will
pay you.
With the change of planetary positions in the third quarter, wealth and
luck will welcome you in addition to a bit delay in procuring money.
Short term investment and investment in SIP or liquid funds will be
helpful. Some family members will help you with your earnings and
money. For a spending spree, the horoscope indicates a good time.
You can re-decorate, do some shopping for yourself or your loved
ones without impacting your financial condition.
Finally women with gems and jewellery will also be lucky in 2023.
The horoscope says that you will soon benefit greatly from such
assets. But you should understand that not everything happens as
you wish and save some of your money for accidental expenditure
in the second quarter of the year. As per 2023 finance horoscope for
Capricorn people says that ancestral property will be a great boom for
Capricorn (Makar)    83

your financial status. Relatives may want to interfere. So, make sure
you keep something hidden until they are done.

You are career-oriented, focused, and planning your future well in
advance. You are a Capricorn person who believes in hard work and
wants to enjoy success based on your input, and this year will go a
long way in helping you carve yourself into the new year. People with
creative profiles will be given importance. Your understanding of work
will improve, which will help you to see things clearly. Professional
people preparing for government jobs or already working may face
some problems. Your hard work will pay off, but not till the end of the
year. A positive attitude will resolve any problems.
Your superiors, your job analysis and the degree of your desires
towards your dedication will determine the level of your professional
understanding. The second half will be just the time you need to
prove your worth. According to Capricorn Horoscope 2023, new
people will get recognition in the professional sphere provided they
must focus on their career indulging in politics the least.
The partnership will help you financially and bring name to your
enterprise. Working in the textile industry can also help. Change of
planetary positions in the third quarter can deceive you. Avoid being
influenced by foes in the garb of friends.
Capricorn students will have trouble concentrating on studies. In the
last quarter of the year, the landscape will be clear showing you how
you can make things in your favor to complete an examination for
scholarship or admission in a reputed college. Organize yourself and
make sure you understand the value of time and effort. Astrological
advice—counseling will help you if you are stuck somewhere in your
professional life.

Your love for your family is commendable, but do not force them to
trust and follow your ideologies. Of course your thoughts will change
84   Horoscope 2023

their mindset and inspire them to do something about themselves.

Your younger siblings may indulge in tantrums and arguments
that may reflect upon the relations between you and your parents.
Capricorn men should be prepared to be opposed by their fathers.
Also, according to the 2023 Capricorn family horoscope, the
housewife may face some health problems. You also may feel a fall
in energy level due to workload and imbalance between professional
life and personal life besides, mood swings. Married women may
also have differences with in-laws or elders of the family. Things
will take an unexpected turn in the last quarter of the year. There are
indications of some travel opportunities and a family holiday with the
change of planets to improve things in your family life and benefit
you considerably.
Elders of the family may go on pilgrimage to help them to attain
peace. However, around the third trimester, they may face some
quarrels or heated arguments in the family due to the interference
of relatives. To avoid the same, the family horoscope for Capricorn
says that your cold war at home would be better on your own rather
than discussing it with relatives. Even in the first quarter of the new
year, problems can surround the natives including economic ups
and downs. An acquaintance of yours may try to harm your family
financially requiring you to be cautious.
The children in the family will show promising results in sports and
activities. But, their behavior poses serious problems difficult to
tackle. The second half of the new year also indicates the arrival of
a child in the family. However, the unmarried will find a suitable
partner and get married or engaged. With the improvement in the
family environment, peace and harmony will prevail.

In the first quarter of the year, your health may deteriorate. Irked by
the past events, due you will be mentally tense. The best remedy is
to speak up and express yourself in addition to medical help. Some
natives may face digestive disorders during this phase. Improper diet
will create obstacles in your life. Do not repeat mistakes.
Capricorn (Makar)    85

Capricorn Health Horoscope predicts irritation among children

affecting their studies. Much stress will be harmful. So keep taking
breaks from time to time. Telling your teachers or friends about your
problem will work in your favor. Also, the health of Capricorn men
and women will be good around the third quarter. People with certain
health problems will restore their health. Avoid over-zealousness and
stick to a healthy diet.
With changing seasons, older people may face some health problems
including knee and joint pain. Yoga and exercise will help the natives
to avoid serious consequences. Spending time with family will boost
your health. Those undergoing treatment should not be casual about.
Those looking for long-term health solutions, should patiently wait
until the last quarter of the year. Lethargic and lack of compliance
with the routine will harm your health in the long run.
Those under pressure of work may cope up with it through time
management. Expectant mothers may keep a proper schedule for
your daily work, food and medicines. There may be ebbs and flows
in health around the last trimester requiring close watch and timely

