A Day Withmy Father Text

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A day with my father!!!

Read the text

Fill in the blanks with these words.

busy every jacket year binoculars

animals vegetable building school

Most days Dan went to_________, but today he was

learning more about Dad’s job at the zoo. Right from
the start, they were ___________. First, a lady
came and said one of the bears was injured. To get
there quickly, Dan and his father took the jeep along
the service road next to the railroad tracks.
On the way, they passed the long ___________where workers made
meals for some of the animals. Dan saw one person with a plate full of
some kind of____________. Maybe it was for the rabbits, he
thought to himself. Another person wearing a heavy ___________
was walking with a bucket full of small fish. They stopped and went in
to the back of the frigid penguin exhibit. The last exhibit before the
bears was one for crocodiles. Dan remembered visiting there
last_____________. It was kept damp for the reptiles so they would
feel at home. Dan was glad he didn’t have to take care of them!
Finally, they arrived at the back of the bear
exhibit. Father and Dan ran quickly to where they
could see the____________. One of the bears was
sick, and Dad looked at it with his____________.

It was a very nice day with Dad!

Since that day, they have gone to the zoo ___________month.

Circle TRUE or FALSE

a) Dan works in a zoo. TRUE FALSE

b) Dad’s father can drive a jeep. TRUE FALSE

c) Some workers cook for the animals in their house. TRUE FALSE

d) Rabbits don’t eat vegetables. TRUE FALSE

e) There weren’t any crocodiles at the zoo. TRUE FALSE

f) One of the bears didn’t feel good. TRUE FALSE

Answer these questions.

1) Did Dan go to school today? __________________________

2) Where did they go?


3) What happened to one of the bears?


4) Does Dan’s father know how to drive?


5) What animals did they see?


6) How often do Dan and his father go to the zoo?


Write a short paragraph about your own experience.
Have you ever been to the zoo?
What animals did you see? What did you do there? Who did you go with? Did
you have fun?

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