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Faith and the Contemporary Artist IV (INBX204)

Section 1:

General Information

Administrative details: Associated HE Award(s) Bachelor Duration One semester Level 2


Subject Coordinator Mark Stephens BA (Hons), PhD Mark Stephens BA (Hons), PhD


Associate Degree

One semester




Core or elective subject/unit core subject/unit elective subject/unit other (please specify below):


Subject/unit weighting Subject/Unit Credit Points 3 credit points 3 credit points Total Course Credit Points 144 credit points 96 credit points


Student workload No. timetabled hours/week 2 hours per week No. personal study hours/week 3 hours a week Total workload hours/week 5 hours a week


Mode of Delivery face to face online independent learning module/untimetabled study by a combination of modes (please specify below) through a practicum other mode (please specify below)


Pre-requisites Yes No


Other resource requirements Yes No

Wesley Institute

Semester 2, 2011

Faith & The Contemporary Artist IV (INBX204)

Section 2 Academic Details

2.1 Aim/purpose/rationale of unit Faith and the Contemporary Artist 4 is a survey of the entire New Testament. It aims to teach artists appropriate reading strategies for understanding the New Testament in historical and cultural context. It further seeks to promote critical skills in students in terms of evaluating the representation of biblical texts in contemporary culture (Jesus films; representations of mission; visions of eschatology).


Unit synopsis/abstract/handbook entry The unit begins with a discussion of general strategies for reading biblical literature. After a brief survey of the historical context of the New Testament, a survey is given of the four gospels and Acts. We then move to the letters of Paul, the general letters, and the book of Revelation. At various points through the unit, time is given for contemporary cultural representations of the biblical text.


Student learning outcome As a result of studying this unit students will be able to: Demonstrate the skills necessary for a personal study and understanding of the Bible. Reveal appreciation for the life, message and mission of Jesus. Understand the way the New Testament fulfils the Old Testament. Analyse biblical presentations of Gods communication with humans Understand the impact of the New Testament upon Western culture


Subject/unit content and structure Content A basic overview of the history of Jesus and the Church. A summary outline of Jesus message of the kingdom of God. An exploration of Pauls view of salvation and the Christian life A basic guide to a Christian view of the future (eschatology) Structure Week 1 2 3 4 5 Lecture Topics Introduction to Syllabus / Reading the NT in Context The Back Story to the New Testament / Introduction to the Gospels The Gospel of Mark / The Gospel of Matthew Jesus use of Parables / The Gospel of Luke The Gospel of John / The Book of Acts

Wesley Institute

Semester 2, 2011

Faith & The Contemporary Artist IV (INBX204) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2.5 Teaching methods/strategies Methodology Lectures Journal Essay Total Student Workload 2.6 Student assessment: Assessment Type When assessed Weighting Learning Outcomes Assessed Criteria for Assessment Student Workload 26 hours 20 hours 29 hours 75 hours Jesus in Contemporary Culture Introduction to Pauls Letters Pauls Letters Pauls Letters Grace and Guilt in Contemporary Culture General Letters Eschatology in Contemporary Culture Revelation


Part 1: Fri 26 Aug, 2011 Part 2: Fri 28 Oct, 2011


Evidence of engagement with lecture material and class discussions through note-taking. Evidence of sustained reflection upon the topics with personal and creative commitment.

Analytical Essay (1,500 words) Or Creative Essay (1500 words)

Fri 30 Sep, 2011


Clear, detailed and thorough understanding of the question. Ability to develop and deepen argument by linking sections of essay body together. Clear evidence of research using various library tools. Appropriate formatting of essay, in particular the proper use of citation. Avoidance of plagiarism.

Wesley Institute

Semester 2, 2011

Faith & The Contemporary Artist IV (INBX204) 2.7 Prescribed and recommended readings: Prescribed Reading There is no prescribed textbook for the course, however reading will be required for some of the assignments. Recommended Reading The Holy Bible recommended versions include NASB, NLT, ESV, NRSV, NIV or TNIV. Elwell, W. and Yarbrough, R. 2005. Encountering the New Testament, (2nd ed), Baker, Grand Rapids. Fee, G. & Stuart, D. 2002, How to Read the Bible Book by Book, Zondervan, Grand Rapids. Keener, C. 1993, The IVP Bible Background Commentary New Testament., IVP, Downers Grove. Carson, D., France, Motyer, J. & Wenham, G. 1994. New Bible Commentary (21st Century Edition)., InterVarsity Press, Leicester. Bailey, K. 1999. Poet and Peasant through Peasant Eyes, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids. Beitzel, B. 1985, The Moody Atlas of Bible Lands, Moody Press, Chicago. Blomberg, C. 1997. Jesus and the Gospels: An Introduction and Survey. Leicester, Apollos. Blomberg, C. 2004. Making Sense of the New Testament: Three Crucial Questions, Baker, Grand Rapids. Bird, M. 2008 . A Birds Eye View of Paul. Leicester, IVP. Dickson, J. 2008. Jesus: A Short Life. Oxford, Lion. Dickson, J. 2006. The Christ Files. Sydney, Blue Bottle. Drane, J. 1999, Introducing the New Testament (2nd edn), Oxford, Lion. Dever, M. 2005, The Message of the New Testament: Promises Kept, Crossway, Wheaton. Fee, G. & Stuart, D. 2003, How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth, 3rd ed., Zondervan, Grand Rapids. Marshall, I. 2008. A Concise New Testament Theology, InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove. Marshall, I., Travis, S & Paul, I. ??year Exploring the New Testament volume 2: The Letters and Revelation, SPCK, London. Marshall, I., Millard, A, Packer, J & Wiseman, D. 1996. New Bible Dictionary, 3rd ed., InterVarsity Press, Leicester. Matthews, V. 1988. Manners and Customs in the Bible. Peabody, Hendrickson. Rasmussen, C. 1989, Zondervan NIV Atlas of the Bible, Grand Rapids. Ryken, L., Wilhoit, J. & Longman, T. III (General Editors), 1998, Dictionary of Biblical Imagery, IVP, Downers Grove. Strom, M. 2001, The Symphony of Scripture. Presbyterian and Reformed (also known as Days are Coming). Wenham, D. and Walton, S. 2001. Exploring the New Testament, Volume 1: The Gospels and Acts, SPCK, London. Witherington, B. 2004. The New Testament Story, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids.

Wesley Institute

Semester 2, 2011

Faith & The Contemporary Artist IV (INBX204)

Dr Mark Stephens
Contact details
9819 8815 Email:

Office Hours (for appointments)

Mon: 12:00 till 2:00 Tues: 10:00 till 1:00 Wed: 10:00 till 1:00

Wesley Institute

Semester 2, 2011

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