Starting a family is a big decision. And the year 2023 will be a good
year to make such a plan. Married Capricorn men and women sign
should be hopeful of a baby. Also, things will not work as planned
for married natives around the third quarter of the year. There may be
disagreement between the partners due to some family reasons and
responsibilities. However, on the other hand, you and your spouse
may start something new professionally such as a business to sort out
the differences in the end.
Moreover, singles facing marriage issues may face a little tough time
this year. Circumstances around the fourth quarter will hurt your
positive attitude towards everything. But don’t lose heart as with
the passage of time, you will find people who will extend helping
hand to your shoulder. Also, according to the Capricorn Ascendant
Horoscope 2023, the people who have someone in their life can make
86   Horoscope 2023

the relationship permanent. There may be problems from the family

side but you can sort it through patience and prudence.
People in embittered relationships will enjoy a good time in the
second half of the year. You will get relief from some situations. In
a divorce case things will be on your side. However, you need to
gather social and moral support from people around. Furthermore,
the horoscope 2023 predicts that around the second quarter some of
you will find some of your friends may come closer to you, but your
past experiences may deter you from accepting this courtesy.
A good time is about to greet married couples with bright chances
of reconciliation or marriage around the last quarter. However, this
process may be hampered by relatives and family members. There
will be a break for you in the third trimester to go on a trip with your
spouse. Dealing with children can be cumbersome. Furthermore, the
2023 marriage horoscope for Capricorn states that communication
will be important for the natives in their relationship.

1. Serve food and water to stray animals, birds for success and glory
in your life journey.
2. Worshipping Lord Ganesha will be a great remedy for Capricorn
3. Worship Lord Brihaspati and fast on Thursdays will be auspicious
and helpful in many ways, particularly financial obstacles.
Aquarius (Kūmbh)
20 January – 18 February

Rāśi’s Basic Characteristics: The water-bearer; 11th sign; Ruler of

11th House; Governs eyes; Blood and Ankles; ruling planet Saturn
but also ruled by Uranus! Potters place; Śhirodāya bipeds; Fixed;
Odd; Bāhya Rāśi; Vegetable; Fierce male; West; Tank and Pond
pot; Śhūdra ('kwnz); Vāyu-Tatwā (ok;q&rRok).

The adage ‘Problems make you stronger’, will come true in the Year
2023 when a strong Aquarius will push aside all obstacles ultimately
bringing success to you after facing hardship. Whatever unfolds by
the grace of the planet Jupiter in the second quarter and Venus in the
first half, Aquarius men and women will live their lives happily. As
per the 2023 horoscope for Aquarius, you must be prepared to face
conflicts with Rahu in the last quarter of the year by affecting your
health and causing disturbance to be finally countered by Jupiter.
It seems you will need a good deal of preparation to over come for
the things that may be difficult in the times to come. While Ketu
demands your sole attention on your personal life, Mars will help
things improve. But remember the motto of the year, namely putting
you to test you. Further Aquarius Horoscope 2023 predicts that you
will be lucky in love and get the blessings of Sun and Mars in your
marital relationship. However, there may be some difficulties for the
natives in search of a suitable partner this year as Saturn may control
88   Horoscope 2023

your life. Certainly, the celestial movement during 2023 wants you
to give best performance professionally, financially and personally.
You may be able to understand what time and the people around you

Love Life
With chances of finding a suitable partner, single Aquarius natives
will face delays. You may experience many mood swings due to ups
and downs in personal life particularly around the second quarter of
the year. Luck will not favour you or your friends in the choice of a
partner. However, subsequently by the grace of Aquarius Horoscope
2023 you must do the necessary positive step in this direction to live
To couples, Aquarius horoscope 2023 says that they may face
problems for most of the year. At times you must be arguing about
something, or your partner may be upset with some of your habits.
Most importantly, practice want you to do is to maintain calm and
discernment. Those hopeful reconciliation will be lucky in the
second half of the year. Do your best and stay positive. Couples may
prudently tackle the interference of a third person in their relationship
in the Year, who may seek to ruin their life.
The prediction for Aquarius couples which says that some of you
can expect a great professional vibe in your life which, may put an
end to everything. On the other hand, the love horoscope 2023 for
Aquarius says that if you start any new business with your partner, it
will be in your favor. You may also develop affinity and build a better
relationship with your partner.
As mentioned, the year is focused on you, problems, are ultimately
to be resolved. Aquarius people should act wisely and find ways to
maintain a balance at their work and the partner supporting you all
the way! Things will take some unexpected turn in the last quarter.
If you hold on to things long enough and give them a right direction,
you will surely get through the tough times and forge a better
Aquarius (Kūmbh)    89

Income Prospects
Be clear in your mind about involving money. Even if things get
complicated stick to a positive approach. The last quarter of 2023
will be the right time to invest money. If you lack in trading do not be
hasty or you may suffer a loss.
High stakes will rock your finances in the New Year 2023. Small
arrangements in matters of money will be ideal for you throughout
the year. Around the mid months, Aquarius men and women
can expect a sudden money flow. This could be due to pending
properties or other family related legal matters resolved during that
period. As per the Aquarius Finance Horoscope 2023, you will take
positive and beneficial business measures with the help of someone
close to you.
Those who want to invest huge money can do so in the second half of
New Year 2023. One after the other planetary changes will improve
your financial condition. Natives struggling to earn money from lost
assets may expect profit in the long run. Some Scorpio natives with
Scorpio zodiac will earn from personal relationships as well. So,
if you’ve lent some money to people close to you, the second half
would be good time for recovery.
If you have old fixed deposits or other assets in the bank, it would be
a good idea to reinvest them. There are some risks associated with
it, but the planetary transits this year is finally in your favor. Ideally
the money may be used to buy property or jewelry. Those who are
burdened with debt will be relieved of its results by the grace of the
Still, it will be difficult for you to manage things the way you had
planned at the beginning of the year. While as per finance horoscope
2023 you have to final a way out in the household income that will
grow amazingly amidst worries about managing the budget. Purchase
of landed property in the first half of the new year invite complications,
though buying a vehicle would be an excellent idea.
90   Horoscope 2023

You may not like to compromise on career. Contrary to prediction
in the Aquarius Horoscope, you may face difficulties in your
professional life. Your work in the private sector will yield the
result and your reputation around the third quarter of the year. Your
plans for a job change or working hard to get a promotion, will be
successful though hurdles will keep coming your way from time to
Also, Aquarius career horoscope 2023 has predictions for business
people. You have a good chance for success of a venture in partnership.
With a little help from people around you, you will find the right
solution for problems facing you. A travel businesses will flourish.
But a cloth merchant will not be so blessed.
There is some bad news as well as some good news for Aquarius
students. The first half of the year may not be in your favor. You may
have trouble in your studies. But, gradually, you will be out of it. You
will get fruitful benefit, but only with some more effort. Moreover,
the career horoscope 2023 for Aquarius indicates that your plans for
further studies will be fulfilled soon. The financial crunch you face
will be over by the year end.
Finally, natives, seeking entry to the professional world, will be tested
at every step. You not only have to focus on your skills, but also work
on all the weak points identified by others. You will definitely need
a personality upgrade help you to be successful and get your desired
job in the near future. Also, if you want to propose some ideas in your
field of work, speakout without hesitation even if it cought/confront
you in trouble.

You have a home to run and a family to take care of. But your horoscope
wants you to focus on your life before that of others this year as they
as they will tackle their own situation. As per Aquarius horoscope
2023, your younger siblings will do very well professionally. On
Aquarius (Kūmbh)    91

the other hand, your elders can give you some news related to your
personal life. Maybe something new will be added to their life.
Your parents will be busy with some social gathering. Father will
make new friends especially for business expansion that will be
helpful to you and your family financially and socially. You may
have differences with your father regarding some decisions due to
generation gap. It would be best in your favor to relax your mind and
discuss every detail.
Sometimes difficulties will come your way while managing the
finances. However, with the guidance of your mother, you will
resolve many issues. There may be tension regarding some property
related matters. But, it is likely to be resolved around the last quarter
of 2023. Your plan to start something new will be supported by your
family and friends. However, convincing them would require a lot of
reassurance. Some relatives may be in trouble for some time around
the third quarter of 2023. But, you should act wisely to keep them
away from your family matters.
Children will bring good news to the family. There will be some
achievement, recognition and some big step which will make the
family happy. Individually, they could have brought joyful news to
the family like a lucky win for the holiday. Overall Aquarius Family
Horoscope 2023 says that your family will enjoy some good time in
the second half of the year. The more time you spend with them this
year, the better your emotional condition.

Prioritizing health would be the foremost consideration to you.
Only a healthy will help think wisely and cause less trouble. The
first part of the new year 2023 can be troublesome for the natives
due to fear of some disease. Children may be suffering from flu or
seasonal ailments. You may witness some old injuries flaring up. All
you need to do is the right treatment without delay. Also be attentive
of what Aquarius Health Horoscope 2023 suggests, as the slightest
negligence may cause you trouble later.
92   Horoscope 2023

Those are already undergoing any treatment, will see encouraging

results. Initially it may seem that things are on the right track. But,
it is only a test of much your believe in positive results, for this you
have to remain optimistic. Meditation and yoga regularly will help
you get better sooner than ever. While suffering from psychological
problems breathing exercises will be beneficial.
Older people of Aquarius will also have to take care of themselves,
as changing planetary positions may make them complain about their
joint pain and digestive system disorder. Also, if you are allergic to
anything, stay away from it, especially around the second half of New
Year 2023, as the conditions may worsen. People very busy in their
professional life need to get rid of overwork as it is most likely to
cause them headache, stress and anxiety. Taking a break from all the
basics, the Aquarius Health Horoscope for 2023 gives you advice.
Expectant mothers should take extra care of themselves, particularly
diet and sleep. Make sure you are alert on the roads, and don’t rush.
Exercising too much will also may harm you. Diet oriented natives
will be lucky to get desired results barring accompanying sprains and

There may be a rift between you and your spouse due quarrels and
heated arguments. Ambitions can be one reason for conflict between
the spouses. Take the time to discuss things and make possible
choices. As Per, horoscope says that those in estrange relations or
facing troublesome situations will feel relieved. Legal proceedings
will be in your favor in the second half of the year 2023.
Also, people in the family way will have to take care of their mental
peace. Work pressure can also become a problem. This can create
a gap in the middle. However, with time and a little understanding,
situations will resolve for the better. The native will be better in social
relations as per the 2023 Aquarius Ascendant Horoscope. Most of
you will be extroverted and looking for a suitable partner to actually
get married.
Aquarius (Kūmbh)    93

Those marrying late will be relieved because the horoscope says that
your worries will be over soon as you will find someone suitable for
marriage. In fact, chances are that around the end of 2023, you will tie
the knot or make it official through an engagement. The last quarter
will be favorable for married couples in terms of romance, love and

1. Offering water to Sun every morning will help boosting your
career in 2023.
2. Chanting Hanuman Chalisa and vist to the Hanuman temple will
help in well-being and prosperity in finances.  
3. Its for those who are struggling for a life partner. Offer grass to
cows to avoid issues to get married.
4. Worship Lord Shiva on Saturdays if struggling with life troubles
every day.
Pisces (Meén)
19 February – 20 March
Rāśi’s Basic Characteristics: The Fish; 12th Sign; Rules 12th house;
Governs the feet; Ruling planet Jupiter but also ruled by Neptune.
Watery place; Sea watery animals; Ũbhāyodaya; Common, Even,
Gārbha and Human Rāśi; Soft female; Blue; Feet; Night; Fish;
Brahmin; Jala-Tātwa (ty&rRok); Watery diseases such as Ascetic

Pisces people will have a good year with a new Daisy like beginning.
You need to convince others of your abilities. Mars will be your
savior for the New Year 2023. Yet it will be prudent to set your right
directions about work. Financially, Pisces Horoscope 2023 predicts
that the native will feel prosperous, the inflow of money will also be
more than in previous years. Also, when Saturn is in action, a Pisces
native may see things slow down, especially in terms of career. This
would be a good time to set your future priorities.
In the second half of the New Year 2023, Pisces men and women can
focus on their health. When your ruling planet Jupiter is in action,
your health will improve. You will get rid of prolonged illness. But
beware, Rahu may impact your relationship making towards the end
of 2023, you feel isolated as the 2023 Pisces horoscope points out
challenges you may face. After all, that’s what you mostly focus
on! However, don’t worry as a lot of things are going on in ups and
Pisces (Meén)    95

downs, Venus and Mercury will be on your side in love life, helping
you completely. Difficulties may arise from time to time in other
spheres of your life due to Ketu’s presence.

Love Life
This year the Pisces horoscope says that the couple will love and
spend time with each other. Despite your busy schedule, the 2023
planetary transits will be in your favor. In the first quarter of 2023,
you may plan some trips to build a better relationship with your
special someone and make things better. If you are facing issues
and problems lately, the yearly love horoscope predicts things get
better in the very beginning. Pisces men and women on dating may
be disappointed.
Per love Horoscope 2023 Predictions for Pisces Ascendant. If you
want to marry the middle of the year will be ideal for you. Avoid
being hasty to save things from confession. There is a likeliness of
fight between the natives over planning the future combined with
disapproval of parents to your relationship around the third quarter
of the year.
The love horoscope 2023 for Pisces says that those planning to start
something new with your partner, the first half of the year will be
great. However, avoid single or joint investment due to fear of loss.
Those expecting reconciliation with partner will be lucky as either of
you will take a step forward. On the other hand, contrarily, there may
arise situations leading to separation from love.
For the new year of 2023 Pisces guys need to remember in the year
2023, not only the transit of planets will support you but the people
close to you will extend a helping hand to you. Your friends will be
very helpful. As the 2023 Pisces love horoscope predicts that a close
friend will introduce you to someone who will accompany you in
times to come could be a potential partner.
96   Horoscope 2023

Income Prospects
You definitely need to get money to earn a living. The finance
horoscope for Pisces predicts that you may need guidance to look
after the finances avoiding any losses with the natives. With the
movement of Mars, you will be able to understand how money can be
useful for you in the long run. There will be people around who will
introduce you to the concept of saving and investing. Jupiter’s move
around the second quarter of the year will bring you good profits.
Saturn may cause some problems to people dealing property related
legal matters. The fourth quarter will bring relief. Pisces Finance
Horoscope states that the third quarter of the year will be favorable
for those opting for long term investments. Some of your old
savings will prove to be helpful. Buying property around the last
quarter will benefit Pisces men and women. Women may buy gems
in the second quarter of the year to make use in your time of need.
People also need to control their spending as you may have to spend
handsomely on health. The Finance Horoscope 2023 for Pisces
suggests you to be careful in your career choices. Pisces people
will be successful in expanding business and wealth. Older people
should consider transferring some of their fixed deposits to mutual
funds and SIPs.
People doing business abroad will be lucky around the last quarter.
You will earn a good amount. Traveling for business purposes will
also be very good for you. However, some of you will need to stop
and modify your measures regarding money management. Lastly, in
the 2023 Pisces Finance Horoscope, there is something for those who
want to invest money in a new business or place. Hence, avoid such
move till the last quarter of the year 2023.

Regarding job change prepare yourself for some of the challenges
accompanying your decision. According to Pisces Horoscope 2023,
professionals people will have to take a step back and think about
their options to leave or change business, at least for the first half of
Pisces (Meén)    97

the year. Moreover, the career horoscope 2023 for Pisces suggests
you to prepare well and analyze the need of the hour.
For the time being, around the middle of the New Year 2023, career
may be secondary for business friends of this zodiac. However,
the Pisces career horoscope 2023 says that it would be a bad idea
to leave things unattended. There is a possibility of getting cheated
or facing some unwanted consequences. So be sure of your actions.
Also, if you have a business partnership or relationship with your
business abroad, prepare yourself for some challenges like delays in
investments or deals.
Time will be favorable for Pisces students.
By the end of 2023 you will have an excellent report in your hand.
Preparing for higher education and admission to the college of your
will match to plan. You only need to remember one thing to avoid
distractions. Remember your goal, and the points your well-wishers
recommend to you. Those preparing for competitive exams will be
favoured by the year 2023. Make good use of the time and prepare
for it. If you have any exam in the first half of the year then the result
will be in your favor.
All these years working people will enjoy salary increase and
promotion. A right strategy will make the second half of the New
Year 2023 favourable to you. Traveling will boost your professional
development. Communicating with the right people will help you get
your boat moving. Your superiors will praise you for some of the
projects you are running. People starting their professional career in
the second half of the year 2023 will get jobs. Though you will face
hurdles and delays, but working on the skills the right way will help
you get the right job or job of your dreams.

Right efforts always fruitify. The same will happen to you while
dealing with your family. Young children will be difficult to handle.
If you have siblings, be prepared for some arguments and issues.
98   Horoscope 2023

There will be some disagreement on planning something else for

your family business.
Some of your family members in a profession may expect good news.
It can be a new job, a promotion to an existing one or a change for the
better. All these will help in the overall financial status of your family.
If you and your family are struggling with some financial issues like
debt or low finances, then hope for a good news as the problem will
be resolved soon. Seniors or elders will get relief from long-standing
health problems.
Pisces sign couples can look forward for expansion in the family.
Pregnant women need to take care of their health as there may be
some ups and downs in their life around the third trimester. Children
can give you a tough time due to their mood swings. You can also do
some household chores as well, in the third quarter of the year will
make things upright in your house. You or a family member may have
to take up an unexpected trip that will bring happiness in your home.
According to the 2023 Pisces family horoscope, your family life may
be disturbed towards the end of the year due to some differences
between you and your father on financial decisions combined with
health issues with your mother who will feel better around the last
trimester. Considering that planets can create problems and obstacles
in your horoscope, be prepared for some things in your personal life
to take a wild turn. Your family members may disagree with your
plans. But, it will go on till the first half only.

Those facing health problems should not worry, because the first half
of the new year 2023 will bring some good news. The treatment you
are in will eventually show its results. You’ll feel satisfied with the
pace of recovery, and this will help you relax and enjoy yourself for
a while. However, things could change for the Pisces man who had a
workout plan in mind. You may feel a lowering of energy due to your
activities. Better to keep track of all your checklists and align them
with your body strengths.
Pisces (Meén)    99

Workout goals are good as New Year’s resolutions. But, the Pisces
Health Horoscope 2023 says that even here stumble blocks exist.
There will be many distractions making you deviate from your
healthy goal. Drinking and unhealthy food habits are to be strictly
avoided in the middle of the year. Elderly Pisces men and women of
should take care of themselves in the second half as due to prolonged
body ache.
Screen addicted children of Pisces people may develop eyes troubles
which they should avoid it for some time. Engage in more physical
activities than sitting indoors to help them devote to their studies.
Women with low energy and cranky behavior due to overwork may
take a good break from the daily routine and spend time alone away
from place of residence.
Accidents can cause trouble for you this year. The health horoscope of
2023 for Pisces says that some of you will be the victims of too many
accidents. So, it would be good for the natives to be more careful
on the roads and drive safely. Around the end of 2023, professional
natives should slow down for some time to reenergize. Changes in
the position of some planets as well as some flu-like problems may
surround the natives around the third trimester.

Kundli says that it is a wise move to plan for marriage. According to
the 2023 Pisces Ascendant Horoscope, some of you will see some
positive results regarding your marriage in the first half of the year.
There will be many obstacles but planets are in your favor according
to the horoscope. Just remain firm in your decision. Make sure you
stand firmly by your partner’s side.
Furthermore, the Pisces marriage horoscope 2023 predicts that if you
are having trouble finding a suitable partner, keep silent as some good
marriage proposals will come to you around the mid year. Be patient
and composed. A hasty division may break your relationship. You
will soon find a better life partner.
100   Horoscope 2023

For married men and women, 2023 Pisces horoscope for marriage says
that you will hear some good news both professionally and personally.
You are more likely to start a new venture with your partner. But,
the chances of success this year are bleak. In your personal life, you
and your spouse can look forward to welcoming a new life. Around
the second half of New Year 2023, there may be some differences
between you and your partner regarding some family matters. It is
advisable to remain calm and sort things out wisely.
Finally, for those dealing with issues such as facing divorce or bitter
relationships, the first half of the year may seem difficult. Pisces
people will get relief in legal matters as things will be in their favor.
The trauma so caused will be over gradually by the end of 2023, when
you find a better partner with whom the relationship will last longer.

1. Offering sweets to elders is a good remedy to have cool life.
2. Offering water to planet Sun every morning will be a great help
to resolve the difficulties in business and professional life.
3. Offering food to poor and needy people on Saturdays will be
professionally helpful for the Pisces natives in the year 2023.
4. Are you feeling nervous and low in confidence? Chant Gayatri
Mantra every day.
5. Worship Lord Shani Dev will also help get good and speedy

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